Douluo Dalu: The Legend of Heavenly Ruler

Chapter 383: The Dumbfounded Asura God

--- Chapter 380 ---

Far, Far away from the Douluo Planet.

Exactly 131 trillion light-years away, Outside Douluo-6969's Solar System.

A massive dead planet surrounded by an asteroid belt and thick green-colored mist stayed on the corner of the universe. A dim red and blue light lit up a small area on the dead planet, seemingly becoming the only source of light there.

Outside the asteroid belt and mist, endless monsters made of fleshes and bones roared.

These monsters have six eyes, six limbs, and several mouths filled with sharp teeth around their bodies. They also have a dangerous aura as jet-ebony wings curl from their backs and legs.

Even though the monster tried their best to invade the asteroid belt, they couldn't reach the planet because the mist seemed to possess something that harmed them.

A handsome, blue-haired man sighed and opened his eyes. He looked at his sworn brother and said, "Success."

"Asura, you'd not believe what news I brought you." He added with a grin.

A handsome, black-haired man scoffed. He's wearing bloody armor and has countless shallow injuries across his body. Some even left a bloody hole with black goo oozing out.

"What news could help us in this situation?" He held a crimson sword, gazing at the rocky sky with endless green clouds.

"We are literally in a deadlock. Tsk, those Outer Gods are so annoying."

"Who would have thought they could create hideous Anti-Divine Beasts like this? Those mutants..."

Sea God rolled his eyes and countered, "For fuck sake, let me finish my words."

"Also, chill."

"This is about our inheritor."

"That brat?" Asura God frowned slightly.

Yunlong appeared in Asura God's mind, recalling the youth's boundless talents and conviction on his path.

He fought the monstrous youth once to test his limit but got embarrassed instead by the junior. That last attack of Yunlong is still fresh in Asura God's mind, a power to destroy a small planet at such a low cultivation realm.

Even though Asura God appeared aloof, he coughed and asked, "What about him?"

"..." Sea God.

This guy is acting shy.

What are you?

A maiden?

Sea God pulled out something from his Divine Sea and tossed it at Asura God, making the latter catch the item in confusion.

Asura God unhurriedly looked at the bright-colored crystal in his hand and sensed a strong Divine Power from it. It's so strong that it could rival his Divinity.

"This is..."

"Whose Divinity is this? There is no one in our Divine Realm with such Divinity."

"Bright, Endless, and filled with Hope."

Asura God glanced back at Sea God and mocked, "It's definitely not yours."

"Your second-rate Divine Power is too weak."

An invisible arrow struck Sea God's heart as he clutched into his chest and grumbled, "Fuck you, Asura!"

"And what do you mean by second-rate Divine Power? Mine is first rate, and there aren't many 1st Class Gods that could rival me!"

Asura God maintained his aloof expression and returned, "Godking is first rate, 1st Class God is second rate..."


After a moment of cat and mouse chasing, Sea God heaved a sigh and glared at Asura God.

Feeling the intense gaze, Asura God whistled innocently.

"So, whose Divinity is this?"

"It can't be possibly Yunlong's." Asura God was sure.

After sending Yunlong away to ensure his safety from Ice God's maniacal training method, Asura God calculated the brat should be at peak Mortal Realm or Level 99.

A smug grin appeared on Sea God's face, causing the Asura God to feel uncomfortable.


"What's with that annoying smile-!" Asura God was annoyed, but then he realized.

He looked at the divine crystal and Sea God back and forth, murmuring something.

"There is no way."

"It's impossible for Yunlong to reach God-King at such speed."

"We just blinked, and he already reached a realm that's the same as me."

"You gotta be joking, right?" For once, the aloof mask on Asura God's face crumbled.

Sea God shook his head and replied, "I won't joke about something like this."

"That brat, Yunlong, indeed has become a God-King."

"And more so, he's not bound by Universal Laws like us. He's an independent GOD-KING!" Sea God shouted excitedly.

"..." Asura God was speechless.

It's too much.

Yunlong is too much.

That little monster is too much!

Asura God's mouth twitched in disbelief as Sea God's laughter rang in the dead planet.

Asura God calms himself down, rubbing his forehead. This news shocked him greatly more than any other event he had experienced.

"That brat, he's not a monster cub. He's a full-grown monster." He peeked at the crystal in his hand with a meaningful look.

Sea God clutched his stomach because he was laughing too much.

He even profusely coughed like he was inhaling a ton of smoke.

"Hahaha~! My stomach hurts."

"Just look at your face! No, your mouth probably could fit an entire elephant!"

"This news shocked you to the core, huh?" Sea God teased.

Asura God snorted and flipped his middle finger, "Scram!"

Sea God kept the smug smile and continued, "Anyway, that crystal possesses a potent healing property."

"You probably have noticed now that my bitten arm has completely regenerated. Even the scar on my chest is no more."

"Hmm..." Asura God nodded silently, narrowing his eyes when sensing Sea God's recovery speed exceeded his.

"Just crush the crystal." Sea God added casually. "You'll experience Yunlong's Divine Power to the fullest."

Asura God sighed and increased his grip strength, shattering the outer layer of crystal. A bright platinum-golden light exploded and covered his body.

It was an overwhelming power, sweeping Asura God's body like a tidal wave.


Asura God felt every inch of his body gain another layer of protection as Yunlong's Divine Power seeped inside, cleansing everything.

The bloody hole on Asura God's body was purified, no longer releasing black goo. No, it looks brand new, like no injuries dealt to Asura God.

And to Asura God's surprise, even his old injuries from the Divine War against the Dragon God and other Beast Gods are recovering.

Something like this is impossible to happen unless. Yes, unless Yunlong's Divinity is more powerful than his!

"This is a Miracle..."

Sea God watched Asura God's solemn expression with an amused look as he began to tell his sworn brother and best friend about Yunlong's journey in the Ancient Desolate Battle Arena and Alternative Universe.

Asura God listened attentively, feeling this monstrous inheritor of his was becoming more and more mysterious.

"I wonder what he is doing right now..." A bitter smile formed on Asura God's as he closed his eyes, focusing all his power to recover.

Sea God shrugged, "Who knows?"



Bright Spirit Empire, Spirit Lab's Conference Room.

A long wooden table separated Yunlong and the Six Main Researchers. He sat on the main seat while the other sat on the other side of the table.

They discussed the Intergalactic Base for a few hours and concluded three viable plans.

The first idea is to create a spaceship. It's the most basic and flexible plan. Not to mention, Bright Spirit Lab could modify it freely.

After all, Space Travelling has long flashed in their minds.

The problem is they have too many ideas in this field, and concluding the best plan will take so long.

The second plan is to use remote-controlled drones, using the Sun and Moon Empire's method. Their Drone's Tech is from the future, so there are many good things they could pick on.

The third plan is to use God-Class Individuals to travel outside Douluo Solar System. And created a teleportation array to the Douluo Planet when a suitable area was "actually." found."

David Shield frowned and commented, "The helicarrier isn't strong enough to handle the vacuum space. Not to mention a spatial jump several light years away, the material would break before we could even arrive at the location, and disaster would follow."

"We could stay around the Solar System as my satellite, but that's it. Outside that is impossible."

"We needed the Star Map." Kyudai Garaki raised a point.

Saiko Intelli, who had been quiet the entire time, stared at these elderly weirdly. She sipped her tea and said, "What are you two fussing about?"

"We have the answer already, a long time ago."

"We can also fuse three plans we had into one."

"Eh?" Melissa, Momo, and Mei glanced at her in surprise.

Yunlong tilted his head for a second and then laughed in realization.

"Damn, how could I forget!"

"Intelli told them."

Intelli nodded as she opened her mouth again, "Don't you forget?"

"Three years ago, we allied ourselves with Foreign Races from the open space. Not only did they come here with a Spaceship, but they should also have a Map of Space outside the Douluo Solar System."

"Yes, I'm talking about one of the great races with a great affinity toward nature."

"The Elves!"

"Hachu!" The Elven Queen, Yun Lingxi, suddenly sneezed.

"Who's talking about me?"

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