I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 43 - 43: 43: Theft Failure

Chapter 43: Chapter 43: Theft Failurebender

Translator: 549690339

Yang Zheng was seriously injured.

The two people in black completely lost interest in his bracelet. What they wanted was a special bracelet with innate talent, not this ordinary bracelet.

“Should we kill him?” said one of them.

“This guy is from the official side. Killing him might cause trouble,” the other hesitated.

Cough, cough… Fresh blood coughed up, Yang Zheng stared at the two black-clothed men in front of him and said, “Who are you exactly?”

He rushed over immediately after receiving Bai Mengmeng’s call.

He thought it was just a normal case and could easily solve it even if there were people behind the scenes controlling it.

However, after catching up with the robbers, he realized his mistake. Two martial artists with awakening bloodline combat techniques, it’s simply unbelievable!

Even if he was foolish, he could smell the unusualness of it.

Ignoring Yang Zheng, one of the black-clothed men said, “Since the official person is indeed troublesome, let’s ignore him.”

They were obviously wary of the official side and didn’t want their relationship to be too rigid.

The two of them got in the car, ready to leave.

Suddenly they noticed that a young man with an ordinary appearance was standing a few dozen meters in front of their car.

Su Nan said, “Are you two planning to leave just like that?”

Hearing this, the two black-clad men were stunned and reacted in the next moment.

“Bloodline Warriors!”

They couldn’t see Su Nan’s details, but they knew that anyone who dared to stop them at this time wouldn’t be an ordinary person.

“Could it be him?”

“It’s possible. Didn’t L and M say last time that someone had intercepted their target? It’s likely that this person did it last time.”

“No matter whether the object is in his hands or not, we can’t let him go since we’ve encountered him.”

The two black-clothed men quickly exchanged glances, with joy in their eyes.

Without saying another word, they got out of the car and charged at Su Nan.

The Physical Warrior was in the lead, rushing towards Su Nan like a speeding car.

The law-controlling class martial artist stayed not far away, looking for a chance to strike Su Nan at any time.

Su Nan also took action, planning to fight quickly.

If it took too long, it would be troublesome if other accomplices of the two black-robed men were drawn here. Now, he could easily handle these two, but more would be uncertain.

“Are you a Physical Warrior too?” sneered the black-clad man. His speed increased, trying to see who was stronger between him and Su Nan.

But at the moment Su Nan threw his punch, his face changed abruptly.

Even without contacting Su Nan, he felt a powerful force; Su Nan’s strength was much greater than his.

“Not good!” The black-clothed man with the physique system instantly lost the idea of fighting Su Nan hard and wanted to dodge the punch.

But Su Nan didn’t give him a chance at all, and hit him with a punch without any technique.


His body let out a muffled sound, the black-clothed man with the physique system kept retreating. Su Nan didn’t give him a chance to escape, and used the Bloodline Battle Technique: Earth-Shattering Fist, hitting him with several consecutive punches.

From the black-clothed man’s attack to his severe injury, it all happened in a breath, and the other black-clothed man didn’t even have a chance to strike.

It wasn’t until Su Nan looked at him that the law-controlling class martial artist reacted, finally realizing Su Nan’s extraordinary skill.

“You must have more than one Great Demon Art Perfection!” The black-clothed man was horrified and started running without a second thought.

How could Su Nan let him go? He unleashed all his strength, rushing towards him at extreme speed.

Frightened, the black-clothed man tried to use fireballs to block Su Nan, but Su Nan easily dodged them all.

Before he could return to the car, he was caught and knocked down by Su Nan, who then threw him beside the other black-clothed man.

Not far away.

Seeing this scene, Yang Zheng was shocked at heart.

He knew very well how powerful these two black-clothed men were, but they were easily defeated by Su Nan.

“Who are these people? Where did they come from?”

Yang Zheng was unsure, doubting whether these three were game players or not.

If they were game players, why weren’t they on the ranking list?

If not, where did their power come from?

Looking at the two people on the ground, struggling in vain, Su Nan said, “As long as you can answer my questions well, I can spare your lives.”

“First question, who are you?”

This was a question Su Nan really wanted to know. He knew the black-clothed men were organized, but he didn’t know anything about the organization.

With pale faces, the two black-clothed men showed no intention of answering.

“Won’t answer?” Su Nan’s face turned cold, stepping on the leg of the black-clothed man with the physique system without warning.

There was a crisp sound as his femur broke.

The black-clothed man immediately let out a miserable scream. Finally unable to bear it, he shouted angrily, “No matter who you are, you will pay a bloody price for opposing us!”

Before his words even fell, he desperately attacked Su Nan, trying to die together with Su Nan, regardless of the risk of being killed.

Su Nan reacted quickly and naturally wouldn’t let him succeed.

He used Mountain Elephant Stomping Mountain, stomping heavily on the black-clothed man’s chest. The man’s chest was now completely sunken.

He spurted blood from his mouth and died!

This was Su Nan’s second time killing someone in reality, under the watchful eyes of others, but he still didn’t feel uncomfortable.

Expectation filled his eyes as he waited patiently.

A moment later, he furrowed his brow.

“Strange? Why is this happening?”

After being killed by him, the Life Wheel Scripture had no response, which was beyond his expectation.

“Could it be because this black-clothed man is not a target who can be robbed of his fate?” He thought of a possibility.

The ability of Life Stealing was clearly stated in the description. After killing a target who can be robbed of their fate, he would automatically steal their fate.

Now that he couldn’t steal it, the problem was apparent.

“So not everyone’s fate can be stolen, huh?” Su Nan was somewhat disappointed.

Last time he killed someone randomly and stole their fate, which led him to believe that as long as he killed the person, he could steal it.

It seemed there were still unknown restrictions in this process.

What were they?

He didn’t have time to think anymore and looked at the other black-clothed man:

“He’s dead, now there’s only you left.. Second question, what are you guys looking for?”

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