How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 299: Trial (1)

Chapter 299: Trial (1)

In this world, trials are generally handled by the local leader or the church. Cases that go to the church are ones where there is truly no solution, so the leader typically takes care of everything.

The current situation is no different. Given that this is an unprecedented case where a princess of a kingdom was struck, the judge is naturally the king.

There are no separate lawyers or prosecutors, the audience acts as both, voicing their opinions. In other words, apart from Rina, I have no allies.

Someone might defend me to check the king’s power, but I can’t trust anyone lightly. It’s no wonder Rina advised me to keep my mouth shut and stay quiet. If I open my mouth, the other side will just hurl insults at me.

Moreover, the Ters royal family is politically very stable despite their terrible family dynamics. Even though the major event of the Jairos Revolution happened a few decades ago, it was King Friedrich who quelled that chaos.

Even though there are forces like Count Kamar that keep him in check, they are not enough to become my allies. They will use me to achieve their goals.

So at first, I followed Rina’s advice and kept my mouth tightly shut…

“How dare you strike the noble face of the princess! He must be executed immediately!”

“Indeed! What was he thinking, not having even inherited a title yet!”

“Seeing that scoundrel, I can understand the lack of dignity in the Minerva Empire!”

As soon as I sat down, numerous nobles hurled insults at me. They didn’t just insult me, it was enough to make anyone feel dizzy.

I hadn’t even said a word yet, and they were already calling for my execution, shouting things like, ‘How dare you strike Hiriya’s cheek?’ It felt like I was hearing every insult I could possibly hear in my life right here. Even if I wanted to let it go in one ear and out the other, the words just lodged in my ears.

‘I didn’t even commit murder.’

I almost let out a laugh at the absurdity. Most of the nobles hurling insults at me were either closely connected to the royal family or seizing this opportunity to align themselves with them.

I wondered if they even knew about the atrocities Hiriya had committed. It would be interesting to see their reactions if they learned about Hiriya’s misdeeds.

‘Adelia Noona…’

I tried to ignore the stream of insults and turned my head to the side. Adelia, who attended as my personal maid, was currently standing behind me. It was her first time in such a situation, and her sky-blue eyes were trembling slightly. Although she tried to appear calm, she was sweating nervously.

Finally, Rina, who attended as my defender, was sitting next to me. She was frowning in displeasure at the barrage of insults being thrown at us.


A loud shout quelled the noisy courtroom(?). The room fell silent instantly at the commanding voice that echoed around. The owner of that voice was the middle-aged man opposite me, seated not on a chair at my eye level but on a higher one.

His sky-blue eyes gleamed fiercely, and his neatly trimmed sky-blue beard added to his dignified appearance. He was King Friedrich of the Ters Kingdom, Hiriya and Adelia’s father. He would be acting as the judge in the upcoming trial and was publicly known as a romantic, a true gentleman.

However, from my perspective, he was the worst kind of father, neglecting his illegitimate daughter Adelia to the point of pretending she didn’t exist.

Naturally, I had a terrible first impression of him and anticipated a tough trial ahead. Friedrich was Hiriya’s father before he was the king of Ters.

“State your name.”

Friedrich addressed me in a solemn voice. Since he didn’t call me ‘criminal,’ it seemed he was maintaining a neutral stance, at least for now. Following his command, I stood up. As I did so, I didn’t forget to take note of several key figures in the room.

First, Hiriya, who had been slapped by me, was sitting slightly to the side, along with her brother, the crown prince Laos. Lara was absent, perhaps because they deemed it unnecessary to show her, or maybe they were trying to shield her from the darker aspects of the situation.

‘If only they thought of Adelia that way.’

If they had cared even a little for Adelia, this mess wouldn’t have happened. Though, in that case, I might not have met her.

I grumbled internally as I stood confidently and looked around. It seemed the audience was filled with their own people, judging by their sharp glares.

Eventually, I faced King Friedrich directly, feeling his piercing gaze freeze me in place.

“Renowned King of the Ters Kingdom…”

“No need for flattery, just state your name.”

Well, that’s a relief. I didn’t want to do that either.

I nodded slightly in gratitude for Friedrich’s consideration and stated my name.

“My name is Isaac Ducker Michelle, the second son of Baron Michelle of the Minerva Empire.”

“Isaac Ducker Michelle… I see. Your red hair is very distinctive.”

I hear that often. Normally, I would have made such a remark, but remembering Rina’s advice, I refrained from adding anything further.

Then Friedrich ordered me to sit, and as I took my seat, he addressed me in his characteristic stern voice.

“You must know why you are here, and why you are in the Ters royal palace.”


“Then let me ask. Is it true that you struck my beloved ‘second’ daughter, Hiriya, the second princess of the Ters Kingdom?”

As expected. Even with Adelia present, he emphasized ‘second’ daughter, effectively treating her as nonexistent. In the past, such trauma would have made her flee, but now Adelia stood firmly behind me.

I couldn’t betray her trust. I hesitated slightly before answering the question.

“Yes, that is correct.”

“Your Majesty, there is no need to hear more!”

“The criminal has confessed, what more do we need?”

As soon as I admitted my guilt, the hyenas pounced, seizing the opportunity.

Even if I wanted to remember each face, it was hard to do so with such a variety of appearances. However, I could identify a few who had been raising their voices since earlier. Especially that guy with the mustache, I must remember him.

“Order! Order! We haven’t heard the full story yet!”

Then, a deep voice hurriedly intervened from the audience, calming the situation. The man had dark blue hair that shimmered with a hint of blue rather than pitch-black like a demon. That must be Count Kamar, the leader of the faction currently opposing King Friedrich.

As much as he intended to use me, I needed to use him as well.

“It seems like there’s a complex situation involved here. How about we listen to it at least once?”

“Count Kamar, are you implying that the princess might be at fault too?”

“We won’t know until we hear it. Logically, no one in their right mind would slap someone without reason.”

Thanks to Count Kamar, the courtroom that was about to erupt into chaos quieted down again. However, the piercing gazes of the nobles towards me remained.

If I were a noble of the Ters Kingdom, it might be different, but being from the Minerva Empire, they showed extreme hostility. Even if there were internal enemies, an external threat, especially one perceived as a significant danger, always unified them.

Fortunately, Count Kamar was taking a rational stance, or else I might have been dragged away without a chance to defend myself.

“Count Kamar has a point. Then let me ask you. Why did you strike my daughter?”

King Friedrich asked calmly. He likely knew the background, but the other nobles didn’t, so he asked the question.

Before answering, I glanced in Hiriya’s direction. Coincidentally or not, she was also looking at me. As soon as our eyes met, she quickly looked away, but I saw it. The dark circles that makeup couldn’t hide. Her previously arrogant demeanor was gone, replaced by a reaction of fear and trembling.

I don’t know how that attitude will affect this trial, but for now, it’s more important to discuss the background and circumstances.

“Let me explain on her behalf. The truth is…”

However, this is the moment when Rina should step forward. Her speaking directly will not only lend more credibility and strength but also prevent other nobles from acting recklessly.

If someone dares to shout at her? That would only give them a pretext, so even Friedrich would have to stay silent.

Rina’s presence is practically representing the stance of the Minerva Empire. Furthermore, just her being here signals that this isn’t just a simple scapegoat situation.

“…What? Is that true?”

“Did Princess Hiriya really pursue a man who already had a fiancée?”

“For what reason?”

As Rina’s defense concluded, the hall was filled not with commotion but with murmurs. The nobles’ faces show signs of confusion and bewilderment.

It’s understandable since Hiriya’s act of trying to take a man with a fiancée is a serious offense. They must have realized that it was Hiriya’s side that initiated the problem. Of course, slapping someone cannot be justified, but one must remember this is the medieval era.

In this world, ‘honor’ is paramount, and even a small scandal can significantly tarnish someone’s reputation. Especially if the person in question is not an ordinary noble but a princess?

Such rumors typically spread among the nobility, but if, by any chance, they reach the common people, it could escalate uncontrollably.

Well, if distorted appropriately, Hiriya could be made to look like a pitiable woman. It’s questionable whether Friedrich would resort to such tactics.

“Hm… Hiriya.”


“Is what Princess Rina said true?”

After hearing Rina’s defense, Friedrich posed a question to Hiriya. Hiriya, who had been lowering her head in fear, quickly looked up at his words.

She glanced at me once after raising her head, and as soon as our eyes met, she immediately averted her gaze again.

She then pounded her chest, took a deep breath, and responded in a trembling but audible voice.

“…Yes, that’s correct.”

The hall began to buzz again as soon as Hiriya admitted it. With her acknowledgment, the atmosphere started to tilt in our favor…

“Father, may I say a word?”

Then, the man sitting next to Hiriya, Laos, raised his hand slightly, requesting to speak. His request instantly quieted the buzzing in the hall, and all eyes turned to him.

Rina and I also turned to look at him. His stern appearance, resembling Friedrich, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned up gave an impression of dignity. On the surface, he appeared to model the image of a noble gentleman like Leort, but his smile seemed slightly uneasy.


“Thank you. As Princess Rina mentioned, Hiriya showed a deep interest in Young Lord Michelle and even courted him. However, I think it is excessive to slap a woman just because her advances were persistent. Do you all believe this is right? Don’t you think Young Lord Michelle’s response was too extreme?”

That bastard? Listening to Laos’s explanation, I was flabbergasted and widened my eyes in disbelief. The absurdity of his argument was so clear that it played vividly in my mind, as if reason itself was waving goodbye and walking away.

His sophistry made no sense from my perspective. Who was it that insulted Adelia first? He’s leaving out the most crucial detail, which is absolutely infuriating.

“Wait a moment. In that case…”

I was about to speak urgently when Rina grabbed my wrist under the table, stopping me. I looked at her with an expression that asked what she was doing, and she looked back at me with a firm expression.

She then glanced around and whispered so only I could hear.

“I know what you want to say, but try not to mention Sir Cross.”


“Because, no doubt, the Ters royal family will treat Sir Cross’s existence as ‘nonexistent.’ The reason they’re not handling this matter privately and are gathering an audience is likely because of this.”

After listening to Rina’s explanation, I understood. Even if I reveal Adelia’s background now, these people won’t believe it.

Moreover, King Friedrich is known as a faithful man who doesn’t keep concubines and only has eyes for one woman. For a king, the importance of having descendants is well-known, and his devotion is quite unusual.

So if I reveal that Adelia is Friedrich’s hidden daughter here? It would be seen as an insult to the king, and my head would likely roll for it.

‘These bastards?’

This makes me even angrier. They’re not only driving someone into the abyss but also trying to erase their very existence.

“True, it was excessive. No matter what, slapping someone is…”

“And to slap a lady’s face, it’s clear he has a terrible character.”

“He was always like that, it seems.”

Due to Laos’s political maneuvering, the perception was shifting towards me being a scoundrel all along. People were siding with Hiriya, and Laos’s words, on the surface, seemed reasonable.

“Ahem, ahem. Everyone. Just a moment, let me…”


“Hear me ou… huh?”

I stopped Rina just before she began her defense. She looked at me with wide eyes. I shrugged with a mysterious smile, and she clamped her mouth shut. She probably guessed the decision I had made.

As she stepped back, I slowly stood up. Countless eyes turned to me as I rose. I took in the audience, including King Friedrich, and then turned my gaze to Laos.

Laos, with his arms crossed, looked relaxed, as if daring me to speak.

On the other hand, Hiriya, seemingly afraid, kept looking back and forth between me and Laos. Her previously arrogant demeanor had completely vanished.

“… …”

When I looked at Adelia, she gave me an apologetic smile and nodded, indicating she respected my decision.

‘Is this the turning point?’

This moment would determine whether I’d remain a villain who lost control and slapped Hiriya, or whether I’d take responsibility for the consequences of what was to come.

It aligned perfectly with the timing Mora had mentioned. It had been less than a month since I slapped Hiriya, but now a month had passed. I took a deep breath and looked King Friedrich straight in the eyes.

“Your Majesty Friedrich, and everyone else, I swear to the gods that what I’m about to say is the absolute truth without a single lie.”

“No need to involve Luminous. We’ll handle it before then.”

Friedrich responded in a curt tone, implying that I might be executed before I could reveal the truth. Exactly what I wanted. If I were to be executed, the Ters Kingdom would be on a fast track to ruin.

With a smile hidden inside, I began to reveal the ‘crucial details’ Laos had omitted, one by one.

“It is true that I slapped Princess Hiriya. However, she not only insulted my bodyguard but also hurled unforgivable insults at my biological mother, calling her a prostitute.”


“Is that true?”


My testimony threw the audience into confusion again. However, Friedrich and Laos remained unfazed. It seemed, as Rina had mentioned, they intended to treat Adelia as if she didn’t exist.

“You probably can’t understand why Princess Hiriya and my bodyguard, Dame Cross, had such a conflict. But if you learn who my bodyguard truly is, the story will change.”

“Oh, that sounds interesting. Could you tell us who this woman is?”

Laos taunted me sarcastically. I gave him a fierce glare before turning to face Friedrich.

“The woman Hiriya insulted is Adelia, my bodyguard and the hidden daughter of King Friedrich. She has been a loyal knight, and the slander thrown at her was unbearable. If you truly value justice, you’ll hear the whole truth and not dismiss this as mere accusations.”

The hall went silent. Everyone, including King Friedrich, was taken aback by my bold declaration. I could feel the tension rising, and I knew the next moments would determine our fate.

He gestured for me to speak, clearly anticipating what I was about to say.

So, I responded, for now, in the way they wanted.

“My bodyguard, Adelia Cross, is the child of His Majesty, King Friedrich Dükard von Kurchers of the Ters Kingdom, and…”

I continued, shifting my gaze to where Laos and Hiriya were seated.

“She is also the half-sibling of Crown Prince Laos, Princess Hiriya, and Princess Lara.”

As soon as I finished speaking, a dead silence fell over the hall. It was an expected reaction.

After all, Friedrich is known for his unwavering loyalty, with four children to prove it. But suddenly, out of nowhere, an illegitimate child appears?

“Hahaha! What nonsense!”

“Are you out of your mind? What are you talking about?”

“Turns out he’s not just violent, but completely insane!”

Of course, they wouldn’t believe me. Even non-royals would find this hard to believe. Despite the mocking laughter filling the hall, I continued to look straight at Friedrich.

He had a smug smile, confident that he had won. If I were to be dragged away as an example for insulting the king, it would indeed be my loss. But I still had a trump card to play.


Friedrich’s roar silenced the room instantly, though I could still hear someone chuckling here and there. Then, Friedrich rested his chin on his hand, adopting a lofty posture as he looked back and forth between Adelia and me.

“So, you claim that this bodyguard is my child?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I’ve never seen this woman before. Do you have any proof that she is my child? Resemblance alone won’t be enough.”

King Friedrich had preemptively dismissed even the only evidence—Adelia’s sky-blue eyes—with his denial. I could only sigh at his shamelessness.

But I had to endure. Revealing everything now would be hasty and poorly timed. I needed to build up steadily and wait for Friedrich and Laos to create an appropriate pretext.

“Are you really going to deny it?”


“I understand. Then, may I ask what you think about the part where my bodyguard was insulted?”


Friedrich stroked his well-groomed beard, pondering. Even if Adelia’s background was dismissed, Hiriya’s insult, especially such a vile one, couldn’t be overlooked. Regardless of the era, such insults are unforgivable verbal violence. It’s a known fact that heated insults can escalate into fatal conflicts.

In this context, Hiriya’s insult warranted a slap. But here lies the problem.

“We should hear Hiriya’s side of the story. Hiriya.”

“Yes, Father.”

Hiriya, who had been sitting like a mouse, raised her head slowly. She looked at me, flinching as if she had seen a monster. What on earth is she thinking?

Anyway, she stood up slowly to face Friedrich. Despite her makeup, her face looked noticeably haggard over the past few days.

“Oh dear… what happened to the princess…”

“She was rejected and even slapped.”

“How pitiful.”

She seemed like a tragic heroine straight out of a drama, drawing sympathetic reactions from the nobles, especially the noblewomen. They also cast hostile glances my way, but I was indifferent to such looks by now.

Rejected, they say? I couldn’t help but chuckle at such nonsense.

“Is what he said true? That you insulted his bodyguard?”


Hiriya started to speak but kept glancing at me. She was probably worried because I had revealed myself as Xenon when I slapped her.

Would the Ters royal family follow their prearranged script, or would there be an unexpected turn of events? I, along with everyone else, waited for her response. After a few seconds of apparent gathering of courage, she finally spoke.

“I did not insult her. We just had a verbal argument…”

“An argument? What was it about?”

“I just told her that we should get along and that the person she serves might change…”

Wow. I’m impressed. While still as oblivious as ever, she’s managed to paint herself as a lovestruck woman. Moreover, by outright denying Adelia’s existence, she’s making it easy for the audience to believe her.

“Princess Hiriya, do you swear to Luminous that what you’re saying is true?”

Rina, seemingly outraged, pressed Hiriya in a somewhat heated tone. Hiriya flinched, possibly because of her own guilt or her acting. Rina then turned to Adelia, who was standing behind her, and asked in a graceful yet authoritative voice.

“Sir Cross, is what Princess Hiriya said true? Please, do not feel pressured and only speak the truth.”

“… …”

Under Rina’s prompting, Adelia looked at me with a slightly hardened expression. I responded with a nod, indicating she should speak. She had nothing to fear. Having her existence denied once again, she was likely boiling with anger rather than feeling hesitant.

“Absolutely not. Princess Hiriya told me, ‘How can a woman with no standing be by his side? Your mother is a prostitute, and you have no right to be near him.’”

“Did she really say such harsh words?”

“She doesn’t seem to be lying…”

“Nonsense! That must be another fabricated story!”

The Ters royal family had built such a strong image that many were reluctant to believe Adelia’s testimony.

If they believed in Adelia’s birth, they might accept it, but they probably wouldn’t. This was also thanks to the image King Friedrich had built.

Even though she swore to the gods, such oaths only hold weight in sanctuaries or temples, they have no significance in this trial. It’s akin to a defendant or witness swearing an oath to the judge in any other court.

“Everyone, silence! We need to hear what this knight has to say. I will ask the questions this time.”

The person calming the now chaotic courtroom was none other than Count Kamar, whom I had been keeping an eye on. Apparently, Count Kamar had considerable influence among the nobles, as his words quickly silenced the audience. He then let out a long sigh and asked Adelia in a dignified voice.

“Adelia Cross, is it? I will ask you this. Are you absolutely certain there is not a single lie in what you just said?”

“I swear to Luminous, it is true.”

“Hmm… Was there any minor conflict before this?”

Unfortunately, Count Kamar also seemed to doubt Adelia’s lineage. This was understandable, as believing too hastily could lead to severe backlash. Adelia glanced at Hiriya at the mention of a minor conflict. Then, with a frustrated sigh, she answered in a troubled voice.

“…We sparred before. And I won.”

“How did you win?”

“I believe not giving my all would be an insult to the royal family.”

Her testimony carried various implications. It subtly undermined Hiriya’s skills while portraying her as petty. It was the best answer Adelia could give, adding some plausibility aside from her lineage claim.

“Such arrogance… She must have cheated!”

“How embarrassed Princess Hiriya must have been. She probably wanted to show her best in front of the man she likes.”

“But insulting someone over that? It’s unlike Princess Hiriya.”

“Is there more to this story?”

People tend to favor their own kind, and as the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. The audience didn’t easily believe Adelia’s reasonable words. Instead, they were busy disparaging her or comforting Hiriya.

Despite Rina’s earnest defense, the lack of a decisive “evidence” meant we were making no real progress. It’s understandable why Rina couldn’t directly mention Adelia’s lineage—the risk was too high.

Such an accusation was a significant taboo among royals, and worsening relations between the two countries would benefit no one.

“But if that bodyguard really is King Friedrich’s child…”

“It makes sense, but it’s also ridiculous. Don’t we all know how much he and the queen love each other?”

“Indeed, he’s been so restrained since Princess Lara.”

“But if it’s not true, then there’s no explanation for all this…”

Fortunately, the seeds of doubt I had sown earlier were beginning to take root. The audience was starting to suspect that the entire incident might indeed be related to Adelia’s lineage.

However, the Ters royal family wouldn’t let this slide. Friedrich, sensing the growing suspicion about his relationship with Adelia, roared out in anger.

“Everyone, silence! I can no longer tolerate this! Are you daring to defame me and the queen?”

The courtroom, which had been buzzing, fell into immediate silence. Insulting the king was a grave crime, punishable by death. This outburst gave Friedrich more leverage to pressure me. He glared at me with intense eyes and spoke in a cold voice.

“Your words are tarnishing my honor. While there may be a reason for slapping Hiriya, accusing that knight of being my blood is something I cannot tolerate.”

“… …”

“I would like to know what basis you have for such a claim. This might be your last chance to speak.”

It was essentially a choice between losing my head or my tongue. While it might seem like an abuse of royal authority, it was a strategic move. If things continued like this, the situation could turn against him, so he was preemptively shutting it down. Rumors and suspicions, once started, grow uncontrollably.

As the majority of eyes focused on me following Friedrich’s words, I scanned the room. There were looks of curiosity, concern, anger, and reproach.

Various expressions were focused on me. I stood up and spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear.

“Your Highness Friedrich, let me clarify that I have no intention of slandering you.”

“After spouting such nonsense, you claim you have no intention to slander? That’s ridiculous.”

It was Laos, not Friedrich, who sneered. Friedrich nodded in agreement.

It was as if they intended not just to make a fool out of someone, but to erase their existence entirely. Adelia does not deserve such treatment.

Not only is she exceptional in her abilities and talents, but she also possesses outstanding beauty despite not taking much care of herself. She is a woman who deserves to be loved by other men, even if not by me, and she is my family.

I took a long breath in and out, then faced Friedrich directly and spoke slowly.

“…Your Highness Friedrich, I repeat, I have no intention to slander you. I only speak the truth.”

“There is no need to hear more. Guards, seize that vile man immediately…”

“What if.”

I cut Friedrich off with a firm voice before he could finish his sentence. Then, with a sharp glare and a voice that seemed to suppress anger, I continued.

“What if Xenon’s Biography also contains the same story?”


“Even if a similar story appears in the upcoming Xenon’s Biography, will you still deny it?”

Friedrich looked at me with a mixture of confusion and absurdity. The same went for everyone else.

It must have been perplexing for Xenon’s Biography to come up out of nowhere. But Xenon’s Biography is currently treated as a prophetic or holy book.

Especially since it is known to depict situations that could become the ‘future’. In other words, I am asking if he will still deny it if a similar situation arises in Xenon’s Biography.

Coincidentally, the contents are described in Volume 22 of Xenon’s Biography. There is no bluffing to deceive the other party.

“If a story in Xenon’s Biography describes someone born as a royal bastard who endures severe abuse and contempt, manages to find a beloved partner only to have them taken away, would you really pretend not to know?”

“Ha! How could you possibly know that?”

“Who are you to speak as if you were Xenon himself?”

“Are you not afraid of the gods? This man must be punished immediately for blasphemy!”

The expected reactions burst out one after another. Currently, the name Xenon is deified not only by demons but also by many people.

The nobles of the Kingdom of Ters are no different. With their pride as a cultural powerhouse, Xenon is something they must never lose and must never be tampered with.

Naturally, they would be furious seeing such a figure used so carelessly. They might even think I’m insane, an impudent fool who doesn’t know his place.

“Can you take responsibility for those words? Your statements will shake not just you but your family and the empire.”

Friedrich, thinking my remarks foolish, scoffed and laughed openly. From his perspective, it must seem like I’m walking straight into hell.

I turned my gaze away from him and looked at Rina and Adelia. Rina shrugged as if to say do as you please, and Adelia wore a sad smile.

“I’ve seen countless fools who risk their lives just to protect a single woman. It’s truly foolish to walk the path of ruin yourself.”

“Just a single woman? Did you say just? Dame Cross is practically family to me. Unlike some, I can trust her enough to keep her by my side regardless of status.”

“Speak no more. If Xenon were to witness this situation, he would shout in anger. Are you not afraid of the gods? The world is much broader and crueler than you think.”

Friedrich, speaking as a king and an adult, offered sincere advice. Though it was half mocking, he might have said it out of pity.

“What is there to fear?”

Contrary to his expectations, I am not afraid at all.

“Who dares to judge me?”

There is no ‘person’ who can judge me.

“I have not spoken a single lie, so even the gods cannot punish me.”

The ‘gods’ are fully supporting me and genuinely cheering for my future.

“You probably won’t believe a word I say. No, you’ll think I’m a madman.”

As I easily withstood the many gazes shot towards me, I approached Laos, holding the draft I had prepared in advance.

“But at this very moment, it is not I who am wrong, but all of you.”

Then, placing the draft on the desk where Laos and Hiriya were seated,

“I have not lied at all.”

I declared confidently.

“As proof,”

No longer,

“I will show you that I am Xenon.”

There is no reason to hide it.

Translators note:

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