Hyper Luck

Chapter 83: Crack (2)

Chapter 83: Crack (2)

Zaires face got very serious.

He was just standing there still for a few minutes like a statue.

Why is someone like the Master of the Lowsvan searching for you two?

Zaire asked Khea and me in a sharp voice.

Even though we had good feelings for each other while having many conversations until recently, it was only natural that it would collapse easily because it was built over a short period of time.

The life or death of his colleague, Leadon, was very important to him, so it was only natural for him to act in such a way.

By any chance, are you on a mission as Sworders currently?

We are not.

Then have you broken a rule in a previous mission?

We havent received any mission at all ever since the mission at the Bing Caravan.

Khea immediately answered the first question, and I answered the second one.

After confirming our gazes, Zaire sat down on the floor as he placed his finger on his chin.

This is a quite difficult situation. Something went really wrong somewhere. And Im not even sure where and how it went wrong.

Khea also leaned on a wall beside her as she put her fingertip on her forehead, failing to hide her confused curiosity.

Normally, a Sworder would never look for another Sworder dispatched in a different region.

I added a comment on her remark.

This is something that would happen when someone breaks the rule, right? Dispatching a Sowrder in order to eliminate a rule-breaking Sworder...

These were the stories I heard while we were being trained by our master.

Khea began to shake her head.

Its been a long time since Sworders of our level are forbidden from eliminating a fallen Sworder since it caused a lot of damage. 

Nowadays, master punishes the Sworders who had broken the rules.

It was exactly as she said.

The Sworder chasing after Lairo was also killed by our master.

The problem is, a master Sworder visited the Information Guild to seek for you two, showing aggressive behaviour.

Khea and I nodded to Zaires words.

It was also the most suspicious part.

Clearly, something huge mustve happened.

This was the conclusion that Khea could only come to.

And I too couldnt get a better conclusion than that one.

For whatever reason, I was convinced that the Sworders of Lowsvan werent seeking to find us for a good reason.

I am sorry to tell you this, but Id have to ask you to assist me for now.

Zaire suddenly stood up from his seat and softly spoke to Khea and me.

We will have to return to the Information Guild.

There was a pleading mixed in his resolute voice.

We couldnt refuse his request since this was a very important matter for us too.

There was a clue to finding Sharan right in front of us, but a bigger and more important problem had arisen.

Sounds good. Let us return!

Thank you! Follow me, please!

Zaire thanked me for my answer and turned around and began to run.

However, considering the countless number of devices and mazes that we went through, it would take a very long time for us to return to the starting point.

Even before I could finish worrying about such a problem, Zaire muttered softly in front of the pressing stone.

Extremely difficult to pass through, but easy to get out. This is the phrase that explains the isolated tendencies of wizards. If you intentionally press the wrong button like this...

Zaire started to press the stone placed in front of his foot instead of the pressing stone placed left to him. Then he immediately jumped into the disappearing and trembling stone wall.

The wall beyond the stone wall was the camouflage we first encountered.

Having confirmed that, Khea and I went through the camouflage walls.

In an instant, the large square came into my eyes.

If you make a single mistake, you go back to the very beginning. Though I never thought this could be useful like this.

After making a bittersweet comment, Zaire did not delay and began to run in haste.

As we followed after him for a few minutes with our robes fluttering,

The sky darkened all of a sudden.

In an instant, the night sky unfolded, and the clear Milky Way with stars that looked like crushed pearls were embroidered in it.

What in the...

After confirming Zaires bewildered expression, I hurriedly took a look around.

This was clearly beyond the scope of the problems we were dealing with. It wasn't like the lighting advertisement I saw the other day.

When I came across this situation where even the sky beyond the horizon was dyed black, my head started to feel dizzy.

Over there!

Then I heard Kheas shout.

She had already taken off her robe and pointed her finger in a direction with a big movement.

The sight at the tip of her fingertips,


It belonged to another huge problem from the one we were facing right now.

Oh my...

Zaires chin dropped and started to shed cold sweats.

That was how incredible the sight unfolded in front of us truly was.


In the middle of the White Tower,

An intense flash of light began to burst out from the tower like an explosion.

Around the flash, lumps of flesh were dripping like melted steel, and black smoke and flames began to rise beneath it in an instant.

What in the world is happening right now...?

Khea clenched her teeth.

Then Khea, Zaire, and I all stopped thinking.

In front of my eyes,

There stood a man.

The tall man in a black robe embroidered with red fluttering letters, wearing an eye patch on one of his eyes, and with long hair the same color as the dark night sky, was fiercely staring at us.

A moment later,


The man pulled out a blue stone from his robe, and spoke in the voice as the same one that came from the crystal ball in a call with Leadon.

Khea shouted.

Its a Spacial stone!

A Spacial stone was an item that was closely related to portals in this <Circuit> world.

Then that meant...

Yes, just like what I thought,

Two waving mirrors began to appear from the back of the man.

And two people walked out from them.

I, Azera the blade of the Lowsvan answer Masters call.

I, Larife the blade of the Lowsvan answer Masters call.

A man with disheveled red hair, as if he was struck by lightning, and the other man with the same colored hair, but with a precise bowl cut, both bowed their heads to the tall man.

Disheveled hair was Azera,

And the bowl cut was Larife.

And on top of their heads,

<Lv. 94 Azera>

<Lv. 121 Larife>

There appeared the information indicating that they are at least 20 levels higher than me.

They had to be the Sworders that had the longest career among the normal Sworders at least.

The blade of Asparagan, Khea witnesses the presence of the master of Lowsvan.

Khea bowed her head to greet them as she carefully pulled out her rapier.

As far as I knew, Khea was one of the five strongest Sworders of Asparagan with a level of 83. Considering that fact, those two had to be terribly strong.

What business would you have to come to find us all the way here, may I ask?

Khea asked politely.

However, at the end of her polite question, she flashed her green eyes,

Master Guinir.

She said without hiding her discomfort.

That goddamned twat, how dare you!

Azera shouted out profanity as he watched that scene.

Shut it, Azera. Master is speaking right now.

At this Larife stopped him.

Azera instantly covered his mouth with his hands. After that, the man called Guinir walked a step forward.

And in that instant, my throat suddenly started to feel like it was being choked.


To the point that I coughed without realizing it.

That was how intense his killing intention was.

Ive kept my silence for a long time about the Asparagan Sanctuary.

What does that even...

Before Khea could even finish her sentence, Guinir walked another step forward.

Even Khea had to take a step back as if she felt the choke.

How surprising, isnt it? The beings that fell into this world with the mystical power of immortality are called the players. Do those at the Asparagan Sanctuary not truly know? Or has it already been defiled by the players?

Guinir, who had not even changed his expression, raised his head slightly.

I do not exactly know what youre trying to say yet, but do not insult the Asparagan Sanctuary!

Khea barely managed to make a sharp reply.

Guinir started to put a small smile on his lips.

Its you, I see. The one that became the hero among the players after slaying Lidornn.

Then he fixed his gaze on me.

It felt like needles were piercing my skin after receiving his burning gaze.

That prince was young and foolish, but his sense of purpose was sublime. He was also the sage that spread the idea that the players are the cancerous beings to this world.

Then Guinir pulled out a thin sword hanging from his back.

The sword, which was firmly attached to the firm scabbard with a black luster, had such an amazing length that it made Guinir look short.

The moment I saw the sword exuding such loud energy, a notification window appeared in front of my sight.

< You have witnessed the Holy Sword - Gospel! >

< Strength +3! >

It was one of the famous weapons that I had learned about from the master back in the Asparagan Sanctuary.

My heart raced rapidly at the majesty of such a great weapon that unlocked an achievement upon just witnessing it.

That is why we have made a firm decision on what we must do.

As soon as Guinir finished his words, Azera excitedly pulled the Seal of the Sworder from his finger.

Khea reacted violently against this action.

You are fully aware of what your action indicates, correct!?

Azera smirked after hearing that.

Indicates what now? How about the disgraceful fact that you have betrayed the organization by killing one of us and accepting a player as a member?

That was because he had broken the rule...!

The rule!

Larifes face had turned red after remaining silent.

How ridiculous! Killing off a Sworder that had sworn his life and allegiance like its nothing just because of some rules!

He pulled out a sword with a blade like a sharks teeth.

It is just a trash organization that slaughters its own members under the name of rules! Can you make a counterargument!? Do you truly believe that the life of that Sworder was worth the same as the life of that disgusting player standing over there!

Kheas expression gradually distorted as she listened to Larifes shout.

Weve endured through a lot! Weve carried out our missions while keeping confidentiality! Because that was the rule of the Sworders! Because we were the guardians who kept the balance of this world!

But then what happened after the player started to appear in this world? Many have died miserable and lonely deaths! That is why I waited! I waited for the mission that would fall before me in order to keep the balance of this world!

But you, the Sworders of Asparagan! You have accepted the very reason that destroyed the balance of this world! Do you have any clue how disgraceful that is?!

Larife didnt stop at this and continued to shout as he clenched his teeth so tight that it looked like it was going to break.

Just like what master said, you are the cancerous beings of this world. And the ones that defend them, are literally nothing but rotten abscess next to the cancerous mass!

Then he threw the Seal of the Sworder that he had on his finger to the ground.

Azera followed after, doing the same thing.

Khea shouted fiercely.

Sworders of Lowsvan! Do you truly wish to become traitors to the Sworders?!

At her question, Guinir carefully began to pull out the sword that was held in his scabbard.

What came out of the dark scabbard was something closer to pure darkness.

Its existence did not allow a single particle of light, looking extremely out of place from its surroundings.

Traitors, you say? Only time will prove who would be the real traitors. The ones who had taken in a player who started to destroy the balance of this world? Or the ones trying to protect the balance from the players?

Then, with an intimidating gait, he began to come closer to us.

Because history is always written by the victors.

Naturally, on top of his head, 

A flowing pop-up window appeared with blazing red text.

<Lv. 233 Guinir>

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