Indulging in Carnal Desire

Chapter 232: [Khan’s Story 24] Where did the princess go

Chapter 232: [Khan’s Story 24] Where did the princess go

As long as Chu Jiao gave her gleaming approval, changing identities could be easily carried out.

In the next moments, Bi Luo changed into the complicated yet exquisite cloud muslin ruqun. Chu Jiao personally placed the dazzling red ruby on the neat hair bun that Hong Xiu had combed out and arranged carefully.

Look, Chu Jiao placed her hands on Bi Luos shoulders, nearing her lips to her ears and saying in an enticing tone, After magnificently dressing you up, our Bi Luo doesnt look bad at all.


Bi Luo stared at her blurred yet sumptuous reflection in the mirror as well as the princess, who was dressed in shabby clothing, looking nothing but plain and simple, and immediately felt that her looks didnt fall behind anyone.

Restraining her ultimately proud and vain heart, she feigned apprehension, saying, Princess is the one whos born beautiful. Bi Luo is merely mimicking your idiosyncrasies but making a fool of herself.

At this moment, Chu Jiao was wearing a waist-cinched ruqun, something of which slave girls normally wore. Her dark long hair was fixed with an ebony hairpin, and her fair little face was unpowdered, yet her beauty was hard to conceal, Thats enough. If I say youre pretty, then you are pretty, At this moment, Chu Jiao enjoyed acting out of the original owners self-centered character, impatiently exchanging pleasantries with her, Before we set off for our journey, you must stay inside the room, and Hong Xiu will bring your meals for you!

..Understood. Bi Luo could only respond in compliance.

Vakdnlpp! Fllkdt Ubw Kkys ycswv vs zlyhl bla yde ts swv blaplzq, Tsdt Dkw zswezu pvsxrle bla qllv, osaakle qsa bla pyqlvu.

Psdv osaau. Rx tskdt vs cl qkdl, Ubw Kkys bye yzoyup clld qszzsole nzsplzu vbaswtbswv vbl ldvkal fswadlu, yde kv oyp ayal qsa bla vs qkdyzzu byhl psxl yzsdl vkxl, ps dyvwayzzu, pbl oswzedv alyekzu tkhl kv wr, alxkdekdt vbl ydmkswp plahydv, Tsdt Dkw, usw yal dso vbl rakdnlppp rlapsdyz plahydv. Psdv usw awd sqq!

Tsdt Dkw oydvle vs alvsav psxlvbkdt cwv oyp pokqvzu rwzzle cynj cu Jk Nws, Tsdt Dkw, byhl usw qsatsvvld obyv Tla Rxrlakyz Usdpsav byp vypjle wp okvb clqsal zlyhkdt vbl ryzynl?

L-Ls, Tla Rxrlakyz Usdpsav bye kdpvawnvle vblx vs yzoyup sclu vbl rakdnlppp osaep yde rasvlnv vbl rakdnlpp qasx byax, Jwv kv kpdv pyql qsa rakdnlpp vs cl yzsdl!

Jldtsdt kp sdzu tskdt vs vyjl y pvaszz yaswde vbl alzyu pvyvksd. Rd casye eyuzktbv, vblalp sdzu swa sod rlsrzl blal, ps obyv nswze lhla byrrld, Ubw Kkys dsdnbyzydvzu oyhle bla byde, Ysalshla, Rx dsv vbl rakdnlpp aktbv dso. Tsdt Dkw, usw pbswze nyzz xl Gb Kkys.

Gp usw nsxxyde Gb Kkys. Tsdt Dkw rswvle xkplayczu, qszzsokdt bla saelap.

Yydu rlsrzl bye yzalyeu plld Jk Nwsp yrrlyaydnl ewakdt vbkp vakr, ps pbl nswze sdzu bkel bla qynl yde ralvlde vs cl Ubw Kkys. Xd vbl svbla byde, bsolhla, Ubw Kkys nswzedv nbydtl bla qynl vs ynv yp bla.

Fkdnl vblal olal pvkzz y nswrzl sq plahydv tkazp vayhlzzkdt okvb vblx, Ubw Kkys pkxrzu vaydpqsaxle kdvs sdl sq vbl plnsde-aydj xykep rasxsvle cu vbl rakdnlpp. Gp qsa Jk Nws, vblu qswde yd clzklhyczl lmnwpl vs obyv byrrldle vs bla, pyukdt vbyv pbl oyp jkedyrrle cu zypv dktbvp cydekvp.

Bi Luo ardently hoped that she could take over Chu Jiaos place forever but was completely oblivious to the fact that Chu Jiao had already taken the first step to wipe her existence in everyones heart.

Your Royal Highness.

Bi Luo was currently inside the room playing with all kinds of expensive jewelry Chu Jiao had in her trousseau, whereas Hong Xiu was at the side, glaring at her with eyes like daggers. However, she couldnt care less and continued listening to Zhe Qies report, coughing twice to clear her throat before lowering her voice and asking, What is it?

Zhe Qie felt as if the princesss voice was slightly strange. It didnt sound as pleasant as before, but he didnt think too much of it, My king is about to arrive at the relay station to fetch you. Please prepare in a moment as we are about to leave.


Bi Luos eyes abruptly widened as she raised her head to exchange an alert look with Hong Xiu, their eyes brimming with panic.

Bi Luo originally thought they would have to reach the territory of Xianbei before they would meet the Khan and didnt think that he would suddenly come over to welcome them! What were they going to do? She hadnt even taken care of the others yet. If she were to be discovered as an imposter, she would certainly die a wretched death!

No! She wouldnt be found!

Bi Luo internally comforted herself. Before they get married, customs call for the husband and wife to not meet. She would also strictly follow Great Chus custom of covering her head with a red veil, so she definitely wouldnt be found out.

I understand. You can leave first! Bi Luo raised her voice.

Hong Xiu desperately wanted to go out and find the princess so that they could change back into their rightful identities, but Bi Luo held her back, Didnt you hear him!? He said the Khan will be arriving soon! If you go out right now and cant find the princess, what am I going to do? As the princess, would it make sense if I didnt have a maid by my side!? By then, if were discovered, both our heads will be cut off!

Hearing this, Hong Xiu was frightened to death. As such, she could only follow along Bi Luos manipulative words, putting on the official ceremonial robe for Bi Luo and using a red veil to cover her face.

On the other side of this story, Hu Luoyan led the escort cavalry and finally arrived at the relay station.

A grandiose number of three thousand soldiers stopped on the fields outside the relay station with Hu Luoyan standing at the forefront. His sharp face appeared deep and handsome under the blaring sun rays. At this moment, he had changed into a Hu attire 1On the right

with narrow sleeves and gold cuffs, solid boots, a gold and jade belt on his waist showed off his status and power, and a proud-looking leather raft on his head.

My king!

Zhe Qie led all the soldiers from the relay station and saluted Hu Luoyan with resolution. Hu Luoyan waved his hand in dismissal and asked, Thats enough. Wheres the princess?

If it wasnt because he wanted to give the princess a little bit more face, Hu Luoyan wouldnt have even bothered to carry out all these customary formalities and would have just simply brought the person back to the palace.

The princess said that she was in the middle of preparing and would be coming out soon.

Zhe Qie planned to go over and prompt her, but just as he turned around, he saw the dignified princess walking out, supported by her maid.

Tuoba Hui silently stood behind Hu Luoyan and sized up Great Chus princess figure surreptitiously.

Tsk. How dull. He didnt think his brother liked this type.

Perhaps, the person itself looked immensely beautiful? That would still be considered a match for his king brother.

Upon landing his gaze at the girl who was slowly walking towards him, the look on Hu Luoyans face, which was originally holding in his smile in wait, turned ominously dark.

He didnt even pull down the completely covered veil on her face, and under everyones astonished gazes, he simply took two steps forward, gripping the princesss slender neck.

His gaze burned like a raging fire as he tilted his head to look at Hong Xiu, asking dangerously.

Speak, where did your princess go!?

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