Extra's Magic

Chapter 154 Rest

Chapter 154  Rest

"Yeah, just a few wounds..."

Glancing at Oscar, I noticed his tattered clothes, his disheveled appearance, and the visible traces of blood on his skin.

His auburn hair was matted with sweat and dirt, strands clinging to his forehead despite the faint breeze.

"You look like shit..."

I chuckled and shook my head, unable to suppress a grin, looking at his current appearance.

Although normally, it wouldn't matter what he looked like, right now, after witnessing him surviving this ordeal he went through, I couldn't help but tease him a little.

"You don't look better either!"

He retorted with a smirk, gesturing to my own disheveled state.

I couldn't argue with that.

"Anyways, you sure went wild!"

Looking at the bodies scattered behind me Oscar whistled.

All of them were mercilessly slaughtered, and their lifeless forms were strewn across the garden floor like discarded toys.

"Yeah, I did and we should probably get out of here before anyone else shows up."

Brushing off the dust from my clothes, I started to walk towards the exit, signaling for Oscar to follow me.

Just before the exit, I threw some spare clothes from my Spatial Ring, so he could change out of his torn garments.

We needed to get out of this place discreetly and blend in with the crowd before attracting any unwanted attention.

Bloody clothes, although in a massive terror attack would still draw attention.

Tap... Tap...

After we changed our clothes to clean ones, we both made our way out of the garden, trying to act casual as if we hadn't just been involved in a savage battle.

The moon was also shining brightly in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the scene.

Luckily, no people were present nearby, allowing us to slip away unnoticed.

"Good night."

Bidding Oscar goodnight, I headed towards my own path, my thoughts consumed with the events that had just transpired.

I could see his face morph into an unsatisfied frown.

I haven't explained a single thing to him, so it was very plausible that he felt confused and left in the dark about our actions and purpose.

Well, he knew that those people were Demon worshippers and tried to take down the barrier shielding the academy, whose core was hidden in the fountain.


With a heavy sigh, I unlocked the door to my apartment and stepped inside, feeling the weight of the night's events settling on my shoulders.

I had probably gained Rose's anger and distrust, I had killed multiple Mage Academy Students, which was a grave offense.

Although I could prove that they were Demon Worshippers that was only if somebody wanted to hear me out, which was unlikely given the severity of their crimes and the chaos they had unleashed.


Hitting my head against the wall, I could only growl in frustration, feeling the control over my own life slipping away.

Why did everything have to happen all at once?


Suddenly, warm liquid began to trickle down my forehead and I realized that my head had started bleeding from hitting it against the wall.

"Fuck this pain tolerance..."

Cursing under my head, I quickly went and bandaged my wound, trying to stop the bleeding before it got worse.

I was very frustrated, hence I could feel my patience wearing thin.

If I were not to relax and regain control of my emotions, I knew that I would not be able to think clearly and make rational decisions moving forward.


Taking a deep breath, I took a seat behind the ancient wooden desk in my apartment and closed my eyes, focusing on calming my racing thoughts.

"This is complicated..."



Amidst the chaos and destruction, the once bustling city now lay in ruins. The streets were filled with terrified screams as people desperately tried to flee from the nightmarish scene unfolding before their eyes. Demons clashed with humans in fierce battles, their fiery clashes illuminating the darkened sky.

High above, a mysterious figure stood perched on the rooftop, shrouded in shadow. His keen eyes surveyed the apocalyptic landscape below, fixating on a distant campus surrounded by a Massive Mana Barrier. He glanced at his wristwatch, its hands ticking away with unnerving precision. Time was slipping away, and impatience crept into his mind.

With a mix of frustration and curiosity, the shadowy figure observed the barrier, waiting for it to collapse. According to his plan, the traitorous students inside the Academy should have destroyed its core by now, bringing down the impenetrable defense. But as seconds turned into minutes, the barrier remained intact, defying all logic.

The figure's mind raced with thoughts.

Could the students have failed?

Were they overpowered before they could accomplish their task?

Or was there a hidden backup mechanism protecting the barrier?

Doubts gnawed at him, and he questioned the reliability of his sources.

As he continued to watch, the figure clenched his fists, frustration boiling within him. The fate of the city rested on the barrier's collapse, and every passing moment seemed like an eternity. The urgency of the situation intensified, and he knew he had to act swiftly.

In a last-ditch effort to salvage his plans, the figure began to calculate alternative strategies.

Should he retreat and regroup?

Should he take matters into his own hands and attempt to breach the barrier himself?

His mind weighed the risks, the potential consequences, and the dwindling chances of success.

Either way, if he didn't act soon he would die...

The family patriarch would surely kill him if he didn't bring that student to him before the city occupation was completely resolved.


Blink... Blink...

Rose's sleepy eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the semi darkness of her bedroom.


It was not her bedroom!

Leaping out of the bed covered with white sheets, Rose's heart raced as she began to take in her surroundings.

She was in an Academy's hospital room, confined to a world of sterile white walls and beeping machines.


Suddenly, an Elf sitting on one of the chairs in the corner of the room spoke up, her voice filled with concern.

"What happened?"

Rose looked toward the Elf and quickly demanded, glancing toward the clock on the wall.

If she remembers correctly, she lost consciousness around...

Wait, she didn't lose consciousness!

She was knocked unconscious... by Aiden!


Unknowingly, she began to grit her teeth and her Mana surged through her veins, as anger coursed through her.


His last words echoed in her mind as she clenched her fists, her emotions simmering beneath the surface.

What did he mean?

What happened to the people within the store?

Strange thoughts began to fill Rose's mind as she tried to piece together the events that led to her current situation.

A memory, a recollection of the dark night when Aiden left the Academy campus and disappeared into the woods flashed through her mind.

She remembered his bloody appearance, tattered clothes and wild eyes...

Those were not the eyes of a normal human being.

They seemed almost Demonic.

'I hope you didn't leave them to die...'

Biting her lip, Rose pushed aside her anger and frustration, focusing on the urgency of the situation.

"The city is currently under Demon occupation and the Allied forces are currently fighting to regain control."

The Elf spoke, licking her lips and turning her gaze outside the window.

"We are currently in the Mage Academy hospital wing and the entire campus is covered by a massive Mana Barrier"

Seeing that Rose was nodding her head, the elf woman smiled.

"If everything goes according to the plan the city will be liberated within the next few days, and we can ensure the safety of students."

Rose could only stare outside through the window, watching as the chaos of the battle unfolded in the distance.

Her eyes gazed at massive flames, smoke rising into the sky and her jaw tensed as she thought about the destruction and lives at stake.

"Sorry, I need to check on my friends..."

Rose's heart pounded as she quickly dashed through the campus, her mind set on finding her friend Tess and making sure she was safe. With each step, she couldn't help but worry about Aiden's involvement in the chaos that had engulfed the city. She pushed those thoughts aside for the moment, focusing on her immediate concern.

Finally, she reached Tess's room and knocked urgently on the door.

"Tess, it's me, Rose! Are you okay?"

She called out, hoping her friend was inside and unharmed.

The door opened, and a disheveled Tess appeared, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Rose.

"Rose, what's going on? The barrier suddenly went up, and we've been trapped in here. Is it safe to leave?"

However, instead of an answer Rose simply hugged her.

She didn't even hear what Tess said, she was just happy that Tess was safe and unharmed.

"You are strangling me!"

Rose could hear her friend laughing through the strained words but she didn't let go just yet.

She needed some warmth...

At least for a minute.

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