Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 113

C113 – Life Rule

“In appreciation for your assistance in resolving the werewolf army situation, I’m willing to permit you to cultivate near the Ancient Life Tree without any time constraints. My only request is that you refrain from actions that may harm it,” Alice cautiously conveyed, her gaze fixed on Loong Chen, tinged with vigilance.

Her eyes remained watchful, ready to strike at the slightest sign of unusual behavior from Loong Chen.

Loong Chen responded with a chuckle.

“Why would I ever harm such a valuable treasure? That would be squandering a divine gift.”

With these words, Loong Chen seated himself, crossing his legs, while his extraordinary talent for manipulating time quietly enhanced his physical abilities.

Cultivating near the Ancient Life Tree would accelerate his progress by nearly tenfold compared to the outside world. When combined with his time-bending talent, he anticipated significant cultivation advancements in a short time.

It appeared that assisting the Elves had been a wise decision.

Alice breathed a sigh of relief as she witnessed Loong Chen sitting down. Simultaneously, a peculiar expression flickered across her face as she regarded him.

She couldn’t discern the reason, but Loong Chen’s current demeanor seemed inscrutable to her.

This perception hadn’t been present just moments ago.

Alice’s unease was not unfounded; it was a consequence of Loong Chen’s extraordinary time-manipulating ability.

The fabric of time had rendered him impervious to attempts to pry into his essence.

While Alice remained unable to fully comprehend Loong Chen, she still found relief in her heart. She carefully arranged the injured Elf members in front of the Ancient Life Tree.

Kneeling before the ancient Tree of Life, she whispered a prayer to herself.

“O revered God of Life, we beseech you to descend the Sweet Pouring of Life and save my people.”

Just as Alice concluded her plea, Loong Chen witnessed an astonishing sight.

From the Ancient Life Tree, a luminous green screen descended, enveloping the gravely wounded and unconscious Elves.

The injuries on these Elves’ bodies visibly mended, while ominous black energy dissipated from them.

Alice observed this phenomenon with a joyful countenance, unsurprised as she had foreseen it.

Loong Chen sensed the growing vitality within the green screen.

A moment later, the Elves on the brink of death opened their eyes, all restored to life.

“We express our gratitude, God of Life.”

Alice quickly prostrated herself before the Ancient Life Tree, gratitude shining on her face.

Loong Chen felt taken aback. Could it be that the Ancient Life Tree possessed its own consciousness?

“A nearby attribute has been detected near the Host. Would you like to acquire it?”

In that moment, a familiar system notification echoed in Loong Chen’s mind.

Loong Chen’s heart raced as he scanned the surroundings. Soon enough, he spotted a small, pure white light where the green screen had descended.

This radiant orb differed from regular Attribute Points and experience points; Loong Chen recognized it as an extraordinary talent ripe for acquisition.

“I’ll take it.”

Loong Chen thought with urgency, and in the next instant, the small ball of light merged into his body.

“Pickup successful. ‘Congratulations to the Host for acquiring the extraordinary talent of Life.'”

Life extraordinary talent?

Loong Chen couldn’t resist moistening his lips. This was a potent extraordinary talent that could rival spatial and temporal talents.

Just as Loong Chen harbored secret excitement, the Ancient Life Tree abruptly quaked violently.

Alice, taken aback by the spectacle, found herself bewildered. Loong Chen was equally startled.

What was happening? Could it be that he had absorbed one of its extraordinary talents and triggered a frenzy?

Was it that sensitive?

Over a dozen vines suddenly extended from the Ancient Life Tree, assaulting Loong Chen.

“What’s occurring?”

Loong Chen was bewildered. He contemplated employing the spatial extraordinary talent to escape, but a faint voice persisted in his mind.

“Don’t evade.”

This voice didn’t originate from the system. Loong Chen himself was uncertain if this voice was real.

Nevertheless, he ultimately heeded the voice, refraining from dodging as the dozen or so vines entwined him.

“God of Life, what are you attempting?”

Alice, taken aback, posed a question, but there was no response from the Ancient Life Tree.

After securing Loong Chen with the vines, they promptly retracted, bringing Loong Chen into close proximity to the Ancient Life Tree.

To Loong Chen’s astonishment, when he made contact with the Ancient Life Tree, he did not experience pain; instead, he felt an incredible comfort.

It was akin to being enveloped in a maternal embrace, inducing a strong desire for slumber within Loong Chen.

Just as he was on the brink of drifting into a profound slumber, an immense surge of energy coursed into his body.

The Power of Life flowed into Loong Chen like a refreshing spring, revitalizing his entire being.

His body quickly became saturated with the abundant Power of Life, leading to a sensation of expansion. The influx of Life energy continued unabated.

Under the influence of the Power of Life, Loong Chen’s consciousness slipped into a half-awake, semi-delirious state.

“If this continues, my body will eventually succumb to the overwhelming Power of Life. I must find a means to release it,” Loong Chen pondered inwardly, though he remained uncertain about what actions to take.

At that moment, Loong Chen’s crimson eyes fixated on Elf Queen and Alice.

Elf Queen’s nearly flawless visage and her extraordinary connection with the Power of Life drove Loong Chen’s last vestiges of sanity into madness.

Suddenly, the Ancient Life Tree’s vines relinquished their hold on Loong Chen. In an instant, he lunged toward Alice like a ravenous wolf.

Alice was caught off guard by this turn of events and became terrified.

Loong Chen forcefully pushed Alice down and commenced tearing at her garments with reckless abandon.

It was only at this moment that Alice began to react. She started to struggle, attempting to push Loong Chen away.

Unfortunately, her strength was already limited, and Loong Chen, consumed by a frenzy, possessed even greater physical power.

After an indeterminate amount of time, Loong Chen’s consciousness slowly returned.

His true awakening occurred due to a sudden system prompt that resonated in his mind.

“Your extraordinary talent, Life, has spontaneously evolved into the Law of Life. Congratulations on achieving an Immortal Body.”

The Law of Life? An Immortal Body?

Loong Chen rubbed his head in bewilderment.

Why had he just suddenly lost consciousness?

Loong Chen strained to recollect the recent events. Then, his expression shifted, and a memory resurfaced.

“I assaulted the Elf Queen?”

A blend of astonishment and confusion overtook Loong Chen’s face. He recalled everything.

The Ancient Life Tree had just infused him with an immense surge of Life Energy. This Life Energy was even more potent than before.

It resembled a fundamental Life Energy source.

His consciousness had been directly influenced by this overwhelming energy, stirring the primal instincts of his bloodline.

Coincidentally, Alice was present, and he couldn’t restrain himself, leading to the assault.

“My first experience vanished without my awareness.”

Loong Chen couldn’t help but chuckle as he recollected the sensations from earlier.

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