Harem Reborn

Chapter 128: EXI-EVO

Chapter 128: EXI-EVO

Don't give me that shit, Dave! I fucking told you told to tell anyone, right? So what do you do? And now you have the nerve to be mad at me. Get your head in the game, Dave!" 

Dammit, I hated to admit it was my fault. I had been looking for someone else to blame this entire time, but if I had just kept my mouth shut, none of this would have happened. I took a deep breath in, held it, then exhaled, letting everything go.

"I'm sorry, Simon, I know this is my fault."

"Good, now, shut the fuck up and listen, most of our time has been wasted already. You have another MINI-GAME coming up in less than five minutes, but you will be alone, and it's going to be fucking weird. It's a new game mode they are testing, and you're the guinea pig. Now, quick, DOG, RABBIT, or FOX, Pick one! This choice is all I can give you this time, HURRY!"

Dog, rabbit, or Fox? New MINI-GAME? GUININE-PIG?!


"Good choice, I think. One more thing, the second lost soul is here somewhere, find her and... you know, put in in her dark cave! Oops, I meant to bring her to the dark side, or light; I know you not that picky, hehe!"

"I thought you said we only had less then..."

Then I could feel the world start to peel away, bit by bit. I looked at Simon again, but he was gone; the rest of the world, including Diamond and Kyrina, slowly disintegrated. The world soon left me on a flat grey surface for as far as I could see in all directions.


I turned to Serina's beautiful brown-skinned face, and took her into my arms, hold her tightly to me. I had missed her since she had left in the last game, two games, and we would play together again. I pulled back and took her face in my hand and then kiss her large pillow-soft lips as I felt her body press into me. Serina pulled back faster than I wanted, but I could tell she had something on her mind from the look on her face.

"Be careful in the next game; I don't think it will be hard, since it is the trial run, but still. You know what the Game Masters can be like; just be wary."

"Do you know what the next game is?"

"I heard it was going to be called EXO-EVO, but that's all I know. I'm sorry, Dave, but this is all the time I have right now. We will meet in Central Park, in Growing Powers!"

The world started to go black for me, and I was gone.






Having my memories back now allowed me to be able to relax in the nothingness as the screens flashed by. EXI-EVO? What kind of system was that? Better question, what did it have to do with a fox?


I could see a dim light coming from the trees above me, and the world around me was filled with greens and browns, but something wasn't right. My line of sight was now dramatically lower to the ground, and then I tried flexing my red...furry...paw?

I scurried backward, trying to get away from the animal paw attached to my animal arm, but something tripped me. The hell was that furry thing? I looked, but as I turned, the furry thing kept turning with, shit, that was my tail!


WAS THAT MY VOICE!? What the hell was this shit? What just happened to me? Okay, Dave, calm, think. 

Furry red paws? Check. Long furry red fluffy tail? Check? Long face and pointy ears? I moved my paws up to my head but then dropped them. Check... I was a fox.

What kind of game was this? What was I supposed to do as a fox? I tried to think of my AVATAR, and nothing happened, Great.


Suddenly, I disappeared into a cloud of smoke and made me start sneezing uncontrollably like a small dog sniffing pepper. Why didn't I pick a dog?! Ugh, I sneezed so much that at one point, I thought I might just explode into a shower of gore and red hair.

"Dave! Achoo!"

I immediately recognized my favorite program's voice, Trinity! Or Trina, I guess since she was in her guide mode. Thank goodness, I was actually starting to get worried there. I thought I might just have to figure out things as I went, but I Trina was here, then I would have some kind of help.

"Trina!" That is what I wanted to say, but all that came out was, "ara!"

"Don't worry, I can understand you, and soon when this ridiculous smoke clears, I will see you!"

The smoke cleared, and my tiny fairy came flying over the top of me and past. Trina didn't see me and kept going looking around but not calling out.

"Trina, I'm done here!"

"Oh, good, I thought you were ivisb...is that you, Dave? ARE YOU THAT CUTE AND ADORABLE FOXXY WOXXY?!?!"

"Ara! Ara? Ara...Ara! ARA! Ara ara ara ara?" (Yes! Wait, no, or yes! Nevermind! Why am I like this?"

"I'm sowy, Dave, That was way too cute, and I ignored everything you just said and only listened to the Ara squeaks you are making. Can you repeat it? PLEASE?!"

Ugh, great, my cute Foxxy...fox form was making her melt into a puddle of cuteness overflow. 


"Alright, Alright, I heard you the first time; I just wanted to see if I could get you to do it again, hehe! Okay! You a fox, call up EVOLVE for your single menu options this time. The point of this game is to become King of the forest and top of the food chain. That means you need to fight forage and fuck to get to the top and gain SKILL and EVOLVE points to get there."

Oh, I got it.

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