How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 207: This guy… (2)

Some people might know, but I usually don’t curse easily. At most, I might say relatively mild words like nonsense or crazy. I don’t use harsh language.

However, the situation was so frustrating, absurd, and maddening that I couldn’t help but blurt out the word ‘fuck.’ That too, to someone I had just met.

You can vaguely imagine how flustered and angry I was.

“Surprisingly, you have a foul mouth.”

Kate’s green eyes widened in surprise as I let out the curse. From her perspective, it was indeed unexpected. I wanted to kick her out right now. It felt like I was talking to a wall rather than a person.

Frustrated, I sighed and placed my hand on my head.

“Whew… Cardinal, I mean, Miss Kate.”

“Yes, please go on.”

“In the Luminous Church, do they… encourage extramarital affairs?”

I wanted to avoid asking such a question, but I had no choice after hearing Kate’s unconventional response.

I need to find out whether it’s because of the doctrine taught by the Luminous Church or if it’s Kate’s personal belief. Of course, no sane religious group would endorse adultery, but I don’t know much about this church. Kate seemed to ponder my question carefully before responding with a sly tone.

“It’s ambiguous. If it’s an affair, then it’s a sin, but if it’s true love, even Luminous approves.”


This doesn’t make sense. Wasn’t Luminous the god of light and hope? Despite my bewildered expression, Kate continued with her characteristic compassionate smile.

“Do you know why there are so many affairs among the nobility? It’s simple. It’s because they don’t love each other. They might have loved someone else initially, but they end up separated due to differences in their family’s position, and many times, their social status prevents them from being together.”


“For this reason, even if they commit adultery, if they truly love each other, Luminous will support them. Luminous is the god of light and hope. There’s nothing as hopeful as the truth.”

As I listened, I couldn’t help but feel convinced. Her words made sense, especially considering that the prevalence of adultery in noble society is often due to arranged marriages.

Because they got married out of a sense of duty, even though they’re in a marital relationship, they often have a separate lover. Of course, if you get caught, it’s over, but there are cases where it just continues steadily.

Moreover, as Kate mentioned, true love in extramarital affairs was rare. Most of it was closer to a fling, and it usually doesn’t end well.

‘But it’s not always like that…’

Having a strategic marriage doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll engage in an affair. Although the numbers may be high, the percentage of such cases is surprisingly low.

Strategic marriage is a kind of contract. When one party breaches the contract, they incur significant losses. Because of this, they often treated each other well, and falling in love was common.

Marrying someone you don’t know well can be quite uncomfortable, but there’s nothing more interesting than getting to know each other bit by bit.

Adultery mostly occurs when high-ranking nobles are connected with low-ranking nobles. It seems that as power increases, morality becomes weaker, so it can be seen as a natural phenomenon.

“…Does Luminous have a way to discern that?”

“It’s not a common occurrence. They themselves are embarrassed about it. And even if they were to be recognized, they’ve still done wrong, so they will face consequences.”

“I see.”

Thanks to that, I gained a new piece of knowledge.

“But still, it’s not good. Instead of giving in to temptation or anything, just cleanly give up.”

However, what can’t be done can’t be done. My first impression was ruined, and there were beauties around me as attractive as her, if not more so.

Even if Kate tries to seduce me, there is no reason to fall for her, and there is no need to do so. It would feel unpleasant to be used for her own purposes.

“If you truly care for Luminous, you won’t be able to force me, right? Isn’t that so?”

“Yes, that’s correct. If I were to assault you, Luminous would be angry.”

…It feels strange when a woman talks about assaulting a man. But in this world, thanks to the existence of mana, it’s not uncommon for women to commit such acts.

Kate might be able to forcibly obtain something from me now, but she is a follower of the Luminous Church. Even though she has a twisted way of thinking, her faith is deep.

‘Right. I can mention Luminous.’

To have a conversation with someone deeply immersed in religion, it’s best to make use of that religion. I, too, have some favor with Luminous, so mentioning his name while persuading her should work.

I was momentarily pleased that I seemed to have found a way out, but I lost my words again at Kate’s next statement.

“But what if it’s the other way around?”


“I’m always prepared, so it doesn’t matter if you assault me. It won’t be a sin, but a sacrifice. Luminous will surely forgive you.”


Hollow laughter escaped at the unexpected turn of thought. Her determination to obtain my seed by any means was clear.

If Luminous were to see this scene, wouldn’t he be amazed and applaud? Later, I should go to the temple and ask for help on how to handle this person.

I lowered my head, feeling like I was losing my mind. Then, I took a deep breath and quietly opened my mouth.

“…Kate, right?”

“Yes. Saint.”

“No. That title… No. No.”

I should just give it up. Oh, of course, I’m not talking about my seed but that title, ‘Saint.’

I hesitated on whether to curse and slowly lifted my head to face Kate. On the surface, she had a pretty face and an ideal body; she truly was a virtuous young lady. How did she end up like this?

She said she received grace from Luminous and herself used to be an ordinary country girl with no connections in the past. Maybe that’s why she obsessively worships Luminous. She connected the act of giving birth to a child to repaying the favor somehow. I wonder if the gods, including Luminous, can really predict the future.

Anyway, after circling around once again, I firmly expressed my refusal.

“Anyway! I have absolutely no intention of sleeping with you. Whether you were trying to seduce me or not, it’s meaningless, so please understand.”


“It doesn’t matter if you ask Luminous for a favor. I’ll also ask Luminous for a favor.”


When I firmly refused, Kate’s expression became subtle. She raised her slightly pursed lips, wearing a face filled with discontent.

“I don’t understand.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m embarrassed to say this, but I consider myself exceptionally attractive as a woman. I’ve been praised as a flower personally nurtured by God even in the church.”

True to her words, Kate was indeed beautiful. There wasn’t a single flaw from her face to her figure. She exuded her unique charm, a blend of the innocence of a country girl, the sanctity of a clergywoman, and the sexiness emanating from her body.

If it weren’t for the protection of the Luminous, someone with ill intentions would have surely laid their hands on her. With her current position as the Grand Inquisitor, she possessed immense power, and no one dared to touch Kate.

“Yes, that’s right. Kate is beautiful. That’s an undeniable fact.”

“But then why are you rejecting me? Do you perhaps have issues with your sexual capabilities?”


She probably asked without malice, but to me, it was a question that scratched at my self-esteem rather than a mere inquiry.

I mustered all my strength and answered again after barely suppressing the urge to explode.

“Absolutely not. I wish I could prove it, but I can’t.”

“I’m fine with that.”

“I’m not okay. If you insist on checking, I’ll kick you out right away, so keep that in mind.”

“… …”

Kate pursed her lips, as if really considering it. It seemed like her habit to express dissatisfaction. I let out a long sigh, feeling like I was going around in circles, then leaned back in my chair. I was starting to get tired.

“Miss Kate.”

“Yes, go ahead.”

“Please stop today and go back. I have no intention of giving in, no matter what the stakes are.”

When I asked with an exhausted tone, Kate hesitated for a moment. After all, pressuring someone like this was likely causing her some inner conflict. She must have realized her own wrongdoing. Then, she cautiously glanced at me and nodded her head.

“…Alright. I’ll stop for today.”

“That’s a good idea. And I hope you continue to give up in the future.”

“I’ll consider that gradually.”

I hope she considers it thoroughly and gives up cleanly. I struggled to hold onto my fading sanity. Even Cecily didn’t go to such lengths to share my affection, but Kate seemed to be on a different level. At this rate, I’m worried that I’ll soon start fighting with my lovers.

“…So, Miss Kate, do you plan to stay in the Minerva Empire for the time being?”

“Yes. Now that I’ve found the Saint, I intend to engage in relief activities.”

“When do you plan to leave the Minerva Empire?”

“I have no plans to return until I receive the Saint’s seed. It’s the ultimate goal of this pilgrimage.”

“… …”

If others were to hear this, they might find it absurd to embark on a pilgrimage for such a purpose. However, from a religious perspective, the story might be slightly different. There’s a similar story in mythology, where a man and a woman chosen by the gods come together to give birth to a hero.

It wasn’t driven by personal ambition but rather for true faith, so there’s a very high chance it will be tolerated within the religious institution.

‘I’m going crazy.’

From my perspective, it’s nothing more than another stalker targeting me, but it’s already unsettling enough with Cherry’s situation, and now one more person is getting involved.

“…I’ve said it many times, but there won’t be any connection between you and me.”

“No one knows what the future holds.”

“Yes, yes, I understand. If you have nothing more to say, please leave.”

“Oh, there is something I want to discuss.”

“If you bring up the ‘seed’ again, I’ll beg Luminous to restrict your access.”

“That’s not it.”

Could it finally be a change of topic? I listened with relief.

Kate stared straight at me with sparkling emerald eyes. For some reason, the faint blush on her snow-white cheeks made me uneasy.

Eventually, she placed her hand on her lower belly and quietly opened her mouth as if she was eager to say something.

“If a child is born, how about naming a boy Xenon and a girl Lily?”

“Get out.”

The answer was not in sight.


A storm passed through, and the next day arrived.

“Hello, Saint. Can I have your seed today?”

“You’re talking nonsense.”

Kate didn’t give up.

“I should visit the temple soon.”

I should enforce a no-entry policy.

Translators note:

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