Lackey's Seducing Survival Odyssey

Chapter 12: Frozen world....

Chapter 12: Frozen world....


That's the immediate impression one could gather about this place.

A profound and eerie silence, thick as the ice that enveloped the surroundings, held sway over this surreal realm. It was a location purposefully designed to challenge and defy the very essence of warmth, as if nature itself had conspired to create a frozen sanctuary.

The entire expanse, extending beyond mere walls, was sheathed in ice, its crystalline facets reflecting an otherworldly beauty. The ice, like an artist's meticulous creation, formed intricate patterns and sculptures that captivated the beholder's imagination. Instead of resembling a conventional room, it felt more like an intricate portal to an alternate dimension.... A gateway to a world where frost held dominion, a frozen wonderland suspended in time.


A bone-chilling sensation pervaded the air, causing anyone present to involuntarily shudder in the face of temperatures that seemed to plummet into the realm of the impossible..... as if dipped into a negative abyss. The very air itself felt crisp and sharp, every breath echoing with the frigid embrace of this glacial realm.

In the heart of this frozen spectacle sat a solitary figure, almost an anomaly against the breathtaking backdrop of ice sculptures and frozen wonders.

On closer inspection, the figure revealed itself to be an elderly man, his once-vibrant blue hair now transformed into a pristine shade of white, a living testament to the inexorable passage of time etched upon his face.

Aether, the newcomer to this world and the icy wonderland, found himself struck dumb with awe at the otherworldly scenery. "So, this is truly a different world..." he mused, his words a mere whisper in the vast silence, unable to contain the sense of marvel that the enchanting magic of this place invoked within him.

With measured steps that echoed softly in the frozen expanse, Aether cautiously entered the icy domain. The crunch of his footsteps on the frost-covered ground echoed.

Suddenly, as if stirred by the very presence of an outsider, the old man's eyes snapped open. A rush of fresh, icy air surged forth, causing the frozen landscape to respond with a symphony of sounds.


'Crack, Crack'

Aether flinched, a momentary shiver coursing through him..... His inner 'Weeb' self momentarily screamed, 'GREAT ANCESTOR!' or something along those lines. The sudden awakening of the old man, accompanied by the dramatic soundscape, stirred a wave of uncertainty within him.

Uncertain of the old man's identity but noting a resemblance to the boy he encountered earlier, Aether instinctively surmised a connection.

He was on the verge of moving forward to see the old man clearly when an unexpected sound interrupted his thoughts.



Aether's barefoot, mid-step, inexplicably adhered to the icy ground. An invisible force seemed to render him immobile, and his attempts to advance were met with a peculiar resistance, as though his skin might peel away if he dared to force the issue.

Casting a quick, apprehensive glance at Alfred for support, Aether saw no acknowledgement. Alfred, seemingly unaffected, continued his purposeful stride toward the enigmatic old man.

Focusing on the ground beneath Alfred, Aether noted with astonishment that Alfred's foot did not adhere to the frosty surface as his own did.

Then, a soft, almost imperceptible sound,


whispered through the air.

The ice encasing Aether's foot yielded, melting away to reveal the unassuming brown floor beneath. This subtle transformation was a revelation, an unveiling of the illusion that cloaked their true surroundings. The room persisted, hidden behind the intricate frosty facade.

Aether turned his gaze back to the old man, who wore a gentle smile and beckoned him with a subtle lift of his eyelids.

With limited choices... no, he didn't even have any choice, Aether obliged, cautiously making his way forward.

What's more, he didn't feel any chillness as compared to before....

Alfred had already reached the side of the seated elder, a silent acknowledgement passing between them.

Aether followed suit, observing a peculiar phenomenon.... every step he took caused the ice along his path to melt away as if an unseen force acknowledged his presence with magic.

It was as if he were a great magician, effortlessly manipulating the elements.... But he knew it was far from truth seeing that old man, who helping him with these tricks.


Aether marveled at the extraordinary phenomenon, his amazement manifesting in a muttered exclamation, 'This is what I call Fucking Magic!'

For Aether, magic wasn't merely about raw power; it was about finesse, control, and presentation. His appreciation stemmed from the world of magic tricks he knew, where the illusionists skillfully deceived unsuspecting individuals, leaving them oblivious to the truth until the very end.

Trick them until the end! .....Aether silently mused.

After standing in front of the old man, Aether felt the weight of the old man's scrutiny before the question came, delivered with an icy voice that cut through the frozen air.

"Who are you?"

Aether's lips twitched; it wasn't really any more fun, you know. Keep asking the same questions again and again.

The situation was growing less amusing, and he felt a familiar urge to respond in a similar manner as the previous encounters. However,

'Worry?' Aether frowned as he observed the worry etched on the old man's features.

It was a puzzling sight, given Aether's familiarity with the intricacies of human nature. He could discern genuine concern from feigned emotions, yet the old man's worry seemed.... real.


Aether couldn't dismiss the possibility. Aether contemplated, 'If this is indeed an act, then either the old man is a master thespian deserving of an 'Oscar' award, or the complexities of this world far exceed my initial understanding' Composing himself, he replied,

"I am Aether"

The old man acknowledged Aether's response with a calm demeanour, though a subtle "Hmm?" escaped his lips.

Then it was accompanied by a faint frown. Without missing a beat, he continued his probing,

"Who am I?"

Aether hesitated, grappling with the enigma presented to him. Eventually, he answered truthfully,

"....I don't know"

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