How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 193: Dream (2)

I waited until Cherry stopped crying. Tears streamed down her cheeks as if a faucet had broken, and they formed droplets on her chin.

Yet, despite it all, she was smiling as if she had finally been acknowledged. She looked noticeably different from before, when she had no life in her.

“Do you feel better?”

“Hick… Yes…”

She hadn’t cried enough yet. I smiled faintly as I wiped her tears away.

I tried to wipe the tears away, but they showed no signs of stopping.

As I fumbled through my pocket, considering giving her a handkerchief like I have Adelia, Cherry asked me in a choked voice.

“Did you really… hick! Did you really find it… fun?”

“Yeah. It was really fun. Coming back from the future to change the tragedies you’ve experienced to create a better future. How did you come about that idea?”

As mentioned earlier, time travel is a common cliché. It’s a popular setting among writers, given its high demand. However, in this world, the cliché of time travel itself doesn’t exist. Anyone would want to go back to the past to correct their mistakes, but the thought of writing a novel based on that premise wouldn’t even cross their minds.

Cherry listened to my question, blinked a few times, and then lowered her hands. Tears welled up in her eyes, her nose turned as red as a strawberry.

Nevertheless, some vitality returned to her eyes, which had previously seemed to have rotted away, as if she had expelled all the suppressed feelings within her. Her cherry blossom-colored eyes appeared even clearer now.

“Sob… Because of Writer Xenon…”


“Yes… Sniff! They said that you came from the future…”

She hiccupped intermittently as if her insides were surprised. I looked at her response with an expression of wonder.

After the contamination of the World Tree roots, the world thought of me as a prophet or a regressor due to some of the truths that emerged. Later, due to a slip of Luminous’s tongue, I was on the verge of being canonized as a saint.

When ordinary people heard the story, they came up with all sorts of conjectures and assumptions, but they didn’t use it as material like Cherry did. I’m not sure if I can call this a change of perspective.

“I see. That’s impressive.”

“Hic… Th-thank you…”


I lowered my head and watched Cherry, who expressed her gratitude, then shifted my gaze to the manuscript. Honestly, if I publish her book as it is, it will be a huge hit.

Especially compared to Xenon’s Biography, which is read by both men and women, Cherry’s book, Red Sunset Once Again, will likely be mainly read by women. Unlike Xenon’s Biography, Red Sunset was undoubtedly a regression story.

Typically, in regression stories, the focus naturally goes to the regressor, and the flow of the story revolves around the regressor. Naturally, the spotlight would be on the female protagonist.

Still, it should sell well because the target audience was certain. Romance novels have been a successful genre even before the release of Xenon’s Biography. Even if the context is a bit complicated, as long as they can understand the story, the demand would be certain.

Perhaps it will be popular among noblewomen. As for men… I don’t really know. Men in this world tend to have fixed stereotypes that suit the era.

Adventure stories overflowing with dreams and hope, like Xenon’s Biography, may be enjoyable to read, but romance stories bordering on politics may seem boring. Of course, the novelty of being a regression novel might pique some interest, but that’s about it. Instead, they’ll pretend to read it just to fit into noblewomen’s conversations. Trends can be a sensitive topic among the aristocracy.

I looked at the manuscript paper that had been barely salvaged after being completely messed up, then raised my head and glanced at Cherry. Even though some life had returned to her pink eyes, she still had a hunched posture and a somewhat sulky demeanor.

Judging from her reaction when I mentioned the family and the shoeprints clearly imprinted on the manuscript paper, I could roughly guess the situation.

“Student Cherry.”



“Please call me… Cherry…”

Encouraged by my compliment, she asked with her characteristic gloomy voice. I momentarily made a puzzled expression, but soon nodded my head.

I too find it easier to talk to each other casually. She already seems convinced that I’m Xenon, and there’s no need for formality in a private setting.

“Got it. Cherry.”


“Do you want to publish this as a book by any chance?”

Cherry hesitated for a moment at my straightforward question before nodding slowly.

“But you were refused in your family, right?”


Cherry started trembling again when I mentioned her family. I wondered how severe her trauma was to elicit such a reaction. I wanted to avoid mentioning it if possible, but this manuscript was closely related to her family. Even if we published it secretly as a book, someone might still notice.

“Has anyone actually read this manuscript properly?”



Cherry reluctantly opened her mouth with a trembling voice.

“Only you… have read it…”

“Only me? Even if they aren’t your parents, you can show it to someone close to you, right?”

“… …”

When I asked in confusion, Cherry just clutched her school uniform skirt tightly with both hands and didn’t respond at all.

I could roughly guess that from looking at that. It seemed like the Roseberry family must have taken a strong stance.

In the worst case scenario, they might have even dragged away anyone who had read Cherry’s novel with some ridiculous excuse. I mentioned it before, but this place was a world where social class was clearly defined.

For those around me, they were all good people, but usually for nobles, things like human rights were practically non-existent.



“Other people read my writing… they were all kicked out… and even tried to prevent me from writing…”

Do such families even exist? I listened to Cherry’s response, which she struggled to get out, and was more puzzled than shocked.

It’s amazing that a family like that hasn’t completely ruined her. It’s fortunate that she hasn’t committed suicide.

When people have a firm dream, they tend to hold bright beliefs and hopes in their hearts. Even if there are trials along the way, as long as a small flame remains, they don’t give up and keep moving forward.

But the Roseberry family even trampled on that small flame. Like the footprints on a manuscript page.

‘I’m really lucky to have been born like this.’

If I had been born into the Roseberry family, Xenon’s Biography might not have been born. I once again express my gratitude to the gods who allowed me to be born into the Michelle family.

I decided that I needed to do something when I saw Cherry’s eyes losing light once again.

If time continues to pass like this, she might end up taking her own life soon. Perhaps even grabbing my hair was born out of desperation.

If I had denied her, there was a high chance I would never have seen her again. Meeting her even now was practically luck, given the precariousness of the situation.



“No one has read this manuscript, right?”

I asked to confirm, and Cherry nodded her head up and down. That meant, in other words, the people claiming to be Cherry’s parents not only hadn’t read her novel but had trampled on it and torn it to shreds just because.

Anyone who destroys their child’s dreams instead of supporting them was not fit to be called a parent. At the very least, they were a presence that should not be called a parent.

I carefully placed the manuscript on the table and leaned forward slightly, asking Cherry.

“Can I help you?”

“… …”

“If you want, I can secretly submit the manuscript to a publisher for you. But you’ll have to rewrite it since it’s in such bad shape. Do you have anyone in the academy monitoring you?”

Shake shake

Cherry shook her head from side to side. Thankfully, it seemed that there were no academy monitors assigned.

Perhaps they shattered her hopes into an irreparable state, thinking that she wouldn’t indulge in pointless thoughts. Trash remains the same, whichever way you look at it.

“Can you rewrite it and show it to me again? In fact, the writing is good, but the development feels too rushed. I wish you could provide a clearer explanation of this world and, furthermore, delve into what the protagonist experienced in the past in more detail. While the overall events are fine, what happened between people might be crucial.”

“… …”

As I offered various pieces of advice, Cherry’s expression changed. The gloomy atmosphere disappeared completely, replaced by curiosity and vitality.

It was a fresh experience for her to have someone offer advice on her novel. I, too, felt a bit excited, as our shared passion drew us closer.

“And there’s one thing you should pay special attention to here. The future the protagonist experienced and the future ahead might not be exactly the same. The actions the protagonist took to prepare for the future might actually lead to different outcomes. Or, on the contrary, they might expedite certain results.”

“I think I understand what you mean.”

“Is that so?”

As the conversation continued, hope began to shine in Cherry’s eyes. The darkness receded, and the somber atmosphere lightened slightly. It was a transition from being a “doll” to becoming a “person” once again.

It seems that the Roseberry family was truly a sinister place to ruthlessly trample on someone who shines so beautifully like this.



“I mentioned it earlier, but if you need help, tell me. I don’t know how much help I can offer, but I’ll help you as much as I can, as long as you reach out.”

“… …”

Cherry listened to those words, then looked at me with a vacant expression. Her lips trembled for a moment, then her mouth curled up. It was a clearly visible smile to anyone. However, her eyes gradually welled up with tears, and tears began to flow down her cheeks once again.

Her lips were upturned, but there were tears streaming down her eyes. Crying and smiling wasn’t a pretty sight, but I quietly watched, understanding that it represented her emotions.

“Th… thank you…”

“Yeah. If you ever face difficult times in the future, talk to me. Don’t cry. Your pretty face will get all messed up.”


Cherry, who hastily wiped away tears upon hearing my words, showed no signs of stopping. It seemed like the pent-up frustration still lingered within her. I checked the time while she shed tears. I had wasted a considerable amount of time reading the manuscript, and it was already almost 5 o’clock.

It’s about time to meet my acquaintances soon. But I can’t just leave Cherry like this, so I quietly sat down in my seat.

“There seems to be a lot on your mind.”

“…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shown myself like this.”

“No, no. It’s okay. Sometimes it’s not a bad thing to cry and let it all out. Cherry, are you going straight back to your accommodation?”

“What about Author Xenon?”

Cherry asked a question in return without answering my question. I should change the way I address him first.

“From now on, don’t call me Author Xenon, call me Assistant Isaac. And I have other plans as well.”

“Other plans?”

“Yeah, plans. I need to meet some friends. I also have a girlfriend.”


What’s with this reaction again? As soon as I mentioned having a girlfriend, Cherry’s eyes turned dark. It was clear that his vitality had returned just a moment ago, but it seemed like a switch had been turned off, making him dark again.

Slightly taken aback by this, Cherry mumbled something and then asked in a quiet voice.

“…You do?”


“Like in the newspapers… a promised future…”

“Oh… yeah. We’re even engaged.”

“I see…”

The familiar tense atmosphere returned. I felt uneasy and cautiously got up from my seat.

“I’ll take care of the bill, so you can go back to the dorm. You missed class, so you’ll be quite busy starting next week.”


“Then whenever you have a hard time, come to the lab. I’ll be in the lab most of the time, so you understand, right?”



What did she want to say? Cherry hesitated, as if trying to find the right words.

Finally, she lowered her head and whispered softly, as if ants were passing by.

“No, it’s nothing…”


Even when I asked, Cherry’s answer remained the same.

“…It’s nothing.”


Isaac left first for the appointment. However, Cherry remained in the private room even after he had gone. An employee who noticed something strange in the middle knocked and came in, but because the atmosphere was too serious, they turned back. The employee thought that Cherry had simply confessed to Isaac and been rejected, but the reality was slightly different.

‘He admitted it…’

She was secretly pleased. After reading his manuscript, Isaac asked when the next volume would be written and even gave the highest praise by saying it was really interesting. When she heard that praise, it felt like all the pent-up resentment inside her was melting away, replaced by a joy that soared to the sky.

The dreams and hopes that had been trampled upon and torn to pieces in the family had been acknowledged as interesting by Xenon (Isaac), who was now acclaimed as the best writer.

How could she describe this feeling? If she hadn’t met him or if she hadn’t been acknowledged, she would have hung herself in her room. It was the first time she had felt the feeling of living like this since she was born. She had fallen into the abyss of despair once but thanks to Isaac, she felt it even more keenly now.

‘But my parents…’

They would never acknowledge it. Rather than wasting time on such trash, they would tell her to read another philosophy book. They were people who envied the lack of interest in their philosophical books due to Xenon’s Biography.

She vividly realized how “jealousy” could make people so ugly. But Isaac was different. He not only acknowledged her but also gave various advice and suggested her future path. He treated her as a person, not as a doll, and watered the growing tree of dreams with sweet water.

The sweet sensation that swept over her chest, like having a piece of sweet candy after eating nothing but bitterness, revitalized Cherry. However, it was not enough. Although the sweetness lingered in her mouth, candy wasn’t meant to fill her stomach, so it was inevitably lacking.

‘More… More…’

She wanted attention. She wanted recognition. She wanted praise. She wanted love.

His every word was as sweet as candy, providing new stimulation and pleasure. She had never felt this way before in her life.

Cherry gazed silently at the spot where Isaac had left. It was the place where he had departed to meet his acquaintances and his fiancée. Was there any way to keep him in that spot? If that were the case, they could have longer conversations and more time to look into each other’s eyes.

Silently, she rose from her seat and slowly moved to the opposite side. She gently swept her hand over the seat where Isaac had just been. There was still warmth left behind from his recent departure. Cherry relished the warmth on her hand before bringing it to her face.

“Sigh… Ah…”

As she closed her eyes and inhaled the scent, a feeling of something filling her chest washed over her. For her, even such a simple act was akin to inhaling drugs, as her previously unstable mental state, battered by her family, synergized with her physical changes.

Due to rough excitement, her heart pounded as if it were about to burst, and her lower abdomen tingled as if it had been electrified. As a result of that stimulation, she even felt something dampening.

Cherry opened her eyes that she had closed while lowering her gaze. Isaac’s scent still lingered on that leather.

Swallowing hard, she cleared her throat. Flames of passion flickered in her pinkish eyes.

Fortunately, no one was coming into the private room at the moment. Even if someone did enter, they would knock, so she didn’t have to worry about being caught.

How much time had passed since then?


“… …”

It was only after a long time that Cherry finally emerged from the private room.

Her face was subtly flushed, and her school uniform was disheveled, but the staff didn’t seem to notice.

However, when they entered the private room to clean it, they noticed something strange.

“…What’s this smell?”

The private room was filled with the scent of cherry blossoms.

Translators note:

Isaac just can’t get a girl with vanilla tastes now can he.

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