Interstellar Age

Chapter 331 Dinner with a Succubus Beauty

Chapter 331 Dinner with a Succubus Beauty

After the tour was over, S'aleth was required by her father to take Erich out to dinner. This was both a diplomatic venture in itself, but more importantly was a power play on behalf of Governor S'varin. For starters, S'varin had come to understand that Erich was more than just an adjutant to the Deputy Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire.

Though the Dvrakian politician didn't know exactly what Erich's role was, or why he was dispatched on this journey, he wanted Erich away from further diplomatic discussions which were to be held later that night.

Instead, he had tasked his daughter to escort Erich around the city and take him out to dinner for the duration of the night. She was also to report anything and everything that Erich may have done on their journey.

Needless to say, S'varin would be disappointed as Erich's only ulterior motive was to woo S'aleth, so they could reconnect on the same emotional level they had in his past life prior to her tragic sacrifice.

But nobody knew this besides Erich himself, and thus throughout the entire tour Erich conducted himself accordingly, and even went so far as to praise the Dvrakian's and their resilience which was an aspect of their society which they proudly displayed through their history and heritage.

S'aleth was honestly impressed that Erich was not what she had told him would be, by both her father, and mother. Who insisted that the Germanic people were a highly xenophobic race that consider all other life forms worth less than the dirt beneath their feet. And she was more than happy to answer all of his questions about her people's culture and history.

Once the two of them had sat down at a popular restaurant, Erich required S'aleth's guidance on choosing a proper meal that would fit his tastes.?While the Dvrakians were omnivores, meat was the primary source of nutrition for them, while vegetables and fruits were only an afterthought, usually used to enhance the flavor of the meat.

Erich had no idea what any of the local Thexkarvian fauna were, or how they tasted. And thus he had S'aleth guide him through his selection. And once they had ordered, S'aleth rested her dainty chin on the palm of her hand while looking at Erich with a flirtatious gaze. It was only then that she finally spoke the truth about what she initially thought about Erich.

"You know something.... I actually had fun today! You were not at all what I expected you to be...."

Erich chuckled when he heard this before cracking a joke about himself and his people.

"Let me guess, you expected me to be a hard-nosed, cynical bigot with an enormous sense of pride?"

S'aleth broke out into a fit of giggles when she heard this and had to cover her mouth as she did so. It was not until some time had passed that she calmed down, and spoke to Erich as if they were not at all supposed to be diplomats.

"So you are aware of the reputation that your people have?"

Erich simply swirled the fortified wine in his crystal glass and sniffed it before taking a sip with a smirk on his face. The cup was quite literally made out of some form of crystal that was eerily reminiscent of diamonds. It was only after having a sip of the wine did Erich respond to the succubus beauty's question.

"Yes, I have... We're not all like that though... I mean most of us are... But some of us have been permitted to see the greater galaxy and what it has to offer. I've been to many places, from the Oni homeworld, to the Alfheim Dominion, all the way to the borders of the Asuran Cabal.

I have met with the so-called Gods of the Ennead Theocracy and have even been to the Svartalfheim Federation itself.?To witness so many civilizations each unique in their own way, and many of which are far grander than my own. Let's just say it is a truly enlightening experience..."

S'aleth's mouth nearly dropped when she heard how much of the Galaxy Erich had personally witnessed. Though for a Regional Power like the Germanic Star-Empire, it made sense for their Envoys to be sent across the Galaxy. Especially when one considered the Empire had the military strength of a Sub-Galactic Power.

It was because of this that S'aleth had a bit of a longing expression on her pretty face. She had only ever been in the world of Thexkar, not even traveling to the homeworld of her species. To her it was all she knew. But from the sounds of it, Erich had many adventures. Thus, there was a wistful tone in her voice as she ran the tip of her finger across the top of her glass while wishing she had seen what Erich had seen.

"It must be nice..."

Erich had a wry smile on his face as he admitted that his journeys were not as easy, or entertaining as they might sound.

"Some of it was sure, but I have also seen the cruelty of this universe. From the way the Ennead Pantheon treats their servants as mere livestock, to the cruelty that the Asuran Cabal deals with its rivals. Not to mention the never ending hunger of the Naraku, which seeks to devour all worlds they come across, or the barren wastelands they leave behind in their wake.

And then there are the immoral societies. Societies who have no sense of decency... Civilizations where great evils are permitted in the name of individual liberty and personal choice. The Empire may have its faults, but at least it is not an amoral wasteland where the most heinous depravities are considered the norm."

S'aleth was once more shocked by Erich's statement and was quick to ask the immediate question on her mind regarding his words.

"Wait, I thought you were a diplomat? You speak as if you have been to war..."

Erich sighed and drank from his wine once more, finishing what was left in the cup before revealing the truth to S'aleth about his past.

"All men in the Empire must serve in the military, some more than others... The average service length a man must fulfill is ten years of his life. After that, he's assigned a function by the state, where he lives his life according to his means.

But some of us have the glory of serving for life. And are only able to escape from the front lines to serve as either high-ranking officers, glorified bodyguards, aides to politicians and diplomats, or as politicians ourselves."

S'aleth was shocked by these words. In the Dvrakian Consortium service was voluntary, with the state only resorting to conscription in a time of great need. She had no idea that the Empire's entire male population served an entire decade on average in some role or the other.

Thus she immediately had a single question on her mind, which she was quick to voice, with an almost anxious tone in her trembling voice.

"How long? I mean how long did you serve before being given your current position?"

Erich's memory was perfect, as was every other citizen in the Empire. He could instantly recall every memory he ever had, down to the exact day it happened on. But he didn't want to be outright exact, and instead chose to be cryptic about it.

"Officially, I have only served for two years in the armed forces. Unofficially, however, I have seen at least a decade's worth of battlefield experience. Both as a starfighter pilot, and later as a special forces operative."

If Erich took his past life into account, he spent two years at the Naval Academy, whereupon graduating he was almost immediately deployed to the Dvrakian War. Which lasted a little over a year. From there, he was redeployed to the front lines of the Terminus War.

And though he died early on, he was ultimately resurrected by the end of the war, which lasted another year or so. He did see service once more as a Starfighter Pilot in the Battle of Suebi. Putting his military service at around three years by that point.

Erich would spend the next three or so years engaging in combat operations and War Games for Germanic Military Intelligence while rising through the ranks of the WRAITHs, before finally being deployed to the battle which saw his unit wiped out, and himself captured by the Svartalfheim Federation.

After nearly six months of captivity, Erich escaped before being made an Archon by the Alfheim Empress, where she spent the next three to five years hunting down and destroying the Sages. After which he declared himself Emperor of the Germanic Star Empire and began his decade long buildup for a Civil War against the Emrys regime.

By then, however, he had merged with Terminus, and was forced to stay in Midgard. And It was a decade after that which Erich accidentally caused the Milky Way to be invaded and presumably destroyed by the extragalactic Naraku Hive Fleets.

So ten to twelve years was the actual amount of combat experience Erich had from his past life. Though it was only a decade, Erich had managed to fit an extraordinary amount of combat experience in those ten or so years.

Still, S'aleth didn't ask about why Erich's official service record was so short, compared to his actual one. And this was probably for the best. Because Erich would never be able to explain it. Instead, she simply sat there in disbelief that the man in front of her had ten years' worth of combat experience.

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