Entertainment From Divorce

Vol 3 Chapter 897: Overseas promotion

Vol 3 Chapter 897: Overseas promotion

a week later.

Brilliant Entertainment Company, President's Office.

Tan Yue took a drink from the cup, looked at the document in his hand, and smiled with satisfaction.

The program department and Penguin Video cooperated with Xinwang Zong to usher in the finale of the first season, and the ratings of the last episode reached a new high.

The popularity of the topic on the Internet has remained high.

Whether it's popularity or ratings, this web comprehensive has exceeded Tan Yue's expectations.

Nowadays, various variety shows are emerging in an endless stream, coupled with the lack of creativity, many programs have been changed without changing their medicines, and it is difficult to have the grand occasion of the past.

When he first left, Tan Yue only determined the general framework of this web series, and the program department spent a lot of thought on filling in the details in the later stage.

After the first season of the program was aired, the effect was very good. Brilliant Entertainment signed a contract with Penguin Video for the second season and has already started planning.

At this time, a reminder to accept email messages was received in the lower right corner of the computer, and when Tan Yue was about to open it to read, the phone buzzed and received a new message.

Tan Yue glanced at his phone, and saw that it was a message from Wu Gong: "Mr. Tan, the data on the effect of foreign publicity in the past week has been sent to your mailbox."

Exactly the email I received a second ago.

Tan Yue replied with an 'ok', put down the phone, opened the email, and read it carefully.

On the weekend of last week, Mr. Wu brought several key members of the public relations department to fly abroad to start the overseas publicity plan of "Forrest Gump".

As for the domestic propaganda, Tan Yue was watching, so he didn't have to worry about it at all, he just needed to do a good job of foreign propaganda.

At present, the overseas publicity plan is going well. After all, I have already experienced it once, and the operation can be regarded as handy.

Wu Gong introduced the recent publicity process in detail in the email, from the on-site publicity to the reaction on the Internet... and various data.

Tan Yue looked at the data item by item in the email. Overall, the progress was much faster than the last time, and the results were quite impressive.

After all, the audience of Huaguo movies in the foreign film market is still not high, and it is difficult to change foreigners' impression of Huaguo movies just because of one movie.

Tan Yue had already been mentally prepared for this situation.

He is not in a hurry, what he can do now is to step by step and enter the international film market steadily.

After accumulating enough fame abroad in the future, it will be the same as in China, and there will be no need to spend so much time running publicity around the world.

After seeing the results achieved in the last week, Tan Yue was very satisfied with Wu Gong's actions, and picked up his mobile phone to send a message to Wu Gong: "I have read the email, it is very good, keep working hard!"

Wu Gong, who was far away on the other side of the earth, saw the news with a smile on his face.

The happiest time for a person is that after hard work, he has reaped the results he deserves.

On my first day in the US, I went to work without even jet lag.

Wu Gong put down his phone, took out his computer and started planning the next itinerary.

The U.S. campaign is drawing to a close, and it's time to move on to the next destination.

The next period of time is to fly around the world to carry out the first wave of overseas publicity plans for "Forrest Gump".

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening. Although he was physically tired, Wu Gong was very excited. This time the promotional activity went much smoother than he had imagined.

United States, New York, a movie theater.

Standing at the entrance of the cinema was a young man from Huaguo, wearing a black peaked cap, who often looked down at his cell phone, and occasionally turned his head to look at the elevator entrance.

This person's name is Zhao Yan, and he is an international student studying in the United States. He has been in this place for more than two years. This movie theater is where he often comes to.

His biggest hobby is watching movies. Whenever there is a new movie with a good reputation, he will come and watch it.

Hearing the sound of 'Ding Dong', Zhao Yan turned to look at the elevator door.

Several white and black people came out of the cinema.

"Why haven't you come yet?" Zhao Yan was waiting for his friend.

A few minutes ago, a friend sent a message that he had already arrived downstairs. According to the speed of the elevator going up and down, he should have arrived.

Zhao Yan looked at the time on his mobile phone and there were still more than ten minutes before the movie would start. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and his friends didn't respond when he sent a message.

A few minutes later, the elevator door opened again, Zhao Yan shook his head helplessly, he finally saw his friend.

"I just got a stomachache when I got downstairs, so I went to the toilet."

Zhao Yan said in a low voice: "The lazy donkey is grinding."

"What did you say?"

Zhao Yan didn't bother to pay attention to this matter, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, let's go quickly."

"You must be speaking ill of me, and I must learn from it in the future."

"Come on!" Zhao Yan made a gesture of cheering.

He knew this friend very well, and his talent in language could no longer be described as poor.

"Tickets are collected, the movie will start soon."

"Don't worry, if you are late, you will watch less plot."

Zhao Yan pursed his lips and said, "You know I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and it would be hard for me to miss a little plot."

The two stopped talking nonsense, turned and walked into the cinema.


"what happened?"

Zhao Yan pointed to a piece of sea and reported, "Look whose movie this is?"

"Tan... Tan... I don't know him." Spreading his hands, he couldn't spell the name.

"Tan Yue."

"Yes, yes, Tan Yue, who is he?"

Zhao Yan patted his forehead and said, "Do you still remember the "The Truman Show" we watched together last time?"

"Of course, didn't we watch the second scene before it was removed from the shelves!"

Zhao Yan nodded and said, "That's right, this movie is from the same director, do you think this actor is familiar?"

"This... this... Yan, you know you Hua people, I look blind, I can only recognize you, I think everyone else looks the same."

"This person is Ma Guoliang, the lead actor in "The Truman Show."

"It turned out to be him. I said he looked familiar."

Zhao Yan turned his head to look at the friends around him and had nothing to say.

"That is to say, this "Forrest Gump" is a new movie in which the two of them collaborate again."

"Congratulations, your reflex arc is really long."

"Yan, we must watch this movie."

Looking at the poster, Zhao Yan seemed to have discovered a new world. He was very excited and said, "I must watch this movie."

He is a big fan of Tan Yue. After studying in the United States, he thought that it would be difficult to see Tan Yue's new movies in foreign cinemas. He didn't expect to see that Tan Yue's movies would be released simultaneously all over the world, and he didn't expect that there would be more. part two.

A week ago, Zhao Yan heard from friends in China that Tan Yue had a new movie to be released, and he felt very sorry at the time, but now it seems that it is another movie that will be released simultaneously around the world.

Zhao Yan took a photo of the poster with his mobile phone, and then went to the movies with his friends.


The French people's slow-paced living atmosphere and immersive way of enjoying life make many people envy and yearn for it.

Accompanied by the roar, a new train departs.

The subway in France has been built for a hundred years, so the noise is not surprising.

Even in the early years, for some reasons, there was no signal when taking the subway, so many people held newspapers or books in their hands.

Now with the development of technology, the signal coverage is more comprehensive, and the subway is basically playing with the mobile phone, but there are still some places where there is still no signal, and the mobile phone cannot access the Internet.

There were not many people on the subway at this time, and there were many empty seats. Some were playing with their phones with their heads down, and older people were reading books and newspapers.

The whole look highlights a feature of leisure.

The subway is noisy when it is just started, but it is much better after it is running.

The cabin is relatively quiet.

At this time, an advertisement suddenly sounded on the display screen in the subway, and only a few people looked up.

The display screens in the subway often play advertisements, so I dont bother to look up, no matter which country Im in, the advertisements dont seem to be very popular.

A moderate voice introduced the content on the monitor, and more and more people looked up.

The above is introducing a new movie, which is "Forrest Gump".

One of the most effective ways to promote movies is to place advertisements in subways and other places with a large number of people.

When someone passes by and looks at the content on the monitor, they can leave some impressions more or less, and they will pay special attention to those who like to watch movies.

With the introduction of the film, there is already talk.

"Do you remember this actor?"

"I have a little impression, isn't he the leading actor in "The Truman Show?"

"That's right, I didn't expect him to have a new movie."

The two chatted.

"If I remember correctly, he should be from China, not from Japan. I didn't watch the movie "The Truman Show" when I knew about it. Later, I saw more and more people recommending it on Twitter. Then I went to the cinema."

"I was dragged by you to watch."

"But after watching the movie, your reaction was more excited than mine. Do you still remember the scene where Truman hit the wall with his boat?"

"Stop talking."

The two of them laughed while talking. When watching the movie, the two of them almost cheered directly in the movie theater.

"I don't know how this movie is?"

"It should be the beginning of the promotion, and the content in the video is relatively small. Let's watch it after a while."

"You're right. There aren't many good movies in Huaguo. It's not easy to produce a movie like "The Truman Show. It's not easy to continue to make a movie of the same quality."

"The current situation is unclear. This actor is good, but I don't know if he is using his fame in "The Truman Show" to gain popularity, or the movie is really good."

Foreigners don't know much about Ma Guoliang, and many people still stay in "The Truman Show". At that time, his acting skills really surprised many people.

But just one movie doesn't make everyone who sees his new movie go straight to the cinema.

"We've arrived, let's go."

"Remember the name of this movie, pay more attention to it during this time, and watch it if it looks good."


"Forrest Gump's publicity method in Italy is similar to that in France, and it also uses advertisements on monitors.

The launch site was chosen in a crowded commercial plaza.

The largest large-scale shopping supermarket in Italy has a huge screen outside, playing various promotional advertisements.

The ability to place ads on such screens is charged per second.

Although the cost is relatively high, it is still the first choice of many big brands.

"Forrest Gump" has adopted this kind of propaganda method in many countries.

On a bench in front of the flower bed, I could just see the big screen. A familiar figure looked at the big screen and then looked down at the time on the watch.

This person is Mr. Wu, and he still likes this place, so after finishing the propaganda in the United States, he flew directly to Italy by plane and made the promotion arrangements in person.

"It's almost time."

Wu Gong's voice fell, and the promotional video of "Forrest Gump" began to play on the big screen.

The price of each time period is also different.

The "Forrest Gump" promotional video is released at the most expensive time, and of course it is also the time with the most people.

Wu Gong stood up and watched the reactions of passers-by on the street.

Some stopped and began to read the advertisements, while others turned their heads and left after just one glance.

Wu Gong was not surprised by this.

No matter what advertisements are placed on the big screen, UU Reading cannot satisfy everyone's taste.

As long as it can attract some people's attention.

Just like the early publicity of "The Truman Show", not many people know about it, and after the movie is played later, the discussion on the Internet will bring heat to the movie.

He believes that "Forrest Gump" must be the same as "The Truman Show", gradually attracting more people.

While Wu Gong was watching the reactions of other people, the conversation of several young people next to him caught his attention.

"Forrest Gump, a Chinese movie, probably won't look good."

"I can't say that. Not long ago, there was a Huaguo movie that was very popular on the Internet!"

"That's right. You guys haven't seen that movie after seeing it. The leading actor of this movie is the same person as the leading actor of that movie that became popular on the Internet."

"It's true! I said that this actor is a bit familiar, I feel like I've seen it somewhere before."

"You didn't go to that movie last time, will you come with me this time?"

"I hadn't seen Huaguo movie at the time, and thought it wasn't very good. There were so many discussions on the Internet that I thought it was fake. It wasn't until I saw the box office results that I realized that I might have missed a good movie. I must watch it this time. "

"That's right, I'm going to watch this movie this time as well, to see if the Huaguo movie is as exciting as it says on the Internet."

"You can rest assured. If I remember correctly, the director of "Forrest Gump" and "The Truman Show" are the same director, and the starring is still the same person. This movie should not be bad."

"You look it up online to see if it's called Tan Yue? When I finished watching "The Truman Show," I specifically looked up the director's name."

Wu Gong on the side couldn't help but smile, this is the purpose of promoting the movie.

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