Lackey's Seducing Survival Odyssey

Chapter 33: World’s Biggest Sinful Person

Chapter 33: World's Biggest Sinful Person

A sinister presence, darker than the depths of the abyss, unfurled from the confines of the temple, its very essence casting a suffocating shroud over the chamber.


The sound, guttural and otherworldly, reverberated through the air like a discordant melody, sending tremors of fear coursing through the hearts of those who dared to listen. With an unsettling grace, the entity crawled along the ground, its inky form blending seamlessly with the shadows, a testament to its malevolent nature.

As it moved with an otherworldly elegance, each sinewy limb seemed to ripple with dark energy, leaving a trail of dread in its wake. Those who beheld its approach could not help but feel a primal instinct urging them to flee, to escape the encroaching darkness that threatened to swallow them whole.

"Everyone, back off!" The Empress's command cut through the tense atmosphere, and as if by some invisible force, the sacred onlookers were compelled to retreat, creating a safe distance between themselves and the encroaching creature.

Velc swiftly gathered the unconscious children, his movements deft and purposeful, while Alfred mirrored his actions, ensuring their safety amidst the chaos.

Meanwhile, the hooded figures attempted to flee from the unknown entity, but their efforts were in vain as the Empress's gaze held them in place, her silent command keeping them rooted to the spot.

"W-What is that thing?!" Lucius's voice trembled with disbelief as he watched the sinister entity draw closer, its inky form sending shivers down his spine.

With four sinewy limbs moving in a meticulously choreographed rhythm, the entity advanced with an otherworldly elegance. Each calculated step reverberated throughout the chamber,

'Step, step... Step, Step'

As the entity closed the distance, its shadowy form seemed to blend seamlessly with the darkness, obscuring its true nature and intent. Those who watched dared not breathe, transfixed by the mesmerizing, yet undeniably menacing, spectacle unfolding before them.

Finally, It inexorably closed the distance between itself and Aether, who remained unconscious against the root.

As it stood before Aether, its featureless face betrayed no emotion as it gazed down at the root that Aether leaned upon, then shifted its attention to the motionless figure beneath the monstrous root.... Then it looked at Aether and,


A low, rumbling growl emanated from its throat, but strangely, it seemed almost comforting, as if attempting to soothe Aether in his unconscious state.

Then, its focus shifted to the ethereal white card hovering in the sky above.


In an instant, it emitted a piercing screech, its monstrous form springing forward with astonishing speed, propelled by an insatiable hunger for the pure, ethereal essence of the card.


As the bright light emitted from the card enveloped the entity, it began to writhe and convulse, its form consumed by the pureness emanating from the White Arcane card.

Relief washed over the onlookers as they witnessed the creature burning away to nothingness before it could reach its intended target.

However, their momentary relief proved short-lived as another unnerving sound reverberated through the temple,


An uncanny and guttural sound echoed in the temple as an entity crawled on the ground.

"!!!!!" A collective flinch swept through the assembly as they witnessed the reappearance of the same entity, seemingly unscathed by its previous encounter with the card, resuming its relentless advance.

But the tension escalated further as another guttural sound echoed from behind,


Revealing the presence of yet another entity.

"What the hell is happening?" Velc's voice rang out in desperation, mirroring the confusion and fear gripping the hearts of everyone.

".... 'Gulp' So this is the golden egg that Master Mortimer was talking about?" Alfred muttered, his voice trembling with fear.

Even he couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of dread that washed over him at the sight of the entity. He knew that if he were to confront it, his frail bones wouldn't stand a chance against its formidable might.

Just as before, the black entities fixated their gaze upon Aether before unleashing a cacophony of screeches and hurling themselves towards the white card.

And just as before, they were incinerated into nothingness by the pure energy emitted from the card.



As the Empress stood watch, her heart heavy with foreboding, another entity emerged from the shadows, its arrival a grim testament to the unfolding chaos. With each passing moment, the solitary figure multiplied, until the temple was overrun by a horde of malevolent entities, their dark forms casting a pall over the sacred space.

In the face of this overwhelming arrival of the unknown, the Empress and others could only watch in horror as the creatures multiplied, their numbers swelling with each passing moment. It was a relentless tide, an unyielding force of darkness that threatened to consume everything in its path.

After what felt like an eternity,


One of the black entities managed to withstand the onslaught of pure energy, sinking its teeth into the edge of the white card, and causing everyone to flinch in anticipation.


A deafening explosion stopped the silence, reverberating through the chamber with an overwhelming force. The air crackled with oppressive energy, thick and suffocating, as the dark and impure essence of the card surged forth, engulfing the temple in its sinister embrace.

In that moment of chaos and upheaval, the bitten black entity seemed to swirl and writhe, merging seamlessly with the pulsating energy of the card. Its form blurred and distorted, becoming indistinguishable as it fused with the raw power coursing through the card.



The chamber trembled with the cries of the remaining black entities, their voices merging into a cacophony of... happiness? as they were inexorably drawn towards the pulsating energy of the card.

One by one, they hurled themselves into the swirling vortex of energy, their forms dissolving into nothingness as they merged with the dark essence contained within the card.

The Empress and the others watched in stunned silence as the once-pure white card slowly transformed into a swirling abyss of darkness.

An Impure Darkness!!

Even the World's Biggest Sinful Person would pale in front of this Impurness!!

Lucius swallowed hard, a sense of foreboding gripping his heart. 'This must be an omen,' he thought, his gaze shifting uneasily between the now-darkened card and the unconscious form of Aether, who had not only desecrated their temple but also unleashed a dangerous entity into their world.

"DIE YOU BASTARD!!" Lucius's voice rang out with fury as he launched himself at Aether, his intent clear.

Before the Empress could intervene, a piercing screech echoed through the chamber,


Followed by a sickening 'Thud'

As Lucius's lifeless, headless body crumpled to the ground, a collective gasp escaped the onlookers, their horror mirroring the ghastly scene unfolding before them.

"LUCI---" Velc's scream was abruptly silenced, his voice drowned out by the chilling presence of the dark entity now fixating its gaze upon him, sending a shiver down his spine that seemed to pierce his very soul.

Velc's fear intensified as he stared back into the abyss-like gaze of the dark entity, his body drenched in sweat despite the weird coolness of the chamber.

'Drip, Drip'

The rhythmic sound of dripping echoed ominously in the silence, each drop resonating like a foreboding drumbeat, amplifying the palpable sense of dread that hung heavy in the air.


A primal, guttural sound emanated from Lucius's lifeless form, causing a ripple of terror to cascade through the room, freezing the Empress, Velc, Alfred, and the others in a tableau of fear-stricken disbelief.... A ghost!!

'Tckk, Tkcc'

And then, as if summoned by the darkness that enveloped him, Lucius's body began to convulse, a twisted dance of death and rebirth. With each spasm, a swirling mist emerged, coalescing into the ominous figure of the dark entity, the same dark entity that had haunted them moments before.

As the dark entity took shape, a macabre transformation overtook Lucius's once-lifeless body, hastening its decay until it dissolved into wisps of shadow, vanishing into the unknown before their very eyes.


The entity's chilling cry pierced the air one last time, a haunting lament echoing through the chamber like a mournful dirge. With an otherworldly grace, it followed its brethren, leaping into the swirling vortex of darkness contained within the arcane card, and disappearing into the abyssal depths....

"M-Master?" Alfred's breath hitched as he observed the unsettling events unfolding before him, 'Even Lucius's body didn't remain in this world,' he realized with a pang of dread, his gaze shifting between his son's unconscious form and Aether's prone figure.

A sense of foreboding settled over him, and he couldn't help but feel a creeping fear worm it's way into his heart. 'Gulp' Alfred swallowed hard, grappling with thoughts he dared not entertain.

"A-Alfred?" Velc's voice broke through his thoughts, and Alfred met his gaze, finding a shared expression of concern and understanding between them.

Finally, the dark entity failed to materialize once more, leaving everyone's attention fixed on the transformed card.

The once pure white card underwent a profound transformation, its surface was now divided..... diagonally into two distinct halves.

One half shimmered with a pristine white hue, symbolizing purity and light, while the other half was engulfed in an intense blackness, representing the depths of abyssal darkness.

As the card pulsated with this newfound duality,


A powerful sound wave resonated from its core, emanating with an otherworldly intensity that reverberated throughout the chamber, signalling the profound shift in its essence.... Pure and Impure.


The resounding boom echoed across the world and beyond, its intensity shaking the very fabric of reality.

As the sound reverberated through the universe, the colossal root that Aether had pulled from his mouth vanished without a trace, leaving him to plummet to the ground.


Empress swiftly caught him, her expression indifferent as she regarded his unconscious form. Glancing down, she noted the absence of Jack Sparrow, the once haughty figure now seemingly transformed like nothing.

'Seems like he also turned into one of them,' she thought, her indifference palpable as she shrugged off the revelation.

Her attention then turned to the Weird Card that descended from above. Moving to touch it, she found it elusive, disappearing with a mere,


Before her fingertips could make contact.

Sighing in resignation, Empress fixed her gaze upon Velc, her tone stern as she addressed him, "You have lots to explain, Mr. Velc Frostblade!"

"Y-Your Majesty?" Velc gulped hard when he saw her looking at him with an indifferent expression.

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