Harem Reborn

Chapter 125: Suspicious

Chapter 125: Suspicious

Around fifty red dots were surrounding us, the white knights closing in. 

//Those are The King's imperial knights; let us out! -Kret.

/Alright, Kyrina, let Tarclaw and then to me and get in!

//But.. -Kyrina

/No but, with me, now!

I willed the Acura-Gel to let go of Kret, and he flew out as Diamond's chest opened, sailing through the air. Kret hit the sand on all fours and started to tear into the knights like paper dolls. I could see Tarclaw join the fray alongside Kret while I tracked Kyrina's shifting form get closer on the map. 

Before she got close enough, I willed Diamond to alter the inside, making the harness fit two. I would need her inside the sphere that kept the gravity stable when I started to move fast. I turned, going down on mone knee as Kyrina's shrinking tiger form flew at Diamond's opened chest cavity.

I step forward and caught her naked body; I could feel the clothes materializing between us as I kissed her quickly. I held her and stepped back into the harness while Diamond strapped us in and closed his chest. Kyrina's back was pressed into my chest when we were finally secured, and she wiggled her bottom into me teasingly, of all times.

Suddenly I was standing before rushing knights, and the cats were overwhelmed. 


Time slowed for us; consciousness and coordination turned up to eleven as I disappeared. The blade in my hand was just pure steel, but I moved so fast, even with the slow time, most would not die until my sword passed through the last knight. Time snapped back, and the sand storm was now blood mist around us as the bodies exploded like a sped-up clock hand in a ring around where I stood now. I had left five near Kret and Tarclaw, and they dispatched them with no trouble, but they were now both covered in blood.

"WHAT ARE YOU?!" Kret yelled up at me.

I had no answer for that, I wasn't really sure myself, but Tarclaw saved me by wacking Kret on the back of the head.


I nodded to them with Diamond's head and then turned to the swirling vortex ahead. Alta had already tracked the course, and I started to run at it, the stabilizing systems activating. Kyrina's soft voice came over the speaker as I approached the edge.

//It was hard to follow, even watching it first hand with my reactions turned up. I know im not human, but only so much of that is your MAS. Whatever you are, that supercharge Tama gave you changed you to something you were once or always was

I leaped into the maelstrom but stayed near the edge, falling down. I was through the swirling sand and the falling beside the massive sand cyclone, instantly. I let myself fall more as the twister tried to pull me in closer. A beep from my map made me dig my heels into the air, slowing my descent and then pushing on a plate made of air to leap to the edge I wanted to get to, and landed with ease.

Inside the tunnel, the air slowed, and I started to run forward fast. There were monsters and traps, but we were moving too fast for any of it to matter. Suddenly I was leaping into the open air, but I caught myself and stood on a shelf made of air. 

Below us was a cavern filled with insect monsters of all shapes and sizes. Centipedes, Glass mantis, slugs, Castects, and many others I couldn't name all waited for me to drop into them. They all looked starving staring up at us, waiting for their chance, but this was not going to be a good day for them. 

/Ready to get out and play now?

In response, Kyrina rammed her ass into my crotch. The impact made my eyes cross, and the feeling of eating a brick sank in. Okay, I guess that was a no; I had Diamond's hand on his knees while I breathed through the shook of the ball tap. I would make her pay on the trip home! 

I leaned forward and unsynced for a brief second to locate her earlobe and bit down on it gently, but enough to make her gasp and push into me as I re-synced. I let Diamond tip off the invisible platform we were standing on, and I started to run down through the air, treating it like a flat surface.

As we reached the bottom, I brought out my sword and started running on an arc. The suit turned me to be level with the ground now, and I ran for the advancing monsters. I grabbed the blade tight in our hands and poured Dynam into the sword, but then something happened. 

I started to change as we fought and I started to feel a third presence as one of Kyrina tooth daggers took shape in my hand, and more armor started to cover Diamond. The change all happened while I cut into monsters leaving showers of gore, green ichor, and red blood spraying everywhere. They seemed endless, but no matter how many came, the three of us cut through them as one unit.

Suddenly the cave was silent; nothing moved, all the blood and ichor was disappearing along with the bodies. Dungeon, but it made sense that this place would be like that; it was a dungeon race instead of a crawl. Would this be all the cave offered as a challenge? 

Even before, as we were, we could have done this easily. So, there had to be more, but Alexander was less than three-hundred meters away from us, according to our map. There was even an entrance; all that was missing was a sign that said enter here.

/What do you think?

//Suspicious -Kyrina.

/Okay, let's go.

//But I just said it was suspicious! -Kyrina.

/Would you like to go sightseeing before we head to the boss room? 

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