How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 201: 15th Book (3)

The information hastily relayed by the envoy returning from Animers can be summarized roughly as follows:

A rebellion or coup occurred, resulting in the death of the Great Chieftain. Then, the one who took the Chieftain’s place ruled for a while and once again faced a sacred duel and lost their life. As a result, the position of the Great Chieftain is vacant, causing internal confusion.

When a nation is founded, it is natural for a power structure to emerge, along with people who are dissatisfied with that power structure. The caste system itself represents the pinnacle of irrationality and inequality. However, if the ruling class governs well and does not become corrupt, the likelihood of rebellion is significantly reduced. Even if someone blinded by power incites a rebellion, if it proceeds without legitimacy and justification, the nation will ultimately stop it.

As the most significant example, we can look at the Jayros Revolution that erupted in the Ters Kingdom. The Ters Kingdom is renowned as a cultural powerhouse and is considered a beautiful country not unlike Albenheim. However, prior to the Jayros Revolution, culture, which includes the arts, was the exclusive domain of the nobility. Culture was not permitted for the common people, and the reputation of being a nation of culture was limited to a tiny fraction.

If a commoner engaged in the arts? They were immediately suppressed and thrown into prison. In severe cases, they would have their hands cut off, inflicting horrendous suffering. Some conscientious high-ranking nobles protested against this in the upper echelons, but the response they received was demotion and loss of status. This became the catalyst for the Jayros Revolution.

Although the Jayros Revolution couldn’t completely overturn the upper class, it did change the king, and, furthermore, art began to permeate among the common people. Thanks to that, the Ters Kingdom even gained the title of the ‘Land of Culture.’

Of course, we couldn’t possibly know how much blood and sweat it took to earn that title. Rebellions like this alone provide a fragmented glimpse into a nation’s history.

[It shows what happens to a country that clings to tradition. If civilization is to be achieved, the traditions that hinder it must be discarded.]

[Even if not discarded, flexibility is necessary to avoid chaos.]

[Hick’s goal was to unite the people through culture and tradition, but ironically, that same culture and tradition are once again dividing the Animers.]

The Animers’ coup was a very natural phenomenon, but it’s slightly different. According to what the envoy revealed, the position of the Great Chieftain has changed several times in the past ten years.

Due to a very unique culture called the ‘Sacred Duel,’ the throne of the ruler has been vacant, leading to a state of confusion in the country. It seems the original Great Chieftain was wise and skillful, governing the Animers well and actively engaging with neighboring nations, but that was no longer the case. Openly tyrannizing and indulging in debauchery, he lost his life within just two years.

Since then, the Animers have split into two factions over the position of the Great Chieftain. One faction emphasizes ‘authenticity’ and is centered around lion beastmen like Leona.

On the contrary, the other faction proposes discarding traditions that have shaken the foundation of the nation, suggesting that the country should be governed in a different way, not necessarily by a Great Chieftain. Although there isn’t a clear leader for this faction, most of them lean toward abolishing traditions.

In other words, it can be seen as a confrontation between a king and his followers who are tightly bound by tradition and loyalty. The reason for the vacant position of the Great Chieftain is also because these two forces could not find a suitable point of agreement.

The excessive occurrence of sacred duels was ironically fulfilling their justifications. Since they cannot communicate with each other, sacred duels are happening countless times, and as a result, there are blemishes on tradition.

If this continues, it may become chaotic, and the foundation of Animers might be uprooted. Both sides are not fools, so they were trying to prevent this fact from leaking out.

Of course, after the release of Volume 15 of Xenon’s Biography, things changed. Maybe they are also diligently searching for me over there.

It’s a story from a distant land, but I can’t help but feel tense since it has an indirect connection to me.



‘I’m not really an amnesiac regressor or a prophet, right?’

[… …]

Now, with my batting average in who knows how many seasons, even I began to doubt myself and went to the Luminous’s Temple personally.

Perhaps, as the journalists speculated, I can’t remember due to constraints. Such an unbelievable suspicion that at first, I dismissed it as nonsense, but as more and more incidents occurred in succession, I began to nurture the seed of doubt.

Of course, I know it’s an unbelievable story. Nevertheless, in this world, there is such a thing as “what if.”

Due to the incident related to Animers, people’s gazes around me became peculiar. Marie immediately asked me, “Are you really from the future?” so you can imagine to some extent how it is.

[Absolutely not. I can swear on my divinity. You’re just a soul who crossed from Earth to here, simply an ordinary novelist.]

‘But why do these things happen with every new release? Can this really be considered a coincidence?’

[…Honestly, even I find it unbelievable.]

‘… …’

Even the deity showed a reaction of “this is a bit…”. As absurd as it may be, it significantly boosted my credibility.

In fact, partly, I’m complaining to Luminous. The world won’t leave me alone, and whenever something happens, they force-fit it to me. It’s tear-inducing.

Luminous advised that things would gradually get better over time, but if I continue like this, there will be no solution. I need to come up with a solution somehow…

‘…How can it be resolved?’

[How about reverting back a few days and starting over? With your current achievments, you can go back two weeks.]

‘No, I’ll pass. I don’t want to redo the story, and it’s not that urgent.’

Regressing was an act suitable for urgent situations, and it’s not appropriate in the current situation. I’ll just endure it.

Besides, even if I redo the story, people will surely view it in strange ways again. In the current situation, no matter what happens, something will explode.

Therefore, the only thing I need to do right now is one thing.

‘…Instead, I’ll ask for some Holy Power. I’ve been through a lot of exhausting things lately.’

[Are those kids bothering you a lot?]

‘Well, that’s one way to put it, but the situation is just tiring in its own right.’

I need to resolve the stress and fatigue that has been building up over the past few days with the holy power from Luminous. The current situation is one thing, but fundamentally, Marie and Cecily are both troubling me. It was a relief that we reached a compromise last time. We had a hard time because we argued about who would go first. And on top of that, Rina, who was sitting across from me, blushed.

I don’t know what she’s thinking, but every time our eyes meet, she blushes. Lately, she has been asking subtly where I’m going whenever I send signals to Marie or Cecily. She probably doesn’t have such preferences, but for some reason, the mood has become subtle.

[There might be more than just those kids… If it’s already this tough…]

‘What? What did you say?’

[It’s nothing. And you, too. I wouldn’t recommend coming to get holy power just because you’re finding it hard. You should increase your physical strength, using holy power to compensate won’t make any difference.]

‘I’m working on it, but it’s hard to increase physical stamina in a short period. Right now, this is the only option I have.’


Luminous showed a thoughtful expression in response to my words and then spoke up about one possible solution.

[In a short period, there is a way to increase your stamina. Especially for someone like you, who has almost limitless divine power, it should be quite suitable.]

‘Oh? Can you tell me about it?’

[I have no problem telling you… but there will be some changes. Just as your hair has grown longer according to Morra’s taste, when you use this method, the scent of lilacs will emanate from your body.]

‘Ah, I’ve heard of that.’

Devotees favored by gods undergo various changes. One prominent change is the scent that emanates from their bodies.

According to the myth, Luminous enjoys the scent of lilacs, and the more favor he bestows upon a follower, the stronger the scent of lilacs emanates from them. This is why those who worship Luminous often have a culture of using lilac perfumes.

In addition, Mora priests emanate the scent of peaches, and Harts’, the mother of the siblings and the goddess of creation and nature, have a fundamentally different aura.

‘Surely Luminous-nim doesn’t engage in strange practices like Mora…’

[I’m different from that mischievous one. The lilac scent alone is enough for me.]

Indeed, siblings will treat each other like siblings. In this way, they truly are godlike beings with human-like traits.

‘Thank you. So, can you tell me what this method is?’

[Do you happen to know much about paladins?]

‘If you mean paladins…’

As you all know, Paladins are the personnel responsible for the military within the church. Instead of directly using their holy power, they primarily utilize their divine power for physical enhancement rather than healing. The Grand Inquisitor and Cardinal, Kate, is a Paladin.

Usually, Paladins hold a much higher rank than regular clergy. They are highly esteemed because they do not neglect personal training, even while praying. They are a combination of both martial and intellectual prowess, which is why their rank is so elevated.

Furthermore, Paladins are stronger than ordinary knights since they can wield both magical and holy powers. Rumor has it that Kate’s abilities rival those of the Elven warriors, so you can roughly estimate how formidable she is.

[The reason why Paladins can be so strong is because of their divine power. Using divine power for physical enhancement leaves an imprint on their bodies. Training one’s physical endurance by expending holy power is much more efficient than using regular magic power.]

‘You didn’t tell me about using holy power before?’

[Don’t worry about that. Holy power and magic power have a similar nature, so you can think of magic power as a form of holy power.]

‘Why didn’t you tell me earlier?’

[Well… Anyway, are you willing to accept it?]


Since I can practically receive an endless amount of holy power, it would be foolish to give it up. The strong scent of lilacs was not a problem either.

In fact, the scent changed pleasantly, becoming sweet like the fragrance of flowers. Originally, I didn’t even use perfume.

[…It’ll probably make it easier for that child to find you.]


[It’s nothing.]

After receiving divine power, I left the private chapel.

“Sniff, sniff. Sniff… Isn’t this a bit overwhelming?”

I vividly felt the intense lilac scent vibrating within my body.



It wasn’t long after Isaac had left his private prayer room. The door to the private prayer room next to him opened, revealing a woman. She had impressive features, with golden hair woven into one and emerald eyes that shone like emeralds.

She possessed a pure beauty, like a country girl, with an aura that seemed infinitely compassionate. She was dressed in the white holy robes typically worn by the Luminous Order, which left little to the imagination, accentuating her voluptuous figure. From her ample chest to her slender waist, wide hips, and finally, the fair thighs revealed by the side slit.

Her name was none other than the Cardinal and High Inquisitor, Kate Louise Angelica, who despite her appearance as a Holy Knight was known for her cruelty towards heretics and demons.


Kate blinked her green eyes and wrinkled her nose as soon as she stepped outside. At first, she was unsure, but the intense lilac fragrance wafted into her nostrils.

While she continued to inhale the scent and look around, a female priestess approached her.

“Have you finished your prayers, Kate Reverend?”

“Sniff, sniff. Oh, yes. Sister Anna. But this scent…”

“Oh, this scent? I don’t know who it is, but someone must have sprayed lilac perfume.”

Perfume… The acolyte didn’t think much of it, but Kate thought differently. Because this was definitely not an artificial scent.

The reason she could distinguish between artificially made perfume and natural scent was simple. Just as her body received the favor of the deity, she also exuded a strong lilac fragrance. And the scent she smelled outside the sanctuary was astonishingly identical to her own. In other words, someone who attended this temple was receiving the favor of Luminous.

With a smile as compassionate as any saint in the world, Kate asked the acolyte.

“The scent is still strong, so someone must have gone in just now. Who was it?”

“No, they didn’t come in, but someone came out from the adjacent prayer room. Their name… was it Isaac? He had red hair and impressive golden eyes.”

“Oh, right… Wait a minute. Red hair and golden eyes?”


“Red hair and golden eyes…”

Kate sat there, deep in thought, touching her chin as if there was something bothering her. The combination of red hair and golden eyes was rare, even when you looked around the world. From the start, having red hair itself was quite unusual.

“In the oracle, it was clearly…”

Kate, who was meticulously reviewing the oracle Luminous had given her, snapped out of her reverie. The oracle was so vague that it was difficult to make a judgment. It only pointed to an inexperienced person, so it was best to confirm it directly.

“Did that saint’s name happen to be Isaac? Do you happen to know where he resides?”

“Judging by his school uniform, he seems to be a student at Halo Academy… Probably.”

“Halo Academy… I see.”

Then, Kate continued with a friendly smile,

“Thanks for your help. It’s been really helpful.”

With her hand gently resting on her lower abdomen.

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