Gamer Reborn

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Name : Ajax

Level :31

Experience : 2910/55100

Traits: Divine Witness

Health: 2240/2240

Mana: 2250/2250

Stamina :1850/1850

Vitality : 224

Strength :185

Endurance :185

Dexterity : 185

Intellect : 225

Wisdom : 225

Mind : 225

Perception : 185

Stat Points :0

Skills :

    • Common :[Mathematics Lvl 26] [Stealth Lvl 30][Drawing Lvl 35][Athleticism Lvl 35] [Running Lvl 36][Reading Lvl 22][Writing Lvl 22][Cooking Lvl 26][Sewing Lvl 20] [Cleaning Lvl 20][Haggling Lvl 20][Gardening Lvl 20][Axes Lvl 40][Hammers Lvl 40 [Deception Lvl 27][Sword Lvl 40][Shield Lvl 40][Bow Lvl 40][Spear Lvl 40][Throwing Lvl 30][Persuasion Lvl 10][Unarmed Combat Lvl 35][Knives Lvl 40][Skinning Lvl 30][Tanning Lvl 10][Dismantle Lvl 40][Climbing Lvl 30][Tracking Lvl 30][Heat Resistance Lvl 19] [Poison Resistance Lvl 25][Pain Resistance Lvl 20][Trapping Lvl 25][Cold Resistance Lvl 5]
    • Uncommon :[Meditation Lvl 50][Sense Mana Lvl 50][Expel Mana Lvl 50][Sprinting Lvl 35][Mining Lvl 10][Lumberjack Lvl 10][Smelting Lvl 10][Blacksmithing Lvl 10] [Chanting Lvl 11][Mana Farming Lvl 12][Increase Price Lvl 10][Lower Price Lvl 10][Danger Sense Lvl 30][Leatherworking Lvl 10][Alchemy Lvl 10][Mana Milling Lvl 6][Precise Cut Lvl 35][Precise Blow Lvl 35][Judge Threat Lvl 30][ Piercing Shot Lvl 35] [Berserker Lvl 10][Cooperation Lvl 20][Berserker Style Lvl 10]
    • Rare : [Manipulate Mana Lvl 40][Water Aspect Mana Lvl 40][Fire Aspect Mana Lvl 40] [Air Aspect Mana Lvl 40][Earth Aspect Mana Lvl 40][Inject Mana Lvl 40][Spot Weakness Lvl 25][Residue Recognition Lvl 20] [Light Aspect Mana Lvl 40][Shadow Aspect Mana Lvl 40][Mana Skin Lvl 20][Teamwork Lvl 12][Beekeeping Trailblazer Lvl 1]
  • Epic : [Mana Augmentation Lvl 30][Mana Conjuration Lvl 25][Lightning Aspect Mana Lvl 20][Metal Aspect Mana Lvl 20][Ice Aspect Mana Lvl 20][Magma Aspect Mana Lvl 20][Holy Aspect Mana Lvl 12][Void Aspect Mana Lvl 20]
  • Legendary : [Mana Syphon Lvl 26][Enigma Lvl 1]

New :

Beekeeping Trailblazer 0 -> 1

Enigma 0 -> 1


Cooking 25 -> 26

Mathematics 25 -> 26

Deception 26 -> 27

Ajax pulled up his status and confirmed the appearance of the new skill. Just like his [Berserker] and [Mana Skin], both of which also came as a reward for an achievement, [Enigma] showed up slightly differently, not only that but it also came with an innate understanding of what the skill did.

[Enigma] did indeed work just like advertised, he could innately influence a false status screen that would appear if someone without the skill level to penetrate it would receive while being none the wiser about it. Not only that however it also allowed him to fully block any inspection skill and send a small backlash instead. This was interesting and something he will have to test out.

“My Lord, who is this?” one of the people that inspected him asked professor Silvertongue, though his eyes never left Ajax.

“This is Ajax, he will be starting today as the teaching assistant for my homeroom class. If you could please inform my father that I will be required to provide some delve slots for him in the near future upon your return that would be of help.” Professor Silvertongue answered, a brief smugness oozing through his aura before he quickly got it under control.

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“This can’t be right, sir.” another said. “He is only level thirty-one and somehow has one thousand six hundred and thirty-nine stats. Is this some sort of new deception skill?”

Both the headmaster and professor Silvertongue turned to look at Ajax at that. Both had known he was powerful but finding out what his total stats were was still a bit surprising.

“No, that should be correct.” The headmaster said. He was surprised the total was so low, the amount of mana he displayed in his fight should put him close to the eight hundred mark but his physicals should be similar if not slightly greater, add his vitality and perception on to that and it would be close to two thousand. “You are more and more interesting every day, but I realize today is not the day to push on this.”

“Headmaster?” Ajax asked.

“If you could just humor me. Is whatever you are using to boost your physical abilities easy to replicate?” the headmaster asked.

“No.” Ajax said looking at his original Legendary skill.

“If you are ever looking to test the limits of your methods I would be happy to help.” he said as he took his leave.

“Right then, thank you for your help.” Professor Silvertongue addressed the twenty people, most of whom had yet to stop staring at Ajax. “Ajax, follow me we still have to get your uniform sorted out.”

Ajax followed the professor through the halls until they reached a large room marked ‘Uniform Storage’. The professor offered two quick polite knocks but entered without waiting for an answer.

“Madam Riggly?” he asked as he entered.

Ajax followed after him and was slightly surprised to see a small old dwarf sitting at a sewing machine. Despite the fine metalwork it was still operated by a pedal underneath the workbench.

“Is this him?” the old dwarf asked as she sprung up from her chair with an agility that Ajax hadn’t expected.

“Yes” the professor confirmed before he turned to Ajax. “Go on then, introduce yourself.”

“Hi Madam Riggly, I am Ajax.” Ajax did as instructed.

“You’re a tall one aren’t you?” she said looking up at him, she was about half his size. “Well then let's get to work, we don’t have much time.”

Ajax wasn’t aware where she got the measuring tape from or how she could get any accurate measurements from just swinging and wrapping it around him, though he did stay perfectly still in hopes of not getting in her way.

“Not too bad overall, shoulders are the only issues with a standard large uniform a bit tighter around the waist as well. I’ll be done within the hour.” she proclaimed as she disappeared into the back of the storeroom.”

“Thank you.” Ajax called out behind her.

“Alright, come on now we will be back in an hour to get you dressed.” Professor Silvertongue said as he turned to leave.

“Where are we going now?” Ajax asked.

“To get you everything else you’ll need.” Professor Silvertongue curtly replied.

The two came back the same way they came and were heading straight for the professor's office and went straight past it to the next door.

“Here we are.” he said as he opened the door.

Inside Ajax saw a neat office, one maybe a third of the size of the one the professor had. The desk was loaded with books as well as a few sharpened pencils and a few blank sheets of paper.

“This will be your office,” he said. “Most teaching assistants have their own research they are doing on the side but this space should be good enough for you to study while taking full advantage of the academy's resources. Should you want to start your own research, feel free to do so as long as you can keep up with your classes and if you need any help reach out to me.”

Ajax silently inspected the office and found the furniture to be of much better quality than the one he just bought for his own home, he had initially set up an office there but he had a feeling it would just be there for anything he didn’t want to leave lying around here. He had already planned on sharing his discoveries on the Status Page with the nobility as he already did with Luna and doing it as a research project within the academy seemed like a great idea to him.

“What is this?” Ajax said as his eyes drew to a beautiful ring that was left of his desk next to all the books.

“That would be a storage ring.” the professor said. “ It is mine but I will be lending it to you for as long as you remain as a teaching assistant, it should help you with the logistics of carrying everything you need to every class.”

“How do I use it?” Ajax asked as he picked up the ring all the while cheering in his head at having found a true storage device.

“The ring is very basic, it has no locking enchantment on it and is only the size of a one meter side cube. Simply slide it on a finger and will it to access the space.” the professor guided him.

Ajax did as he was told. It was a weird feeling seeing the empty storage space in his mind without the use of his eyes, definitely something that would take some getting used to.

“To store an item it has to be touching the ring while you think about pulling it inside.” the explanation continued. “It does not work on living things, nor on anything touching a living thing. It also doesn’t work on anything that is infused with mana.”

Ajax pulled one of the books inside the ring and pulled it back out. Everything was instinctively simple to do.

“Do be careful in your time here. Just because your ring can’t store items that are in contact with you doesn’t mean some of the other students here won’t have one that can.” a small frown flashed over his face so quickly Ajax thought he imagined it. “I suggest keeping a small amount of mana coursing through your uniform at all times to prevent some unmannered pranks.”

“Thank you.” Ajax said as he moved the ring to his right hand pointer finger.

“Now this ring is a loan. I would suggest leaving it in your office when you leave school. That way should it go missing for some reason you won’t be held liable. You are welcome to also go home with it but should someone steal it you will have to find a way to replace it.” the professor said.

Ajax spent the rest of the hour practicing with the ring while the professor went to his own office to get things ready for the first class. Both of them went back to the uniform storage room to collect a very comfortable elegant uniform. After getting changed into it Ajax followed the professor back to his office.

“Your first class of every day will be with me in that room over there.” he pointed to the room that had a few students going in and out of it. “ After that you should follow the rest of the students for their next classes. As a teaching assistant you will sit at one of the desks that have their back to one of the sides of the class. At the end of every school day do check your office as I will leave any work I need you to do on your desk. Any questions?”

Ajax did have a few questions but it wasn’t anything important or that he wouldn’t find out shortly by simply going to class. “No.”

“Alright then, off you go, always try to arrive before the teacher unless they are teaching in that room since the last lesson. Some of them get cranky about it.” With that he entered his office and Ajax set off towards the classroom.

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