Interstellar Age

Chapter 305 A New Galactic Order

Chapter 305 A New Galactic Order

In the Great Oni Empire, Ayumi and her young daughter were kneeling before the Great Oni Empress. There was a stern look on Yumi's pretty face. After all, the Galaxy was in a state of turmoil at the moment. The economy was in the toilet, and now the balance of powers that had been maintained for millennia was starting to unravel.

For a Regional Power like the Great Oni Empire. This was not a good sign. Or it would be, if it weren't for one simple fact. There was an alliance bound by marriage to the Silber Enclave who seemed almost entirely unaffected by the ongoing galactic crisis.

There was just one problem with this. Erich had just annulled his marriage to Ayumi, in a chance to curry favor with the Alfheim Empress, who was a far more valuable ally to have. Yumi was naturally displeased with this, and the majority of her staff wanted her to break all ties with the Silber Enclave due to this insult to their honor.

But Ayumi had cautioned otherwise. She knew Erich well and understood exactly what his plans were. Even if the others in Yumi's administration might feel otherwise. Thus, she and her young daughter, Aiko, who was now close to ten years old, kneeled before the matriarch of their clan, and empress of their people, while Ayumi pleaded on Erich's behalf.

"Aunt Yumi... You know as well as I do why Erich would do this... There is someone far more powerful than you who seeks to build an alliance with him. One undoubtedly through matrimony. It will be a difficult pill for her people to swallow, but it will not be impossible for that species to accept such a relationship, especially during these uncertain times where power triumphs over tradition.

However, if Erich were to have another bride, or two, or even potentially three. Then that woman's people would never accept such a relationship, as their leader must come first in Erich's life.... I understand that you and the others are furious with him, but surely you know better than anyone why my marriage to Erich was annulled.

Yumi remained completely silent. She had, of course, received a private communication from none other than Empress Lunaria herself. After all, Yumi had known for some time that Lunaria and Erich were romantically involved.

For the Alfheim Empress to beg a woman of a lower status to accept this annulment, and to do so without retaliation. It spoke volumes to the alliance that both Lunaria and Erich were now trying to build.

Yumi had accepted Lunaria's plea, but not without making the woman pay a hefty ransom. Because of this, the Great Oni Empire was receiving support from both the Alfheim Dominion, and the Silber Enclave, making their Empire one of the few in the Galaxy who were not currently in a state of civil unrest.

Even though Ayumi was pleading for mercy on Erich's behalf, and both she and Yumi knew the truth behind this slap to the face. Yumi still had to make an excuse for her parliamentary members, who wanted a pound of flesh in return for the grave insult they had received.

"The price has already been paid by the woman you speak of. And I would remind parliament, and any other members of my administration, that we are currently one of the few interstellar civilizations that is not currently in a state of crisis at the moment.

There is a reason for this. Erich has sent significant wealth and resources to the Great Oni Empire in recompense for his annulment with Ayumi. And has promised to continue to provide support to our people.

But he is not alone. There are greater powers than you realize behind this action, which you all deem to be an insult of the highest caliber. While the galaxy is lit aflame in the chaos that it currently endures, a new galactic order shall rise from its ashes. One which we have been promised to receive a prominent position in. An all we have to do is pretend like nothing has happened between us, and our greatest ally.

So, for those of you who wish to exact some form of vengeance against the Silber Enclave, I will warn you now, any hostile actions against our allies will be considered the highest form of treason. And those involved in such activity will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Do I make myself clear?"

The entire hall which was filled with the members of parliament, and Yumi's royal council immediately kowtowed on the floor in front of her while reaffirming their allegiance to their monarch.

"Yes, Empress!"


While Ayumi and Aiko were convincing Yumi to ignore Alex's supposed insult to her and her people's honor. Erika was currently stationed in the Alfheim Dominion. More specifically, inside the palace, where she was treated not only like a favored guest by the Alfheim Empress. But like a close personal friend.

It had been years since Erika and Kurt were shipped off to the world of Alfheim in order to seek Lunaria's protection. And by now Kurt was a young adolescent boy, who had taken a particular interest in Light Elven women.

Lunaria, however, did not spoil the brat, despite him being Erich's child. And instead she made sure he was properly disciplined, by sending him to an Alfheim Military Academy for youths as a foreign exchange student.

And while Kurt learned the skills necessary to be a valuable military officer for the Silber Enclave. His mother sat with the Alfheim Empress and shared tea with the woman. The two of them were dressed in the finest of clothing from the most luxurious Alfheim stylists. This had caused Erika to grow quite uncomfortable.

After all, the Alfheim style of fashion was far more... liberal than what she was accustomed to wearing back home. Meanwhile, Lunaria could not take her eyes off of Erika's massive chest. Which was barely contained by the light and soft fabric which the woman wore. The ancient beauty couldn't help but compliment Erika for her physical appearance.

"By the ancient gods of my ancestors... Here I thought the Germanic men were impressive, but they really do breed their women for a single purpose, don't they?"

Erika frowned at this. She had, after all, been in a very bad mood ever since her husband announced that their marriage was annulled. And was in no mood to hear that from her host's perspective, she was nothing more than a pretty face and a hot piece of ass.

Erika was no longer the Empress of the Silber Enclave and was instead a mere ambassador. But Lunaria had specifically invited the woman to join her for tea. After all, unlike Ayumi and Yumi, who had been able to piece together the secret relationship that Erich and Lunaria had, Erika had no idea that her husband had been boning the Alfheim Empress behind her back. And thus she was angry at the man for a multitude of reasons, but not for his infidelity.

Knowing this, Lunaria was quick to rip the bandaid off, as she explained why Erich had divorced the woman.

"Let's get to the point of this meeting, shall we? By now you have probably heard the rumors about me and Erich... Well... If I'm being honest, they are 100% true. And the reason Erich annulled his marriage with you and his other brides is because he intends to marry me after this war is over....

My people would never accept the idea of me being a 4th wife. I must come first in everything, even if it is in the life of the man I choose. Thus, for the sake of our alliance, it was necessary for Erich to distance himself from you and the others. I am sorry if you are upset by this.... But it needed to be done for the good of the galaxy."

Erika was stunned by Lunaria's words, and gawked at the alien beauty for several moments in silence before expressing her disbelief.

"I'm sorry... I don't understand. I thought you were already married?"

Lunaria simply scoffed and rolled her eyes at Erika's remarks.

"A sham marriage to a distant relative. One that was designed to provide the genetic material needed to breed my daughters in an artificial womb. I assure you, the man has never touched a hair on my head. Nor do my people consider him their emperor. A simple decree of divorce is all that will be required to get rid of that man. And I have already drafted the papers.

It will definitely come as a shock to my people once I announce that Erich and I will be getting married. But, in these uncertain times, power is more important than traditions. And thus my people's xenophobic nature will be quelled the moment Erich's troops storm the Citadel in Germania and wave the banner of the Silber Enclave above it.

Despite being a regional power on the official interstellar civilizations index. The galaxy considers your people to be a quasi sub-galactic power. To crush the Germanic military in a single month, and to wave your banners above their mighty citadel. Well, that is a feat that only a Galactic Power can accomplish. And Erich has promised me such a victory.

When the world sees the power that the Silber Enclave wields, and I grand them the territory which once belonged to the Rylonian Imperium. They will become a true galactic power. Especially after I recognize their sovereignty.

It might take a few hundred years for your people to restore the Rylonian worlds to a habitable condition, and even longer for your people to properly settle them. But the military strength and industrial capacity that the Silber Enclave has displayed with only five planets and a single system under its control is impressive enough to spread fear into the eyes of our enemies.

When Erich and I unite our empires into a powerful alliance, and rule together over the western half of the galaxy. I wanted to promise you that you and Ayumi will still be welcome to be with Erich. As concubines... You are, after all, the mother if his children, and I would not deny him the right to be a father to Kurt, and Aiko...

For now, keep what I said between the two of us. There are only a handful of people in the galaxy who can confirm that Erich and I have been romantically involved for some time, and now is not the moment to reveal to the galaxy the truth about us."

After saying this, Lunaria got up from her seat and walked away, leaving Erika in a state of complete and total disbelief. It took some time for Erika to properly process what she had been told. And when she did, she could only accept reality for what it was.

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