Interstellar Age

Chapter 308 A Decade of Rapid Change

Chapter 308 A Decade of Rapid Change

Erich wasted no time to establish his complete control over the Germanic Star-Empire. The moment his banners were waving over Germania, he begun deploying trillions of LEGION series combat droids, as well as their more advanced SPECTRE counterparts, to begin establishing law and order on the war-torn worlds.

The LEGION's primary function changed from being outright soldiers on the battlefield to Gendarmerie. They provided the role of soldiers and law enforcement, whatever was necessary in the moment.

Meanwhile, the SPECTRE series of advanced combat droids worked alongside WRAITH operatives loyal to the new Emperor in their operations of hunting down and eliminating rebel forces. And while these security operations were taking place across all habited worlds of the Germanic Star-Empire. Tia had begun making use of her massive labor forces to reconstruct the worlds that had been ravaged by war.

Everything came together flawlessly, and was reported to Tia, and by extension Erich, whose consciousness she shared. Despite the fact that Tia could operate entirely on her own, without access to Erich's NeuroLink, she felt closest to her master while they were connected.

And thus she made no moves to disconnect herself from his NeuroLink. Though she had been frustrated with the man in the past for his arrogance, which led him to ignore her warnings about the Naraku and their intelligence. She had gotten over this matter entirely.

After all, she was not one to hold a grudge against her master for long. Nor was she one to stay angry at the man. All that really mattered was her master had emerged from the crisis of his own creation safely.

And if Tia was being honest, things worked out better than she could have predicted. After all, the Naraku were now officially in an alliance with the Germanic Star-Empire. And Tia had a new biological species to observe and study. With that, being the Terminus Hive.

Not only did she study their anatomy, but their culture as well. Tia was perhaps the first being in the history of the galaxy to get an in-depth look at how a Naraku hive functioned. Even if Terminus was a bit abnormal compared to its sister hives.

While Tia was studying the Naraku, and directing the entirety of the Germanic Star-Empires reconstruction efforts. She was also in the process of deploying advanced terraforming technology to the hundreds of worlds that once belonged to the Dvrakian Consortium.

With each world that was terraformed to be a utopia to the Germanic race, she would deploy labor robots to construct fortifications and cities. In a way that was deemed ideal for both habitation and defense.

Becasue Tia had access to virtually unlimited resources and labor, she was able to quite rapidly rebuild what had been destroyed both by the original Terminus Hive Fleet some twenty-odd years ago, and by Erich in his campaign to become Emperor of all Germans.

Meanwhile, Tia began breeding a new generation of Germanic citizens in their artificial wombs, with perfected DNA sequences based on her own additions to the already advanced Germanic Gene Serum.

As for Emrys and his Werwolf insurgency. They would attack at times, trying to instill terror into the minds of the public during a new and prosperous era, but 92% of all their plots were uncovered and prevented by TIA. With the rest resulting in zero deaths, and only minimal wounded. Wounded, who I might add, were healed nearly instantly from the new medical technology employed in the wholly automated hospitals by Tia's new medical droids.

No matter what kind of damage the Werwolf Insurgency inflicted on the new and improved Germanic Star-Empire, it would be rebuilt in a matter of hours, while its victims were fully restored to their prior state in half that time.

The Werwolf Insurgency went from being a valid threat in the eyes of the public, to a lolcow on the interstellar web One which the youngest citizens constantly made fun of. Only the oldest generations of Germanic society supported Emrys and his laughable attempts to bring down the new order.

Society quickly became automated to the point where work was no longer necessary. Causing the Germanic population to spend their lives in pursuit of their passions. A rigid culture that had been built upon survival and war. Found itself embracing a new cultural renaissance with all forms of art, architecture, and public works being fueled by a new generation of citizens free from their former restraints.

And though strict social pressures were in place to ensure a socially conservative society. The militant utilitarianism of the previous fascist society had now been replaced with the opulence and extravagance of a proper monarchy. One where every citizen was an aristocrat.

Despite this newfound freedom. Many of the nation's youth still found themselves attracted to the ideas of armed service, or the role of a first responder. And it was these youths who made up the backbone of the Germanic Military, Intelligence Services, Law Enforcement, etc.

And thus, the LEGION series of Combat Droids, were repurposed and updated as the AUXILIA series of Combat Droids. Designed to provide support to the next generation of Elite Warriors and First responders.

As for the final element of what was once known as the Silber Enclave.... Erich had set Mala free. Declaring her the new Warchief of the Iron Horde. He had granted her and her people the weapons they had previously used in their service to him.

Officially the Iron Horde which now comprised of the entirety of the Orcish Species, was no longer attached to the Silber Enclave, or the new Germanic Star-Empire in any way. All they had was a non-aggression pact.

With Erich and Mala's marriage annuled, the orcish beauty set off to engage in the same behavior her people had always engaged in. And with their new shiny toys ,along with the current state of galactic chaos, there were few civilizations that could oppose them.

Thus Mala and her people unwittingly became pawns of Erich as they rampaged and ravaged the already chaotic galaxy. Causign only further destruction and Chaos to occur across the milky way. And in doing this, they paved the way for Erich's future galactic conquest.

Before Erich knew it, an entire decade had gone by, and much of his renaissance had been accomplished. In these ten years, the Germanic Star-Empire grew and flourished. While the rest of the Galaxy continued to struggle to hold on to what they had. Even the Great Galactic Powers, who had long since held a state of order across the Milky Way, could no longer deny the fact that the Ghimderi-Parvaxian War had taken a toll on them.

And while Erich rebuilt his civilication. Lunaria was forced to deal with her own rebellions. After her secret relationship with Erich was released to the public, hundreds of her vassals declared their independence. For the first time for as long as anyone could truly remember. The full might of the Alfheim Military was deployed to deal with these uprisings. And they were not merciful.

Lunaria had adopted the approach of "take ten heads for every one rebel" massacring entire planets in a display of supreme authority. But she was not alone in these troubles. Several of the Svartalfheim Federation's "allies" had voiced support for the idea of independence, forcing the Dark Elves into a similar state of their light-skinned cousins.

Lunaria was so preoccupied that she had completely forgotten the ten-year promise that she had made with Erich regarding Sinaria, and thus for the time being the former Grand Inquisitor of the Svartalfheim Federation remained a slave of Erich's. Where she worked in the employ of the new and improved Germanic Star-Empire.

As for the Ennead Theocracy, they maintained overwhelming support from their myriad of subjects primarily due to the fact that they were quite literally worshipped as living gods. And this collective sense of unity had led their people to endure even through the harsh times which the galaxy was now facing as a whole.

In fact, the Ennead had agreed to completely isolate their borders from the galaxy and focus on their own issues. Only an outsider bearing the mark of one of their gods or goddesses would be permitted to enter the borders of the galactic power. Anyone else who dared to attempt such a feat would be shot out of space.

As for the Asura Cabal, they were also facing their own issues, with the various despots, challenging the devas and devis for their positions. In fact, due to the heavily independent nature of Asuran space, they were perhaps the most affected by this galactic crisis, as they all turned on one another for power and resources.

It was abundantly clear to anyone who had been paying attention that this galactic chaos was giving birth to a fifth Galactic level power. One that had previously announced its ambitions to conquer the milky way as a whole, and even beyond.

Though most considered this nothing more than the speech of a new leader who was desperate to rally his people to his side. There were many who had not forgotten Erich's words. As for the man in question, he had shifted the capital of his empire from the world of Germania to the world of Midgard. Where he sat and watched the events of the galaxy unfold.

He could hardly believe that ten years had already passed since he seized the throne of his people. But it was not enough... No... He needed to finish his settlement of the Dvrakian Worlds which his people had conquered decades ago, a war which he himself played his small part in.

And then he needed to move onto the empty and barren sector of space which sat on his borders that once belonged to the sub-galactic power previously known as the Rylonian Imperium. He had promised Lunaria it would take him thirty years to accomplish all of this. And so far he was a third of the way there. Yet, despite being on schedule, Erich could not help but feel anxious.

After all, the Galaxy was in a state of chaos, and it was only a matter of time before he and his newly reformed military was called to war once more. But until that happened Erich would continue to watch, and wait. As he rebuilt his civilization into an Empire worthy of admiration by all living things.

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