Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 866 866 The Spot

Chapter 866 866 The Spot

A globe was brought out, and the representatives gathered to take a good look at the possibilities.

The Elven Prince addressed the group. "There is a large area here in the middle of the wastes that is open, but it is just grassland, and nothing would stop the ferals from wandering. That could become a nuisance for everyone, not to mention that it might leave the target area empty.

But the mountains are almost completely uninhabited. So, if we pick a spot here, toward the centre of the range, just west of the passes that run near Forest Grove, we should be able to put them in a spot where they can't leave.

This is the spot that I have in mind, and as you can see, it is a deep valley, with a lake that drains underground, but filtered through gravel, so there is no way that the occupants will be leaving that way.

The area is a natural bowl, and we can hollow a large portion of the mountain ridge to make subterranean environments for the ferals. They can be enchanted to form different environments, while the open air of the mountain is largely a perpetual winter, with only a short summer season, where the snow never completely melts, though the lake has a geothermal vent under it, so it is liquid all year."

The area actually looked perfect for their purposes. Wolfe couldn't see any reason why they wouldn't want to place the scenario there, as long as there hadn't been a Magi home there somewhere that might become accessible to the invaders, or damaged by the new residents.

He did want to have time to search everything and make sure that there were no relics lost. With so few relics left from before the war, anything that they found was precious.

"Why don't we all go together to scout it? We can make sure there are no historical sites in the area, and then set up the spells and infrastructure together." Wolfe suggested.

One of the other Representatives huffed in annoyance. "Shouldn't we discuss if this is the only site that we are going to need, and how we will arrange the spell that will send the incoming invaders there? Because if we're going to have to repeat this for every continent, it will become a real chore to keep up with.

We can't just be relocating that many feral tribes, and my continent doesn't have a mountain range." He explained.

The two Representatives for this Continent shook their heads. "No, working together, the spell will encircle the world, and we will be able to relocate any incoming dungeons to that point.

It will be harder with direct attempts to access, but at least that way we will know that if they show up elsewhere, they are actual invaders, and not just trainees looking for loot.

Keeping the two groups separate will let us know how aggressive the invaders are, as well as allowing us to keep tabs on their armament, and their skill levels."

It was a lot to ask of a small group of Rank Eight Demons and Fae to cast a spell that would encompass the whole world, but this one was a spell that they already knew, and extending the range was the easiest part of all.

It didn't have to be particularly strong anywhere, it just worked like a router, or the switchboard in a phone station. You cast a spell to force entry, and it guided you to the desired location. You just had to get the signal and the spell would automatically reroute itself, as if that was where it had intended to go all along.

"I can ask for a Favour from the Demon Queens if that will make you all feel better, but I believe that we can do it as a group." Wolfe offered.

That changed everyone's complaints in under a second. None of them wanted to admit to the Royals that they couldn't take care of things on their own. The most likely scenario would be that the Royals would ask for an ongoing tax to ensure that the spell continued to function as intended.

They would end up paying forever for a spell that they could have done as a group if they weren't so timid.

"Alright, we will scout the area to ensure that it is suitable, and then we will prepare it for occupancy and cast the spell before we gather residents." One of the Fae Representatives agreed hesitantly.

The Fairy Queen was unforgiving, and he wasn't brave enough to approach the Elven Queen to ask for a favour. The Demons might do it and tax you, but the Fae Royals would likely charge you something much more valuable, and you would never know it until it was too late.

"Are you flying us, Saint Noxus, or are we taking one of your wonderful flying machines?" A Rock Troll Representative asked.

He could likely make it there as fast as Wolfe if not faster, but he couldn't fly. He would do it by travelling through the bedrock of the mountain to the destination.

"I will fly us to the airport, and then we will take a helicopter. That way we can comfortably sit and make plans, instead of sitting outside in the snow." Wolfe suggested.

The Troll laughed. "Wonderful idea. Have the kitchen pack us a light lunch, we will make it a picnic."

With the way that trolls ate, there was no such thing as a light lunch, but Wolfe would get the kitchens to make them up a proper array of snacks for the afternoon.

[I will arrange the food, you get them to the airport.] Cassie offered in Wolfe's mind.

[Thanks. I will see you there. I won't race, so you have some time to get everything put together.]

"Alright, let's head out. Miss Cassie is on the floor below us, and she will prepare the snacks. Is there anything else that we need before we go?" Wolfe asked.

The ancient Demon tapped his chin as he thought. "Perhaps not before we go, but I am still genuinely interested in seeing those constructs you say that you could make as guards. I think that having them roam the area as boss figures would add an element of excitement to the game, as long as they're up to the task."

Wolfe nodded. "I will make more when we have chosen our location. With the right spells, they will be able to help us with the work of constructing and maintaining the facility."

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