Game’s Dogma

Chapter 141: The Bear King Incident

Chapter 141: The Bear King Incident

After all equipment was distributed, everyone realised the greatest contributor, Mask, hadnt received a single thing. Feeling somewhat embarrassed, Dakki and Sky Chun proposed that theyd compensate him with gold coins.

Drako Yau shook his head as he smiled and said, I also took a bit of advantage. He then fetched a book from his item bag. Ill take this, is that alright?

Skill BookBear Howl. Learning condition: Level 20 or above. Startle nearby enemies with an ear-shattering howl, dealing damage and stunning them.

A skill bookan exceptionally rare item!

There were rumours that a player received a skill book of the fire crystal giant elders Meteor Fist, making him famous overnight while attracting loads of players to farm Blazing Cave. In the end, it didnt seem that anyone else got their hands on the skill book.

It was very likely that the skill book dropped because it was the first kill, which usually gave more and better rewards. Most rewards were valuable drops as well, such as Windstriders Soul of Bartos.

Sky Chun had envious eyes as he fixed his gaze on the skill book. The skill was a combination of area-of-effect damage and crowd control! However, he suppressed his envy.

After all, Mask had contributed the most this time. Regardless of why he knew so much about the bear king, Sky Dominion did indeed receive equipment, a title, and most importantly, the glory of killing the first world boss ever! The price they had to pay was just dying once.

With over twenty guilds participating in the battle, they somehow managed to steal the boss from everyone else. The glory they earned would then transform into their guilds reputationa reward unequalled by any physical drops. If Sky Chun didnt realise as much, he wouldnt be worthy of being the guild master of a first-rate guild.

Brother Mask, youre too humble. You made the most contribution this time. Youll still lose out by just receiving a skill book.

Dakki rolled her eyes at Sky Chuns words. This guys really willing to pay so much just to suck up to Mask.

Sensing Dakkis expression, Sky Chun laughed instead of getting mad. Guild master Dakki, youre probably thinking Im exaggerating things, arent you? Maybe you should check out the title first.

The title?

Everyone immediately opened up the system interface to check their titles.

Epic title: Masterful Bear Hunters. Condition: Get the first kill of the Failed Rampaging Bear King. Increases Constitution by 10 points and Strength by 5 points.

Its an epic title? Dakki was overjoyed.

Epic titles were extremely difficult to get currently, especially those which added attribute points. Most usually had rather special conditions for obtaining them as well. For example, their title was only given to players who got the first kill of the bear king, meaning no one else could get their hands on it.

While increasing Strength was useless for her, 10 more points to Constitution improved her survivability as a class that wore cloth armour.

Each level provided 5 attribute points. Not only did the title compensate for Sky Dominions death penalty of losing a level, it also provided additional points. The points lost due to death was a temporary penalty anyways; theyd regain the points once they levelled up again.

Even Dakki kept nodding after inspecting the title. Mask, take it. Ill feel bad if you dont take the skill book.

Knowing how powerful Masterful Bear Hunters was, no one said anything as they benefited from it anyways. They were finally convinced by Masks contributions and performance as well.

Drako Yau then said, Alright, this sums up our collaboration this time. Thanks for all your help and support. Lets hope well join hands again in the future.

Haha, definitely.

After exchanging pleasantries, Sky Dominion and Allurers both left the room. Sky Chun and Dakki were envious of Underworld who stayed behind.

When Sky Dominion and Allurers were gone, Drako Yau casually tossed the skill book to Zephyrwolf.

Learn it.

Zephyrwolf caught the book subconsciously then asked, Whyd you give me this?

The Demon Wolf Hero class is powerful, but it also has a great limitation, and that is all your strength is based upon your companion. Bear Howls the perfect skill for you. When the enemy focuses their attacks on the demon wolf, you can buy time by using Bear Howl, not to mention

Fine, fine Say no more, gives me a headache. Ill learn it alright

Zephyrwolf shook his head in pain as he clasped his hands on the book and made it disappear, making everyone chuckle. Meanwhile, Drako Yau nodded seriously, and that only brightened their laughter further.

At the same time, they admired Drako Yau even more. Bear Howl was such a great skill that it wouldnt lose out even in the later stages of the game. Despite losing out in damage, its crowd control ability was still very useful.

Yet Mask gave the skill book away so casually. Zephyrwolf might seem very reluctant, but deep down, he felt very grateful. It was just that he now had the mentality that hed owe Drako Yau his life already, might as well rack up some more debt.

Their new companion, Windstrider, found the group weird. He had seen plenty of big-spenders, but he had never seen people tossing tens of thousands of dollars worth of items around. Seeing Windstriders confused expression, Idyllic Poet thought, Someone finally understands me.

However, it was precisely this atmosphere that captivated her heart. The feeling of trust and reliability was something she had never experienced. For that reason alone, anyone whose goal was to sabotage the group was her enemy.

This was her first time possessing something that she was willing to sacrifice anything to defend.

Drako Yaus group stealing the first kill of the Failed Rampaging Bear King was later named The Bear King Incident. It caused a massive overhaul of the guild rankings because guilds that participated in the event all lost a level to the bear kings Bloodred Laser.

Those who were qualified to take part in the boss fight were all elites in their own guilds. When large groups of elites all lost a level, guilds which didnt participate in the fight all took the opportunity to close the distance to higher ranked guilds. Guild wars which involved guild rankings then ensued.

On the other hand, the winners of the event were none other than Underworld, Allurers, and Sky Dominion. All three guilds announced on the global channel while making the titles above their heads visible, and that was enough to convince plenty of players to join the three guilds. Getting the first kill this time was just like seizing a prey right before a hunting tiger. Their ability to execute their plan of stealing the first kill proved their guilds strength.

The three guilds all climbed up the rankings. Allurers was currently ranked seventh, while Sky Dominion stuck close to it at eighth. Underworld had also gone from fourteenth to thirteenth.

Meanwhile, Dark Worlds ranking went down by onethey toiled away, just to be taken advantage of.

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