Hyper Luck

Chapter 93: Cerulean Being (1)

Chapter 93: Cerulean Being (1)

The pillars of light that fell across Lundebarun with two powerful earthquakes were so large that it was no exaggeration to say that the affected area was the entire area of Olu, the magical continent where Lundebarun was located.

As soon as such an anomaly was witnessed, there was a group of people who were heading toward the pillars of light.

W... Will we really be okay, Sir Knight...?!

A frightened, little girl with bunny ears stood still, unable to control her little trembling shoulders.

In front of her there stood a tall man wearing a very simple and thin light armor that covered his whole body like a suit.

I swear on the name of Bellica, that I shall protect your lives.

With that being the only thing he said, he started to walk toward the disappearing pillars of light.

And behind him, there stood the trembling Lympu, and another person walking in humble steps like the man in front with a bow made of black wood in hand.

Soon, the pillars of light pouring from the portal decreased in size and disappeared.

At the same time, the portal floating in the sky began to get smaller, as if it had already poured out everything inside it, then decreased to the size of a small dot, and then disappeared.

Such an incredible sight.

But even as the overbearing supernatural phenomenon in front of him had vanished, there was still a serious look left on the face of the man clad in light armor.

Even the expressionless woman who was holding her black arch bow twitched her eyes and looked seriously in front of her.

The Lympu girl, who had been carefully monitoring the situation, was on the verge of crying

I feel like this isnt something that a mere party can solve...?

The female archer said to the man standing in front of her.

Well, theres always an answer to everything.

The male knight raised his characteristic thick eyebrows and said in a stern tone.

Then he turned around, passing through the Lympu and the female archer.

And the answer you give is to run away?

The man suddenly stopped at the words of the female archer who asked with a sneer.

Nah, I just need to bring some supplies with me.

And moved again with a subtle smile

As he lifted the large, long blunt weapon he was holding in his right hand behind his neck

The young Lympu, who saw it, looked at the female archer lamentably.

Uhm... I dont think anyone could ever win against the legion standing on the prairie over thereee...

The female archer began to smile at the girl's words, who struggled to catch her trembling voice.

Dont worry. That crazy bastard has always made the impossible happen.

Contrary to the reaction of the trembling Lympu, the female archer watched the man walking in the distance with a confident expression on her face.

If someone asked how she could be so confident,

Thats because,

The man walking in the distance over there was,

The very player who had cleared the Troll Patch of Tikris, Flames of Karma,


* * *

* * *

The secret passage is located on the 89th floor of the White Tower.

There were more than 4,000 bookshelves in the passage, in which one had to go through a maze of bookshelves, and about 200 of them were traps copied by magic.

The fake bookshelves were completely indistinguishable from the real ones, so one mistake would bring them back straight to the beginning. However, even in the worst conditions and difficulties, Kellion had begun to storm through the maze with Sharan on his side.

Kellions intelligence stat was already at the level of providing the ability to memorize an entire maze by looking at it once.

Youre the one from the battle against the Prince of Rebellion, right...?

Yes, that is correct.

Thank you for saving me.

No, dont thank me. You were put in a very dangerous situation because of me.

But in the end, I managed to survive thanks to you.

You have been...asleep for around 10 days in Circuit.


In real life, you have not been able to log out for the entire 3 days.


Unable to hide her bewildered expression, Sharan froze up on the spot.

The teleportation magic that I used to save you had been manipulated by the people here in the White Tower. And you were put to sleep forcefully through their magic.

Wh... What was going on until now?

Sharan's voice, not knowing what to do from the shock, began to rise.

It was a natural reaction from panic.

Ill tell you everything once we get out of here.

What happened to Mose? Swordsman and Guile... And Khea...?

Sharan, unable to handle this situation in the end, collapsed to the floor.

Seeing her like that, Kellion immediately wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

First off, it is imperative to have a hold of your mind for now. Though we are in such a situation, we cant just log out in a place like this. We will be able to get out of here very soon.

Sharan nodded with a trembling chin, as she was awakened by Kellion's firm and tempered choice of words.

She was very shocked at the fact that she had been asleep for 10 days in-game, but considering the shocking events of the Prince of Rebellion that happened the last time she was awake, this wasnt that much of a shock.

Sharan busily followed after Kellions busy steps.

Sharan was restoring her mental state at an astonishing rate, even after all the shocks that had reached her.

After a while, Kellion, who had finally arrived at the black wall through numerous bookshelves, stopped at his place.

Do you perhaps get motion sickness or fear from height?

I dont get sick, but... I do have some fear of heights.

Sharan carefully answered Kellion's question, and upon hearing the answer, Kellion immediately wrapped his arm around Sharans waist.

Then dont ever open your eyes until I say you can.


As soon as Sharan's reply was finished, Kellion began to sprint toward the wall.

And right before they crashed into the wall, she clenched her teeth, closing her eyes tightly.

After a while, she didn't feel like she had been hit on any part of her body, even though it had been a while since the crash shouldve happened.

She had pushed her head down even more after feeling an incredible amount of wind hitting her face.

And as she was starting to adapt to the wind hitting her face, she realized that her two feet were no longer touching the ground.

And as soon as she realized that, she immediately lost her sense of direction to a strange sensation that started from the tip of her feet, causing her to push down her waist in fear.

However, because Kellion firmly wrapped his arms around her waist, she wasnt able to do that, and she had to deal with the sensation of being floating in the air for a very long time.

Normally, she was supposed to be falling to the ground at an incredible speed, but the wind blowing on her face didnt feel like one from falling, making her curious about the current situation.

Even so, she never opened her eyes.

Because she was aware that the state of her mind wasnt ready to receive another shock.

And Moses face flashed through her mind, unconsciously.

Sharan was able to calm down quickly after Moss's face appeared, and she was able to withstand the wind blowing on her face with calmness.


You may open your eyes now.

Kellions voice was heard.

As soon as she heard that voice, she felt that the wind that had been blowing on her own face was no longer there, so she carefully opened her eyes.

In front of her, she saw a huge road that many people were passing by.

She hurriedly looked around and saw that this was a corner of a dark alleyway.

As soon as she recognized the alleyway, a familiar phrase appeared in front of her eyes.


Kellion hurriedly walked out of the alleyway, and Sharan also followed after him.

Soon the huge noise from the crowd reached her ears.

What kind of process did you take to get to Toico so quickly?

Itd be a shock for you if I told you right now, so Ill make sure to tell you every detail of it next time we get a chance.

Kellion hurriedly led Sharan into an inn in Toico, and handed her a key to the room.

Its been 3 days. It is your first priority to calm down your friends and family who may be concerned about your disappearance.

Sharan thanked him politely after receiving the key.

Thank you so much.

However, Kellion seemed to look guilty despite her gratitude.

No, this is all my fault.

In any case, it was true that Sharan suffered damage from being acquainted with Kellion.

Of course, the fact that her life was saved from the Prince of Rebellion because of Kellion was also true.

After hurrying into the room, she carefully took a seat on the bed.

She started shaking her head violently after being unsure if she was still in dream or not.

I hope all of these things that just happened aren't just dreams of someone who had been asleep for 10 days straight.

After muttering to herself, she quickly laid her body on the bed and immediately,

Log out.

Closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, the impressive room with brown wood patterned wallpaper greeted her back.

It was her home.

The dust in the house that had accumulated for three days seemed to prove the sense of disparity she had to face starting now.

* * *

My sharp blades, at last, the passage to the world we longed for has been opened.

Blue skin, covered with black tattoos all over his body, a tall man with red teeth protruding low roared.

Traces of fierce battles remained intact on his blue face.

The muscles all over his body seemed harder than the steel armor.

After a while, black smoke began to rise from his eyes.

We are the Rebaccans born with the destiny of conquest.

(TL note: Changing Raebacan into Rebaccans.)

Just swinging the pitch-black mace in his hands seemed to stain its tracks forever black.

On the rock where he was standing, only the part where his mace was facing was tanned black.

And our god has bestowed us with a new task to carry out.

Soon he began to roar with his arms wide open.

From the black chains in his hands, instead of the sound of iron, there was a roaring sound, like a hungry beast begging for food.

The passage to the other world!

Hoo! Haa!

Soon his torso began to grow large, and soon from his mouth came a loud voice, like a rock falling from the top of a great mountain.

And in line with his voice, simple and fitting battle cries rang out.

We shall conquer!

Hoo! Haa!

The owner of this land shall soon change now!

Hoo! Haa!

With black smoke coming out of his eyes, he spread his shoulders and looked around him.

He was watching the huge plain and the black mountains, then turned to look at the horizon where the sky and the earth were touching.

The land on the horizon,

Was dyed blue.

After confirming that,


He roared out loud.

The black mountains that had risen around them began to move.

The whole earth began to move below the horizon

The legion.

A race from another world that yearned for conquest,

Had reached the world of .

It was different from the huge events that were always caused by the players.

This incident,

It was caused by a foolish NPC who succumbed to his jealousy toward a player.

The players of are once again faced with a giant event such as this.

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