How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 218: Great Chieftain (4)

The proceedings were as casual as roasting beans in a lightning fire, but the position of the chieftain couldn’t be decided haphazardly. It was concluded that Jinai would become the chieftain to some extent, but it wasn’t 100% certain. As Balkan mentioned, it would take some time to carefully coordinate the opinions of the noble tribes and the people.

However, the original goal of resolving Leona’s chieftain issue had been successfully achieved, so there was relief. Leona had some concerns about the possibility of Jinai becoming the chieftain, but she appeared relieved.

“If I really become the chieftain, then you’ll see.”

“People who say such things are usually the least scary.”

It was an unexpected turn of events that Jinai, who was in danger of becoming the chieftain, was posing a non-intimidating threat to me. Nevertheless, my reaction was more annoyance at getting entangled in a troublesome matter, rather than anger.

If Jinai truly possesses the abilities I imagine, then it’s not just empty words. She could govern Animers more wisely. She often expressed discontent with tradition, has exceptional political skills, and a long-term vision. So, even though it may be difficult, she could potentially become the Great Chieftain.

I suddenly felt a sense of relief and for a moment, the customs of the beastmen came to mind. I remembered hearing before that if Leona were to become the clan leader, she would have to bear my child.

So, could the same be true for Jinai? As this thought crossed my mind, I felt my expression waver, and with a slightly anxious voice, I asked.

“…I’m sorry, but I heard from Leona before. If she were to become the chieftain, there’s a tradition that she would have to bear my child as a reward, right? So, if Jinai becomes the chieftain…”

“Why not? Should I bear your child too?”

It already seemed like I was in a tough spot when Jinai asked in a tone that felt like a sharp jab. I immediately shook my head in response.

I helped Leona get away from the chieftain’s position because I didn’t want to treat her like a pawn. Above all, forming a relationship with someone who had an animal face was far from my preference.

Jinai, upon seeing my reaction, smirked and shrugged her shoulders to ease my anxiety.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t really follow those traditions. Don’t humans prefer material things more? I can give you expensive jewelry or something.”

“That’s fortunate.”

“Fortunate? Why does that sound like it bothers you? Even though I look like this, I’ve received many compliments within the Animers, you know?”

“That’s because I have a lover.”

It seemed my reasonable excuse had worked, as Jinai nodded while watching me silently. She disliked rigid traditions, so she seemed unfazed by it.

By the way, it was fascinating how that animal face fit into the category of beauty in Animers. Differences in culture never ceased to amaze me. In my past life, beauty standards varied across cultures and eras, so this was probably something similar. I wondered if Leona was also part of the less attractive category in Animers.

While lost in such pointless thoughts, Jinai spoke up.

“If you have a lover, there’s nothing you can do about it. I have five husbands, so it would be awkward for me if you asked me to pair up with you.”

“You have five husbands?”

“Yeah, because I have both good abilities and strength. It’s natural for males to fight over me.”

Originally, hyenas form a matriarchal society, with females being larger and much stronger than males. It seems like this was a fact that applies to the world as well.

Furthermore, hyenas have a mating culture that might be described as chaotic. However, it seems not to be the case as she mentioned having a husband.

Jinai looked at me with an admiring gaze, as if finding me intriguing, and confidently spoke.

“Why? Are you in love, by any chance? If you want, I can do it for you at least once.”

“I’m sorry, but your face is far from my type.”

Still, not an animal face. This is a preference that won’t change even if I die and come back to life.

Unless there were only animal ears and a tail attached to a human-like Leona, at least not a face like Jinai’s with a snout and a close resemblance to an animal.

“Wow, that’s strange. Do you really have a preference for a face like Miss Leona’s?”


“Me, me?”

In response to the short and bewildered question, Leona replied with a surprised voice. What’s there to be surprised about?

In fact, I had more questions. Leona spent time at the Halo Academy, so she should have some knowledge of human culture. So, it’s a bit unusual that she’s so amazed by the fact that the aesthetic sense of the Beastmen and humans was completely different.

At least in my eyes, Leona’s beauty was quite impressive. Unlike Marie or Cecily, she was not flashy and had a wild, almost primal appeal of her own.

“Why are you surprised? You’re a beauty by human standards, too, aren’t you?”

“Really? I didn’t know that. I thought my face was, at best, average by human standards.”

“Well… I can see why you might think that.”

The Halo Academy has a higher proportion of nobility compared to commoners, and nobles often tend to have looks that far surpass the average.

There was a reason for Leona to think that way. Even though there are people who work within the academy, Leona usually keeps to herself, dedicated to her studies.

‘A person like that asked me to pet her as a sign of affection…’

Surprisingly, compliments about her face seemed to have an effect on Leona. Her face blushed slightly. Judging by the way her ears drooped, it was quite clear. Unlike when she confidently said she would become my wife and bear my child, she now appeared somewhat embarrassed. It was a rare sight.

I silently gazed at her, then shifted my gaze forward and asked a related question,

“Are faces like Jinai or Balkan popular?”

“Yes, they are. I’m sorry to say this, but at least by our standards, Leona’s face is quite far from the ideal. Of course, everyone has their own preferences, so you can also consider it as a matter of cultural differences.”

“What about Leona’s mother?”

“…Our father didn’t really discriminate much. Leona’s mother has a face that is close to human, just like Leona.”

How carnivorous. As expected, there are various people in the world, and with that comes a variety of preferences. Nevertheless, thanks to that, she was able to enter Halo Academy, so she can consider it a good result in her own way. If she had an animal-like face, she might not have even attempted such a thing.

“Anyway, let’s end the conversation here for today. You really do share some wise stories.”

“Me? Not at all?”

“Keep your lips sealed. It’s not entirely confirmed yet, so I hope you won’t grumble.”

“If you take it positively, then I appreciate that.”

The issues related to the great chieftain were settled more or less, albeit with some difficulties. Jinai seemed somewhat dissatisfied, but Balkan brushed it off with ease.

And Leona…

“Am I… pretty?”

The words I had spoken earlier still seemed to linger in her mind, and her thoughts were still elsewhere. She was trying to control her blushing face by covering her cheeks with her hands, but it didn’t have much effect.

I decided that I should remain silent when I saw that. However, Balkan’s tone was somewhat different, and he called Leona’s name in a serious voice.


“Uh, yes? You called?”

“I understand your thoughts well. We should abolish the idea of making you the chieftain.”

“T-Thank you.”

“But we should offer some compensation to the sage. Sage.”

Perhaps he’s changed his thoughts or anticipated something after hearing our conversation. If that’s the case, he would consider my relationship with Leona more carefully.

“For now, we’ll rely on you to take good care of Leona. I hope you’ll wait until after she graduates from the academy to have a child. Can you provide that level of consideration?”

“…I understand.”

Of course, the Lions of Animers, who lived and died by tradition, wouldn’t care about that kind of thing. I was a fool to think a brief conversation could change his mind.

Balkan, who had smiled contentedly as if he had made the right choice now, shifted his gaze to Leona. Perhaps because it had become an established fact that we couldn’t do anything, Leona was visibly tense now.

“Leona, you also need to live wisely like your mother. Even if she was the third wife, she’s been a great help to our father.”

“Yes, of course.”

“Good. We’ll send your mother to the academy soon. After all, she should at least see the face of the man you’ll be married to.”

The matchmaking was progressing smoothly. It seems that now it’s best to let go of all concerns and accept it comfortably. However, if I do accept Leona, I’ll have to tell her the fact that I am Xenon. I’ll explain this gradually, so there shouldn’t be a problem. But there’s a bigger challenge remaining.

‘How should I tell Adelia…’

Adelia. Since her last duel with Hiriya, Adeliaa confessed her feelings to me. She promised to protect me no matter what, even if I don’t accept her feelings.

That’s how it is. If I accept Leona, it will deeply hurt Adelia’s feelings. Her personality is delicate, and even if she pretends to be fine on the outside, she might secretly burst into tears. So, once Balkan and Jinai leave, I plan to let Leona know about this. Let’s take becoming lovers slowly.

“We’ll go now. You can talk privately and confirm each other’s feelings.”

“Farewell. If I truly become the chieftain, I’ll provide you with some jewelry.”

While saying this, Balkan and Jinai seemed to have nothing more to discuss, as they immediately got up from their seats. Leona and I also tried to stand up to see them off. However, Balkan gestured that there was no need for a farewell. Despite feeling it was impolite, I had no choice but to remain seated after hearing Balkan’s words.

“No need for that. It’s customary for beastmen to leave immediately once the topic of conversation is done unless there’s another topic to discuss. Humans call this ‘in and out,’ I believe.”

“I think I have a rough idea.”

“Your wisdom is truly remarkable. Let’s be on our way.”

Afterwards, Balkan and Jinai left, leaving only Leona and me in the room. Unlike before, there was a strange awkwardness hanging in the air.

Up until now, we had a relationship that could be described as that of ordinary friends, but soon, we would become a married couple. Leona seemed to be hesitating to speak, perhaps aware of this fact.

I cautiously opened my mouth in response to the subtle atmosphere, clearing my throat.

No, it was the moment I was about to open my mouth.


“Leona… Yes?”

“Do you really think I’m pretty?”

Suddenly, when Leona asked if she was pretty out of the blue, I couldn’t help but be taken aback. However, Leona seemed somewhat serious, looking me straight in the eye.

Before I knew it, her upright ears and her distinct sharp gaze were in contrast, creating a unique charm. The blush on her cheeks, as well as her unique contrasting appeal, were evident.

I stared quietly at Leona, as I looked at her perky ears. While she may not be flashy or distant, her beauty was enriched in its own way.

Particularly, her ears sticking out above her head were the highlight of her charm. Even though it may be far from fierceness, it was the embodiment of a different kind of cuteness. Who could call this appearance ugly?

“Of course, you are. At least in my eyes.”

“More than your other lovers?”

“Comparing like that is wrong. They have their own beauty, and you have your own beauty. You are just as beautiful as they are.”


It was a sincere statement without a hint of falsehood. Just like Marie has her own unique qualities and Cecily has her own unique traits, Leona has her own distinct characteristics.

Leona seems to have realized that there’s no falsehood in my words, as she started blushing more fervently and fidgeting with her ears. After staring at my face for a while, she eventually averted her gaze. Occasionally, her trembling golden eyes and quivering lips gave off an embarrassed appearance.

“Th-thank you. It feels weird hearing it from you.”

“You could have heard it from someone else if not me. But first, Leona.”

“Yeah, go ahead.”

“Actually… I have something to tell you.”

As soon as I had the chance, I brought up the topic related to Adelia. When a story about a different woman, not Marie and Cecily, came up, Leona also showed her curiosity.

Of course, I briefly explained her situation, leaving out the fact that Adelia was a royal bastard child of the Ters Kingdom. I didn’t tell Marie and Cecily either. Originally, I had planned to reveal everything about Adelia when I fully accepted her, but Leona was a new variable, so I had no choice.

“…It’s going to be difficult to accept her right away. She confessed to me, and Adelia also awaits in that position.”

“Why not just accept her?”

“There are circumstances here. I will explain little by little. So, can you wait?”

In response to my request, Leona blinked a few times and replied as if she couldn’t understand.

“Doesn’t matter to me. I’ll start being your wife when that happens.”

“…You can wait?”

“Why can’t I wait? If you think so, that’s how it should be. You obey the male. That’s the basic family system for beastmen.”

Ah, that’s right. She was a beastwoman, wasn’t she? I feel like I’ve been overthinking this for no reason, and I feel like a fool. Still, I can’t help but feel grateful for her kindness. She could have taken it negatively, but she just brushed it off as if it were nothing.

Feeling thankful to her, I slowly reached out and gently stroked her head. Last time, she made the first move, but this time, I extended my hand first. In other words, I’m also expressing affection. Leona seemed to have noticed the meaning, her eyes widening briefly, and then she smiled and leaned her head against my hand.

“Purr, purr.”

As I pet her head, Leona purred contentedly, just like a cat. She’s always more like a cat than a lion.

After that, the tail shaped like a paintbrush swayed, stirring up the desire to touch it. However, it was said that touching the tail was only possible after becoming a couple, so I endured the urge.

As we continued to express our affection for each other for a while, Leona, who I really liked, lifted her head, purring. It felt like an adorable cat looking up at me.



“Then do you plan to mate with that female afterward?”

At the mention of mating, my hand, which had been stroking, abruptly stopped. Even when referring to a man and a woman, it seemed like beastmen called it a male and a female, even in the context of sexual intercourse.

I was taken aback by the direct question, but I regained my composure. I already knew that Leona had a straightforward personality, so I didn’t fumble.

“Maybe so, right? It might take a while.”

“Alright. That’s a bit disappointing. I wanted to start in three days if possible.”

“Three days? Why?”

“That’s when the estrus begins.”


Once again, I was taken aback by the word “estrus.”

(TL: estrus – a recurring period of sexual receptivity and fertility in many female mammals; heat.)

I could guess what it meant just by hearing it, but I needed a more detailed explanation.

In response, Leona, still in my embrace, explained about estrus.

“Beastmen go into estrus at specific intervals. If we compare it to humans, you could call it a menstrual cycle. In my case, as a lion beastwoman and taking after my mother, it comes around about once a month. It’s somewhat similar to a human’s menstrual cycle.”

“…So, does that mean your sexual desire surges during that time?”

“Exactly. The reason beastmen can’t control their instincts is because of estrus. I wanted to try it with you since we’re getting married anyway. Besides, contraception is an option, right?”

“W-Well, yes. But still, we can’t.”

Leona seemed to understand and confidently brushed it off, despite my unease. It appeared that she just wanted to test the waters.

I briefly found relief in her consent, but soon, the worst-case scenario that could come in the future crossed my mind.

‘Wait a minute. So, if Cecily’s evil cycle and Leona’s estrus were to overlap…’

I needed to prepare for that situation, even if just to be ready for it. Otherwise, not only my physical strength but even my very life could be completely drained.

Of course, I also had to put more effort into writing to better receive divine power. Originally, I had planned to take it easy, but now I had to write to survive.

‘…Now, I have to write to survive.’

Readers might enjoy it, but for me, it’s a sad reality.

Translators note:

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