I Became a Student at the Transcension Academy

Chapter 203

Chapter 203 - Demon Lord Eldritch (3)

A mountain not far from Phoenix City.

The great voice climbed to the top of the mountain and looked down.

In the distance, the interior of the city of Phoenix was clearly visible.


Damn it!

Inside the city, a battle between Seojun and Eldritch was taking place.

A series of transcendent sights.


The great voice watched the scene in silence.

I thought wrong.

Contrary to the fate that would end soon,

the fight between the two was fiercer than expected.


So the great voice had a second thought.

Along with the pain that hit his whole body, Seo-joon was able to recall.

It was also true that he recalled his hopeful feelings.

Kwa Dang Tang!

But, no matter how far.

It was just a wish that didn't come true.

The body, which had soared into the air, tumbled to the floor, and a terrible pain surged through it.

But Seo-joon couldn't do anything.

I thought I would be able to reach the state of fa-kyung in the fight against Eldritch.

The progress that had to be raised was 1.3%.

I thought I could do enough.

In fact, we only have to raise it by 0.1% now.

That was Seo-jun's fatal decision.

The lectures at the Transcendent Academy do not simply follow the progress of the lectures.

The course progress was simply expressed as a number.

Even 0.1% of the same number is not 0.1% of the same meaning.

This was the case with Shakyamuni's lecture, which stopped at 49.9%.

Merlin's lecture was like that a long time ago.

This was the case with all the transcendent academy lectures that Seo-joon had listened to.

What was needed to reach a certain level was not the progress of the lecture.

The process of students understanding and learning Myori by themselves.

it was needed

Therefore, it is not a simple figure of 0.1%, but

Seo-joon himself must understand and learn the tricks of foot scripture.

However, it was impossible for Seo-joon, who learned in a hurry, to have such a thing.

Of course, I know it in my head.

So I thought I could do it.

But no.

And even if it reaches the state of Fa-Gyeong.

It was now a question whether he could kill that demon king.

It is also true that the realm of fa-jin was only to draw out the ability of Longinus' spear.

In a word, the minimum qualifications to stand against the end.

That was all.

Just because you were qualified didn't mean you could fight against them.

Qualification was literally the minimum condition that could be matched.

The idea of killing the eldritch was just a hopeful possibility.

That's why it was a complacency and

a very stupid decision.

It would have been better if I had studied a little more.

Then it would have involved the sacrifice of many people.

And Seoyoon's death couldn't be prevented either.

What if 50 trillion was used in a different way?

Then there is no way to kill the eldritch.

Ultimately, the results do not change.

“Stop! Stop him from going to Kim Seo-joon!”


Numerous cataclysmic heroes rushed to Eldritch to protect Seo Jun.

[Insignificant bugs!]


But to no avail.

Still, they persevered.

Heroes of Cataclysm are heroes of Cataclysm.

No matter how old he was, his strength was not easily broken.


But that too is only a matter of time.

Before that end, nothing has meaning.

Seo-joon stood up from his spot.

Every time I moved my body, I felt terrible pain.

It was only natural that he was directly hit by that terrible magic.

Not dying was tolerable.

Seojun slowly raised his head.

end of immortality.

In the end, there was only one way to annihilate the Eldritch.

The power that annihilated Beserk in England.

Collapse of all things.

However, when he casts Collapse of Everything, Seo-jun dies.

This time, it is not dragged into the boundary space.

You have to accept that recoil as it is.

Even Seo-joon, who was intact, could not accept the reaction.

Even more so, in the current state, Seo-joon will surely die.

There are no more miracles.

If type 2 is cast...

Seo-joon immediately shook his head.

Type 2 is so insecure.

It was possible up to 6 seconds, but not type 2.

It didn't matter if the cast of type 2 was successful.

But what if it fails?

The eldritch will not perish, and

then all is over.

Therefore, it must be dealt with with a certain type 1 universal collapse.

The fate of the world could not be staked on something that was not certain.

Seo-joon bit off this.

In the end, there is only one answer.

However, a thick hesitation grips the heart and stretches.

Seo-joon immediately burst out laughing.

Wasn't the answer decided in the first place?

But what are you thinking about and hesitating about?

Seojun slowly looked away.

The heroes and teammates were fighting fiercely against the Eldritch.

But that won't go far either.

If I don't, everyone will die.

So if you want to protect all of this.

Seo-joon took a turbulent step.

trudge again.

It was just then that he was about to unleash the magic of the three-way war.

“Seo Seo-jun...”

For an instant, Seo-yoon's voice came from behind Seo-jun.

It was a faint voice, but it was definitely heard in Seo-joon's ears.

Seojun slowly looked back.

There, he saw Seoyoon drooping.

Seoyoon opened her mouth again.

“Don't go anywhere...”

My body stiffened for an instant.

In the meantime, Seoyoon's voice was heard again.

“Don’t go anywhere, leave me…”

I wonder if he must have squeezed out his last strength to open his mouth.

Seoyoon's voice was no longer heard.

So it looked like it was dead, but it wasn't.

just getting closer to death.

Seo-joon ended up laughing.

I made a foolish decision,

then made another foolish decision.

The answer has not been determined.

“I told you last time.”

I just knew from the beginning.

But why did you think back?

Why did you think I was stupid again?

It's been a long time since I've been in the middle of a long time.

What an arrogant and foolish judgment.


“I’m not going anywhere, leaving Seoyoon.”

Seo-joon took a turbulent step.

Seojun knew the answer.

I knew the answer right from the start.

That the only way to kill an eldritch is with a foot shot.

The martial arts of transcendence.

the realm beyond.

At that level, he could kill the Eldritch.

However, I decided that it was impossible because I couldn't reach Seo-joon's level right now.


However, Seo-jun saw that state.

Even though it was still a long way to reach, Seo-joon saw and felt it with his own two eyes.

Through the fight against Jecheondaeseong.

Through the numerous instructors at the transcendent academy Seo-joon passed by.

I saw and felt it over and over again.

The knowledge to reach it is the theory.

It was clearly imprinted in Seo-jun's senses in his head.

Seojun slowly closed his eyes.

The stage where Jecheondaeseong was visible unfolded

in the dark field of vision .

There was an endless road ahead of him.

far away

It's too far away.

I can't reach it at the current level.

I stretched out my foot, but I couldn't reach it.

‘This isn't it.'

So that wasn't the answer.

I made another stupid decision.

A smile forms on Seo-joon's lips.

when was it

Merlin had said this before.

[Learning is such a wonderful thing.]

[But when learning becomes a habit, self-expression becomes an obstacle.] [

Because learning is always learning what someone else has expressed.

] Will you say that I am doing well while learning what you have expressed?]

[Remember. At some point, you shouldn't be satisfied with learning. Learning should exist as a means to express oneself.]



Creators do not follow.

Just my way.

yes in my own way.

For an instant, Seo-jun's consciousness expanded.

I learned from Jecheon Daeseong.

Learned from many transcendentalists.

All that knowledge, tricks, and realizations come to mind.

At the current level of Seo-joon, transcendence is far away.

That's why Seo Jun couldn't do it like Jecheon Daeseong.

The Cheonwol meteor spear shown by Jecheon Daeseong.

The new changhapil that Jecheon Daesung taught me.

Seo-joon could neither do nor be seen.


Can't I spread it like I am?

It doesn't matter if you unfold it in your own way.

You don't have to strive to be perfect.

Why did you want to pursue perfection?

Ultimate does not mean perfection.

Even if it's lacking, be me.

yes like me

The pinnacle and ultimate state of spearmanship.

Shinchanghapil (body change union).

The spear and I become one, so I am the spear.

Seojun slowly opened his eyes.

The window becomes me.

I become a window.

Seojun's eyes shimmered blue.


Eldritch's eyes widened at the sudden turmoil.

Unbeknownst to me, my head jerked back.

Seojun was standing there.

more... do.

Something is strange.

Obviously, Seo-joon doesn't feel any power.

The battered body is dangerous, as if it would collapse and die if struck.

But it's dangerous.

It's quite dangerous too.

The eldritch shuddered at the fear that pierced his instincts.

wait fear?

The Eldritch momentarily froze at the thought.

Eldritch is an existence demon based on darkness.

fear despair fear.

All of these are emotions derived from oneself.

He is the Demon King himself, fear itself.

But fear feels fear?

have to kill

Eldritch squeezed all his strength and raised his mana.

[Everyone go away!]


The power of the eerie dragon burst out and the surroundings were cleared at once.

Eldritch also lost his mind for a while due to the use of excessive magical power.

But I didn't care.

have to kill

I have to kill Seo-jun right now, no matter what.

Eldritch seized his dizzying spirit and fired jet-black magic at Seo-jun.

An overbearing force dominated the space.

Before long, a great darkness rushed towards Seo-joon.

However, Seo-jun did not stop and took a step.

Although very little.

It looks like something.

really very little though.

It's a speck of dust that can't even be called a little bit.

It definitely touched something.

can i do it

you can do it.

You don't have to do it like Jecheon Daeseong, right?

yes like me

even if it lacks a lot.

A blue light burst out of Seo-jun's eyes.

Soon, thunderbolts bursting tore apart the world.

Longinus's spear was already pointed forward.

And when the spear of Longinus meets the darkness.


The wall exploded and the world was twisted.

That wondrous power

turned space itself upside down and temporarily transcended the realm of martial arts.

[This is nonsense...!!]

Eldritch's astonishment burst out.

It could be... it can't be.

Eldritch gathered all his mana and exploded it.



the dragon was torn.

The power contained in the dragon words disappeared without even becoming a word word.

don't make sense

This is nonsense!

The eldritch's eyes shook greatly.

The spirit of the word is the power involved in the laws of the world itself.

Although it is possible to resist its force, it is impossible to distort the law itself.

No existence is possible!

It's only—!


For an instant, Eldritch's thoughts were blocked.

The light in his eyes gleamed and he turned to Seo-joon.

common sense and cognition.

I feel an overwhelming presence that can't be measured with it.

Standing in front of him was so shabby.

The existence of the ancient evil demon king felt shabby.


Seojun takes a step.

May Jecheondaeseong come.

It was said that Shinchang-il was not a technical thing, but a state of mind acquisition (心得).

The unconditional union of heaven and man, all things and all.

The process of bridging the mental and physical realms into one.

Jecheondaeseong expressed this like this.

‘You can think of it as bringing the state of immobility to your body.'



The source of infinite power dwelling in the immovable mind.

The power of transcendence dwells in Seo-joon's whole body.

[This...! This is...!]

Eldritch's eyes were stained with astonishment.

Those who exist far beyond the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Why is the power of that existence here...!

[This is impossible!]

That power is something that humans can never have!

By the way... but what the hell...!

[How do you get that power...!]

Fear, fear, despair.

The negative emotions that make up the world return to the place where they were born.

and gnaws at its mother.

[This can't be like this!!]

The eldritch backtracked involuntarily.

You have to run away.

We must run away right now!

The eldritch squeezed out the remaining mana.

Even if your whole body is crushed, you must run away.

You have to reconstitute and save your strength.

By the way... but...

the mana doesn't gather.

In the face of that wondrous power, everything crumbles and turns to dust.

[Oh no... no!!!]

Seo-joon trudged towards the eldritch.


this feeling now.

Am I holding the Spear of Longinus?

all right

The appearance of Eldritch in front of my eyes.

[How! How can you...!!!]

Seo-joon stabbed something forward that he thought was Longinus's spear.

And when the point at which the window started eventually reached the end.

Bun—- Boom!

Heaven and Earth


【As expected...】

The great voice nodded.

It doesn't change.

The predestined destiny does not change.

No matter how unexpected the variables are, no one can escape from the overwhelming fate.

A mere individual could not twist the flow of fate.

I don't know if it was possible once because of a causal coincidence, but not twice.

In the end, only the end is the answer to this world.

【The meeting with you will not come true.】

The great voice slowly turned its back and left.

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