Interstellar Age

Chapter 310 The Heavenly Domain

Chapter 310 The Heavenly Domain

In a secluded area of space within the milky way galaxy, a young Asiatic man sat upon a gilded throne, which appeared to have been forged from the stars themselves. He was dressed in attire that was similar to that of classical China, while he gazed through a holographic projection. One which displayed the ongoing events in the galaxy.

"Hmm... It would appear that we were not the only ones who fled Earth while the time was right... So typical of those blue-eyed devils, always trying to conquer everything within grasp..."

Naturally, this young man was gazing upon the scene of Erich's rise to power over the past few decades. And his proclamation that he would set the galaxy ablaze in a massive war of conquest. While he watched the scenes of the current state of chaos unfold across the galaxy, this man could not help but sigh and shake his head.

"Impressive, how in just four centuries the European peoples or whatever abomination they have turned themselves into could cause such destruction and chaos on a galactic stage... What do you think, Wei Shi? Is it about time that we reveal our existence to what remains of humanity and its two distinctive offshoots?

Wei Shi was a court eunuch of the Heavenly Emperor, and had helped guide the man on his path as a monarch. He was the man's closest advisor and most trusted friend. Thus, he bowed his head with reverence to the young emperor and spoke in an irreverent tone to the man as he did so.

"That is a decision that only you are capable of making, your majesty. However, the power which the westerners have displayed is something I do not think our great Navy would be capable of contending with.... I do not know what sorcery they have conjured to gain such a technological ability, but it would be best if we avoided making an enemy out of the so called Germanic Star-Empire."

The young emperor nodded his head as he silently agreed with his advisor's statement. He began to reflect on the distant past, and how humanity had fractured itself into at the very least three distinctive societies and ethnicities.

For four centuries, what remained of the Chinese people had stayed hidden in a secluded corner of the galaxy. Slowly expanding at their own pace, while avoiding contact with all the other sentient species, especially their wayward cousins in the Germanic Star-Empire and the Confederation of Human Worlds.

Like the Germanic Star-Empire, the Heavenly Domain had fled Earth during the turmoil of the 22nd Century, but they had done so decades after the founders of the GSE had done so. In an attempt to preserve traditional Chinese culture and their rich heritage, a group of wealthy Chinese businessmen managed to get their hands on a few warp drives, which they used to bring their people on a long exodus.

Naturally, the visionary who had planned for this exodus was crowned Emperor, and thus the Wang Dynasty was born. The current Emperor of the Wange Dynasty was a young man by the name of Wang Zhi, and he had been the monarch of the isolated nation for five years now.

During these five years, it had been one of great prosperity, and like his ancestors before him, Wang Zhi had made a commitment to remain isolated from the galaxy, only expanding into those nearby vacant systems when it was absolutely necessary to do so.

Still, their technology increased far quicker than that of the Confederation of Human Worlds, but was at the same time was lacking when compared to the literal superhumans of the Germanic Star-Empire.

Wang Zhi sat upon his throne and stared at the ongoing galactic crisis. Before posing a question to his closest advisor and friend. One that was deeply troubling to the both of them.

"Let's say that we continue our policy of isolation, and rely entirely on ourselves to develop. How long do you think it will be before we are discovered here? And what are the odds that we will be discovered by a hostile power whose strength is greater than our own?"

Wei Shi had a stern expression on his face, as he thought about the question for some time in silence. All the while scratching his chin. Eventually, the man sighed heavily before answering Wang Zhi's questions.

"We have been blessed with a territory that is hidden within a nebula that causes sensor technology to malfunction. But we cannot be certain that this nebula has any effect on civilizations with vastly superior technology than our own. If such a thing is the case, then it would be wise to make allies who might be able to aid us in our defense should the day come that war arrives on our doorstep. But your Majesty, I would advise against seeking an alliance with the Germanic Star-Empire.

Your ancestors have watched for decades as they have risen to prominence on the Galactic stage, first as an unknown nation with a powerful military, and later as the primary weapon wielded by the Elven Empress.

If their recent civil war has shown us anything, it is that this new emperor has some means that we ourselves are aware of. After all, he created a vastly superior military in only ten years than what the mighty Germanic Star-Empire was capable of.

It would be unwise to approach a man hellbent on galactic conquest with any intentions of building an alliance. Perhaps the Light Elves can do so, but their military might stand on equal footing with this new empire. Whereas ours may not withstand such an onslaught. At most, we should approach them with friendly gestures, and to prove that we are not hostile."

Once more, Wang Zhi silently nodded his head, taking his advisor's words with a hint of caution. He understood the difficulties that would come with approaching such a warlike society. Especially after Erich's reforms. The GSE was now more militant than ever. Erich had modeled his society, at least the education of the next generation of boys, on ancient Sparta.

Since everything else in society was taken care of by robots, the purpose of a man was to be a warrior. While the purpose of women was to be housewives, mothers, and artists. It was the women of this new Germanic society who advanced the arts and culture. While the men themselves fought in wars to earn honor and glory for their race and nation.

The idea that these superhumans would somewhat model themselves off of an ancient society known for one thing and one thing alone: war, was a terrifying thought to the young Emperor. It was clear that the Germanic Star-Empire would go on to become a major player on the galactic stage, but one that would not bring order, but Chaos, like Erich had already done.

Thus, Wang Zhi had to approach this diplomatic mission with extreme caution. With this in mind, he gave the order to his long-time companion, hoping that he was making the right choice.

"Send a diplomatic envoy to the Capital of the Germanic Star-Empire. It is clear that they will soon be the next rulers over Earth, and I doubt they will spare the local inhabitants. There is too much history between them for a peaceful resolution to take place.

But at the same time, send a delegation to the Confederation of Human Worlds. Yet do not warn them about the Germanic Star-Empire's existence. We must maintain a sense of neutrality in this upcoming conflict. We will watch, wait, and observe. While establishing diplomatic ties with both empires. When a victor emerges, perhaps we will be open to more than just an exchange of envoys."

Wei Shi bowed heavily before the young Emperor and with great respect, as he responded to the orders he had received.

"As you command your majesty..."

After saying this, Wei Shi walked off, where once out of view he shook his head before expressing his thoughts aloud in a voice so low that only he could hear them.

"It is such a pity... I fear the boy's decision may end up biting us in the ass. But I am his faithful servant and must obey my orders. I can only hope to further advise the young emperor on how to properly navigate this proverbial minefield that he has just entered."

Erich would be shocked in the coming months, when the envoy of the Heavenly Domain arrived in his court, and announced to him, that it was not just the Germanic Star-Empire, and the Confederation of Human Worlds which remained of humanity. Like his ancestors before him, the Chinese had also fled from Earth in fear of the giant melting pot that the world was becoming.

And perhaps with this new discovery, there were even more civilizations, like the GSE and the Heavenly Domain, that still existed, hiding among the stars. Or perhaps they were the only two of such civilizations that existed. Only time would tell...

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