Game’s Dogma

Chapter 131: Self Reflection

Chapter 131: Self Reflection

As Howl of the Tempest Wolves steadily improved, the guild levelled up to become a Level 4 guild.

In Real World, the maximum guild level was Level 10, which increased guild capacity to 100,000 members. But because level up requirements were harsh, it was pretty impressive to reach Level 5 at this point. Howl of the Tempest Wolves was the only first-rate guild to havent reached Level 5 yet.

As if further bolstering the guilds thriving momentum, another news was made public: Zephyrwolf had successfully progressed into the hidden class Demon Wolf Hero!

Even idiots could tell what that signified. Before class progression, the demon wolf king was a top-tier summon at the very best and had limited capacity for growth. However, Zephyrwolfs skill tree now had skills which his demon wolf king could learn. The difference was obvious.

Allurers was another guild on the rise. It all started with a single video the guild posted onto the official forum. In the video, several Allurers members made handsome or charming poses while wearing the Great Red Cloak outfit, the reward for defeating Nin. Above their heads was the title Heroes Who Scare Off Nin.

What surprised everyone the most was that no one ever saw Allurers in any levelling zones during the event. Did they really manage to defeat Nin with such a small squad?

Almost every squad that defeated Nin were all part of a crushing mob of a hundred to nearly a thousand players. Everyone would charge at the boss together, and whoever landed the last hit would receive rewards along with his or her squad members. Naturally, unless they had the backing of a major guild, most squads that landed the last hit would end up getting killed by other players

If Allurers really defeated Nin with those numbers, their guild had to be terribly powerful. Allurers made no attempt at explaining how they did it though. At the very end of the video, their heavenly guild master Dakki smiled sweetly at the camera and said, Allurers welcomes anyone with the ambition to strive in this world. I shall be awaiting your arrival. She then made a deep bow, unintentionally revealing the smooth, white cleavage which was the target of fantasy by countless otakus.

When Drako Yau finally woke up, he found himself spacing out, which was a rare situation for him. Slowly, his vision regained clarity as his eyes were back in focus.

How long did I sleep for me to space out like this?

Because he had been practicing martial arts since he was a child, his mental and physical fortitude was incomparable to average humans. It had been way too long since he had last experienced such a sensation.

Drako Yau tried moving his body only to find himself stiff. With a bit of difficulty, he took out his phone.

Two dayshe had actually been sleeping for two whole days.

He slowly stood up and stretched his body. It was only then did he realise he didnt even take off his mask. As his body made cracking noises, he took in a deep breath and let it out. Perhaps because he had been sleeping for two days, he was feeling especially full of energy and vitality; even his five senses seemed to be sharper.

After winning 100 battles, he felt himself improving again. It didnt come as a surprise though because fighting as if ones life depended on it had always been an effective way of forcing out ones potential. Of course that was going to accelerate his growth. More importantly, the most precious experience he gained was basic understanding of the two forces within him.

It didnt take long before his stomach started growling. He hadnt eaten in two days after all. After tidying up and getting changed quickly, he went downstairs to the inns dining area.

He ordered a bowl of chicken stew and slowly drank it. After fasting for so long, eating too much at once would hurt his stomach. Anyways, as he enjoyed the stew, he began reflecting about himself.

First, he now had a general idea of the two forces characteristics.

The force below his chest was a fire-elemental force which controlled muscular functions. Once triggered, it permeated his limbs and enhanced his physical capabilities. The next stage was the ability to expel the force as flames. While it sounded like some sort of legendary internal power, he wasnt surprised because the omd geezer had once told him that a master of the style Palm of Flaming Clouds could ignite his palms without hurting himself.

The master was said to have cultivated his style to the point that he had extremely fine control over his powers. He could even exude his flames and control them from afar to burn his enemies. From the looks of it, Drako Yaus fiery force resembled Palm of Flaming Clouds a little.

As for the force above his chest, it was an ice-elemental force which controlled his five senses and brain. Once triggered, the icy force stimulated his brain to grant him enhanced sensations and speed of thought.

Each force had their own benefits. For example, hed have died if his fiery powers manifested during the fight with Ichor Hon. Even with enhanced muscular functions, it was useless when he couldnt catch a glimpse of the speedy Ichor Hon.

Similarly, his icy force was useless in his fight with Mister Unfettered. He could already see Mister Unfettereds attacks with his normal vision, but because the Tingling Fan Dance could produce an onslaught of attacks, what he had needed back then was overwhelming speed and strength to break through the deadlock.

He couldnt help but recall his battles with Nin and the Where Rivals Meet incident. When the forces of fire and ice clashed, it enhanced both his sensations and physical capabilities, but it was at the cost of extremely severe side effects. The two forces were contradictory, and he was the greatest victim when they clashed because his body was the battlefield.

Soon, Drako Yau finished his stew. He then slowly ate the bits of chicken meat left behind in the bowl while continuing his reflection.

He could roughly guess that the key to controlling his forces was emotions. Whenever his emotions were intense, the forces would trigger and activate. Now that he thought about it, the icy force would activate when he wanted to be calm. When he wanted to press on and attack, the fiery force would activate. As for the explosion and clash of forces, it probably happened because of his will to survive in a certain-death situation.

Regardless, he had to find out how he could control those forces.

It wasnt too bad when only one force activated. The fiery force caused a bit of muscle damage, but he still had to look further into it. The icy force was on the safer side, with its side effect being mental fatigue. However, when the two forces activated simultaneously and clashed against one another, the after-effects of getting the dual buff was no worse than death.

This type of self-reflection was very useful for Drako Yau; it was also a habit of his. Every time he had survived the old geezers deadly hunt, he would find a hidden spot and reflect on his performance in detail, such as what mistakes he made, or which combo or technique was better in combat. After fighting hundreds of battles all these years, his combat strength was beyond anyones imagination.

After filling his stomach, Drako Yau realised he had a lot of unread private messages, most of which were from people he knew. He smiled and left the inn.

It didnt take long for him to arrive at a structure. On its door was an engravement of a wolf head.

Howl of the Tempest Wolvesthis was the guilds base.

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