Legend of Dragon Son-in-law

Chapter 311 - 310 Sophia Leocadia’s Phone Call_1

Chapter 311: Chapter 310 Sophia Leocadia’s Phone Call_1

“Keep a tight watch on them!”

Upon hearing Cold Nelson’s words, Julius Reed’s pupils shrank suddenly.

The shadow warriors who had previously taken on the assassination mission had come to Gonzalez City in large numbers, and as a result of that battle, many were directly removed from the ranks of heaven.

Of those who returned, barely one or two out of ten survived.

Since then, even as Julius Reed’s bounty was raised time and again, no shadow warrior dared to take on this job.

Even Deep Cold, the largest empire of shadow warriors, fell into endless silence after losing their leader.

Furthermore, with the information spread by Cosmo and others, anyone daring to come to Five-river Province at this time was purely seeking death.

Yet under such circumstances, the fact that shadow warriors were gathering again within the province indicated that someone was definitely trying to hinder this unclear purpose operation from the shadows.

Paired with the explosion incident and the master mentioned by Joel Martin, and even Fabio Pendleton’s adamant certainty that the mastermind was a local, it was hard not to think there was a connection.

If such large-scale assassination efforts were really aimed at himself, then it would be somewhat troublesome.

With just Willson Pavilion’s people and Cosmo, it would be very difficult to ensure the safety of Quella Radcliffe and others.

“Please rest assured, Young Master, I’ve relocated most of my trusted people to Five-river Province, covering stations, docks, and even the airport! I’ve recorded every individual coming and going from Five-river Province and report back to you,” said Cold Nelson with a sonorous and forceful voice, displaying the confidence and pride of an old-school shadow warrior.

“Good, report to me at the first sign of news, and don’t act rashly.”

After hanging up the phone, Julius Reed’s car slowly followed behind the car carrying Anna Harris, ensuring the safety of the two women.

The strange behaviors in Five-river Province made him increasingly uneasy.

It wasn’t the growing number of enemies that caused this unease, but rather the situation where he was in the light and the enemies were hidden in the darkness, which made Julius Reed extremely uncomfortable.

Without any further incidents along the way, the car arrived safely at the villa.

At this moment, Julius Reed’s phone had already lit up with more than a dozen missed calls from Aron Jackson.

Without thinking, it was evident that this was Aron Jackson calling to apologize after Dominating Tiger had relayed the situation.

“Boss, Ashwin Lake has already been thrown into the river, and Dominating Tiger is currently kneeling outside the door, what do you suggest…?”

“Tell your staff to restrain themselves, if such situations arise again, consider dissolving the group.”

“Understood boss, I’ll be sure to discipline the staff properly!” came Aron Jackson’s somewhat frightened voice, before he quickly hung up.

But as soon as that call ended, another one came through.

The number’s area of origin was the capital, and it was extremely unfamiliar.

After considering for a moment, Julius Reed finally answered.

However, there was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

Julius Reed glanced at his phone and was about to hang up when finally there came a voice.

“Are you asleep?”

The owner of the voice was a woman.

She sounded young and her tone was very gentle.

“I’m Sophia Leocadia.”

Probably fearing that Julius Reed would hang up, Sophia Leocadia quickly introduced herself.

“Is this the number Ives Abbott found for you?” Julius Reed asked.

At that day’s event, only Ives Abbott knew his number.

“Yes… but I don’t have any ill intentions…” Sophia Leocadia hurried to explain, seemingly afraid that Julius Reed might misunderstand.

The fact that a well-known lady of the capital was calling him carefully in the middle of the night and behaving so cautiously was puzzling for Julius Reed.

The two had no connection.

If there had to be one interaction to mention, it would be that I slapped Fernando Lee hard in the face on Sophia Leocadia’s eighteenth birthday, and smashed that limited-edition sports car worth over a hundred million into pieces.

By the way, I also shattered the chamber pot I once used.

Logically, after such an incident at the banquet, Sophia Leocadia should hold a grudge against me.

A nice party, but it was ruined by me.

“Calling me so late, what is it?”

Julius Reed still asked patiently, as he could tell that day Sophia Leocadia had been fiercely protecting him, even to the point of breaking with Fernando Lee.

As for the real reason, he didn’t know.

“The Lee Family… I only heard that the Lee Family from the capital might send someone after you. And they started acting last night, I found out by eavesdropping on a phone call at home.”

Sophia Leocadia said in a very soft voice, “After Fernando came back, he was mentally disturbed, shouting that there were ghosts every time he saw someone. The Lee family called in many doctors, but none could cure him, and finally, after finding out about the conflict at my birthday party, they decided to send someone to deal with you.”

“Thank you.”

Julius Reed said softly.

The two of them were neither relatives nor close friends, so the fact that she would tell him such secretive information was already astonishing to him.

“Can I ask, why did you tell me such important information?”

This question had been bothering Julius Reed for a long time, and he couldn’t figure out what Sophia Leocadia’s purpose was for doing this.

He had not revealed his identity, and the Leocadia Family couldn’t possibly know his true identity, so what was the point of Sophia Leocadia doing this?

Especially at the risk of offending the Lee Family.

“Perhaps I felt like we were acquaintances.”

Sophia Leocadia sighed, her spirits somewhat low, “The people sent by the Lee Family are all skilled, you must be careful.”

“Thank you, I’ll be careful.”

Julius Reed answered calmly.

After hanging up the phone, in a villa in the capital, Sophia Leocadia leaned in the corner of her room, clutching her phone tightly in her hands.

“Have you really forgotten me?”

The morning sunlight in Gonzalez City was unusually splendid, and Julius Reed woke up to a delicious smell.

It turned out to be Quella Radcliffe getting up early to cook, while Anna Harris had not yet gotten out of bed.

Ever since Anna Harris arrived, she had been living with Quella Radcliffe, making Julius Reed, the host, end up living alone in a room.

Julius Reed had intended to warm up his relationship with Quella Radcliffe, but it was completely disrupted by this Anna Harris.

“Today I want to visit the company; several wealthy businessmen from Five-river Province have all come to explore investment opportunities.”

Quella Radcliffe wore an apron, busy making porridge in the kitchen.

“You know, it hasn’t been easy for the Radcliffe Group to get where it is today. I know you’ve been helping a lot behind the scenes, but I still have to do what I should.”

She knew these businessmen were willing to invest probably because they wanted to give Julius Reed face.

At that Willson Group banquet, she, as the wife, saw firsthand her husband’s commanding presence.

Even the chairman of the Golden Eagle Group had to speak with utmost respect.

“Alright, do what you have to do, and if anyone gives you trouble, just tell me, and I’ll take care of them!”

Julius Reed yawned and then turned to go to the bathroom to freshen up.

The news from Sophia Leocadia yesterday was significant, prompting Julius Reed to shift his speculations about that ‘expert’ to the capital.

Fernando Lee, having witnessed decapitated heads everywhere, it’s no wonder he went mad.

But did the Lee Family really have that much influence?

“The old man will be there too, and even people from my mother’s side are going to attend.”

Quella Radcliffe suddenly spoke up, “I want my husband to go too.”

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