Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 129 – The Sword of Ten Thousand Techniques” and “The Carefree Divine Sword

Chapter 129 – The Sword of Ten Thousand Techniques” and “The Carefree Divine Sword

"Senior Disciple Jin, do you happen to know where Elder Wang plans to go next?" Meng Fan asked Senior Disciple Jin.

Upon hearing Meng Fan's question, Senior Disciple Jin cracked a rare smile.

"Even if I did know, I would still say I don't," he replied.

Meng Fan looked at Senior Disciple Jin with even greater confusion.

Senior Disciple Jin sighed and said, "Once the news of Elder Wang annihilating the Blood Blade Sect reaches the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, they will surely dispatch the Enforcement Hall to apprehend Elder Wang and cleanse the sect."

He paused before continuing, "So, I couldn't possibly know Elder Wang's whereabouts, and you don't need to either."

Meng Fan's brows furrowed deeper.

The Shu Mountain Sword Sect would send the Enforcement Hall to apprehend Elder Wang and cleanse the sect?


Meng Fan felt somewhat helpless; it was, after all, a normal occurrence.

As a pinnacle of the Righteous Path, the Shu Mountain Sword Sect had to cleanse itself of such a murderous "demon."

While it's true that good and evil do not coexist, Elder Wang's actions of annihilating entire sects were still crossing the line.

Even if it was just for show, the sect had to maintain its image!

Meng Fan thought that the righteousness displayed by the Shu Mountain Sword Sect at times like these was somewhat rigid.

However, there was nothing he could do about it; he wasn't yet capable of changing the entire sect's attitude, let alone that of the entire Righteous Path.

"By the way, Elder Wang asked me to give you something as a token of thanks," Senior Disciple Jin suddenly said to Meng Fan.

Then, Senior Disciple Jin headed upstairs to the Scripture Pavilion, and after a short while, he returned with a wooden box and handed it to Meng Fan.

"What's this?" Meng Fan asked curiously as he took the wooden box.

"This is from Elder Wang for you. As for what it is, I don't know," Senior Disciple Jin shook his head.

Out of respect for Elder Wang, Senior Disciple Jin had not opened the wooden box.

"Thank you!" Meng Fan said to Senior Disciple Jin.

After a moment, Meng Fan left the Scripture Pavilion and returned to the Sword Pavilion.

He opened the wooden box and found a flawless white jade pendant inside.

Meng Fan picked up the pendant and examined it carefully but couldn't find anything unusual.

Finally, he poured his Divine Sense into the pendant, and instantly, a stream of information flooded his mind.

The pendant, like the legendary jade slips, was a special item used for storing information.

As the information poured in, Meng Fan's head throbbed with pain.

Moments later, Meng Fan opened his eyes, his face pale but his eyes filled with shock, excitement, and joy.

The pendant contained two supreme Sword Techniques, even surpassing those on the fifth floor of the Sword Pavilion.

"Myriad Swords Art"

"Free Wanderer's Godly Sword"

These two Sword Techniques were the treasured secrets of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, inaccessible to ordinary disciples.

Even Elder Lin couldn't access these Sword Techniques!

Only Elder Wang, as the head of the Scripture Pavilion, had the privilege to come into contact with them.

By the rules, Elder Wang wasn't supposed to teach Meng Fan these Sword Techniques.

But now that Elder Wang had become an Abandoned Disciple of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, there was no need to adhere to the sect's rules anymore.

As for Meng Fan, even if it was discovered that he had learned these Sword Techniques, the Shu Mountain Sword Sect could not blame him; the fault would lie with Elder Wang.

"That day in the bamboo forest, when Elder Wang said he would grant me a great opportunity, he wasn't joking!" Meng Fan sighed softly, his emotions complex.

To be honest, Elder Wang had always been kind to him, taking great care of him.

Meng Fan was grateful to Elder Wang.

That's why, upon learning the truth, he didn't hesitate to inform Elder Wang.

But now it seemed that by telling Elder Wang the truth, he had inadvertently harmed him.

"Sigh..." Meng Fan let out a long sigh, feeling extremely melancholic.

However, Meng Fan was not one to wallow in sentimentality, especially when it was pointless.

He turned his attention to the two Sword Techniques.

At that moment, the jade pendant crumbled into dust.

The information stored within was one-time use only; once read, the pendant would self-destruct.

Meng Fan thought it was fortunate that Senior Disciple Jin, out of curiosity, hadn't probed the pendant with his Divine Sense, or else these Sword Techniques wouldn't have been his to learn.

But he believed that Elder Lin must have specifically instructed Senior Disciple Jin in this regard!

"Myriad Swords Art"

This was a highly renowned Sword Technique of the Shu Mountain, yet few had the opportunity to learn it.

Only those personally taught by the Sect Master had a chance to learn this Sword Technique.

Meng Fan was surprised that Elder Wang had access to it, even though he was the head of the Scripture Pavilion.

Regardless of how Elder Wang came into contact with it, it didn't affect Meng Fan's Cultivation.

If he were to shy away from practicing this Sword Technique due to fear, that wouldn't be like Meng Fan at all!

Moreover, he didn't necessarily have to replicate "Myriad Swords Art"; he could integrate it into his own "Primordial" Great Way of the Sword.

In fact, Meng Fan had long coveted "Myriad Swords Art," ever since he decided to create "Myriad Swords Returning to One."

Because it was such a perfect fit!

Unfortunately, he had no way to access it.

Now that he had acquired "Myriad Swords Art," Meng Fan was confident he could create the third sword of "Myriad Swords Returning to One"!

Besides "Myriad Swords Art," the "Free Wanderer's Godly Sword" was also an awe-inspiring Sword Technique.

It was said to be created by the 27th Sect Master of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, known as "One in Poverty."

One in Poverty, originally named Li Xiaoyao, was one of the legendary Seven Sages of Shu Mountain.

A renowned figure in the history of Shu Mountain, he was practically a myth!

As a supreme Sword Technique created by One in Poverty, the power of "Free Wanderer's Godly Sword" was unquestionable, ranking within the top five among the myriad Sword Techniques of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect.

Having acquired two supreme Sword Techniques, Meng Fan temporarily set aside the task of deciphering the jade bracelet and began to study these two Sword Techniques.

For anyone else, mastering these Sword Techniques could take a year or even longer.

But with Meng Fan's supreme Talent of "Sword Dao Transcendence," he quickly grasped the essence of both Sword Techniques.

Undoubtedly, once these Sword Techniques were executed, they would be a dimension-reducing strike, terrifyingly powerful!

Even as a novice, without having fully developed Sword Intent, Meng Fan could use either of these Sword Techniques to slay beings at the fifth level of Primordial.

From the first level to the fifth level!

These two Sword Techniques were truly terrifying.

Once he developed Sword Intent and Sword Momentum for these techniques, their power would be unparalleled.

And for Meng Fan, developing Sword Intent and Sword Momentum was not a difficult task!

The challenge was how to integrate these two Sword Techniques into his own "Primordial" Great Way of the Sword.

How to incorporate them into the third sword of "Myriad Swords Returning to One"?

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