Infinite Mana In The Oasis

Chapter 64 Entering Gilaahan

Eren opened his eyes to the world of Gilhaan for the first time.

He didn't feel like his consciousness was pulled into a different body than the one back on Earth. Yet he knew that was not the case.

He was sleeping on a plush bed that was levitating above the ground. The ground on which the bed was floating motionless had a runic array.

The runic inscriptions on the array slowly lost their luminescence when Eren woke up. As if the array had done its job and now it entered the idle mode.

'Hmm. So far the information provided to me checks out.' Eren said to himself before getting up from his lying position.

He looked around and found himself to be in a small room that was well-lit and neat. He could see the basic amenities placed in the room along with a spectral interface at one end of the wall that was constantly getting updated with various notifications.

Eren looked down at his body and realized that he was completely naked. He then looked at his arms and legs and moved them a bit.

'Just like my current body back on Earth. This is unbelievable.'

Eren thought to himself while raising his eyebrows. He got up from his bed and walked around the house a bit. On the table was an ensemble of his choice. The spatial array on the table had been used to send him his attire and gear.

Gilaahan was a new world far far away from Earth's reach. It could only be reached through the use of warp gates. But that option was only available for rankers above Awakened status and up.

Meta rankers like him had another option. The option to create a synth body.

This synth body was just like the real body of the ranker. It shared the same appearance and ranking status as the real bodies of the rankers. To the point that even the ranker themselves wouldn't be able to recognize the difference.

Eren then inhaled deeply and realized the difference in the air for the first time. Compared to earth's air, this air was fresh and wild. There were other minor differences in the air, atmospheric pressure, and gravitational force of the earth. But they were nothing substantial.

'So this is where the siphoned lifespan of mortals gets consumed. To create bodies like these.'

Eren had a serious expression on his face as he connected the dots immediately after coming to Gilahaan. The mortals had to pay the price for the rankers' expeditions.

Eren didn't feel sorry for mortals. Nor did he feel any joy at being able to live in the outside world at their expense.

He was not strong enough to fight with the High Table. And even if he could, he wouldn't risk his life for something that wasn't part of his goals anymore. He was unwilling to fall back to being a mortal or non-ranker after experiencing the power he felt from wielding mana.

Eren suddenly froze in his tracks and remembered something. He quickly checked up on himself and immediately felt relieved by the realization.

Both his mana cores had made it here in Gilaahan. Eren breathed a sigh of relief when he channeled his mana and felt the feedback from both his mana cores.

Eren also realized one more thing after channeling his mana. One was that his mana circuits had been altered a bit. His primary mana pathways had been altered and extended. The mana points in his body along with their numbers and positions had also been changed, making the circuits a bit more complex than before.

The alteration of mana circuits was because he had selected battlemage as his class when entering Gilaahan. The changes would eventually get replicated into his real body as he progressed here in Gilaahan.

'Hm. The purity and density of mana here on Gilaahan are also different. I dare say that it is better than back on earth.'

Eren concluded as he felt the mana around it with his mana sense. He understood why so many rankers joined the guild and signed restrictive contracts with them to get to places like these.

This was why Gilaahan and other Numbered Oasis were so significant for Meta rankers all over the world. The progression here was faster than on earth. And it will eventually make its way back home.

Eren now only had one more thing to check before he wore his clothes and explored outside. He concentrated on his I-Rune that was magically tattooed on his right hand's palm and activated a special rune incorporated into it.



Name- Eren Elijah Idril

Organization: Stardust Guild

I-Rune Imprint: * (verified)

Ranking Status: Rank 1 Meta Ranker (Gaseous state mana core: Stage 1)

Class- Battlemage

Ranking Technique- Default

p Credit paid: 0/8000 Mana Quartz

Base Stats:

HP- 3.7/3.7

MP- 4.7???/ 4.7??? (I-Rune error)

STR- 3.2

AGI- 3.1

INT- 2.2

BTP~ 14

F-Rank Spells: Solid Spark, Blitz Steps, Blitz Wave, Blitz Storm, Blitz Heal, Blitz Arrow, Blitz Shield (Sync incomplete), Blitz Shard (Sync incomplete), Blitz Whip (Sync incomplete)


Eren could read the details about himself on a spectral screen only he was able to see. It was something that was generated by interfering with his optical signals in real-time, rather than something visible from the outside.

This was another function of I-Rune only available to rankers who had entered the Numbered Oasis. It allowed every rank to keep track of their progress.

The details and stats displayed on the spectral screen were very personal to rankers. Unless the rankers wanted to show off their stats by showing off their spectral displays using the I-Rune out in the open, they would always remain private. Nobody would be able to see them no matter what.

The ranker's physical attributes would get quantified by I-Rune before they get displayed as Base Stats. They were quantified using an average mortal's stats as the foundation. It meant that the average base stat points in mortals for every segment would be one unit.

It was obvious that rankers' base stats points exceeded those of mortals, showing their superiority over them.

HP meant health stats that would denote the health and endurance status of a ranker. MP would indicate the amount of mana stored. The strength was quantified using STR while agility was used to indicate how agile a ranker was compared to mortals.

Finally, the INT stat showed how much more a ranker was capable of than a mortal in terms of their brain processing powers. It had more to do with the spell control and parallel spell activation a ranker could exert on their spells than their wisdom level against mortals.

The BTP was an acronym for Base Total Points. It tallied all the base stats points.

Eren pondered a bit as he looked at his base points before closing the spectral screen. It was now time to explore the world of Gilaahan.

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