Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

576. Rescue the Phoenix

576. Rescue the Phoenix

With each technique Lin Fei unleashed, one law after another shattered under the force of his power. However, the laws were numerous, and one after another continued to appear.

The True Monarch-level world didn't collapse. When one law shattered and broke, the next would quickly restore itself. This was because the source sea of the True Monarch-level world remained intact.

As Lin Fei continued his efforts, the initial excitement and hope in the Phoenix's heart gradually subsided. Instead, a sense of disappointment crept in. It could tell that while Lin Fei could make laws shatter, he couldn't break all of them. He still couldn't shatter the invisible law barrier surrounding it, which meant he couldn't take it out of the world.

Lin Fei noticed the change in the Phoenix's expression.

"I don't need to break all the laws. I just need to break the laws around this True Monarch-level world's portal. When that happens, the portal will lose its barrier, and you'll be able to leave this True Monarch-level world. To achieve this, I need to sever the connection between the portal area and the entire True Monarch-level world," Lin Fei muttered quietly.

While it might seem impossible for others, Lin Fei had a way. He possessed Saber World, which could isolate the inside from the outside. His current Saber World was top-tier among True Monarchs, and even a True Monarch-level world would have a hard time breaking through Saber World's isolation.

"Senior Phoenix, don't lose hope. There's one last method," Lin Fei said, instilling a glimmer of hope in the Phoenix.

However, the Phoenix remained skeptical. "What method can there possibly be now?"

Lin Fei didn't respond. Instead, he took a deep breath and declared, "Saber World!"

With his words, Saber World descended, a fusion of Lin Fei's world laws.

This time, Saber World was a fusion of Lin Fei's sixty-one world laws, nine more than before. These nine world laws were obtained when Lin Fei passed his ninth Heavenly Tribulation. Although he hadn't immediately created a Particle World with them, they could still be integrated into Saber World, significantly enhancing its power.

When Saber World descended, it enveloped Lin Fei, the Phoenix, and Feng Ling. The Phoenix immediately sensed something different. It couldn't perceive anything from the outside world anymore. It seemed that Saber World had completely isolated them from the external world, preventing even the laws from penetrating.

Lin Fei was well aware that Saber World would isolate them both internally and externally when it descended, creating a complete separation that even laws couldn't break through. He shouted, "Break!"

One by one, the laws of the True Monarch-level worlds within Saber World shattered—first one, then two, three, four, five, and more. However, the True Monarch-level world's source sea couldn't replenish these shattered laws because Saber World isolated everything inside from the external world.

Lin Fei asked the Phoenix, "Senior, can you still feel the barrier now?"

The Phoenix replied excitedly, "The barrier has really disappeared."

It had been a constant source of distress for the Phoenix, making it believe that only a True Immortal or Martial Ancestor could rescue it.

However, now, Lin Fei, a mere True Monarch, had managed to free it from captivity. Overwhelmed with gratitude, the Phoenix didn't hesitate any longer and stepped into the portal, instantly vanishing without a trace.

Lin Fei and Feng Ling exchanged glances before following suit. They rushed out of the True Monarch-level world and appeared in the backyard of the Feng family.

A series of ripples in space appeared, and a massive firebird materialized out of thin air. The surrounding space seemed to distort, and the intense heat made the air scorching.

The Phoenix was filled with excitement as it gazed around, taking in the unfamiliar yet familiar surroundings. It had undergone countless rebirths, bathed in fire repeatedly, and experienced many phoenix Nirvanas. These experiences had caused some of its memories to fade away, but now, seeing this scene, it recognized it immediately.

Ancient Continent! This was the real Ancient Continent! It had truly been freed from captivity!

At this moment, Lin Fei and Feng Ling also emerged from the True Monarch-level world.

"Senior, how do you feel?" Lin Fei asked.

"It's amazing, I'm truly free!" The Phoenix was overwhelmed with emotion. It had thought that it would be trapped in that True Monarch-level world for countless lifetimes, only having a chance to escape when the world was on the brink of collapse.

But who knew how long it would take for some True Monarch-level worlds to reach that point? Some of them were incredibly ancient and might never collapse. Fortunately, Lin Fei had rescued it.

The Phoenix continued, "True Monarch Lin, you saved me. If you have any wishes or requests, please don't hesitate to ask. As long as I can do it, I won't refuse."

Lin Fei shook his head. He didn't need anything from the Phoenix; he had only fulfilled his promise to help it.

"Senior, do you plan to leave the Ancient Continent directly and go to the Divine Realm, or do you want to stay in the Ancient Continent for now?" Lin Fei asked. "And about that powerful being who trapped you, I'm afraid it might be at the True Immortal level. If you rush to the Divine Realm, it could be dangerous."

The Phoenix's form changed slightly, transforming into an elegant woman dressed in fiery red, radiating a noble and fiery aura. She assured Lin Fei, "True Monarch Lin, you can rest assured. I won't be going to the Divine Realm anytime soon. I'll stay in the Ancient Continent, in the Feng family."

Lin Fei smiled. Having the Phoenix remain in the Feng family was ideal. It was like having a True Monarch-level powerhouse guarding the Feng family and the Ancient Origin Sect. This would allow Lin Fei to carry out his plan to unify the Ancient Continent without worries. Once he unified the Ancient Continent, even if he didn't achieve Martial Ancestor status and had to leave the Ancient Continent, having the Phoenix, the Ancient Origin Sect, and the Feng family would ensure their safety.

In the Ancient Continent, there was absolutely no one who could match the Phoenix. While Ancient Continent did have some Deity Transformation and Martial God-level cultivators, none of them were at the True Monarch level. The Phoenix had become one of the most powerful beings in the Ancient Continent, second only to Lin Fei. Its presence alone could dominate the entire continent.

"After being trapped in a True Monarch-level world for so many years, now that I've finally escaped, I need to explore," the Phoenix said before disappearing without a trace, leaving only a promise to return.

Lin Fei and Feng Ling exchanged glances and nodded. They understood the urgency in the Phoenix's heart.

"Feng Ling, with the Phoenix by our side, my plans are free from worries. It's time to get started," Lin Fei said. "However, in order to unify Ancient Continent, we must first deal with the strongest force. What is the oldest, most powerful, and most renowned force in all of the Ancient Continent?"

Lin Fei turned to Feng Ling for answers.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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