Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 99

C99 – Leave Your Money

The Earth Domain had been activated, reducing hundreds of low-level zombies and mutated beasts to dust.

The expanse of this space remained unknown, but it teemed with at least a hundred thousand zombies and mutated beasts. Loong Chen harbored no concerns about running out of adversaries.

Several hours passed, and Loong Chen lost count of the zombies he’d dispatched. His attributes, empirical value, and credit points had all experienced significant enhancements.

“My empirical value has crossed the one million mark. It’s time to advance the spatial extraordinary talent,” Loong Chen resolved.

Without hesitation, he promptly requested an upgrade for his spatial extraordinary talent from the system.

“Expend 80,000 empirical value to elevate spatial extraordinary talent to level 5.”

“With 160,000 empirical value, I ascend to level 6.”

“By investing 320,000 empirical value, the spatial extraordinary talent will reach level 7.”

“For 640,000 empirical value, I’ll attain level 8 of the spatial extraordinary talent.”

“Spending 1,280,000 empirical value will propel my spatial extraordinary talent to level 9.”

“Insufficient empirical value; further advancement is not possible.”

Loong Chen utilized nearly 2.5 million empirical value to finally reach level 9, exactly as he had anticipated.

The outcome was in line with Loong Chen’s expectations: he had unlocked the ability to breach spatial barriers.

This newfound ability meant that Loong Chen would no longer be confined by spatial boundaries, granting him the freedom to traverse between distinct spaces.

“Time to depart; tardiness could lead to unforeseen changes,” Loong Chen contemplated, prompting him to return to the previous area.

Dugu Lengyue and Yeh Qianxing had already made their way back to this spot by now. Their progress had been less extraordinary compared to Loong Chen’s.

Lacking the Power of the domain, they could only dispatch zombies at a slower pace, resulting in reduced efficiency.

Periodic rest stops were also required.

“It’s time for us to depart,” Loong Chen declared.

Loong Chen spoke up, causing those who had been resting to awaken.

They regarded Loong Chen with skeptical glances.

Undeterred by their doubtful expressions, Loong Chen initiated the activation of the spatial force, eventually conjuring a black hole beside him.

“This is the gateway leading to the outside world,” Loong Chen announced, gesturing toward the dark void.

The appearance of this black hole resembled the one they had encountered upon their initial entry, so there was no reason to suspect Loong Chen’s honesty.

“Excellent, we can finally make our way out,” a few of them exclaimed joyfully as they hurried towards the black hole.

Loong Chen quickly raised his voice and halted their progress.

“Hold on a moment. Since I’m the one responsible for opening this passage, it shouldn’t be unreasonable for me to request some compensation, should it?”

“Rest assured, I won’t swindle you. Each of you will need to contribute 50,000 credit points, and I’ll grant you access,” Loong Chen explained.

Loong Chen’s proposition left everyone stunned.

“Fifty thousand credit points? We’ve toiled so hard, battling hordes of zombies and mutated beasts, and barely managed to save up a hundred thousand,” one of them protested.

“Demanding fifty thousand right off the bat? Are you trying to extort us?”

“Agreed! I’ve earned every single credit point through sheer effort; I won’t simply hand them over to you.”

“This is taking advantage of people’s dire situation!”

Murong Yuntian voiced his anger, with some disciples from the Starlight Sect and Green Cloud Temple joining the chorus.

Even Yeh Qianxing and Chen Jingtian furrowed their brows, visibly discontent with Loong Chen’s request.

“Considering the fact that I’m the one who opened this door, it’s only fair that a toll be left behind if you wish to pass through,” Loong Chen reasoned.

Loong Chen wore a confident smile as he positioned himself in front of the enigmatic black hole.

“Of course, it’s entirely your choice. You can opt not to surrender your credit points and await your fate in this place,” he calmly stated.

Instantaneously, a wave of unease washed over everyone as they perceived this as a thinly veiled threat.

“Now that the passage is open, I suggest we make a collective charge. I refuse to believe he can withstand all of us!” Murong Yunhai exclaimed, his face reflecting his reluctance.

However, his enthusiasm was quickly replaced by an icy realization as no one responded to his rallying cry.

His peers regarded him with bemusement, as if he were oblivious to the perilous odds. Attempting a breakthrough? It seemed a foolhardy notion. After all, he had already demonstrated the ability to defeat an overlord-level mutated beast. How could he not thwart their escape?

Seated cross-legged, Loong Chen observed these individuals with an enigmatic smile.

It was at this juncture that Dugu Lengyue took a step forward and transferred her battle credit bracelet to Loong Chen.

Loong Chen shook his head, politely refusing the offer.

“I nearly forgot to mention that the Dragon God Temple members are exempt,” he casually added.

The news brought elation to Zhao Yun and his companions, erasing any lingering discomfort they may have harbored towards Loong Chen.

This exemption saved them a considerable fifty thousand credit points.

“Why are they getting preferential treatment? This doesn’t seem fair!” voiced some discontented individuals. It was a characteristic trait of humans to feel envy when a comrade appeared to enjoy better circumstances in identical situations.

“Simply because I can be capricious. Do you have an issue with that?” Loong Chen retorted, casting a pointed glance at the dissatisfied individual, who happened to be a fellow Green Cloud Temple member.

The man fell silent under Loong Chen’s scrutiny.

“Brother, would you like me to venture outside first and seek help for you?”

At this moment, Murong Yuntian leaned in to speak quietly to Murong Yunhai.

Despite his hushed tone, none of them were ordinary individuals; their exceptional hearing allowed them to catch every word.

Loong Chen was no exception, but he simply responded with a concealed smile, keeping his silence.

After a brief pause, Murong Yuntian approached and declared,

“In that case, I’ll depart first.”

Loong Chen, without even glancing in his direction, responded nonchalantly,

“Very well, it’ll cost you fifty thousand credit points.”

Murong Yuntian’s eyes widened abruptly.

“You declared that Dragon God Temple members are exempt. You can’t backtrack on your word.”

Loong Chen narrowed his eyes, fixing his gaze on Murong Yuntian before offering a smile that held a hint of amusement.

“You’re registered under the Green Cloud Temple. I distinctly remember seeing you with their team.”

Murong Yuntian’s countenance darkened upon hearing this revelation.

“They can all vouch for me as a Dragon God Temple member,” Murong Yuntian retorted, gesturing toward Zhao Yun, Lau Fei, and the others.

Loong Chen turned his gaze to Zhao Yun and the rest and posed a question,

“Are you prepared to vouch for him?”

Zhao Yun responded in a neutral tone, “I don’t know him.”

“Clearly, he’s affiliated with the Green Cloud Temple,” Lau Fei hastily added.

Chen Mu and Zhu Hao also nodded in agreement. After all, Loong Chen had just declared their exemption from payment.

Testifying for Murong Yuntian now would essentially mean opposing Loong Chen, and they weren’t foolish.

Their decision was grounded in common sense.

“Did you catch that? No one will vouch for you. Pay up fifty thousand credit points promptly, or you’re out of here,” Loong Chen reiterated firmly.

Murong Yuntian seethed with anger, raising his hand in protest before thinking better of it.

With limited options, he begrudgingly acquiesced to Loong Chen’s terms.

In the end, Murong Yuntian had no choice but to yield to Loong Chen.

After Murong Yuntian’s departure, Loong Chen stood up and stretched his body.

“I’ll grant you two minutes to ponder your choices,” he calmly stated.

These words sent everyone into a state of anxiety. Half a minute later, Xiahou Ba finally rose and approached Loong Chen.

“These are the credit points of the five Blade Martial House members, totaling 250,000,” Xiahou Ba announced as he tossed the five battle credit bracelets to Loong Chen. Loong Chen smiled, melted the credit points into his own battle credit bracelet, and handed it back to Xiahou Ba.

“You’re free to leave now,” Loong Chen declared.

Xiahou Ba signaled to his four junior brothers to exit the black hole first. Then, he turned to Loong Chen with a grave expression.

“Is there anything else?” Loong Chen inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Xiahou Ba’s question left Loong Chen slightly perplexed.

“Are you somehow connected to the Tyrannical Devil King?”

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