Interstellar Age

Chapter 312 A Diplomatic Envoy Arrives

Chapter 312 A Diplomatic Envoy Arrives

It had been a decade since Erich first conquered his rival and gained interstellar recognition as the one and only leader of the Germanic Star-Empire. During this time, the Empire had made great strides to rebuild the losses it had not only suffered during the brief Civil War but also during the Termnius war nearly thirty years prior.

Erika had returned from her exile, and though her marriage was annulled, she still chose to stick by Alex as one of his concubines. Not only because the man was the father of her children but also because she knew what his plans were, and the power he wielded.

And While Erika helped Erich raise their kids, while continuing to perform the role of both wife and Mother. Erich was busy with his ongoing attempts to restore order and prosperity to the Empire. The military had drastically undergone reforms since Erich assumed power.

With the existence of AUXILIA series support droids, who performed all support roles in the military. The military had been restructured into the three branches. The Army was composed of those super soldiers, who were previously known as Germanic Star-Marines.

They continued to perform all the major combat roles of the ground forces. Whether this was those garrisons stationed on already conquered worlds, or those who followed the fleets to new worlds to invade and conquer.

Then there was the Navy, which included all active combat roles in the Navy, and those of command. Such as the Deck Officers and the pilots. Meanwhile, most of those who served on board the ship as communications officers, engineers, et cetera. Were actually replaced by AUXILIA series support droids.

And finally, there was the newly formed Stormtrooper Corps. Which was the combination of all previous special forces groups into one exceptionally large unit. Naturally, the uniforms of these branches differed. With the Army wearing feldgrau dress uniforms, the Navy wearing steingrau uniforms, and the Stormtrooper Corps wearing black uniforms.

As for those members of the Political Party, they wore brown uniforms, while those in imperial intelligence wore a white tunic with black trousers. Assuming they had a rare circumstance where they needed to wear an actual dress uniform.

Though Erich called himself an Emperor, he was still very much a fascist dictator, and the head of the National Socialist Germanic Workers Party, which ruled over the Germanic Star-Empire. However, the party had no mind of its own and simply served to further Erich's interests. Initially, most of the governance of the Empire was left entirely up to Tia after Erich seized power. Which allowed her to easily restored order and prosperity to the Germanic People.

Yet in recent years, Erich had begun to restore control of the Empire, and the governance of its people to himself and his people. A new selection of over sector governors, Sector Governors, System Governors, and Planetary Governors had emerged. Each of which was hand selected by Erich based upon their competency, and their loyalty to the New Order.

These men were the leadership of the newly reformed Nationalist Socialist Germanic Worker's Party. And were given absolute control of both military and political affairs of their local jurisdictions. Of course, Tia was not removed entirely from her responsibilities.

And instead, she now played a heavy role in assisting these governors with their jobs, in the form of a virtual assistant. Not only did this allow these men to increase their efficiency, but it also allowed Erich to maintain a close eye on everything they were doing.

Germanic society had begun to shift one to where individual freedoms and expressions were being less restricted. Or so it appeared on the surface. The reality was, with Tia's robotic labor legions now taking control over all means of production.

The Men in society sought meaning in the bonds of brotherhood and battle. Thus the overwhelming majority of Germanic men, now joined the Military or first responders. Where they were assisted by Auxilia series support droids.

Meanwhile, women sought meaning in their lives, as wives, mothers, and artists. Spending what free time they had outside of their husbands and children. Working on artistic passions. Whether this was music, sculptures, architecture, paintings, et cetera.

Until recently, the Germanic Star-Empire had been a nation which stifled individual expression. All works of art had to be approved by the Party, and were designed with the sole intent of propaganda. Because of this, everything in Germanic culture was cold, callous, lifeless, and domineering.

And though that had begun to change, one could not simply overhaul an entire culture built on fanatic militarism and utilitarianism in just a decade. Thus, when diplomats came to Midgard to visit the new emperor, they were actually surprised by the level of hospitality they received from the Germanic Emperor, who treated them like royalty.

And today, a young envoy from the Heavenly Domain had witnessed this cold and militant society's shocking hospitality. But what was perhaps the most surprising thing of all to the Wang Princess was that although Erich was now in his fifties, he looked no older than twenty-five.

From the moment Erich's body and brain stopped developing, he had ceased to age. And would not do so until he began to approach the twilight years of his natural lifespan, which was 250 years old. And that was assuming Lunaria didn't give him the nectar of the world tree which would expand his lifespan to infinity.

It was because of this lack of aging that the young princess was actually surprised when she met Erich, and saw that he looked no older than her brother, the Emperor of the Heavenly Domain. Erich was just as surprised as this diplomat was when he saw the Princess of the Wang Dynasty enter his court. Because he was well educated on the history of Earth, and its different nations and cultures, most of which were annihilated by assimilation and interbreeding over the past four centuries.

For the first time in his life, Erich had seen a baseline human. That was not, from his perspective, a disgusting hodgepodge of the now extinct various human races. Yet, he did not have this same disgust when he gazed upon the raven haired and jade skinned beauty from the Heavenly Domain. There were so many questions he wanted to ask this woman, but before he could do so, she introduced herself.

"Princess Wang Jingyi of the Heavenly Domain greets his majesty the German Emperor. Please.... Take this gift as a sign of my people's sincerity...."

Immediately, a group of servants stepped forward and provided Erich with a few gifts that were considered luxuries in the Heavenly Domain. They were hand sculpted art pieces from the finest materials.

If there was one thing the Germanic Star-Empire had always been lacking until relatively recently, it was art and a refined since of culture. Such things had been repressed for centuries as unecessary. The only purpose a citizen had in life was either as a means of production or war.

But under Erich's new renaissance, that had begun to change. Sure, the Germanic men chosen the path of war as their purpose in life. But the women began to experiment with art and culture, in a way that was befitting of a proper monarchy, rather than a utilitarian fascistic state. No longer was art a form of propaganda, but rather one of expression.

And thus, Erich was quite fascinated by the art of the heavenly domain, which was of significantly higher quality than what he was accustomed to. He grabbed the gilded art piece, which took the form of a Chinese-style dragon. And examined it thoroughly in his hands, like he was a child who had just been gifted something amazing and unsuspected on Christmas morning.

There was a deep sense of appreciation and admiration on Erich's face as he continued to examine the piece. All the while, the Wang Princess giggled at him. This ultimately snapped Erich out of his trance, where he gazed upon the jade skin beauty who openly mocked him, albeit in a playful manner.

"No offense... But you look like a barbarian who has just discovered fine art for the first time in his life... Are you okay?"

Erich simply scoffed at this, and handed the art piece over to one of his servants, demanding it was made central and prominent in the palace court. Before addressing Jingyi's comments.

"I must admit, your culture has ours beat when it comes to art... You see, for the past four centuries, individual expression has been essentially outlawed. Our art and culture has been one designed for a single purpose propaganda. Because of that, what little art we have is cold and lifeless. Though we have recently begun a renaissance in this matter, it still can't compare to a society as ancient and as experienced as yours. I'm surprised though... I thought we were the only ones to escape that fate of the human race..."

Jingyi smiled and nodded her head, before explaining the origins of the Heavenly Domain and how its age was only slightly younger than that of the Germanic Star-Empire.

"I'm not surprised. In truth, our exodus was only a few decades after yours. But we have remained isolated from the galaxy until now. However, with the ongoing chaos around the galaxy, my brother, the Emperor, seeks to establish friendly ties with our long-lost cousins. After all, it would be a benefit to call upon friends if disaster were to ever befall the Heavenly Domain."

The other delegates who had come to visit Erich and establish friendly ties were both astounded by the gifts that this beautiful young princess had come to give to the Germanic Star-Empire. The rest of them had come with practical items, such as raw materials, but Wang Jingyi had given Erich an exchange of her people's culture.

Perhaps it was because their two civilizations shared a common origin, but it was clear that Erich had already begun to grant his favor on this young princess, and her people. Especially after he so excitedly accepted her gift. He then made a decree which shocked everyone on in the court.

"Well... It is not every day that I offer such hospitality, but considering the history our two people share. I am inclined to offer you a place to stay here in the palace, if you so desire. At least until you decide to return home..."

Wang Jingyi smiled and bowed her head in an appreciative gesture, as she accepted Erich's good graces. Much to the envy of all those other species who had gathered to earn the favor which she had instantly been bestowed.

"You are truly a gracious host, and since you are offering, it would be rude of me to refuse. Please, look after me while I am in your care..."

With this said, the Heavenly Domain and the Germanic Star-Empire had begun to establish friendly ties. But what Erich did not realize was at the same time, and Envoy arrived in Confederation Space, seeking to do the same to his enemies.

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