His Devious Rule

Chapter 125 Hard On Herself

Anya, who had been through an emotional roller coaster, stood stunned hearing her mother about Zane. She had forgotten Zane had started reading and understanding. She couldn't imagine how he must have felt reading his mother as a criminal who ran away from the country.

Though her mother feigned ignorance of society and people's behavior, Anya knew Catalina often gets very bothered, especially when her friends start to avoid her.

'Quit this job. Or else Zane will live with us.'

She had only Zane, how could she live after sending him to her parents? Although Anya loved her job, it wasn't more important than her son.

She hesitantly asked, knowing her mother was dead serious, "I- Mom, shall I complete this task?" She has to teach Harper Johnson a lesson.

Catalina was surprised to hear Anya. Her daughter is very stubborn, especially when she believes her every action and decision will affect Zane.

Dennis again frowned but he chose to be silent about it. He will let Catalina calm down while Anya completes her mission before he speaks his opinion.

,m Dennis won't let Zane watch his(Zane) mother, his(Dennis) proud daughter giving up on her career due to people's foul mouth and immoral news media smearing her name.

He cut in before Catalina could force their daughter to a dead end with Zane's name. "Could you two let Zane sleep peacefully?" He sounded stern, silencing both the women.

Catalina regretted her words when she saw Anya whose eyes were dulled and watched Zane longingly. She never liked to be harsh on her daughter, but looking at Anya who was pale and weak, her name being played around by some evil people, all Catalina wished was a simple happy life for her daughter and grandson.

Dennis took Anya to the couch and gave her a glass of water. "Did you eat anything?"

Anya was about to shake her head but looked at her father without saying the truth. Her father will worry a lot.

Dennis sighed in resignation. He wanted to go to the kitchen and make something for her but it was soon going to be dinner time and they weren't in their place to use somebody's kitchen so casually.

Catalina's voice sounded as she went to them, "By the way, Anya, who is this Alvin Matthews? Is he your friend? Or… Are we in trouble?" She had realized the vacation they went to was to stay away from the country and Harper Johnson.

Anya left the glass down on the coffee table and looked at her parents when Catalina sat next to Dennis, "Mom, Dad, do you remember I had told you a senior was teaching me in the library?"

Dennis nodded first while Catalina took a few seconds.

Anya continued, "It's the same senior." She sighed as she continued, "Harper Johnson wanted to control me by you three and President Collins wanted to send me away with you three, it would have put me in trouble. So Alvin Matthews went against President Collins so that I could clear my name."

Of course, Anya wouldn't tell them everything. Her mother would do anything to stop her if she gets to know her life was on the line many times.

Catalina didn't perceive things about her work and complications, other than understanding Alvin Matthews was helping her daughter.

Whereas Dennis knew his daughter would never say anything that would worry them. He didn't trouble her by asking anything related to it, "How are things going on?"

Anya smiled as she fetched her mobile, "I assisted the military to rescue a lot of people from the ship." She handed her mobile to them to show the recent news.

Her mother had a proud smile before her face turned grim, "Did you enter inside the ship?"

Dennis shook his head while Anya chuckled, "No, Mom, I was in the tower starting my investigation."

Catalina was satisfied with that response. She had no objection if Anya didn't put herself in danger. She never cared that her daughter's name was never mentioned either.

Anya continued to talk for some more time until her parents were relaxed. She also got to know Linus had appeared at their hotel when they were preparing to head to the airport.

Then Anya checked on sleeping Zane before informing her parents, "I will meet Alvin Matthews and come."

Dennis asked hoping he wasn't troubling his daughter, "Sweetie, it wouldn't be good to stay here any longer. Couldn't we go to your place?" Uneasiness was apparent in his tone.

Anya also didn't prefer to stay in the Oasis mansion. But Alvin wasn't an easy nut. She didn't want her parents to know they were being forced to stay there. So she chose only half-truth, "Dad, my place isn't suitable to live in right now. As soon as I find a safe place, we will leave from here."

Suddenly she grinned and added playfully, "Till then, think as if I have brought you to a luxurious resort." She tried to lighten the air.

Dennis and Catalina were speechless.


In the study room,

Alvin was going through a file that needed his attention. Ean massaged his temples still digesting Alvin's plan. "Are you sure?" He asked to confirm.

Alvin merely glanced at Ean without responding. He checked the time and gritted his teeth.

'Why was she taking so long?' His men had already dropped him a message half an hour ago about the arrival of Anya.

Feigning nonchalance at Ean, Alvin shifted his focus to the file to complete all his pending work.

Ean closed the laptop and stood up grimly, "Alvin Matthews, do you need an enemy right now? Our evacuation team is in that country, you are putting their lives in danger." He was evidently annoyed by Alvin's task.

Alvin ignored Ean's rant and continued his work.

Ean gritted his teeth looking at his adamant friend. All these years, Alvin minded his work and expanded his company far and wide. They indeed had business rivals who work in the same field. They never bothered about other people, so they always played safe. However, Ean felt like Alvin was bored without drama and tension in his life hence he was looking out to make some enemies.

Suddenly there was the sound of the double door opening causing Ean to check behind him, thinking who had the guts to enter without knocking.

Ean furrowed looking at Anya. He was still having a hard time believing she was Fluffyball. He glanced at Alvin, expecting to see his dark face. Anyhow, Ean saw Alvin nonchalantly working without taking a look.

Ean was instantly pissed off realizing he didn't have the liberty to step into Alvin's study or bedroom without permission but Anya had all the bloody rights to go against Alvin.

Alvin waved his hand, asking Ean to leave.

Ean accepted the task unwillingly as an assistant, "I will fly tonight and report to you on the progress." He said like a grumpy friend.

Alvin's cold voice rang when Ean hadn't taken a step yet. "I want the results." He didn't care about the progress.

Ean silently scoffed and went towards the door as Anya passed by him. He closed the door hearing Anya's resolute voice, "I am leaving with my family."

'She is completely changed.' Ean thought by recalling Fluffyball who always had a submissive attitude.

Alvin flipped a page in the file he was reading as he hissed, "Get out." He didn't spare her a glance. Obviously, he was angry.

Anya: "…"

She couldn't discern if he was asking her to leave the room or she could leave the mansion with her family.

Alvin's cold voice rang before she could assume anything, "They will stay."

Anya couldn't believe he was asking her to leave and planning to keep her parents and Zane in the mansion.

Was he playing with her? They were her family, not his.

Alvin's actions kept her parents safe. She was thankful for it. However, she was worried. She needs to get her parents out of the Oasis mansion before any words reach the Matthews family. She had lots on her plate, having another powerful family against her would be disastrous at the moment.

Hence hearing him do as he liked, she couldn't help but get angry, "Alvin Matthews!!"

Alvin paused in his actions and shifted his eyes on her. Concern flickered in his eyes when saw her weak and exhausted… His eyes turned cold when he saw her still wearing that man's overcoat.

Anya didn't want to be angry either. So she tried to compose and speak, "They are not safe here. Please don't make it hard for me." She requested him.

His eyes dangerously narrowed at her. He believes her parents were currently not safe in the country but he could bet his place was safe. Hence he wanted them to be here until Harper could be controlled.

Nevertheless, he knew Anya didn't only mean the country was unsafe but his place too. And he wasn't making it hard for her, rather she was making it hard on herself by hiding her struggles from him.

'Tap' He threw the file on the desk.

He stood up from his chair and took his own time going around the desk while watching her every change in expression. She wasn't powerless, she probably had the power to get her parents away and go against him yet she was pleading with him.

Why was she trying to solve it smoothly?

Why was she so eager to get away from him?

Why couldn't she tell him the reason for avoiding him?

He stood in front of her shoving his hands in the pants pockets. She wasn't scared of him yet there was panic in her eyes. If he was right with his guess, she was expecting him to throw her out of the mansion without letting her leave with her parents and son.

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