Indulging in Carnal Desire

Chapter 273: [Emperor’s Story 25] Losing you

Chapter 273: [Emperor’s Story 25] Losing you

Jing Chen held back his impatience while having a tedious dinner with Consort Rong, the Fifth Princess, and Yun Wan. But, he didnt think that after tiresomely enduring the whole ideal, he had lost his precious Little Dumpling.

When he finally returned to the side hall, he was greeted by the trails of bloodstain and utter mess all over the floor. He frantically searched the entire room but didnt find a shadow of Chu Jiao, his eyes, including his pupils, turning red.

He realized that tonights dinner was clearly a feast at Swan Goose Gate.1 (Feast at Swan Goose Gate): banquet set up with the aim of murdering someone. See the origin of this term at wiki. and barged directly into Consort Rongs main hall in a fit of fury, questioning her loudly and angrily, asking where she was keeping his little eunuch.

Oh, that little eunuch? Concubine Rong fiddled with her nail guards casually, her tone was as though she was merely bringing up an insignificant ant, This consort lost something in her sleeping quarters and had arranged for someone to interrogate every servant who was on duty. Who wouldve thought that that little eunuch of yours was harboring evil intentions, hurting my servant and fleeing away from the scene of the crime

So I thought, This wont do. This consort has already ordered for the entire inner hall to be searched inside out, and once hes captured, extreme punishment will immediately be given, On the inside, Consort Rong secretly blamed the two servants she had dispatched for being useless, unable to capture a mere weak eunuch. However, she didnt consider it to be a big problem. The royal palace wasnt too big nor was it too small, so catching and ensnaring one person was just a matter of time. She was far more concerned with how the son she was raising in front of her was beginning to grow more impudent by the day. Consort Rong slowly drummed her fingers on the table, Jing Chen ah, this is all because youve failed to discipline your servants properly. Mother Consort will confer Wang Momo to you to make sure your servants are kept in check, lest some other wily cat or dog tempts you again


Jing Chen wordlessly lowered his head and merely listened to Concubine Rongs words, slowly clenching his fists.

The flaring rage and impulse he felt gradually rescinded back to its cage. The intuitive part of him was able to quickly understand the hidden implications behind Consort Rongs words and also realized that he was the main culprit for exposing the little eunuch to danger.

It was he who couldnt hold himself back. It was he who wasnt strong enough. It was he who had no way of protecting her.

Rv oyp yzps Ysvbla Usdpsavp qywzv qsa dltzlnvkdt usw. Gqvla y qlo eyup, Ysvbla Usdpsav okzz ekpnwpp okvb uswa Wyvbla Oxrlasa ycswv qkdekdt usw y pwkvyczl xyaakytl ryavdla

Rv oypdv vbyv Usdnwckdl Ssdt qykzle vs alyzkgl vbyv Kkdt Ubld oyp yzalyeu yv y xyaakytlyczl ytl, cwv pbl oyp pvkzz nsdpkelakdt vbl zkpv sq nydekeyvlp, nyalqwzzu rsdelakdt shla obs pbl pbswze nbsspl vs alyr kd vbl xspv cldlqkvp clqsal pbl nswze bsze Kkdt Ubld qkaxzu kd bla bydep.

Lso vbyv Zwd Eyd bye blzrle cakdt wr pwnb y hkzl pnydeyz vs zktbv, kv yzps xyel bla alyzkgl vbyv psxl vbkdtp dllele vs nbydtl yp pssd yp rsppkczl.

Kkdt Ubld nswze sdzu takv bkp vllvb, Kkdt Ubld sdzu oydvp vs pvweu yde rasvlnv vbl qyxkzu yde vbl nswdvau.

Tlbl, Usdnwckdl Ssdt nshlale bla xswvb kd yxwplxldv, Xb usw, vbyvp qkdl vbld. Nlv xl yaaydtl y qlo cleqlzzsop qsa usw qkapv.

Mbl nydekeyvlp qsa cleqlzzsop olal dsv nbspld zkjl vbspl qsa zltyz okhlp, obknb dllele vs vyjl kdvs ynnswdv vbl kdvaknynklp sq kxrlakyz rsola vs yv zlypv cl nsdpkelale, ps pbl sdzu dllele vs yaaydtl y vawpvle nsdqkeydv vs vyjl sd vbl rspkvksd.

Kkdt Ubld oyp yoyal vbyv bl pbswzedv alpkpv yduxsal yv vbkp rskdv sq vbl pkvwyvksd yde zsolale bkp blye, alprsdekdt kd ynjdsozletlxldv.

Jakdtkdt yzsdt vbl lzelazu xyke yrrskdvle cu Usdnwckdl Ssdt cynj vs vbl pkel byzz, Kkdt Ubld pbwv bkxplzq kdpkel bkp assx.

With someone out there to keep a close eye on him, he couldnt even vent his anxiety and pain he had been silently enduring and could only cover himself under his quilt, inconsolably hugging the mask that Chu Jiao had drawn on for him, murmuring in a soft voice.


Ah Jiao Where are you?

What should I do? Ive lost you


Right at this moment, the person he was worried about was ordinarily pushing a wooden cart full of cargo barriers, discreetly lowering her head as she walked out of the palace.

Hold it right there! Stop!

At the palace gates, two guards on duty stopped the eunuch who was pushing the cart in his tracks.

What are you doing?

Oh, brother guards, were from the Directorate of Palace Delicacies. Isnt the Empress Dowagers birthday coming up soon? The superintendent has ordered us to buy some ingredients for the celebration.

The eunuch next to Chu Jiao subsequently bowed his chest and lowered his head, putting on a flattering face.

The palace is currently looking for someone who has committed a grave offense, raise your heads up!

The eunuch then raised his head when he heard these words, his eyes were squinted into fine lines while his nose took the shape of a bulbous garlic. The two guards took a step back in disgust from the sight. Glancing at the portrait in his grasp, he then waved his hand as if he was shooing an ugly fly, letting the two people leave without even looking at Chu Jiaos face who was beside the unsightly eunuch.

The person who was ordered to be caught was a pretty little eunuch. And, this court eunuch was so unsightly that it was absolutely impossible for him to be the wanted person, whereas the other was a little court lady, so there was no need to look at her.


A little later, one of the guards rubbed his chin, full of thought, and smacked his lips after the two left. That little palace maid looked quite beautiful.

After Chu Jiao passed through the palace gate, she walked with the eunuch to the tavern, where the palace often bought from, before bowing to the little eunuch next to her to give sincere thanks.

The little eunuch waved his hand nonchalantly and smiled honestly, Godfather is the only person who treats me well in the palace. I will definitely do whatever he orders to the best of my abilities.

The godfather that the little eunuch had mentioned was Chu Jiaos uncle Zhang Shun. After Chu Jiao was transferred to Jing Chens side that year, Zhang Shun felt a lot more relieved. Later on, in order to cover up, he took in a godson, but he didnt expect this little eunuch to be so honest and sincere.

After bidding farewell to the little eunuch, Chu Jiao stared at the bustling capital city in front of her and suddenly felt a little lost.

Without Jing Chen by her side, where was she to go now?

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