Game’s Dogma

Chapter 125: A Hundred Fights, A Hundred Wins

Chapter 125: A Hundred Fights, A Hundred Wins

Everything within the pit turned blurry as the flames looked like ancient sparks that tore the skies apart. Mister Unfettered was the only one who could see the spear among the flames.

The flames dissipated, but Mask was nowhere to be seen. It wasnt much of a surprise to see Mister Unfettered lying on the floor either.

Ninety six consecutive wins!

Even the crowd turned silent; Mask was too terrifying.

Was Mister Unfettered weak? Not at all. As a weaponmaster above Level 20, his skills were melee oriented. Obtaining Tingling Fan Dance, a mid range combat skill set, only made his repertoire of skills even more difficult to defend against.

However, even such a person fell before Masks spear.

What was that skill? Hidden class?

Clairaudiencer could only laugh bitterly at Chau Yus question. Even through Heavenly Handlers intel network, he couldnt sniff out anything about Mask. He was sure of one thing though, and that was Mask had a hidden class. Otherwise, it was impossible to explain his surprisingly high basic attack damage and why he didnt have a single skill.

While Wanderer was weak in its early stages, it had a lot of potential and was the strongest fundamental class. It was only natural that Clairaudiencer, an ordinary member of the intel agency, couldnt get his hands on such information. Even Mask himself wasnt entirely familiar with what the Wanderer class was.

The fire-imbued attack silenced everyone in Empyreal Spire. Even Tripurity had a cramped look on his face. As his level rose, the number of swords he could wield with his Art of Sword Manipulation also increased, strengthening his prowess by several folds. He always wanted to take his revenge on Mask and wipe clean of the humiliation he had suffered, but after seeing Masks fiery thrust, he was speechless.

He had this feeling that even if he could manipulate 10 swords, it wasnt possible to withstand that attack.

Tripurity turned around and headed for the door. Handsome Scholar who was sitting on the side asked, Where to?

Levelling up.

Handsome Scholar smiled. Together?


The two silently left the room, bringing a smile to Chau Yus face. It was precisely his intention to trigger his elites fighting spirit by making them watch Mask fight.

Everything was within his control.

Drako Yau gave himself a pat on the head and inspected his palms.

Thankfully I left in time

After making his final attack, his arms were burnt and reddened by his flames. He also suffered from a minor headache, which was probably due to his mental fatigue. His arms were healed after the fight, but because the system didnt heal the mind, he felt a little dizzy like he had taken a punch to the head.

At this point, it wasnt possible to explain Drako Yaus current situation by purely saying it was a skill from the game. It was in fact power that stemmed from his own cultivation style, or perhaps a buff skill created by him indirectly. He never thought that the system would recognise such inner powers, thus allowing his attack to break through Mister Unfettereds Rising Sun.

Four more to go

Thinking back on the final attack, Drako Yau was amazed. It was the first time that the blue forces above his chest remained inactive when the red forces beneath his chest were activated. He had never activated the forces without them clashing against one another before.

He was in no hurry to fight. Instead, he sat down in a corner and scratched his head while deep in thought.

What was I thinking No retreat. Press on.

When he thought about it, the forces stirred up everytime his mind was obsessed with a particular thought. Did that mean the forces within him were affected by his emotions?

Chris had told him that his Vitality Mantra might have given birth to such a strange inner power because he had a fiery passion and a cool mind. It was reflective of his personality. Based on that assumption, was emotions the key to controlling the forces?

Im angry as hell Im so damn mad

Drako Yau had been at it for almost half an hour now. He tried to hypnotise himself to no avail and made his headache even worse instead.

After waiting eagerly for Mask for so long, the hundreds of thousands of players finally saw him make his return. Many thought that he was exhausted from all the fighting; 96 consecutive wins was a feat to behold after all.

When Drako Yau finally re-appeared in the pit, everyone was hyped up and flooded to watch him fight.

The translucent barriers vanished in the pit. His opponent shivered upon seeing the iconic fiery red mask and said, I I surrender

The next moment, the player vanished from the pit.

Drako Yau was rendered speechless. Whats going on?

He had no idea how well known and reputable he currently was in the Arena; some even started calling him Arena War God. However, some players who fought only Ranked battles responded by giving him the nickname Noob Destroyer. Regardless, Drako Yau the Mask was all the storm in the game right now.

In the next few battles, his opponents all surrendered when they saw his fiery red Mask of the Hidden Dragon and the Necklace of Deceit that appeared to be taunting them.

Drako Yau didnt notice this himself, but after fighting over 90 battles and accidentally triggering the red force within his body, his aura was seeping out a little uncontrollably. It was enough to make ordinary people shiver at the sight of seeing him.

At the blink of an eye, his win streak was now at 99. It was now his final battlethe 100th fight. Countless players focused their attention on the masked spearman: could he do it?

Drako Yau didnt have the time to think about it because he had already received the quest notification.

Triggered special quest: A Hundred Fights, A Hundred Wins. Defeat Ichor Hon, the hundred win guardian, to clear the quest.

Quest rewards: Battle Medals, Holy Blessing Scroll, Friendship with Ichor Hon.

When the translucent barriers dissipated, the pit turned blood red.

Blood red mist shrouded the pit as the entire area was dyed crimson, as if a red dome was covering the whole place up. No one could see what was going on in the pit through the dense bloody mist.

Drako Yau, who was in the pit, could clearly see the man who emerged from behind the translucent barrier.

The man was tall and slim. Even though his hair were all white, they were exceptionally smooth and tied up into a ribbon that reached his waist. He wore a tattered dark green robe while holding a long knife in his right hand.

Similar to Sasakis katana, it had a slim and long blade, though it wasnt as long as Sasakis weapon. Sasakis katana, which was technically an odachi, was longer than usual due to his inheritance style. Meanwhile, the mans weapon appeared to be a standard katana which had a blood groove extending from its hilt to tip. The katana was blood red in colour, but it didnt look like the metal was red itself; it seemed to be dyed red by blood.

Truly a weapon of slaughter!

Ichor Hon gazed at Drako Yau and said softly, Its your win if you can survive 10 attacks. He then squinted his eyes at Drako Yau.

Drako Yau felt like he was locked on by a hunter.

After looking at the bloody mist around them, Ichor Hon nodded in satisfaction.

Those useless pieces of trash aren't worthy of witnessing my sword. Are you ready?

Red mist seeped from Ichor Hons katana like a bloody lump of flames. Along with the strong smell of blood, it fluttered across the pit and splashed against Drako Yaus face.

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