Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 142 Secure This Business ?

Yuan Gang's announcement sent shockwaves throughout the company. "Everyone, Huang Guang is leaving us to work as a manager at Universal Company. He has been promoted.As a result, I have decided that the whole company will hold a farewell banquet tonight. Everyone must attend and must not be absent!" he declared.

The news of Huang Guang's departure was met with surprise and envy.

Such a precedent had never been set before. Many people looked at Huang Guang with admiration and respect.

"Brother, you have set a new standard. It's too awesome!" they exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Hu Yong and Bawang worked tirelessly on the seabed. Basket after basket, they brought out the shipwreck's contents, most of which were various types of porcelain, including daily-life items such as dishes, pots, and pans, as well as decorative pieces such as vases and ornaments.

Despite the heavy workload, Liu Yong remained tireless, always full of energy. After two long days of work, the ship was finally emptied, and no piece of porcelain was left inside.

Liu Yong carefully packed all the valuable items in baskets, which Bawang transported back to the warehouse by sea.

"Well, clean, nothing," Liu Yong declared as he swam into the sunken ship again to inspect it. Finding nothing of value, he swam out of the water and drove the speedboat back to the hotel.

Meanwhile, at the Hanhai Culture Company, Ding Wen and his team worked hard. Over the past two days, they had professionally cleaned, classified, and registered over 20,000 pieces of porcelain and over 100 pieces of gold.

"Boss, our exhibition hall is full, and there are thousands of items left in the vault with no place to put them," Ding Wen reported.

Ding Wen had never imagined that the exhibition hall of Hanhai Culture would one day be so large that it would be filled. Yet, this day had come only a few days after the company's establishment.

"Brother Yong is amazing! I don't know where he found so many things. Simply incredible!" one of the workers exclaimed in awe.

Ding Wen wasn't content with just admiring the collection from afar. He wanted to see it in person.

He had plans to use various channels to publicize the exhibition, intending to attract industry people to see it.

He knew that ancient porcelain lovers who came to see the exhibit would likely purchase a piece if they liked it, which would be a significant source of income for Hanhai culture.

In addition, Ding Wen had plans to select a batch of high-quality Song Dynasty porcelain and gold wares to hold an auction. He believed this auction would help launch Hanhai Culture's reputation in the collection circle.

As Ding Wen pondered these ideas, his phone rang.

"Brother Yong," he answered.

"Have the first batch of shipped items been completed?" asked Liu Yong.

"All cleaning and registration have been completed," replied Ding Wen.

"There are a total of 25,612 pieces of porcelain, 127 pieces of gold, and 4,925 ancient coins."

Liu Yong was pleased with Ding Wen's progress. "Not bad," he praised.

"I feel like I'm dreaming," said Ding Wen. "I roughly estimated these things, and they are all worth more than 10 billion."

"Indeed, you are dreaming," said Liu Yong. "I am calling to tell you that there is still a batch, and the quantity is even larger. I have already shipped it to the warehouse by the sea. Take someone there quickly and bring them all back."

Ding Wen was stunned. "Is it more than what I brought back two days ago?" he asked excitedly.

"Yes, there are more," replied Liu Yong. "You can go and bring them all back."

Ding Wen took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. "I'll go and bring them back right away," he said.

This time, the number of items was indeed more. Liu Yong had worked hard for two days to remove the sunken ship's contents. He had put everything he found valuable into baskets and had Bawang transport them to the warehouse by the sea.

Liu Yong had only one request, to realize these things one after another. As long as the price was right, he could sell them all. He had faith in Ding Wen's ability to handle the situation and was pleased that he did not have to worry about what to do with the collection.

Upon returning to Huahai City, Ding Wen began sorting and cataloguing the new collection.

Liu Yong took a day off and did not go to Universal Company or Hanhai Culture. Although rare things are more expensive, as long as Ding Wen handled them properly, the possibility of these Song porcelains falling in price may be relatively limited.

No one had anticipated that Hanhai Culture had so many Song porcelains, and if they were shipped out slowly, the selling price at the beginning stage must be very considerable.

After his day off, Liu Yong went to his Universal Company.

As soon as Liu Yong sat down at his desk in the office, he was greeted by a knock on the door. Hu Shijun, his former classmate, had just read through some recent documents and reports on Liu Yong's desk.

"Brother Yong, you're back," said Hu Shijun.

Liu Yong nodded, eager to know the answer to his question, "Did Huang Guang report it?"

Hu Shijun was more than happy to report that Huang Guang had indeed said two days ago and was now a manager of the shipping management department, following Liu Yong's instructions.

Hu Shijun saw Huang Guang twice and thought he was an excellent fit for the position.

Liu Yong was relieved and suggested that the three of them have a gathering tonight to celebrate Huang Guang's promotion. Hu Shijun agreed and promised to prepare for the meeting.

"Huang Guang is probably the happiest person tonight," he added.

As the two chatted, Qiu Yang entered the office. He knocked on the door and came in with a smile, greeting Hu Shijun and Liu Yong.

Hu Shijun was about to leave, but Qiu Yang insisted he stays, as he had some business to discuss. He explained that Yanguo Offshore Oil Group would open an ocean transportation business for bidding and thought Universal should try it.

Qiu Yang elaborated on the details, explaining that Yanguo Offshore Oil Group had a deal with country A in the Middle East.

They needed to transport 150 million barrels of crude oil from the essential oil export port in country A back to Yan.

Liu Yong and Hu Shijun listened carefully as Qiu Yang spoke. This was a massive opportunity for Universal. Although Yanguo Offshore Oil Group was not as large as Yanguo Petroleum Group, it was still a Fortune 500 company and ranked among the top 100.

Transporting 150 million barrels of crude oil was a massive undertaking, but Liu Yong was determined to participate in the bidding, which was set to launch on October 26th. He even urged Qiu Yang to prepare for the bid and promised to win the transportation business.

If Universal could secure this business, it would make money. One ton of oil was equivalent to around seven barrels, meaning transporting 150 million barrels would equal more than 20 million tons. It was big business, and Liu Yong knew they could not afford to let it slip away.


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