How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 230: Spoilers (2)

Kate was making a name for herself in various ways within the Xavier’s Church.

She is a priestess who has received grace from Luminous, yet she mercilessly wielded her authority as an inquisitor against those who oppose the meaning of Luminous.

One could say she was staunch in her faith, but at the same time, she was someone who could easily become an extremist.

Receiving grace, possessing a tremendous amount of sacred power, she ascended to the position of a cardinal before even turning 20, simultaneously assuming the role of a grand inquisitor.

While regular priests are strong in sacred power but weak in physical prowess, and knights are strong in physical prowess but weak in sacred power, Kate fulfills both criteria.

Truly one chosen by the divine, a woman deserving the title of ‘saint,’ revered by the clergy within Xavier.

Indeed, it’s not just respect but ‘awe.’ They respect her while also fearing her.

Already displaying exceptional potential at a young age to become a cardinal, she also possessed formidable physical strength.

In other words, if she decided, she could expand her influence and swallow up Xavier’s politics in a gulp. Considering the number of people following her, this was quite a plausible story.

Thankfully, she solely focused on Luminous and doesn’t even consider her social standing. She only follows the will of Luminous.

Conversely, if she decides with a ‘will,’ no one can stop her from achieving it. Even if the target was the Pope.

If one were to become a fanatic, the most dangerous individual would be the one with a firmly secured ‘leash’ like a Luminous – merciful and gentle clergyman. That would be Kate Louise Angelica, a time bomb in a different sense from demons.

“His words?”

And back to the present. Signs indicated that the firmly tethered leash was gradually loosening.

Normally, mentioning Luminous should result in silence and for things to remain normal. But today, for reasons unknown, there was visible agitation.

Not only does Kate exude a suffocating aura, but her beautiful green eyes now held a hint of crimson. The rage in Kate, unseen until now, begins to swirl with a ferocious energy.

“··· ···”

Bark couldn’t utter a single word due to the terror of feeling like his entire body would tear apart if he misspoke.

Dangerous. It’s not just dangerous. It was an instinctual alarm sounding to the extent that his whole body was trembling.

Even a single additional word here might mean a lost life. The woman before him was in a state of madness.

A blend of madness and faith, a fanatic(??).

The most terrifying aspect of such fanaticism is its ‘authenticity.’ It follows and believes in it without an iota of doubt, steadfast in its convictions.

Not only Bark but other cardinals also felt the danger and hurried to stop her. Hera was the first.

“Cardinal Kate. Even if we don’t know what you felt while on the pilgrimage, your current heart is very dangerous. Hurry and pray to Luminous…”

“I also share the same thoughts as Cardinal Hera. Currently, Cardinal Kate is very dangerous.”

The country of Xavier has a terrible history in the distant past, harboring fanaticism in their hearts, slaughtering demons, and suppressing surrounding countries.

Using that history as a contrast, they now boast a strong influence, but nonetheless, fanatics are continuously being expelled.

Whatever the case, if taken to extremes, it will eat away at one’s life. To break away from the image of the past, Xavier vehemently rejects fanatics.

For these reasons, in the eyes of the cardinals, Kate could be seen as having reached a dangerous state. If she falls into fanaticism, it might become inevitable to banish her.

“Ah… I understand. I got a little excited.”

Kate also reassured them of her concerns. It seemed she had gotten excited without even realizing it.

Other cardinals wiped their faces in relief, and Bark, who had particularly received Kate’s anger, wiped off his sweat.

It seemed to have been resolved amicably, but Kate’s fanaticism didn’t end there.

She looked around, then smiled mysteriously and spoke in her characteristic gentle voice.

“Then, it wouldn’t be bad to pray to Luminous as you advised.”


In Kate’s words, the cardinals all shivered in unison, looking at her. Kate wore a merciful yet radiant smile. It felt impossible for such a beautiful smile to be frightening unless one commits ‘evil’.

Only one person. Except for Bark, who had just borne the brunt of Kate’s anger a moment ago. He realized that the target of that smile was himself and stiffened as he understood he had to brace himself.

Certainly, this place was filled with bright light, yet for some reason, it felt as if his surroundings were engulfed in darkness. An oppressive feeling as if only Kate and he were left alone. Is this what prey caught tightly in the noose trap feels like?

He felt like prey. In the midst of pressing his head more towards the giant maw of fanaticism.



“Bark, Cardinal Bark?”

“Yes, yes?”

Bark, oppressed and overwhelmed by fear, hastily snapped back to reality upon hearing the voice in his ear.

When he turned in the direction of the voice, Hera was staring at him with a puzzled expression.

“Why aren’t you getting up? What are you doing? We should hurry for prayers.”


“Yes. Cardinal Bark, you haven’t been able to pray recently because of work, so I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to do it now.”

Hera smiled warmly, a smile she hadn’t shown to Kate before, and attempted to persuade Bark. As soon as Bark heard her words, he turned his head so swiftly it made a noise.

In the direction he turned, he caught sight of Kate, looking at him with a bright smile. That smile felt truly repulsive to him.

However, going to pray like this might lead to some trouble with those fanatics. So, Bark awkwardly smiled and politely expressed his refusal.

“Um… I’m sorry. Actually, I still have some work to do…”

“Surely even five minutes isn’t too much to spare, Cardinal Bark.”

Just as he was about to refuse, Kate interjected. Her words pierced Bark’s ears like arrows.

When he looked at Kate, she was wearing a gentle smile.

“For a Cardinal, not dedicating even five minutes for Lumineers is disappointing.”

“Cardinal Kate.”


Kate lowered the corners of her raised lips and slowly licked her lips. A look that seemed to glare, unmatched hostility. It was a gaze that couldn’t be considered friendly even with empty words, filled with hostility instead.

“Using the title of a ‘Cardinal’ like a mask while supporting devil worshippers in secret? Just like in Xenon’s Biography.”

Bark was startled, almost feeling thorns prickling at the chilling question. It was so frightening that he almost took a step back unconsciously.

Fortunately, he managed to restrain himself from stepping back, but he couldn’t help the tightening feeling in his chest.

“Cardinal Kate! If you continue like this, I will report to His Holiness! No matter how high-ranked you are, this behavior will not be tolerated!”

“··· ···”

While Hera reprimanded Kate with a stern voice, Deimos quietly watched with an inscrutable expression.

Having lived longer than others, perhaps having sensed something, Deimos refrained from stepping forward and observed the situation from a third-party perspective.

Kate, hearing Hera’s warning, slowly turned her head to face her. Even meeting Hera’s cool green eyes, Kate stood her ground without flinching.

Was that sight pleasing? Kate raised the corners of her mouth that had drooped and bowed her head slightly in apology.

“I apologize, Cardinal Hera. It seems I may have been a bit excessive.”

“That’s understandable. And while I genuinely express my concern, Cardinal Kate, make sure to pray consistently to Luminous for a while. You seem genuinely alarming to anyone.”

“Thank you for the advice. I suppose heading to the chapel would be wise for now.”

Even as Kate spoke, she didn’t forget to glance at Bark. Bark once again felt a shiver down his spine at that look.

The conversation flowed so naturally that they didn’t realize it, but Kate was currently wearing white armor and had Mace strapped to her waist. She’s fully armed and prepared. She’s not functioning as a cardinal but as an “inquisitor” at the moment. And the target of her “mace” is…


“Wh-what? Cardinal Bark! Where are you headed?”

Without a second thought, Bark fled as when his mind had just passed that point. Hera called out in a fluster from behind, but he ignored everything.

Continuing like this would inevitably lead to the chapel without any chance to escape. Then, inevitably, he’d have to pray to Luminous. Luminous grants holy power to the faithful and, conversely, unleashes lightning bolts or punishments equivalent to them upon the unfaithful. And he’s certain that he’ll unleash his full wrath, not just mere bolts. He’s committed such grave sins.

‘It can’t be. How can it not be? Is it really an oracle…?’

The question nestled in his heart as he fled, but it didn’t take long before…



“Where do you think you’re going?”

Kate, who had suddenly caught up, viciously grabbed Bark by the scruff with one hand. Despite the considerable time Bark had been running, Kate swiftly caught up with her fearsome physical prowess.

Bark felt a momentary throbbing pain in his head, realizing that Kate had grabbed onto him, he urgently shouted. It was a desperate struggle to survive.

“Let go of this! Cardinal Kate! What, what are you trying to do right now?!”

“You know very well. I’m trying to punish those who oppose the will of Luminous and hide in the shadows.”

“Ugh…! Over here! Is there anyone?”

Bark called out to the people residing within the Holy See with his final act of resistance. Already, due to the commotion, people were coming in, and Bark’s outcry attracted even more.

“What’s happening…! Cardinal Kate?!”

“Cardinal Kate! What on earth is going on?!”

Kate looked around at the people, full of shock and surprise, and then shifted her gaze to Bark.

Bark, in the throes of pain as if all his hair would be pulled out, was holding onto his arm with a strained expression. It seemed like he was trying to create witnesses to escape somehow, but it only seemed to satisfy Kate.

It was an immediate opportunity to expose the sins of this person to the world. Despite the objections from those around her, she dragged Bark away without any regard.

“Aaah! Aaah! Let go of me! I said let go!”

“What, what should we do with this?”

“Why is Cardinal Kate doing this to Cardinal Bark?”

“What’s happening?”

The people from the Holy See who were trailing behind Kate as she dragged Bark like a dog didn’t even dare to consider stopping her. And no wonder—Kate was known for her unwavering faith even within the ranks of Xavier. Moreover, she had been bestowed with grace.

There were even priests who confidently asserted that her will was synonymous with the will of Luminous.

Eventually, as everyone followed along helplessly, Kate and Bark finally arrived at the chapel. Unlike the temple’s chapel, this was the Holy See’s chapel, which could be considered the headquarters.

In the center stood the meticulously crafted statue of Luminous, surrounded by a magnificent chandelier hanging from the ceiling.



Kate threw Bark beneath the statue of Luminous as if he were a sack of goods. Her hand clenched Bark’s hair tightly, showcasing her immense strength.

After roughly pulling out those strands of hair, Kate, with Bark’s head on the ground, commanded the groaning Bark in a tone of authority.

“Cardinal Bark. It’s time to pray.”


“If you have even an ounce of shame, pray to Lord Luminous.”

As her hand wound around his head, Kate’s cold voice pierced through Bark’s ears. Bark, droplets of saliva escaping, slowly opened his eyes.

As he did, he found Kate looking down at him, with people gathered behind her, murmuring and crowding around.

It’s nearing the end. Bark shouted as if succumbing to a dreadful intuition piercing his chest.

“What, what do you think will come out of this?! Cardinal Kate! Committing violence within the sacred Holy See! What would Luminous think if he saw this!”


As Bark mentioned Luminous, Kate’s eyes twitched underneath, her hands tensing.

Perhaps oblivious to Kate’s feelings, Bark shook off her hand and slowly stood up. Then, with an audacious face, he snapped at Kate.

“Even if Kate, blessed by Luminous, has crossed the line! Pray? Originally, prayers shouldn’t be enforced by someone. What Cardinal Kate is doing now is no different from our distant past, when our Xavier Church fell into fanaticism!”

“··· ···”

Was this his final outburst? Using the situation, witnessed by many, Bark pinned Kate.

In reality, to someone unaware of the circumstances, Kate’s actions are excessive, far beyond acceptable levels. Even if the Xavier Church is considered the worst breeding ground for fanatics, there was no excuse for what Kate was doing.

Bark made good use of this. No matter how much others respect Kate, if the rumors spread, even her safety will be at risk.

“Even if I were to pray and get struck by lightning, that would be the end for Cardinal Kate. There’s a law within the sacred Holy See that prohibits shedding blood. If you don’t want to incur divine punishment, that’s what should be done.”

“…Divine punishment?”

As soon as the words ‘divine punishment’ were mentioned, a ferocious aura emanated from Kate once again. Her head slightly tilted, the gleam in her eyes slowly faded away.

Observing this in real-time, Bark hesitated and withdrew, passing her straight by. A gut feeling crept in, as if he had pressed the wrong switch.

If things continued this way, his head might explode from that mace. He has completed the political attack, and all that remained was escaping from here.

But was Luminous tired of such shameless and potentially nauseating actions?

As Bark approached the central part where the chandelier was situated.


Not a thunderbolt, nor a dry lightning from the clear sky.


The chandelier, firmly suspended, fell, bringing down the ‘divine punishment.’


“B-Bark, Cardinal Bark!!”

People revealed their own reactions as they witnessed Bark crushed under the fallen chandelier.

However, even as Bark, lying completely crushed under the chandelier, only writhed his slightly protruding hand and couldn’t even scream, he was already dying.

As blood oozed slowly from his completely crushed body, the holy knights hurried to rush to remove the chandelier, but it was already too late.

Meanwhile, Kate, watching the ‘penalty’ being executed in real-time, slowly turned her back.

Behind her back stood the statue of Luminous. Could it be that Luminous had watched over all of this? Otherwise, there was no way for the penalty to have been delivered.

Thus, she slowly walked towards the statue and knelt down gracefully. Despite the chaos behind her, Kate was anything but calm.

Lastly, after neatly joining her hands together, she softly murmured with a reverent heart.

“Do not doubt…”

Translators note:

Back from family holidays and my hangover is going away, so its time to get back to translating. Hope you had a fun christmas and new year and I wish you a happy 2024.

3 chapters today


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