Game’s Dogma

Chapter 123: Teachings

Chapter 123: Teachings

Sky Chuns complexion changed slightly as he placed strength into his legs and squatted to take on the force from Drako Yaus attack.

However, Drako Yau followed up with a kick at Sky Chuns chest. Sky Chun almost frowned, though he still managed to react timely by pushing himself away with both arms, separating the two spearmen.

Sky Chun took a deep breath and let it out, his heavy gaze focused onto Maska powerful martial artist, a powerful spearmanship style. Masks spearmanship was unconstrained and brimming with creativity. Masks kick was also timed perfectly to land during the short timeframe when he had just expended his force and couldnt generate another surge of force in his body.

His gaze then turned vicious. He could tell that Mask had held the kick back for half a second before snapping it towards his chest.

After their short exchange of blows, Drako Yau already identified the spearmanship style which Sky Chun trained in.

It was the Hung Family Spearmanship. Every weapon had various styles, and the Hung Family Spearmanship style was characterised by big movements and powerful strikes. Each and every attack had momentum and power behind it, nor did they hold themselves back at all times. Every attack was an all out attack.

This style was very effective against equally matched or inferior opponents. The fierce atmosphere around the practitioner might even stun the opponent. However, it was very prone to counterattacks and would show openings when up against an opponent of a higher calibre.

Many ancient martials had the rationale of strike with 70 per cent force, reserve the remaining 30 per cent in order to deal with follow up attacks and unpredictable changes in battle. When up against superior enemies, the Hung Family Spearmanship style was essentially full of flaws. Going all out with every attack meant the fighter was vulnerable when the enemy evaded an attack or took control of the fights tempo. It was almost killing oneself to not reserve a bit of strength to deal with counter strikes or sudden changes.

Sky Chun stood there silently, seemingly deep in thought. He had already noticed the major flaw of his spearmanship style during the brief fight. However, because his sparring partners had always been his master, seniors, or juniors of the same style, he had never realised such a flaw existed.

Although their spar was a short one, Drako Yau was actually teaching him about the flaws of his spearmanship in secret.

After a while, Sky Chun let out a deep sigh and hung his spear onto his back and saluted at Drako Yau.

Thank you.

Drako Yau shook his head and remained silent.

Sky Chun laughed heartily and said, It might seem like a small favour to you, but it holds a lot of weight for me. Favours should not be repaid by mere words. If you need the aid of Sky Dominion, feel free to tell me.


After their conversation ended, Sky Chun smiled brightly and faded away from the pit as a white glow. He surrendered and left.

Ninety five wins in a row!

After 95 battles, even Drako Yau showed signs of fatigue. While the games system restored his physical condition, the series of fights still burdened his mind, which wasnt healed by the system.

Just five more!

Drako Yau gritted his teeth and entered the Arena once again.

This one has long heard that the name Mask is known throughout Yoda. This untalented one hopes to learn from Mr. Mask.

The person flicked his hand to open his handheld folding fan and fanned himself as he directed his words at Drako Yau. However, his eyes showed not even the slightest of respect. In fact, he absolutely hated Mask.

Mister Unfetteredhe had once been a player from Yoda, but he chose to side with Empyreon during the Siege. After the event ended, he who had always been respected in Yoda lost his reputation and was replaced by two people: Zephyrwolf and Mask.

Mister Unfettered was a great talent. Dozens of guilds in Empyreon had extended their welcoming hands at him, yet he refused every single one of them. He had a weird personality; even though he enjoyed being sought after, working a full-time job in a guild wasnt the gaming experience he wanted. Money wasnt something he lacked either. As such, he loathed Drako Yau and Zephyrwolf for robbing him of his prestige.

Now was the best opportunity to kick them off their thrones. He would let everyone in Yoda know whom they should be paying their respects to!

Mister Unfettered smiled smugly when he reached that thought, as if he could already see the downfall of Mask. However, Drako Yau didnt respond to Mister Unfettereds confident look and didnt even bother to speak. All he wanted now was to get it over with and get a good sleep.

Receiving no response, Mister Unfettered was only more pissed off. Killing intent seeped from him as he said, Mask, enlighten me.

Drako Yau stared at him, extended his right arm, and wiggled his fingers back and forth

Mister Unfettered, is it

Chau Yu had a curious look; he was just as interested in Mister Unfettered. During the Siege, it was Mister Unfettered who casually strolled onto the battlefield and singlehandedly slayed two commanders on one of the tougher waves, essentially saving the entire city while stunning everyone with his performance.

Empyreal Spire alone had made plenty of offers in an attempt to recruit him, but he rejected them all and went back to Yoda.

Any intel on Mister Unfettered?

Chau Yu asked the player who was in charge of gathering intel for Empyreal SpireClairaudiencer. He was just an ordinary player who was barely Level 10. It was exceptionally low when average players were starting to reach the Level 20 threshold.

But he was special. Through an encounter quest, he entered an intelligence agency in the game called Heavenly Handlers. It was the games intel system, giving players a means to receive intel by paying gold coins. Naturally, the more important the intel was, the greater the price. It was even rumoured that a wealthy player spent hundreds of thousands of gold coins to learn about an encounter quest.

It was already verified that the intel provided by Heavenly Handlers were accurate and authentic. After joining the agency through an encounter quest, Clairaudiencer learnt a few special skills for gathering information, which was why he had special means of collecting intel.


Clairaudiencer looked at the group of Empyreal Spire members. Apart from Chau Yu, most Empyreal Spire members had returned to watch Mask fight together. As he stood before the elite players who were all over Level 20, Clairaudiencer didnt fret at all and said calmly, His class is Weaponmaster, but he came across an encounter quest.

My preliminary estimate is that he learnt a set of skills which uses fans as a weapon from the encounter quest. This is why he can use warrior and weaponmaster skills along with his unique fan skills.

There are plenty of encounter quests that involve fans, so many that even Heavenly Handlers doesnt have all the records. I also dont have access to high level encounter quests, but from the skills hes used so far, the closest one should be Tingling Fan Dance.

Provoked by Mask, the haughty Mister Unfettered angrily waved his fan at his enemy.


Three fan-shaped torrents, one at head, chest, and hip level respectively, hurtled towards Drako Yau.

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