How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 240: Book 18 (1)

Chapter 240: Book 18 (1)

Due to Arwen’s unexpected bombshell, I couldn’t help but feel disoriented for a while. Her question about whether I came from a completely different world than the one we live in. I didn’t inquire about the meaning behind that question, so as a ‘reincarnator,’ it’s quite perplexing.

Whatever the intention, it is true that I come from a different world.

When the world noisily proclaimed me as a regressor or a prophet, I could easily refute that, but I couldn’t help but momentarily falter at the notion of coming from another world.

That momentary hesitation gave Arwen a sense of certainty. Whatever misunderstanding she had, the events ahead were inevitably complicated. The issue isn’t just with Arwen, though. At that time, not only Arwen but also Cecily were in the same room.

After Arwen dropped that bombshell, Cecily started questioning me for a while. Whether I really came from a different world as Arwen asked, and if that’s why I ended up writing Xenon’s Biography.

As you might know from my life so far, I’m terrible at lying. Even though I usually maintain a stoic expression, my complexion drastically changes when a specific point is touched upon.

Moreover, Cecily has a particularly keen sense of reading my feelings. If Marie intuitively detects my lies, Cecily, like Rina, has an incredibly sharp observational skill.

So, even if I lie, she mostly sees through it, and this time is no different. Eventually, Cecily completely started believing that I came from a different world.

As for whether my attitude changed afterward? No, far from changing, I was too preoccupied that day.

Since then, lying side by side in bed, she said that even if I came from a different world, it’s a grace from the gods, or even if not, it doesn’t change the fact that I’m a benefactor of the demons.

Instead, just one thing. she asked why I had taken her as a model of lust until now. Whether her future self really becomes a devil for a specific reason. But since it was closely related to the unfortunate past of lust, I refused it all. It felt like thrusting a sharp spoiler, so she just obediently accepted it.

Anyway, it’s a bonus that my relationship with Cecily was subtly getting closer than before. I hope the day comes soon when I can officially declare my relationship with her without any disturbances.

It seems Cecily is beginning to think of me as a gift bestowed by the gods. If I indeed claim to be from another world, one can only think in that direction.

For now, I plan to quietly bury the part related to reincarnation. Cecily agreed with this plan and even promised to strictly monitor any slip-ups.

Some might wonder why I don’t speak up, especially why keep it a secret from Marie. But considering my current situation, it might be understandable.

Already being teased as a regressor or a prophet in jest, what if I were called a reincarnator now? From this moment, I can’t simply take the jokes as just jokes.

Cecily might regard it as a gift or grace bestowed by the divine to a mortal. Especially since it is obvious that this will significantly affect my relationship with Marie, the closest person to me as a human being.

Of course, due to Marie’s slightly simple personality, there is a very high chance of her simply saying, ‘Oh well,’ and moving on. Over the year we’ve spent together, I’ve come to understand that she avoids complexities in human relationships to an extreme degree.

In the past, although it was an inevitable situation, after being deceived by Rina once, she just wanted to meet people simply. She tries to avoid entangling complicated stories like politics in these relationships as much as possible.

Despite the verbose explanations, the biggest issue is the lack of necessity in revealing it. After all, I’ve been acclimatized to this world for so long, and only Arwen and Cecily know.

Even the landscapes change in a decade, so wouldn’t people change too? Apart from the trauma of losing my parents in an accident and the vivid memories, I’ve almost forgotten everything. There’s no gain in speaking up, and even if I do, nothing changes. For now, staying silent seems to be the best option.

In a few days, they’ll probably forget that I’m a reincarnator anyway. It was like that even before Arwen asked, so it’ll likely be the same this time.

‘…But writing a World War II novel seems impossible to avoid, doesn’t it?’

World War II was a clash of steel-made weapons, the worst war in human history. It altered history itself, a turning point in history.

If Arwen or Cecily read that book, they’ll surely sense it. ‘Isaac came from a world like this,’ they’ll say. I’m 100% certain of that. Even the name is World War II. It might be related to the racial war that happened 300 years ago.

Because of this, I thought about putting the World War II novel on hold, since first, I must finish Xenon’s Biography. There are troubles piling up due to Xenon’s Biography, and now a World War II novel? It would be too much.

Honestly, I wanted to do that nonsensical thing, but I can’t afford it. I have to somehow grasp the divine power to survive, so I must focus only on Xenon’s Biography.

Fortunately, recently under the leadership of Adelia, I carried out intense physical training, and my stamina noticeably increased. Perhaps because of this, Marie’s and Cecily’s calls have become much more frequent. However, it seems they were now calling for reinforcements, saying it’s too much for them alone.

Anyway, despite the lengthy gossip, shortly after Arwen’s reincarnation question, the 18th volume of Xenon’s Biography was revealed. Due to real-life spoilers, the readers’ reactions were lukewarm, but the book still sold like hotcakes. Reality is reality, and a book is a book. Even if you’re curious about the ending, you have no choice but to read it.

[As it turns out, the identity of the one who made a pact with the devil as it happened in reality was the cardinal.]

[I want to smack the person who spoiled it.]

[Ironically, the cardinal who pressed Jin is truly faithful. There was just a difference in perspective.]

[Even such a cardinal grew mentally and broke the prejudice against demons.]

There was a strange opinion inserted in the middle, but there’s actually a statement like that. It seems to be from a dedicated reader of Xenon’s Biography who got angry enough to put such words in the newspaper.

Seeing that, I wondered if I had misread it and blinked my eyes several times. But it was indeed there.

How angry must someone be to put such words in a newspaper? In fact, not only this critic but also quite a number of ordinary readers were angered by spoilers.

Moreover, since I didn’t express any stance, it must have been a complicated feeling for me as well. Even as the author, I reacted with, “What is this?” but how did the readers feel?

[The one who tempted the fallen cardinal is named ‘Belzebub.’ What is the identity of the one with this name?]

[The tricks of the devils that are gradually coming to the surface.]

[The present reality is no different. Currently, devil worshipers are being eliminated one by one…]

The impact of Kate’s reality spoiler seemed so significant that half the talk was about Xenon’s Biography, while the other half revolved around real devil worshippers. Xavier’s declaration of a ‘holy war’ undoubtedly carries substantial consequences. Moreover, the fact that an actual cardinal was a high-ranking member among the devil worshippers.

Thanks to this, surprisingly, since the release of Xenon’s Biography, there hasn’t been any unusual commotion…

[Are we still going to deny he’s a prophet? Xenon, reveal your true identity as soon as possible!]

[Xavier’s announcement. We’ll definitely protect you, so please support the holy war…]

[He surely knows about the devil worshippers’ higher-ups as well. We must quickly calm the world’s chaos…]

…Bunch of crap. They’ve started begging now. At this point, anything goes as long as it helps expose the devil worshippers and eliminate them. Despite the emphasis, I am not a regressor or a prophet by any means.

With worries about future affairs or personal relationships looming, what use is there for assistance? Besides, with more women around me, I must continually maintain my strength. First and foremost, I have to survive whether or not I’ll be of any help.

‘Anyway, as for Kate…’

According to the news in the newspaper, Kate has once again embarked on a pilgrimage. The previous pilgrimage was aimed at finding me, but this time, it seems to have a different purpose.

Perhaps she’s coming to find me while smashing the heads of the devil worshippers. With Xavier proclaiming the holy war, as the grand interrogator, she wouldn’t have spare time.

The inquisitor who initially stepped onto the pilgrimage path wasn’t the only one there. It’s reported that most inquisitors, following the declaration of the holy war, have mobilized.

For Xavier, it was a revealing flaw that must be somehow addressed. It’s expected to cause quite a stir in the world for a while.

‘No, it was noisy from the start.’

Right now, I should probably stay really quiet. I raised my head, covering the newspaper filled with various news stories.

‘Now that the vacation is approaching… the exhibition needs to be prepared too.’

It feels like the new students just arrived yesterday, but already, the summer vacation was slowly approaching. Along with this, preparations for an exhibition in our territory were actively underway.

Originally, the Ters Kingdom was eager to host the exhibition themselves, but a few months ago, the Minerva Empire cunningly took control.

My mentioning Marshal Territory as my birthplace played a significant role here. Moreover, Xenon’s rising reputation by the day made it impossible for even the Ters Kingdom to be obstinate.

Correspondingly, my father’s workload soared even more. In a letter sent by my mother, my father grumbled about wanting me to inherit the family duties soon and hoped the exhibition would end quickly.

I felt guilty for no reason, but with ample support from the royal family, there are no manpower issues. Initially, in order to keep my father in the empire, an estate with exceptional potential was granted from the upper echelons.

‘I also want to see Lily soon.’

A year ago, it was the night after the exhibition ended and I spent it with Marie for the first time. Unfortunately, due to my mother giving me the last remaining contraceptive pills as a gift, she ended up bringing Lily into the world unexpectedly.

And exactly one month ago from now, she gave birth to the adorable youngest daughter, Lily. Being the fourth child, she delivered her without any crisis, apparently healthy. According to the letter, she’s a really cute and charming baby, with red hair like her father and golden eyes. I really want to see Lily.

‘How cute must she be?’

I imagined Lily in my mind with anticipation. At the same time, I pondered what kind of stage this exhibition would present.

Certainly, those rascals from the Ters Kingdom will come, that’s for sure, but as long as Adelia shakes off the trauma, there won’t be a major incident if we’re cautious. Anyway, at that time, Adelia will be acting as my bodyguard, and there will be others including Marie.

I wonder if Dave and Nicole will come. Even if they’re busy, I heard they send their regards through vacations at least.

‘At least the usual people will come…’

Some who will definitely come are decided, but I’m not sure about the rest. Especially, Leona and Cherry are critical.

Leona is likely to come if I provide some help, but Cherry is the issue. Her home environment is just as harsh as Adelia’s, if not worse.

It’s a household where they ruthlessly tear apart the works poured with dreams and hopes, going as far as trampling upon them.

If I had left it alone, it would have been as obvious as seeing fire, but luckily, she was able to endure it with some help.

‘It would be better to visit an exhibition rather than being in such a place…’

That would be good for Cherry too. It would be better for her to spend the vacation somewhere else rather than in a hellish family.

No, perhaps she could spend the entire vacation at the academy without returning to the family. Didn’t Leona mention working during the vacation too?

I thought of a good idea and smiled. Just lie to her parents that she’ll be at the academy the whole time, and once we’re in our territory, it’s over.

‘Anyway, the likelihood of those people not coming is high.’

In many ways, it’s a vacation with a lot of expectations.


As Volume 18 of Xenon’s Biography came out, where was the busiest place? By now, everyone knows, but naturally, it was the publishing house.

The publishing house CEO, Musk, didn’t care at all even when hearing that Xavier declared a holy war or that the cardinal was, in fact, a devil worshiper.

If anything, rather than paying attention to that stuff, they had to print at least one more volume of Xenon’s Biography. Musk is completely crazy about money, to the point of being deeply mad.

It was like that until unexpectedly receiving a knife in the belly.

“Oh my…”

“Are you alright?”

Matthew, Musk’s secretary, worriedly called out to Musk who was lying on the white bed, groaning. Matthew’s concern was none other than Musk’s condition, as thick bandages were tightly wrapped around his swollen belly.

Fortunately, the surgery had ended successfully, but initially, the bleeding was quite severe, reaching a dangerous level. Musk retorted.

“Do I look okay, damn it?

Hurling even vulgar curses at Matthew. Despite receiving such insults, Matthew did not erase the worried expression from his face.

The reason Musk, who was usually healthy, with oil flowing through his veins, ended up like this was simply because of the actions of devil worshippers. After the revelation of spoilers in reality, devil worshippers began to sense the crisis and started causing chaos. Musk became their top priority.

If it weren’t for the Xenon incident, their wicked plan would have progressed without anyone knowing, but now it was falling apart. Originally, they would have targeted Xenon, or rather Isaac, as their top priority, but his identity was not even known. Therefore, they targeted Musk, one of the connecting links with him.

Apart from Musk, there was also the Elven Queen, Arwen, but she was like a whale in comparison when it came to the devil worshippers’ targets. So, they focused on Musk, who was relatively smaller in size. Of course, Musk was not entirely foolish, so he invested a considerable amount of money to hire mercenaries. However, he overlooked the fact that devil worshippers had infiltrated among those mercenaries.

If only he had visited the temple with the mercenaries even once, but due to his complacent belief that everything would be fine by this point, he failed to reach that realization.

“Why do you swear and act like this? Can’t you see I’m worried?”

“Sigh… I’m sorry.”

“If the boss isn’t here, who will pay my salary?”

“You jerk. Right now, you—oh…”

Instead of getting angry at Matthew’s not-so-joking joke, Musk restrained himself, holding his stomach. If it had been an ordinary stab, it would have been better, but due to the poison laced within, the aftermath was severe.

Thankfully, under the motto of “Even if you’re rich, you can’t use it when you’re dead,” he always kept emergency potions. Otherwise, he might have become a cold corpse.

Currently, he was in a temple, focusing on recovery, but there was more than one thing causing concern.


“Yes, sir.”

“How are the other employees? Are they wavering?”

“They are wavering.”

As expected. After news spread that the CEO himself had been targeted by devil worshippers, the publishing house staff showed intense wavering.

Fortunately, under the protection measures of the Luminous Order, there hadn’t been any threats to his safety, but there were still worries.

No matter how much Musk was crazy about money, he wasn’t someone who placed human life beneath it. With beads of sweat running down, he looked up at the temple’s ceiling before speaking quietly.


“Yes, sir.”

“Prepare a letter immediately.”

“A letter?”


There’s no law that says only I should suffer like this. Especially with an ‘exhibition,’ it’s even more dangerous. Devil worshippers will be determined to tarnish Xenon’s name by any means necessary. There might even be ‘terrorism’ at the exhibition. If I’m in this state, how could the exhibition possibly succeed? And there will be numerous nobles attending.

Therefore, in order to minimize casualties…

‘What big hands those people have!’

…Forget it. If they disappear, there’ll be a direct hit on sales. Musk decided he had to prevent that much at least.

Those who impact sales are bastards. To Musk, devil worshippers fit that bill perfectly. And bastards must be controlled through punishment. With this in mind, after briefly chuckling inwardly, he returned to the practical problem.

“The issue of protecting the employees… sigh… seems inevitable.”

“Is there any sharp solution?”

“If Luminous allows it, it’s possible.”

“What solution?”

Then from Musk’s lips came…

“Buying a temple.”


“And merging with a publishing house.”

It sounded ridiculous, but it was a very surefire method. He glanced at the bewildered Matthew and discussed the ‘grounds.’

“The only publishing house contracted for Xenon’s Biography. Wouldn’t Luminous allow it?”

Translators note:

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