Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 783 Reign Vs Ethereon Demon Leader

Originally, Reign was planning on causing chaos inside of the stronghold while the others stayed back and made sure they weren't noticed so that the leader of the stronghold wouldn't notice just how many Tier V beings were present and flee from the stronghold.

Reign believed that it would take him a couple of minutes of slaughtering the Tier IV beings before the leader would appear.

After all, a new Tier V human appearing and attacking a demon stronghold right away was not something that happened every day. Reign was certain that the demon would notice something was amiss and stay back for a bit to try and figure out just what was happening, but to Reign's great surprise, the leader did no such thing.

The leader of the Ethereon demons arrived immediately, which saved Reign a lot of time and trouble, allowing the others to attack right away as Reign dealt with the leader.


A powerful shockwave arrived from the wall as the barrier behind the demon leader shattered. His body was sent flying down about 25 meters outside of the stronghold while Reign jumped down and smirked at the leader who got up on his feet and was staring at Reign with vigilance.

"You are not a new Tier V, are you truly a mercenary from another world?"

"Well, you're not far off from the mark, but I'm no mercenary, however, I just like killing demons." Reign said as he cracked his neck and got ready for the fight.

He knew that killing a Tier V demon wouldn't be this easy.

He took out his two swords while the leader took out a large scythe and clenched it, prompting Reign to whistle at him.

"Damn, that's one cool weapon." Reign said as he stared at the scythe, slightly mesmerized by its appearance.

The imposing demonic scythe stood at a formidable 2 meters in length, casting a chilling aura of dread and malevolence. Its twisted and foreboding design reflects its sinister nature, making it a weapon that strikes fear into the hearts of all who behold it.

The blade of the scythe was seemingly forged from a dark, otherworldly metal that shimmers with an eerie, iridescent glow. It was honed to a razor-sharp edge, capable of cleaving through the thickest of armor and bone with supernatural ease. The blade curved gracefully, resembling the crescent moon on a night filled with ominous omens.

Overall, the demonic scythe was a nightmarish weapon that embodied the essence of terror and dread. Its imposing presence, supernatural materials, and sinister design made it a truly fearsome instrument of destruction.

The Ethereon demon leader, still recovering from the shock of being sent flying, eyed Reign warily. His scythe was indeed an imposing weapon, and the way he wielded it suggested mastery. However, he knew that underestimating Reign, especially after their previous bout, would lead to nothing but his own destruction.

"Nice scythe," Reign commented again, a grin on his face, though his eyes remained focused and alert. "But I wonder if it can handle my swords."

Reign was still using his two swords, and even though they didn't give him the same bonuses as before, he was familiar with them the most, he would only change his weapons after coming back to Earth as he was certain he would need some time to get used to them.

Without further words, Reign lunged at the demon leader, his swords dancing with a mesmerizing mix of lightning and darkness. The two combatants clashed, their strikes sending shockwaves through the area. Lightning was not only an element that possessed great destructive power, but one that was also very effective against ghosts, wraiths, and other kinds of monsters.

Ethereon demons seemed to also be quite weak against lightning, and his darkness, another element focused on destruction, was also very effective against them.

Reign's agility and precision were remarkable. He moved like a whirlwind, his strikes hitting with calculated precision, while the demon leader parried and countered with his scythe. The scythe's ethereal properties allowed it to phase through some of Reign's attacks, but his strength and experience kept him from suffering any serious damage.

Meanwhile, Alvia, Basred, Liara, Laura, and the guardians stormed the stronghold alongside the human warriors, clashing with the Ethereon demons who guarded it. The battle raged fiercely, and the demons, initially confident due to their stronghold's defensive power, soon found themselves overwhelmed.

Liara, with the artifact's power, was especially effective against the Ethereon demons. Her ability to disrupt and weaken their souls left them vulnerable, and with the combined might of the warriors, the Ethereon demons were forced into a defensive position.

Back outside, Reign continued his duel with the demon leader. The fight had intensified, with both combatants pushing their limits. Reign's swords crackled with power, and he delivered blows with precision and speed. The demon leader's scythe, meanwhile, sliced through the air with deadly grace.

"You're good, I'll give you that," Reign remarked during a brief respite in the fight. "But not as good as I expected."

Reign's eyes glowed with a fierce purple light as he channeled his inner energy. Lightning and darkness intertwined around him, forming a swirling vortex of power. He launched himself at the demon leader, who struggled to react in time.

The clash that followed was explosive. Reign's dual swords struck the demon leader's scythe with such force that it cracked, sending shards of ethereal energy in all directions. The leader roared in pain as some of the broken pieces of his weapon phased harmlessly through him.

He glanced at his scythe and grimaced at the damage it had suffered before staring at Reign.

The scythe was actually a powerful SS rank weapon, it was at the peak of its rank and was actually stronger than Reign's weapons, but Reign's swords had been infused with lightning and darkness.

The immense power of the two elements not only coated the swords and made them more durable, but they also made each attack incredibly powerful and damaging, allowing Reign to actually damage a powerful rank SS weapon in a short period of time.

That was partly because the Ethereon demons relied a lot on their powers which allowed them to resist most damage and pass through it, but against Reign, such powers didn't work. He was able to strike the demon each time, almost completely nullifying his ability and causing him great distress.

Reign was smiling as he hopped around, shifting his legs at all times and teasing the Ethereon demon, acting as if the latter was not a threat to him in the slightest.

The demon knew it was a ploy to get him to attack in anger, but even so, he had to admit it was working well.

'I have to admit, I'm starting to like this feeling, annoying the enemy and causing them to flare up in anger and attack, making mistakes while doing so, it's quite a good tactic.'

'Even so, it feels weird to do the 'shuffle' with swords, after all, it is something from boxing.' Reign thought before he charged the demon before suddenly stopping and jumping to the side.

He did that multiple times, charging the demon, then going back, then around him, constantly moving around and changing his position without attacking the demon even once.

Each time he showed the willingness to attack and was about to do so, the demon would quickly move, getting ready to dodge or block, only to find out it was feint.

The demon leader's frustration grew with each feint, and Reign's smile only widened. He was playing a psychological game, wearing down his opponent's patience and focus. The Ethereon demon, despite his formidable power, was falling into the trap.

Reign's agile movements were akin to a dance, a deadly ballet where every step led to the demon's confusion. The demon leader's scythe, once a symbol of his dominance, was now a damaged weapon, its power waning with every clash against Reign's lightning-infused swords.

With each passing moment, the demon leader's attacks became more desperate, his strikes losing precision, and his defense growing weaker. Reign could see the frustration in the demon's eyes, a flicker of doubt in his stance.

Reign knew that it was time to end this duel. With a swift, decisive move, he closed the distance between them in an instant. The demon leader, sensing the impending attack, tried to counter with a swing of his damaged scythe, but it was too slow.

Reign's swords, empowered by the combined forces of lightning and darkness, sliced through the demon leader's defense. The blades connected, biting deep into the demon's ethereal form. A shock of pain coursed through the demon's being as his essence wavered.

It was at that time that the demon felt a sharp pain assault him as Reign's eyes turned purple. Instead of using the souls to attack, Reign used his own soul and immense soul power to directly damage the demon's soul.

The leader stopped for a moment, his eyes open wide from the pain before he suddenly glanced down, only to see Reign's sword stabbed through his chest.

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