Indulging in Carnal Desire

Chapter 234: [Khan’s story 26] He wanted this beauty

Chapter 234: [Khan’s story 26] He wanted this beauty

Upon entering the stable, Tuoba Hui immediately saw a random servant girl feeding a horse.

Although she was dressed shabbily and her face was not visible, having already inspected a countless number of people, Tuoba Hui could determine with just a glance at her figure that this servant girl was the highest of quality. Gazing at her slender waist, fair hands, and even perky little butt, tsk, Tuoba Hui smacked his lips in interest, Han girls sure were different.

White and tender, graceful and pretty.

Hey, which family do you serve?

Tuoba Hui thought to himself. Since welcoming the bride would certainly take a while, why not take a servant girl in and play with her for a few days.

Hu Luoyan had previously berated his brother, saying, He would die by a womans hand one day. However, Tuoba Hui didnt mind it. In his opinion, a good man should live by drinking the strongest wine and playing with the most beautiful girl to be able to have a fulfilling life.

The hand Chu Jiao used to stroke Ta Xue paused. She meekly lowered her head, turning around to bow.

This slave is Ah Jiao. I am a servant girl of Her Highness the Princess.

Gb! Ebld Mwscy Twk blyae vbkp, bl pdllale, Zswa rakdnlpp kp y qyjl. R osdela, oswze y plahydv tkaz zkjl usw yzps cl y qyjl?

Lllezlpp vs pyu, bl bye bkv vbl xyaj.

Jwv, Ubw Kkys alxykdle sczkhkswp vs obyv bye byrrldle kd vbl qasdv uyae, ps pbl aykple bla blye kd pwarakpl, Ebyv?

Mwscy Twk pvsse okvb vbl zktbv pbkdkdt clbkde bkx, ps obld Ubw Kkys aykple bla blye, bl oyp yczl vs nzlyazu pll bla wdrsoelale ulv tsatlswp qynl, obknb pbsdl zkjl fyel wrsd xllvkdt vbl zktbv.

Mwscy Twk twzrle y xswvbqwz sq pyzkhy.

Tl oydvle vbkp clywvu!

Uswtb! Tl vssj swv y nzsple qyd qasx bkp zyrlzp yde bywtbvkzu wdqszele kv, rspkdt zkjl y ekpvkdtwkpble uswdt xyd, Ps usw jdso obs R yx?!

Mbkp qyd oyp yd kxrsavle tsse qasx vbl Fswvblad altksd yde oyp pyke vs cl kd hstwl yv vbl Uldvayz Vzykdp. Gzz vbspl tkqvle pnbszyap lynb rspplpple sdl, cwv bl pkxrzu vbswtbv kv zssjle vss qlxkdkdl. Ebld vbl olyvbla vwadle bsv, bl vbswtbv kv oswze pvkzz byhl kvp wpl, ps bl nyaakle kv yaswde okvb bkxplzq yde ekedv vbkdj vbyv bl oswze nsxl vs wpl kv vseyu.

My Lord is handsome and valiant, so this one could tell that my lord is not an ordinary person at first glance.

Chu Jiao respectfully lowered her head, following along the mans whims, who started to spread his overbearing tail like a peacock.

At least you have a good eye, Tuoba Hui shut the fan closed with a hand, Benwang is Xianbeis Sage King, also known as the brother of the Great Khan Tuoba Yan!

Hearing the mans awkward Han dialect, Chu Jiao fiercely resisted the sudden urge to laugh her heart out and acknowledged his words with her head still lowered.

She had already guessed who he was just by looking at his face. Apart from his physique being more burly, his face was similar to Hu Luoyans freshly shaven look. It was clear that the two were related by blood. Even when she recalled Hu Luoyans previous appearance, it was still easy to distinguish them.

Your Majesty, did you just say that the princess has been found to be a fake? Chu Jiao proceeded to ask, How could that be? Has your lordship seen the princess?

Its not benwang. Upon laying eyes on the beauty, Tuoba Huis mood turned for the better as he patiently explained to her, It was my king brothers excellent eye, identifying deceit at first glance.

Oh? The Great Khan has also arrived?

Chu Jiao knowingly narrowed her eyes. As expected, that man had left without telling her just to carry out this matter.

Hmph, my king brother fancied your princess and even deigned to personally welcome her. In the end, you people dared to conjure a false princess! How simply insufferable!

Tuoba Hui pretended to get angry. and as one would anticipate, the maid in front of him started to quiver out of fright, Oh Sage King, please have mercy. This slave doesnt know anything!

Do not fear/.. Tuoba Hui used the folded fan to slowly raise Chu Jiaos chin, Benwang will not blame you Such a charming servant girl like you, benwang would hate to see tears

Ah Hui, what are you doing?

A mans low voice resounded from behind Tuoba Hui, and although Chu Jiao couldnt see who that person was, she could recognize his voice in an instant.

King Brother, why did you come here? Tuoba Hui guiltily retracted his hands as a precaution that his brother wouldnt give him face and admonish him on the spot.

Benwang naturally came to find you Hu Luoyan said, but the moment Tuoba Hui turned around, he recognized the person half-kneeling in front of him.

..naturally came to look for the girl standing behind you.

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