Lackey's Seducing Survival Odyssey

Chapter 37: No more like he regained his emotions...

Chapter 37: No more like he regained his emotions...


"Is this really me?"

Aether couldn't help but wonder as he gazed at his reflection in the small pond, his features illuminated by the eerie, dim light of the night sky.

Even though there was no moon in this world, the darkness seemed to be bathed in a cold, chilly atmosphere, casting an otherworldly glow over the scene.

Aether's astonishment wasn't at the sight of his own beautiful face, but rather at the realization that the figure staring back at him was exactly the same as when he was a teenage boy.

He couldn't help but question whether he had truly somehow transmigrated with his earth body or something else.

Though white hair remained him it wasn't him....

As he examined his body, he noticed that while it still appeared skinny, there was a newfound energy coursing through his veins. His skin glistened with vitality, and his bones felt stronger and sturdier than before.

He can fucking punch anyone without worrying about cracking!!

'Splash, Splash'

With a sense of anticipation, Aether slowly eased himself into the cool water, feeling the chill spread throughout his body. Surprisingly, he felt no discomfort, only a soothing sensation that seemed to wash away the exhaustion that had plagued him.

Leaning against the edge of the pond, Aether let out a sigh of relief as the tension melted away, leaving him feeling rejuvenated and at peace.

Then suddenly,


[+1 Affection]

[+1 Affection]

[+1 Affection]



Aether wasn't startled by the sudden sound. His half-closed eyes glanced at his body submerged in the water, observing the tiny fishes greedily nibbling at his skin as if they were consuming his old self along with the ugly red substances.

Closing his eyes, memories of the day's events flooded his mind..... A pained expression etched itself onto his face.

"So, that kid could literally control me... ah," he muttered, his voice laced with both pain and anger.

When his body literally controlled by Kai, Aether couldn't help but feel disgust and apprehension. He wanted to know more about those contracts he was put to.

Aether yearned to understand more about the contracts he had been subjected to, but his useless Log offered no insight, leaving him feeling frustrated and alone.

Fuck!! He didn't even know what that '#####' symbol meant!

He couldn't help but question whether he could trust Mortimer or anyone else in the household.

'Wait! Should I ask her?' Aether pondered, recalling the one person who had shown him pity amidst his suffering.

If he played his cards right, he might be able to extract valuable information from her, but he couldn't shake the nagging doubt that she might also be deceiving him.

With a sigh, he began to rub his skin, washing away the patchy red substances as he contemplated his next move....

While Aether took a moment of rest, the purple-haired woman, Empress Marisandra Naiadia, stood amidst the ruins of the broken temple, her gaze fixed on the damaged Mother root that lay before her.

"Why hasn't it healed itself?" she pondered aloud, her fingers gently tracing the contours of the root's surface.

Despite her efforts to nurture it back to health, the Mother root showed no signs of regenerating, its once vibrant colours fading to a dull grey.


Suddenly, a hushed sound caught her attention, and a black figure materialized before her, kneeling in reverence.

"Did you find the Slave Trader?" the Empress inquired, her voice tinged with indifference.

"Indeed, Your Majesty, but..." the figure hesitated, a note of uncertainty in their tone.


"Darius Ironfang from the Ironfang Gang passed away a few years ago," the figure responded, choosing their words carefully.

"The cause?"

"Heart attack, Your Majesty, but..."


"There are rumours circulating that he was brutally murdered," the figure continued their voice barely above a whisper.

"I see..." The Empress nodded thoughtfully, inwardly noting, 'It seems that old man was determined to keep his secrets hidden...' She then shifted her focus to another matter and inquired,

"What about the monsters I asked?"

"Reporting to that, every scholar searched through the entire Empire archive, however, there wasn't a single picture or even a word regarding that unknown entity...." the black figure informed the Empress, their voice filled with a sense of frustration.

"Hmmm..." The Empress mused, her fingers delicately tracing the contours of the Dead Mother Root.

Suddenly, another black figure materialized beside them, prompting the Empress to turn her attention to the newcomer.

"Reporting to Your Majesty," the figure began, their voice respectful yet tinged with urgency.

"Hmm... What did you find?" the Empress inquired, a hint of curiosity flickering in her eyes as she awaited the report.

"According to the information gathered from the Mansion, the slave named Ether was indeed brought by Mortimer Frostblade three years ago, but there are no documents to corroborate this..." the figure reported their words carefully chosen.

"Not even from the Ironfang Gang?" the Empress questioned, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. The Ironfang Gang disbanded a year ago, leaving behind no clear documentation," the figure confirmed.

"Hmmm..." The Empress frowned, her thoughts racing as she tried to make sense of the situation, 'Why go to such lengths, Mortimer? What are you trying to hide...?' she wondered silently, her suspicions growing with each passing moment.

"However, the boy Mortimer Frostblade brought had a markedly different persona. He appeared devoid of emotions or.... soul, akin to a puppet obediently following his master's commands" the figure continued, their tone tinged with unease.

"No emotions?" The Empress raised an eyebrow in surprise, recalling the intensity of the blue eyes that had met hers during their encounter.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. He seemed to lack any sense of self... An egoless person, until last week when he nearly died at the hands of other servants. It was then that he began to display signs of emotion..." the figure concluded.

"No.... more like he regained his emotions!" the Empress interjected, nodding in affirmation. She wasn't sure why she felt but even the guiding Arcane Energy was hiding something from her... or everyone. She then turned her attention to the black figure, her curiosity piqued. "Why did the other servants try to kill him?"

The figure hesitated briefly before responding, "A boy named Timmy, who was Head Butler's son, was interested in Duke's daughter named Selene. When he saw how close Ether was to Selene, he became jealous and started to bully him along with his so-called friends."

"Hmm? I don't understand," the Empress frowned, perplexed by the situation.

Ether had been portrayed as emotionless, leading her to believe that he was simply following orders rather than forming genuine connections.

The two black figures exchanged a meaningful glance before one of them spoke up tentatively, "Forgive me, Your Majesty, but may I speak freely?"

"Go on," the Empress granted permission, her interest piqued by the figure's request.

"Selene was the only person who pitied Ether and tried to support him whenever he needed it.

Consequently, Ether began to fixate on her, following her like a devoted companion... It seems like that egoless Ether saw Selene as his mother and that might angered the boy, Timmy to take these drastic measures" the figure explained.

"Ah, I see now. Another dog became jealous when his master's attention was directed elsewhere, isn't that right?...hehehe" the Empress chuckled softly, a hint of amusement colouring her tone.

"Hmmm," she mused, nodding thoughtfully before gracefully exiting the temple with steady elegance, her mind abuzz with newfound insights.

"Did you guys find anything about those Arcane Hunters?" the Empress inquired as she turned to the black figures.

"T-They... they killed themselves before we could extract any information from them," one of the figures stammered, their voice tinged with hesitation.

"I see..." The Empress shrugged nonchalantly, her expression unreadable as she surveyed the temple before her.


In an instant, the entire temple froze, suspended in time, as if caught in a momentary pause. Its intricate details and towering spires remained motionless, seemingly trapped in a timeless limbo.


Then, with a soft whispering sound, the temple began to disintegrate, breaking apart into countless particles that shimmered and danced in the air. Piece by piece, it dissolved, leaving behind nothing but a faint residue of energy where it once stood.

"Let's leave," the Empress muttered quietly, her voice barely audible over the hushed silence.

The other two figures nodded in agreement before following her lead, disappearing into the darkness as they left the scene behind.

No traces of the temple remained, as if it had never existed in the first place. The air hung heavy with an eerie stillness, devoid of any hint of the majestic structure that had once graced the area.

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