Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 139 Mother Of The Cosmos, Tiamat, The Astral Dragon Goddess

"Everyone fall back. Go help the others deal with the smaller golems that are pounding the others," I explained, and the group nodded. "I need you all to hold out for thirty more minutes, got it?"

"Yes! But be careful. Calishora is very strong, and he has abilities like her Cosmic Breath that are her own. She is the one coming with the other Drakar as their leader, so this is a good chance for you to get to know her abilities. She will be much stronger when she gets here with her true form," Beltzer explained as Timala and him, who he was holding in his arm, were lifted up by Mr. Tree.

"Got it," I growled and looked to Melody, who was smiling at me brightly with her big toothy ape mouth.

"Make sure that you beat her down good! She burnt the fur off me a couple times even with this armor!" Melody said and then thudded off.

"Hero is it you on the other side of this wall that holds my mother's heart in ransom?!" Calishora roared from the other side of the diamond wall.

I bent my knees and jumped forty feet in the air with an extra push from the grass. I could see the massive red Dragon the moment I got past the wall.

I half expected that she would directly attack me with that Cosmic Breath, but the creature just watched me as I dropped down to the other side.

"You smell like my mother, praise be Tiamat, but you are not the one I am looking for!" Calishora told me.

"Well, I am him, but I am just not in my normal body right now. You all are trying to have fun without me, but neither of you has any patience. Don't you want a good fight, or is your type of fight the only one that you are guaranteed to win?"

"So, does that mean you will face me in your real body or hide from me, daughter of the all-powerful Tiamat?" Calishora growled.

"Wow, you really like to talk about your mom! Kinda cute, but do you think you could lay off it while we have an adult conversation?" I asked, and the Dragon glared at me, but I was just dicking around.

"You have no idea what laws we follow, bless Tiamat! You are nothing more than an animal meant to be controlled by your creator, Tiamat!" Calishora roared at me, and I shrugged.

"Sounds like you miss your mom! So cute! Man, why do you have to be a crazy bitch space dragon bent on getting her ass kicked? I bet you could change down into a much cuter form, right!" I laughed, and Calishora screamed a roar at me.

"I will burn this world and every mark you left on it until it is as if you never existed!" Calishora screamed and rushed at me, but I put up a big hand.

"Wait, wait, wait! You didn't say your mother's name!" I yelled, and to my surprise, the Dragon froze mid-run, but her body weight had different ideas.

Calishora's front leg gave under the strain of her forward momentum, and the Dragon tripped and fell forward. I put up my hands, thinking that she was going to explode like when the girls hit her.

Fortunately, the giant beast hit the ground like a sack of potatoes, and her head slid right up to almost touch me. It was almost as tall as my seven-foot-tall God of War body, but this was the funniest thing I had seen all day.

"What the hell was that?!" I laughed, and Calishora snapped at me, but I just stepped back, still laughing.

"Stop it! How dare you laugh at me, in the-" Calishora started to shout as she tried to pick her massive body up, but I cut her off rudely.

"Shut the fuck up. No one cares about your stupid mother! God, you just think you are all that because you are; what? Bigger than me? Possibly stronger?" I asked and then said, "For being such a strong creature, you have the elegance of a dancer with two left feet."

"How dare you speak to me with such a tone! Mother had given me permission to talk without blessing her name, and I am stronger than you!" Calishora shouted, and I shrugged.

"That is a lot of tough talk coming out of a flying lizard that can walk properly!" I laughed, still yet to draw my weapons, but then I had an idea. "Wait a minute! Can I talk to your mother? I am curious to know if this majestic beast would even dare to speak with me, or is she too good for that?"

"No! Do not ask... AHHHH!" Calishora said but paused and then started to scream, thrashing her head around.

I took a few steps back, not sure what the hell I just did, but it looked like the Astral Dragon Queen was going to have a chat. Her child seemed to be nothing more than that, a child, so I was curious what an all-powerful Deity might be like.

Calishora trashed around, but then she froze, and all movement and sounds stopped like someone had pressed pause. Then, Calishora unfroze and slowly lowered her head to me, but the yellow eyes that were slit like cats were now back with a galactic starry background.

Looking into the eyes was like getting sucked into eternity, and I was forced to pull my eyes away.

"So, you are the creature that the Star Child has created in his image and given my heart to?" the Dragon asked me in a much calmer and collected voice.

"Something like that, but this is just one of my clones. So, now that I have you here, what is the purpose of you coming to visit my planet, or your troops, for lack of a better word?" I asked, feeling the urge to step back or even kneel, but I fought it.

This creature was on a completely different level than her daughter, and I could feel the majesty just being in her presence. If I had less control and knew less, I might even have been sucked into her and dropped to one knee.

That was how powerful of a force she was trying to exert on me, but I fought to remain stoic.

"Interesting. You can even resist me when my essence is so close to you? Fascinating! When I capture you, I will use you as my head breeder, and you shall breed with the most elite women of every race! If that is what you choose, I will allow you to work as a slave for me. Do you want to keep resisting me when you know I could treat you better?" Tiamat asked, and suddenly I was pushed out of my body.

Then I was standing atop a massive golden pyramid that would have made the ones in Giza look like specs of sand in comparison. The Pyramid wasn't solid, but I couldn't see what was in the split in the middle.

"So, what do you think of my Intergalactic empire?" Tiamat asked from beside me, and I turned to see the most beautiful and enticing woman I had ever seen.

Even her presence vibrated with beauty, love, affection, and power.

​ Long curled horns came from the top of her head like a demon, but not that much different from the depiction of her on earth. The dress that she wore over her body looked to be made from the universe itself, sparkling with distant stars and galaxies.

"You seem to have a good hold on things, so why would you offer me a place? I mean, you are basically telling me that you are going to make me a fancy slave, and I only stand here now beside you because you are talking to me. In reality, this would never happen. I don't need to know anything more than I do about your race to know that," I explained, and Tiamat nodded.

"You are correct, mostly. I could bring you to stand with me if I wanted. I am the leader of my people, and they will all do as I say. The men obey me without fail; my daughters are some of the fiercest fighters in the universe. I could have you stand at my side if I wanted to, but you would still be my slave. I do not keep pets that close to me," Tiamat explained, and I nodded.

"That sounds better, even though I don't like it. I would prefer that you talk to me like this. I already know about you and your people and what you and the Gideons are doing," I said but then took a step back as Tiamat transformed or something.

What actually happened was her image that had been speaking with me disappeared. Then, the form of what could only be described as a partially built dragon appeared, but the size was mind-numbing.

"Do not speak that name in my presence! That creature, Alpha, is a monster that wishes to devour our universe! I am the protector, and he is the invader! It has been this way since Alphose led me to Eden, and we received our Astral Bodies! That lier tricked me, and the wars have only gotten worse! I will come and kill you myself, and you will have wished that one thousand of my daughters killed you a million times over! I am the one that protects this universe! Alpha is the one that wishes to destroy us until he can take our universe for himself!"

Tiamat said no words, and to say that I hear them would be a lie. The words resonated through my form, and the message hit me like a hammer as my mind was sucked back out of this partial reality and into another one.

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