How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 232: Spoilers (4)

Who suffers the most when the world inadvertently spoils your story? Is it the writer who lost the story they were yet to write? Or is it the devil worshiper struck by a bolt from the blue? Or perhaps the nation of Xavier struck by a scandal?

None of these.

Among those who have suffered the most from real world spoilers are the ‘readers.’ Those ordinary readers who have a significant interest in worldly affairs but do not actively engage. It’s like being spoiled in reality because, due to the ending of Volume 17, they are dying to know the rest of the story.

In addition, in this world, even without the internet, the art of publication has developed so that one can access news through newspapers. At least, each household subscribes to one newspaper, making it easy to keep up with the news of the world.

Especially Xenon’s Biography, a book that almost no one does not read. Even if rumors spread, you can’t help but overhear them.

[It’s good to purify evil, but the taste for anticipation of what comes next has disappeared.]

[Readers feel both anger and frustration. It can be understood given the situation, but it’s still regrettable.]

[Will Volume 18 unfold just like reality?]

It was enough to shock the whole world that none other than Xavier had devil worshippers hidden within, even more so a Cardinal.

So, readers also had no choice but to take a somewhat ambiguous stance. No matter how important Xenon’s Biography was, there was nothing as important as reality.

Above all, since Xenon’s Biography is being treated as a prophecy, it’s a position that something happening in reality based on that prophecy is not unusual.

People who only worship Xenon’s Biography shed tears, passing it off casually, excluding all of this. However, expectations for Volume 18 were somewhat shaken…

[Readers. It’s frustrating, so I hope Volume 18 comes out quickly…]

[Since we already know the story, it would be nice if Volume 19 also came out together…]

…Instead of diminishing, it rather soared. They wanted to confirm the events in Xavier and the contents of Volume 18 as soon as possible, even if it was just for a day.

If the content of Volume 18 aligns astonishingly with real-world events, the value of Xenon’s Biography will skyrocket. Otherwise, doubt will creep in. No, not even doubt.

The world is weaving absurd speculations about me being under some ‘constraint.’ There’s a ridiculous notion that, even to avoid constraints, I could modify the content of Volume 18. Hence, a mood has formed where even if the content diverges, it wouldn’t disperse the suspicion.

Doubts directed at me could lead to doubts aimed at the divine, as some priests have suggested. Kate has done something quite amusing.

So, what should I, as the author, do? Well, I should just write as planned, without any modifications. Even though Volume 18 hasn’t been released, I anticipated this situation to some extent through Luminous’s confirmation, and it didn’t have any adverse effects on me.

Should I issue a statement through a letter? If letters had any effect, I would have sent more than a hundred a day. According to my father, the situation at the publishing company is even worse than chaotic.

Originally, people from the upper class, including nobles, came to connect with me, but now even clergy were approaching. They were even threatening me, demanding information about me urgently, stating that Xenon’s assistance is crucial in initiating the ‘Holy War.’ Fortunately, such individuals were soon apprehended by other clergymen and faced severe punishment.

Anyway, it’s an ambiguous situation to send a letter. It’s probably better to keep quiet since they won’t listen to me anyway. The most urgent thing to do now is…

“Prophet, so is the content of Volume 18 really identical to what is happening now?”

“I’m curious too. Can’t you tell us a little? We have a deep connection with the Prophet~”

“··· ···”

I don’t know what to do about these whimsical lovers who tease me. Whether it’s all a joke or if it’s serious, ever since the incident broke out, they’ve been teasing me, calling me a prophet.

Even before, every time something like this happened, they teased me, calling me a prophet or a regressor. But this time, it was a bit more intense.

“Will the child born between us be a son or a daughter?”

“Me too. Me too. You’re a prophet, so you should be able to predict that much, right?”

They ridicule me with questions like that. I’m not really a prophet, so how could I guess something like that? And on top of that, we haven’t even had the wedding yet, but they’re already planning for parenting, which is just absurd.

Moreover, they keep bombarding me with questions fit for a prophet, making me feel dizzy to the point where I burst into nervous laughter involuntarily.

“Both of you, stop it. Isaac is feeling uncomfortable.”

Luckily, Rina, who was the third person, intervened, putting an end to their teasing. With her reproach, Marie and Cecily, each holding one of my arms, backed away.

I expressed my gratitude to Rina through facial expressions, feeling relieved. Rina shrugged gracefully as if it was nothing and sipped her tea elegantly.

The place we’re currently in is a café I often visit. Originally, it was class time, but because the professor went on a short business trip, it turned into a free period.

That’s why they came to my research lab and called me. Elena allowed it, so I could spare some time.

“Come on, Rina, why don’t you ask too? Maybe you’ll find out who your future husband is, right?”

Cecily, who was always mischievous, asked Rina with a big grin. It seemed like she had no intention of stopping the teasing. Rina, caught off guard by the unexpected question, had a bewildered expression, her blue eyes blinking rapidly, displaying a mix of astonishment and confusion.

“…What? My husband? All of a sudden?”

“Yeah. Aren’t you curious too? What your future self will be like.”

“Well… I’m a little curious, but I’m not really drawn to it. It’s just something far in the future, so thinking about it now seems meaningless.”

It’s typically Rina-like. She didn’t get caught up in Cecily’s joke at all. Instead, she shrugged her shoulders, displaying an air of composure.

Even though we’ve become close, Rina was still a princess from the empire. Gracefulness emanated from every movement she made.

…Her taste in romance might be somewhat unique though. It’s surprising to find hidden subtlety beneath such graceful elegance.

“Well, maybe it’s not about the far future. Once you graduate from the academy, your engagement will likely be set, so shouldn’t you find a fiancé soon?”

However, there was someone who was unsettling Rina’s attitude, none other than Marie. She was smiling faintly, with an air of ease, her lips slightly curled upwards.

When we graduate from the Academy, our age (excluding Cecily) will be precisely 21 years old. It will be an age ripe with possibilities.

Originally, even in the late twenties, one becomes a confirmed bachelor or an old maid. Commoners might be busy with their daily lives, but nobility, especially women, find their ‘worth’ relatively diminished the longer they postpone marriage.

Unless, like Nicole, one possesses abilities that exceed that worth, nobles, in general, strive to find an engagement and marry early. Whether it’s for love or strategic reasons.

Of course, Rina, holding the position of ‘Princess,’ won’t see a decline in her worth. Only one thing, she must endure the gazes pouring in from all around.

“I already have a fiancé, Cecily too. But ironically, there’s no suitable match for the ‘Princess’?”

“Are we fighting?”

Surprisingly sensitive, Rina, with a narrowed brow, retorted in a low voice to Marie’s teasing. It was an evident sign of her being angry.

Marie chuckled lightly before speaking in a half-joking, half-serious tone.

“That’s why you should also hurry and find a fiancé. A whole year has passed in the blink of an eye, hasn’t it? You should find someone in advance to avoid problems.”


Rina seemed to ponder upon those words before briefly glancing in my direction. Perhaps because I was the only man here, it seemed like she was looking at me.

But the ladies didn’t miss that. Cecily alternated gazes between Rina and me, then flashed her mischievous smile.

“Could it be Rina’s eyeing Isaac too?”

“Wha, w-what?”

Rina was startled not just once, but twice, as surprised as she was. Her eyes widened so much, displaying a remarkable level of astonishment.

And Cecily didn’t miss it. She extended her face forward and spoke in a comforting voice.

“Honestly, is there even a more suitable husband than Isaac? The Ters Kingdom will be linked to your brother, and the Belua Kingdom’s queen is the first princess of the Ters Kingdom. Isn’t there a more fitting groom?”

“··· ···”

At first, it was meant as a joke, but unexpectedly, Rina was genuinely listening. She had a thoughtful expression, contemplating deeply while pressing her fist against her lips.

This led Cecily to momentarily be taken aback. She might have wanted to see Rina flustered, but the atmosphere had become serious.

Just before a quiet silence settled, Rina lowered her gaze, then lifted it back up. Her gaze was directly fixed on me.

“Is that so?”


“Come to think of it, there wasn’t a more suitable groom for me than Isaac?”

If Rina had said it playfully like Marie or Cecily, it would have been one thing, but because she was serious, it was a problem. Rina was staring straight at me with her earnestly shining blue eyes.

The confusion and surprise were left to Cecily, Marie, and me. This was a seriousness devoid of even 1% mischief. But Rina didn’t stop there. She nodded as if she had finished thinking something and spoke in her characteristic elegant manner.

“Perhaps marrying Isaac, tying him more securely to the Minerva Empire for protection, isn’t a bad idea. The title of princess is quite modest compared to Xenon. I’m the princess of the Minerva Empire, not a heroic figure like Isaac who saved the world. Instead of Isaac coming to me, I should go to him, which would also solve Marie’s problem.”

“W-Wait, seriously?”

Marie asked, stumbling through her words, apparently quite surprised. I was in a similar state of mind, so I waited for Rina’s response.

Ignoring our stares, Rina calmly raised her teacup. Her composed and elegant demeanor confirmed the sincerity in her words.

“When am I not serious? Perhaps before Volume 17, things might have been different, but the situation has changed. Thanks to Xenon’s Biography, one of the high-ranking devil worshippers has been eliminated, and Isaac’s reputation has soared. If someday Isaac reveals his true identity, I’ll have to go, whether I want to or not.”

“What about my choice? Do I have no say in this?”

“If you dislike it, it won’t matter.”

Well, that’s a relief…

“But I’ll make it so you can’t refuse. Not by threats, but by offering you full support in the Michelle territory you’ll govern, granting authority, and more. The Empire is thirsty for culture. While our military and economy are strong, we lack a unifying cultural aspect. That’s why we’ll spare no expense to keep you somehow attached.”

“Uh… um…”

“Just give up cleanly and marry me. I don’t even desire authority. Let’s just get along well. Understand? Keep the… night activities reasonable.”

The atmosphere, perhaps due to the eloquent yet restrained expressions, or maybe because every word seemed fitting, became strangely distant. Even Marie and Cecily, who were usually playful, were silent, exchanging looks as if wondering how they ended up in this situation.

The content was so serious that no one dared to interrupt. In fact, every word from Rina was precise and chilling. When everyone remained tight-lipped, Rina, after sipping her tea and placing the cup down, looked around at us.

Her expression was filled with a sense of incomprehension, as if asking why we were reacting this way. A face full of questions.

Following that, she, with an ironic tone, opened her mouth.

“Why is everyone so serious? Did you seriously take it to heart?”


“What did you say?”

Rina, after confirming our reactions, let out a little laugh and said.

“Can’t I joke too? You guys play so many pranks that I thought I’d join in for once.”

“Ah…that’s all…”

“It was a prank?”

“Yeah, it was all just a prank.”

It was all a joke. I was almost too serious to take it as a joke because you seemed so serious.

It was all a joke. It was so serious that I almost didn’t take it as a joke.

Just when I was starting to feel relieved, Rina explained again to lighten the mood a bit.

“Well, what I said earlier was half serious. Our empire will definitely try to catch you once you reveal your identity, Isaac. Don’t worry, it won’t involve threats or anything like that. Just keep that in mind.”

“Got it. I’m expecting that much.”

“If you’re expecting it, that’s good. And consider that you might actually marry me for real.”

“··· ···”

In the end, it wasn’t a joke. I looked at Rina, who casually brought up the topic of marriage, with an incredulous expression.

On the other hand, as always, Rina was leisurely lifting her teacup, enjoying the taste of her drink.

However, there was an unexpected complication···

“So, Rina, are you planning to spend the first night with Isaac in advance too?”


It was a surprise attack from Marie, who had been silently observing. This caught Rina completely off guard, causing her to spit out her tea rather vigorously, but thankfully, it didn’t hit anyone’s face. Rina just had a violent cough.

“Cough! Cough! Cough! W-What is that bullshit?”

Rina asked urgently, not even thinking about wiping around her mouth, with a face mixed with various questions as she looked at Marie. Marie spoke calmly, as if it didn’t bother her at all.

“Did you know Isaac spent the first night with me before he even got engaged to Cecily? If what you’re saying is true, either confirm it or spend the first night altogether.”

I wanted to ask, “What about my opinion?” but seeing Marie’s mouth shape, I held back for a moment.

Although very subtle, her lips were trembling slightly. She’s definitely joking.

Once I confirmed that, I could relax and observe the situation. Having taken one hit, it seemed like she was planning to feed an even bigger one.

Meanwhile, Rina, wiping the liquid around her mouth with a handkerchief, started to exclaim in embarrassment.

“W-What is…! That’s weird for you guys! Originally, the first night is! After a man and a woman get married! Doing it before marriage, like you guys, is a very rare case…”

“Is it? It was all happening over the inn besides us, wasn’t it? When did that tradition start?”

“No…! That’s…! Ugh…”

It seemed like Rina was about to say something obscene, but she stopped herself. Her face, now intensely red, was a stark contrast to her usually calm demeanor.

Up to this point, it would have been a fatal blow, but Marie wasn’t alone here. Cecily also saw it as an opportunity and chimed in from the side.

“Hey, what if you just watch instead if it embarrasses you? It might even be helpful later, you never know?”

Woah, that’s a bit intense. That comment really hits the mark on Rina’s secret preferences.

Maybe Cecily made that remark because she knows about her sexual inclinations. Cecily, who’s quite perceptive, wouldn’t miss that.

In response to such a pointed comment, Rina’s reaction was…



Momentarily swayed by desire.

“Ah, no, this isn’t right. I’d rather…”

Desperately trying to regain composure, she once again made us all flustered.

Translators note:


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