Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 873 873 The Complex

Chapter 873 873 The Complex

Wolfe felt the draw for the basic construction of the arrays that would create and stabilize the underground fortress begin only seconds after the Seraph had finished speaking. It was a unique way of doing things, as he didn't intend to carve the complex from the rocks, as Wolfe would have done, instead, he was visualizing the entire facility in its entirety, and then intending to overlay that into reality.

It was a completely alien way of doing things, but it allowed the Seraph and the Demon King to pass control back and forth as they worked, without interrupting any ongoing processes, or potentially creating unstable regions in the subterranean rock layers.

The mana input during this portion of the spell was barely enough that Wolfe noticed it, but after a while they pulled the Elven Prince into the mix to add Fae Nature Magic to the mix for the plant life that would be needed to keep the underground population alive, and the mana began to increase.

But when they finally started to implement the spell, recreating an entire mountain valley at the same time, it became obvious that they weren't joking about the mana requirements being immense.

The mana draw spiked up to Wolfe's maximum mana handling rate, and he was channelling all the stored mana that the gathered Demons could give him to lessen the load on the natural mana, but he knew that anyone above Rank Three would feel this spell from every corner of the world.

The witches on the other continents would likely panic, thinking that another breaking was happening here only a few hundred kilometres from where the last one had originated, while the Fae were going to have some serious questions about their devotion to maintaining the balance of the world when things like this were going on.

But when it came time to set the time loop spell and the barriers that would prevent the visitors from leaving the region, the two King Ranked casters joined in with their own stored mana, and the power became a beacon that blazed like a second sun in Wolfe's mana sense.

He had felt the reigning Kings and Queens of the Demon Realm working together before, and that was mind-boggling, but this level of power made that feel like children playing.

There wasn't actually a Rank above King, but every Continental Representative present was acutely aware that not all Kings were made equally.

All through the adjacent Realms, the casting caught the attention of their most powerful residents. The Demon Royals, the Fae Queens, and even the Council of Virtues in the Upper Planes all turned their attention to the disturbance on this unknown little world.

Deep in the lowest planes, a shudder of fear passed through the population as the mana of the Upper Planes was activated, and on a world far from Wolfe's home, the Archbishop of the Fallen cowered in abject terror in his quarters.

His scrying session had been looking for new ways to defeat the Demons, when something infinitely more terrifying had blinded him, searing his carefully crafted divination bright white and rendering him nearly unconscious with the pain of having glimpsed upon that which should never be seen by mortal eyes.

Then the spell settled in over the valley, and Wolfe felt the entire world thrum with power. Something had changed with this casting, and he wasn't entirely certain what it was. It felt like some blockage had fallen away, and his senses extended beyond the limits of the atmosphere for the first time.

It was a strange feeling. He could feel the mana flow on the moon. First off, he hadn't realized that there was mana on the moon, but more importantly, he could feel the flow of it. The change didn't seem to be anything about him, but about the world itself. As if a veil had fallen away, and for the first time they could see clearly.

The Demon King and Seraph stood in the valley and surveyed their work.

"I think that we got that almost perfect. It still has its limitations, but it should be sufficient for the purpose. I wonder how mad the others will be with us?" The Demon King pondered.

The Seraph smiled at him.

"I am certain they will be quite irate when they realize what happened. Now, would you like to bring your lovely little beasties here?" He replied.

"Already done. They're settling into the underground now. Once the disturbance from the spell settles, we should be able to sense them properly. Clones are a wonderful thing when you don't want to do the hard part yourself." The Demon replied with a smile.

"In that case, our work here is done. I will see you again, old friend." The Seraph gently whispered, and then vanished, leaving behind a small ball of light.

The retired Demon King turned to the Representatives. "If you don't wish to be caught in the time loops, I suggest that you leave the area now, and do not return without using a portal. Best of luck to you, and I will be watching."

Then he also opened a portal to the Demon Realm and left.

"Alright, time to go. Everyone into the helicopter before someone gets interested and comes to our world to see what happened. The King has a point, we do not want to be stuck in this spell for eternity." Wolfe announced.

But the helicopter was nowhere to be seen, the two Kings had moved it outside the valley as they worked, so Wolfe grabbed everyone into his flight spell and took them to supersonic speeds out of the valley toward where the confused pilot was hovering.

"Well, I think that we all need a moment to sit and think about what just happened. I don't suppose that we have any tea left." Wolfe asked as he led the group into the hovering helicopter.

The staff inside were completely shell shocked, and the only reason that the helicopter was even aloft anymore was because the autopilot had been set to hover. With no input from the pilots, who were still trying to recover their wits, it was simply hovering where it had been placed.

One of the Fae Representatives spoke up. "Oh, there is hot tea here, and cakes. This should do perfectly. Will someone set out a blanket? I think the floor would be the best place to sit because I'm not sure that I can trust my legs to remain steady."

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