Harem Reborn

Chapter 130: My Ugly Duckling

Chapter 130: My Ugly Duckling

I ran as hard as my little legs would carry me, but I knew I would be too late. I watched the head move in slow motion, but I moved at the same speed. I needed something, but I was just a stupid little fox. 

I watched as the snake turned on the small rabbit, and it reared it's head back to strike at the bunny. The head darted forward as I came so close to activating bite, but then something happened. The bunny glared at the on-coming snake, and then at the last second, it stepped to the side and then kicked the head away.

[Rending Bite]

I sank my teeth into the foam that squirted out red juice. I did this in my mind because sink I couldn't taste it, I could register it as whatever I wanted. That way, it wouldn't bother me as much while I was using my mouth to fight. 

The snake vanished in my grasp, and two lights shoot out of where the center of the snake's body used to be. One wants to the rabbit, and the other came to me. I turned to look at the rabbit, and it was eyeing me warily.

"Ara?" (Hello?)

"Ara Ara Ara ARA Ara, Ara?"(You make this STUPID sound, too?)


"DAVE, DAVE, DAVE!!! THERE ARE TWO OF YOU NOW MAKING THE SAME NOISES!!! And it's the cutest little thing ever!"

"Ara Ara Ara?"(Who is that?)

"Ara Ara Ara Ara?"(You can see her?)

"Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara?"(Am I not supposed to?)

"Oh my Tequila, You just, way, too cute, getting, short of breath, too much cuteness, I'm dying, GAH!"

Trina fell out of the air, clutching her chest with great dramatics. She then splatted on the ground in a mock faint, but the rabbit took at as real and rushed over. I wasn't sure what was going on inside Trina's head, but she thought it would be a good idea to scare the rabbit as it got close. Just as the rabbit got up close, Trina jumped up with a loud *RAWR!*





What did I just see? Did that bunny just boot Trinity into the wall?! I rushed over to Trinity, but she was already back up and waving a little hand while hacking and coughing.

"Ara Ara Ara?"(Are you okay?) 

"Cough, Cough, yeah, I'm fine, just been a while since someone could connect with me, normally girls don't attack me. I guess that was my fault. Okay, kids, Open up those menus, and let's have a look!"

I willed my EVOLVE sheet to open, and a new option was below the Current Evolution red bar at the top. 

Current Evolution: Basic Fox

Evolution Choice: 

{Fangs}{Elongated body}{Scales}

Current Combat Skills:

[Rending Bite] 5s -Additional effects: Target starts to bleed and loses 1% of total health -per bite -over 5s

[Hide] 1h

Survival skills:

[Track Berries] 5m

[Track Rodents] 10m

Mating Skills:


"Ara Ara Ara Ara?"(What does this mean?)

"You have to select the Evolution Choice and then make the choices. Each choice will change you and make you stronger. As you Evolve from battle, you will gain and lose skills depending on your evolution choices!"

Okay, so I just had to select...WTF.

The rabbit drew my eye when a massive pair of fangs burst from its mouth like a sabertooth tiger. Next, the body started to change, only getting a little bit bigger but gaining the ability to stand on two large and long feet. The last thing was the claws and finger on its hand got longer slightly.

"Ara Ara Ara Ara?"(How do I look?)

I gave the Were-rabbit a critical look and then replied.

"Ara Ara Ara!"(Really scary looking!) 


I brought my screen back up and selected my option for evolution.

Evolution Choice: 

{Fangs}{Elongated body}{Scales}


I felt my body start to change, and my fur disappeared as a wave of scales covered my body. The effect made me shake my body that gave me a weird feeling, almost like being naked. I concentrated on the screen again and noticed an alert followed by the next choice.

//NEW SKILL GAINED: [Hardened Scales](Passive)-Gain resistance to non-magical attacks

Evolution Choice: 

{Medium Quadruped}{Light Biped}{Heavy Octoped}

Oh? What is this? So that's how it was standing now, and there were two other exciting choices. Heavy spider sounded pretty cool, but not my style. 

{Medium Quadruped} 

My body started to expand, and my limbs got longer; there was no pain. It was an exciting experience to watch it happen first hand. The scales expanded, and the same new skill and selection popped again.

//NEW SKILL GAINED: Exchange[Track Berries] and

[Track Rodents] for [Prey Sense] 30M

Evolution Choice: 

{Claws and Teeth}{Thicker Scales}{Speech}


No thought there at all. 

"Trina, goddammit!"

"Don't you talk about my mom that way, Dave!"

I turned to Trina, but I noticed that the bunny had gone? Dammit, I got too wrapped up in myself there, and it got away. Well, I was a hairless wolf now, and it a bipedal sabertoothed jackrabbit, so maybe it was for the best.

"Well, Trina, what do you think of my evolution?"

"Do you actually want my opinion?"

"No, your right; I'll settle for a mirror."

"No mirror, but I'll just tell you. You're really ugly, like a big hairless dog with a dermatitis problem of the undead variety!"

"I was just the cutest thing in the world to you! Now im a walking corpse with skin problems!"

"Yeah, I know. Honestly, Dave, what happened? I want to lie to you, but I can't; we know each other too well."

"Well, now what?"

"Let's have a look at that sheet one more time."

I willed the sheet open.

Current Evolution: Scaled Wolf

Current Combat Skills:

[Rending Bite] 4s -Additional effects: Target starts to bleed and loses 1% of total health -per bite -over 7s

[Hardened Scales](Passive)-Gain resistance to non-magical attacks

Survival skills:

[Prey Sense] 30m

Mating Skills:



"What's with the Mating Skill's about?"

"Hoh, Hoh, Hoh, just you wait, my ugly duckling! you need to keep growing first, then we will get to that stuff when you can use it!"

What the hell did that mean?

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