How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 209: This guy… (4)

Before I knew it, Kate ended up sitting at the dinner table. With Marie and Cecily each occupying a seat next to me, she naturally sat across from them, which means she took a seat next to Rina.

When I asked if she had eaten, she said she had eaten beforehand. Because of that, we quietly waited until we all finished eating.

It’s not like I did nothing while waiting. I checked from time to time, and I could see her with her eyes closed, hands neatly folded, praying.

Thanks to that, the meal was quiet until it was over, and after ordering dessert, the real conversation began.

“First, how did you know I was here?”

“I followed the scent of lilacs. And the destination was here.”

“… …”

From the first response, it was truly ridiculous. She hadn’t even been professionally trained at tracking, and she claimed to have followed a scent.

The lilac scent emanating from my body was indeed strong, but in Kate’s case, it can be considered somewhat unique.

Kate, after facing all the stares directed at her one by one, cautiously opened her mouth with a slightly wary voice.

“But Isaac, is it okay to have a conversation here?”

“Oh. These people all know who I am, so you can relax.”

“I see. But…”

She hesitated for a moment and glanced alternately at Marie and Cecily sitting on either side of me. In response to her puzzled look, Marie wrapped her arms around mine with a sulky expression, and Cecily smiled and leaned in. Anyone could tell we were lovers.

Kate seemed to have noticed something from their odd behavior and nodded her head.

“I didn’t expect you to have two fiancées.”

“The official fiancée is still just me. Cecily is unofficial.”

Marie subtly emphasized that she was the first. Cecily didn’t seem to have any objections as she remained silent. I chuckled at the playful territoriality of the two women and then looked across the table again. Rina, sitting next to Kate, seemed to be just observing, sipping her tea.

“So, why did you come here? If you’re going to talk about the seed again, I’ll kick you out, so you should know that.”

“I will formally apologize for that part. My unnecessary obsession made Isaac uncomfortable, so if you wish, I will accept any punishment you deem necessary.”


What’s going on? It’s like the character suddenly changed.

Kate lowered her head and politely asked for forgiveness, which was rather surprising. Not just me, but even Marie, who had been firm until now, seemed taken aback.

Kate had been demanding the seed from me at every opportunity for the past two days, so why was she suddenly apologizing today? Unless something had happened in between, it didn’t add up. And there was only one expected reason for that. I recalled Kate’s fanatical side and decided to probe a bit.

“Were you scolded by Luminous by any chance?”


Kate responded to my question with a gloomy expression, confirming my suspicions.

Luminous is a merciful god who may inflict punishment upon the wicked, but to devoted followers like Kate or me, he is a compassionate deity. He rarely loses his temper and seldom raises his voice.

However, it seems he must have been quite upset if Kate was feeling so down.

“It seems he scolded you quite a bit.”

“…He even raised his voice for the first time. He asked what I was doing, and even though he understood why, it was still quite impolite. He told me to apologize immediately.”

If he raised his voice to that extent, it appears Luminous was very angry. After all, she had nearly caused harm to others for her own sake.

Although Luminous was merciful, he also had strict principles, so this matter couldn’t be overlooked. If a child did something like stealing to please their parents, even normal parents would scold them sternly.

‘I guess she won’t be talking about seed for a while.’

I gazed at the gloomy Kate and had a feeling that the talk about seed would be put on hold for some time.

If Luminous had scolded Kate to that extent, there was a high chance that she had given up.

“Alright. Since Luminous has scolded you, I’ll let this matter go. So, what’s the real reason you came to see me?”

“It’s related to Xenon’s…”

“Just call me Isaac for now. You might make a mistake later.”

“Understood. Isaac, it’s related to your safety.”

“My safety?”

I opened my eyes wide at the mention of a close connection to my safety. Curiosity also flickered in Rina’s eyes, who was sitting next to Kate.

I wondered what could be happening to me during this peaceful time. Kate is a person who has been on a pilgrimage. She must have a clearer understanding of the situation around the Academy than we do. Unlike before, she looked at me with determination in her green eyes and spoke.

“Yes. As you all know, I’ve been on a pilgrimage, hunting down devil worshipers who have spread throughout the world. Even just before arriving in the Minerva Empire, I was busy eliminating devil worshipers.”

“Devil worshipers…”

Originally, devil worshipers operated in secret, unbeknownst to anyone. Especially in regions where many disappearances occurred, devil worshipers were deeply involved.

The reason we didn’t notice until now, before these incidents began occurring consecutively, was simple: dulled judgment and complacency due to long-lasting peace, and indifference. The devil war had erupted a whopping 3,000 years ago, and even the elves had vague memories of it. Naturally, there was little interest.

“Devil worshipers were unknown until the events surrounding Xenon. But now their presence is rising to the surface, and their influence is gradually waning with each passing day. Do you understand what this means?”

“Are you saying Isaac might be targeted by devil worshipers?”

Cecily immediately answered Kate’s question, and Kate nodded in agreement.

In fact, I had only a rough idea until the talk about devil worshippers came up, but it feels quite different when I hear it directly from Kate.

“Yes. Xenon’s Biography was a coincidence, but it directly revealed the existence of devil worshippers, so of course, they are actively working to eliminate Isaac. It’s already a widely spread testimony among devil worshippers.”

“Testimony… you say? Are devil worshippers forming organizations among themselves?”

“I’m not certain, but it’s highly likely. There are traces of their activities for at least a hundred years, after all.”

It’s more serious than I thought. Another reason not to reveal my identity has arisen. I have a dependable knight with me, but until the devil worshippers are completely eradicated, there’s a very high chance that my acquaintances will be in danger.

I don’t know how powerful the devil worshippers are, so I need to be more cautious in my actions.

“Furthermore, most things related to the underworld are influenced by devil worshippers, from drugs to smuggling, and even the black market. It will take quite some time for a complete eradication.”

“So, are you telling me to hide and not publish books until then?”

“You can publish books, that’s not an issue. Just be careful not to reveal your true identity. I also plan to stay here for about a month before leaving for somewhere else. If I stay here longer, it will raise suspicions.”

Did Luminous give her a hard time about this? Kate calmly explained in her polite voice. She was different from the way she used to be, always asking for seed. It felt a bit odd, but it was satisfying enough.

“Do you think there are devil worshippers in the Minerva Empire, Cardinal?”

Rina, who had been quiet, spoke up. It was only natural for her to be concerned since it was her own country.

“Of course. Devil worshippers are like cockroaches, multiplying unless you crush their heads. The Minerva Empire is no different just because it’s called an empire. Perhaps we can find evidence of that organization here.”

“If the Cardinal wishes, I can provide military support.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I’ll decline. Devil worshippers go into hiding as soon as their cockroach-like presence is exposed, so secrecy is crucial.”

As I heard, things related to devils seem to be treated worse than insects.

And to think she would talk about crushing the head of devil worshipers or request my seed with such an innocent face. Honestly, it’s hard to believe.

She’s said to have blue magic that flickers like flames and even carries the title “Blue Flame,” but just looking at her, I can’t really tell.

“Alright. Do you have anything else to say?”

“One more thing. Isaac.”


“It might be uncomfortable, but it’s related to the seed.”

I wondered why she hadn’t mentioned it earlier. When Kate brought up the topic of seed more seriously(?), the atmosphere changed in an instant.

From Marie, who had been cautious since Kate’s arrival, to Cecily, who had shown a softer attitude.

Finally, Rina elegantly sipped her tea and looked even more focused.

I opened my mouth as if feeling a strange atmosphere and said somewhat awkwardly.

“Didn’t you get scolded by Luminous a little while ago?”

“Yes. But I haven’t given up. Since you two are here, I’ll formally request it.”

She said confidently with her sparkling emerald eyes.

“If it’s not too much trouble, may I receive Isaac’s seed?”

At the same time, a sharp response came back, not from me but from Marie. Marie tightened her grip on my arm and said to Kate with even more strength.

“Cardinal Kate, do you love Isaac?”

“… …”

“There you have it. You don’t even love him, but you’re willing to have a child for Luminous. Will Luminous be pleased? No, he’ll definitely be sad. He’ll be sad that the child he loves is giving up their body for his sake.”

Right. Our girlfriend speaks well. As Marie spoke each word meticulously, Kate had nothing to say and was keeping her mouth shut.

She seemed to want to say something, but it was impossible.

The problem is that it’s not just Marie who thinks like this.

“Marie is right. Marie and I promised Isaac a future because we love him. What about you, Cardinal? You just covet the holy power that Isaac possesses. If a man with even stronger sacred power than Isaac appears, wouldn’t you go to him?.”

“Luminous would never forgive that.”

Cecily delivered a heavy blow of factual violence right to Kate’s weakness. Kate immediately tried to defend herself, but the words pierced through her essence, and that was the end of it.

I just watched because my girls took care of saying the things I wanted to say. So, it was just a spectacle for me. Kate, perhaps chastened by Luminous’s scolding, did not put up a fight like she did last time.

When Kate chose to remain silent, Marie seemed to take it as a victory and continued with her triumphant words.

“Even if you manage to win Isaac’s heart, I won’t acknowledge you. There’s nothing as despicable as using love as a means.”

“…I see.”

“Above all! I find you detestable. Even I, who am engaged, don’t suddenly rush to have a child. Even if it works out, you’ll have to wait at least four years.”

Academy graduation is roughly around that time, so a formal wedding will also be around then.

Under Marie’s continuous criticism, Kate had no more energy to respond and could only nod her head. Just when it seemed like it was coming to an end.

“Well then…”


“If I genuinely love Isaac, is it okay for me to accept his seed?”

A question filled with a determination to receive my seed in any way possible hung in the air. Not just me, but everyone else was left bewildered by that question.

In the meantime, Kate wore a warm smile and placed her hand over her heart before quietly opening her mouth.

“Luminous has indeed scolded me, but after that, he said something like this. Not to give everything to him, but to seek the true happiness I desire. He said that a devotee’s happiness is also his own happiness…”


“After hearing those words, I changed my thinking. Love someone sincerely and find happiness. Love someone, and not only will I find my happiness, but I will also bring happiness to Luminous. And the person I will come to love…”

She then looked straight at me, blushing, and shyly confessed.

“The author of Xenon’s Biography, who is favored by Luminous. Isaac.”


“Thinking like that makes my heart race, and I feel my face turning red. The scent of lilacs emanating from Isaac feels like a drug to me, and I feel the sanctity seeping into me.”

Oh my…

“Is this… love?”

I wonder what her thought process is like to lead to this development.

Translators note:

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