Interstellar Age

Chapter 329 Gaining Military Access

Chapter 329 Gaining Military Access

The holographic projection clearly depicted the terra formation of several celestial bodies within the borders of the Germanic Star-Empire, so much so that S'varin's eyes nearly jumped out of his sockets. Terraforming was an extremely advanced technology that only those Galactic Powers had access to.

It was the difference between searching the void for an unoccupied system that could miraculously support life, and taking a system that was completely barren and turning it into a utopia built from the ground up to be ideal for your species' habitation.

The fact that the Germanic Star-Empire had such advanced technology, and had been hiding it from the public eye meant that they most likely had various other advanced forms of technology. If that was the case, they might actually be able to detect the Naraku who were still beyond the detection of the Dvrakian sensors, and perhaps even be able to defend against them.

With this in mind, the Dvrakian Governor of Thexkar adjusted his tie, and took a gulp of his drink, before finally changing his tone towards the Germanic envoys who until now he had been shall we say curt with.

"Okay... Let's say this isn't a trick, and you actually possess such advanced technology. Even if you had the means to relocate our species to a more secure area of space. My people would never agree.

We have over fifty thousand years' worth of history in our territory. We have fought tooth and nail to expand our civilization at the cost of countless dead. It would dishonor their memories if we simply gave up without a fight.

I might be able to lead an exodus party to the area where you want us to relocate. But it would be a small faction. The remainder of the consortium would never agree with your demands."

Erich nodded his head in understanding of S'varin's statement. But he allowed the Deputy Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire to convey his next thoughts. And Karl was quick to do so.

"We feared that this might be a possibility. Thus, we have decided to extend a second offer to your people. If you will allow us military access within your borders, we will be able to build a defensive line that should at the very least stem the tide of the Naraku Swarm long enough for the majority of your people to escape.

As long as we can dispatch troops to the front lines, our generals and admirals are confident in our ability to halt the Naraku Advance. Though I will say that our losses will be substantial in doing so. And we will require the support of the Dvrakian Armed Forces.

Either way, we would rather meet the Naraku in battle at your borders rather than our own. And you know that you stand a better chance of holding off the Hive Fleet with our support than on your own."

S'varin thought about these demands for several moments in deep contemplation. Indeed, a minor power like the Dvrakian Consortium did not have the strength to halt the Naraku Advance for more than two hours.

But the Germanic Star-Empire had military strength on par with Tier I Sub-Galactic Powers. Or potentially on a par with the Galactic Powers themselves. If this was the case, then they would easily be able to hold off the Naraku Advance. At least long enough for a significant amount of their people to evacuate from their worlds and relocated to a safer sector of space.

With this in mind, S'varin ultimately conceded to the request of the Germanic Star-Empire, while standing up from his seat and turning around to look out his window, which gazed upon the vibrant wildlife of the world of Thexkar which seemingly blended perfectly with the highly industrialized society.

"If what you say is true, and we are on the path of the Naraku's wake of destruction, then there is nothing we can to stop them... If the Rylonians failed to stem the tide of the devouring swarm then what chance do we have....

But your empire has for the last two hundred and fifty years fought wars on behalf of the Alfheim Dominion. Your people have never been defeated on the field of battle in recorded history. And no, you show me that you have more advanced tech that you have withheld from the galaxy at large.

I may need some verification that the Naraku are heading this way... But if you give me that... I just might be able to convince the Assembly that the interests of our two civilizations converge on this matter. I'm not making any promises, but with enough proof of your claims, I should be able to sway the assembly into voting in favor of military access."

It was at this moment that Erich heard Tia's voice in the back of his head.

"Master, my long range sensors have been tracking the Naraku and their journey since I first processed your update. If he has a terminal nearby, I can wirelessly access it and download the scouting reports that I have in my memory banks."

Erich turned his attention to S'varin after hearing this and was quick to ask about this issue.

"Do you have a terminal nearby? Or a standard computer, perhaps? I have all the evidence you need on my person right now..."

Karl looked over at Erich with a curious expression on his face. He did not expect the Supreme Leader's adjutant to come so prepared for this diplomatic meeting. As for S'varin he pointed towards stood up and immediately led Erich to his mansion's datacenter.

"Certainly, if you will follow me..."

Erich and Karl followed the Dvrakian governor to a subterannean bunker, where an exceptionally large computing device was currently functioning. Erich and Karl looked at each other for one moment, and realized just how far behind the Dvrakian Consortium was with its technology.

They required an entire bunker for the processing power that only barely met the standards of the starmap and scouting report that Tia had compiled regarding the route that the Naraku were currently heading.

Meanwhile, Erich could keep such a large file in the nano robots that swam through his bloodstream. It was with this in mind that Erich contacted Tia to make sure this device was capable of hosting the file, let alone displaying the information in a way that was legible.

"Tia... Will this do?"

Tia scanned the large computation device before shaking her head. This machine was unfortunately not powerful enough to contain the star map that she had saved.

"I'm afraid this won't do, Master.... We may need to send a small datapad that contains the map... It is, after all a live tracker..."

Erich leaned over and whispered to Karl about this matter, which caused S'varin to look at the two envoys with a curious expression.

"I didn't expect them to be operating with such primitive technology... I mean I knew their military was vastly inferior to ours, but... This is.... Do you perhaps have a datapad on you?"

Karl looked at Erich as if he were an idiot. With the introduction of NeuroLink some fifty years ago, the datapad became wholly obsolete. They weren't even manufactured anymore, nor did the equipment exist to do so. Because of this, the man was quick to inform Erich about these issues.

"You might be able to find a datapad on the secondhand market. Maybe a collector of retro technology has one. But no.... I don't have one on me..."

Erich was just about to say something when Tia interrupted him.

"Master, I am currently purchasing a datapad that meats my requirements now from an alien civilization that has yet to invent nano technology. The processing power and memory storage is sufficient to host the intelligence I have gathered on the Hive Fleet terminus and its calculated trajectory. This datapad also features holographic projection. Once it is in my hands, I will download the file and then ship it to S'varin's estate. I estimate it will take two Thexkar Weeks before it arrives."

Erich sighed and nodded his head. It would appear that he would be staying on Thexkar for some time, and thus Erich immediately informed his host of their circumstances.

"It would appear that it will take two weeks in the local time for us to procure a device that is capable of containing the information that your require. In the mean time would you prefer that we returned to our territory, or are there some lodgings you would like to provide for us?"

S'varin would not normally treat guests from the Germanic Star-Empire with such hospitality, but if they really did have proof of the Naraku heading this way, then it was paramount to form a proper relationship with the Geramanic Star-Empire, and thus, he provided all the hospitality he could manage to the two diplomatic envoys.

"Oh, by all means, I will have a few rooms prepared for the both of you at a nearby lodge. In the meantime I will have my daughter escort you around the city. I apologize in advance, but this is the best I can do to provide and adequate amount of hospitality on such short notice."

Karl did not like the idea of being led around by a filthy alien, and thus he rejected S'varin's offer.

"No need for that... Just a place to stay, and three square meals a day and I will consider your hospitality adequate enough. As for my companion here, I think I speak for the both of us when I say that -"

However, before Karl could finish his sentence, Erich quickly cut him off before the man could decline on his behalf.

"I would be delighted to become better acquainted with your culture and way of life. If your daughter is willing, then I will be thankful for her guidance in these matters."

Erich intended to make the most of this to get reacquainted with his first love from his past life, and perhaps make things up to her for the way he treated her then. And S'varin seemed interested in the fact that Erich was not as xenophobic as the majority of his kind were. He did not think for a second that Erich had intentions towards his daughter. After all that would be a taboo in both of their societies. Thus the Dvrakian Governor wore a wide smile as he made the plans official.

"Delightful, alright, well now that is settled, if you will please follow me I will guide you to your new lodgings for the duration of your stay."

With this brief meeting, the Germanic Star-Empire had started on its first steps towards annexing the Dvrakian Consortium, even if S'varin was completely unaware of his guests intentions.

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