Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 127 – Sword Pavilion, Meng Fan’s Law Sword

Chapter 127 – Sword Pavilion, Meng Fan’s Law Sword

"A Law Sword? You already have a personal Law Sword, why do you need another one?" Elder Lin glanced at Meng Fan.

Meng Fan was somewhat puzzled. It wasn't strange that Elder Lin knew about his cultivation of the personal Law Sword, especially since the commotion caused by the Hong Qi Sword last night was quite significant.

But what was Elder Lin angry about?

Meng Fan, though not the brightest, was certainly not stupid.

He quickly realized the issue.

Elder Lin must share the same view as Hong Qi, believing that the Hong Qi Sword was not worthy to be his personal Law Sword.

Meng Fan gave a wry smile and helplessly explained, "Master, the disciple didn't impulsively make the Hong Qi Sword my personal Law Sword; I have my reasons."

"Master, please rest assured, this personal Law Sword will definitely not disappoint you in the future!"

Elder Lin wasn't truly angry. Hearing Meng Fan's words, his mood settled quite a bit.

If it had been Junior Luo who said this, he would have dismissed it without a second thought.

But coming from Meng Fan, the words carried a different weight with Elder Lin.

There was no helping it; Meng Fan was simply too outstanding.

Up to this point, he had never once disappointed Elder Lin.

Elder Lin shook his head and said, "Your own matters, you decide for yourself. Why tell me all this?"

Meng Fan chuckled, "Disciple knows that Master cares, so naturally, I can't let Master worry!"

"You, your mouth is even sharper than your sword," Elder Lin said, his face showing helplessness.

"It's all thanks to Master's teaching," Meng Fan replied humbly.


When did I ever teach you such slick talk?

After a moment, seeing that Elder Lin seemed no longer upset, Meng Fan tentatively asked, "Master, about the Law Sword..."

Elder Lin rolled his eyes; this kid's skin was really thicker than the city walls!

But indeed, Elder Lin had already prepared Meng Fan's Law Sword.

"You, come with me!" Elder Lin said with a wry smile, then stood up and led Meng Fan towards the third floor of the Sword Pavilion.

The second floor of the Sword Pavilion was still dominated by Spiritual Swords, with only a few Law Swords.

Most of the Law Swords were on the third floor.

Soon, Meng Fan followed Elder Lin to the third floor of the Sword Pavilion, looking at the dazzling array of sword weapons, most of which were Law Swords.

"Normally, with your initial entry into the Heavenly Origin Realm and the nascent formation of your Divine Sense, you wouldn't be able to subdue a Law Sword.

A Law Sword, as the name implies, is a treasure-level longsword, and the sword spirits within are all terrifying beings.

If a cultivator in the Heavenly Origin Realm foolishly tries to subdue a Law Sword, they will inevitably be devoured by the sword spirit, leading to madness or even death!"

Elder Lin began his usual "suppression" of Meng Fan.

Meng Fan just smiled, not taking it seriously.

Although he was only in the Heavenly Origin Realm and truly lacked the ability to subdue a Law Sword, he didn't feel weak at all!

Besides, he didn't need to subdue a Law Sword himself.

"Master, the disciple understands. Without your assistance, I will definitely not touch a Law Sword on my own," Meng Fan said very obediently.

Elder Lin nodded, then continued, "A normal Law Sword, even with my help, you wouldn't be able to subdue. Because I can suppress the sword spirit temporarily, but not forever. It will always find an opportunity to devour you!"

"What should we do then?" Meng Fan frowned slightly.

In this situation, he couldn't think of a solution and could only ask Elder Lin.

"It's simple, find you an abnormal Law Sword!" Elder Lin said casually.

Meng Fan was a bit stunned.

An abnormal Law Sword?

This was different from what he had imagined.

But he was curious!

Elder Lin, with his back to Meng Fan, walked towards the rows of wooden shelves on the third floor of the Sword Pavilion.

After a moment, Elder Lin took a longsword from the shelf.

The scabbard was pitch black and profound.

The hilt was slightly reddish, and the guard was sharply angular, clearly showing its sharpness.

"Master, what's abnormal about this Law Sword?" Before Elder Lin could approach, Meng Fan asked curiously.

Elder Lin, holding the longsword, slowly walked up to Meng Fan.

He spoke with a complex expression, "The abnormality of this Law Sword is that it has no sword spirit!"

No sword spirit?

Meng Fan's eyes sharpened, surprised.

Spiritual Swords have sword spirits, so how could a higher-level Law Sword lack one?

Elder Lin, seeing Meng Fan's confusion, explained, "This sword, called the Red Sheep, once had a sword spirit, but unfortunately, it perished in an accident!"

Meng Fan was taken aback.

The sword spirit perished?

That sounded quite unexpected.

But upon reflection, it wasn't incomprehensible; sword spirits are also beings, and no being is immortal; all can be killed.

Meng Fan's brow furrowed, and he hesitantly said, "Master, if the sword spirit has perished, then this sword must have been affected, losing much of its power, right?"

It sounded like a defective product.

Meng Fan's interest in the Red Sheep Sword waned considerably.

A Law Sword might be powerful, but how strong could a defective one be?

Elder Lin shook his head, his finger tracing the Red Sheep Sword, then said, "You are mistaken. The Red Sheep Sword was subjected to a terrifying psychic attack, which is why the sword spirit perished, but the sword itself was not affected!

However, the loss of the sword spirit does affect the Red Sheep Sword, but only by a tenth.

Thus, the Red Sheep Sword still retains ninety percent of its power, which is a rare coincidence indeed!"

Hearing Elder Lin's words, Meng Fan's eyes lit up.

Such a Law Sword seemed tailor-made for cultivators in the Heavenly Origin Realm!

"In the entire Sword Pavilion, there are only four Law Swords without sword spirits, due to various reasons for their spirits' demise. And this Red Sheep Sword is the best preserved among them, also the most powerful!"

Meng Fan was completely convinced.

Only Elder Wang, the "mainstay" of the Sword Pavilion, could hope to obtain such a sword.

"Thank you, Master!" Meng Fan quickly thanked Elder Lin.

He felt that the Red Sheep Sword was made for him, and he certainly couldn't miss it.

Then Meng Fan raised his hands towards Elder Lin, ready to receive the sword.

But Elder Lin did not immediately hand over the Red Sheep Sword to Meng Fan. He gently stroked the Red Sheep Sword, his expression extremely complex, his eyes filled with wistfulness.

Meng Fan sensed something unexpected; it seemed that the Red Sheep Sword held some special significance for his master, otherwise, his master wouldn't have such an expression.

Indeed, this was the case.

After a moment.

"Disciple, do you know who was the last owner of this Red Sheep Sword?" Elder Lin, while stroking the Red Sheep Sword, looked up at Meng Fan and asked.

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