
Chapter 137: Let's Gather Materials

Chapter 137: Let's Gather Materials

Hey, Naoki!

Naoki was sitting limply in the carriage when he heard his older sister's voice from outside.


Naoki slowly raised his face. The shaking sensation had not disappeared yet. There was no way he could stand, and since he felt like he was floating in the air, he thought he might be dead.

Did I die? Say, Aneki, I wonder... could we get married if I was born again?

Kazane strongly shook her head after Naoki's thoughtless words.

We could not. If you weren't a relative I would report you, and we would only talk to each other through lawyers, so we'd never see each other.

Is that so? I'm glad I'm Aneki's younger brother.


Her younger brother was terrible, but his older sister also shouldn't go too far. It seemed the shock from his sister's words caused Naoki to return to himself, and he stuck his face out the window. While thinking that he would never ride the Thunder Chariot in Battle Mode again.

So, what's up?

Hey Naoki, it's you, isn't it?

When Naoki turned his head he saw an acquaintance, an adventurer called York.

I called you because he said he was an acquaintance, do you know him?

After Kazane's words, Naoki looked at York and thought (why does he have tearful eyes?) while nodding.

That guy is an adventurer based in Olboa City, which is to the east.

Ah, is that right.

Kazane was convinced by Naoki's words, and York thought (I was saved) and was finally relieved from the bottom of his heart. He thought he would definitely be killed if Naoki said he didn't know him. Of course that wouldn't have happened, but York was a person on the brink, so he had never been so thankful.

Why are you here? There was a herd of Earth Dragons. It's dangerous, you know?

While thinking that Naoki's aura was somehow closer to his actual age than when they had previously met, York talked about the situation.

As a matter of fact, York was here to monitor the Earth Dragons. He was supposed to monitor the Earth Dragons descending from the mountains and contact the subjugation unit. They had split up, and once they got close enough, the subjugation unit was planning to use explosive magic to disperse the herd and aim for the solitary or small groups of dragons.

So we stole your prey.

Kazane meekly replied, and York saidNo, no, not at all.They didn't have a right to the monsters just because they were hunting them, and in the first place, the size of the herd was larger than planned, and York's group was worried about dealing with them.

Kazane and the others dispersed the herd for them and brought down a considerable number. There was no reason to complain. By the way, there were some other people monitoring with York, but they were pursuing the scattered herd.

So you were employed at the Adventurers Guild in Dongol City?

Jinrai asked beside Kazane, and York repliedThat's right.

If so, can you tell us who we should meet to deal with these Earth Dragons?

He repliedThat's no problemafter Jinrai's question, then continued speaking after considering for a bit.

If you are going to sell everything, the material custodian in Dongol can do it, and we can probably transport it free of charge, but if there is any material you want to keep, you will need to negotiate.

After hearing that, Jinrai asked KazaneWhat will you do?The Mysterious Warehouse was still filled with material from the Black Rock Dragon, so she didn't particularly want it. There was no Dragon Heart in lesser dragons, and even if Yuuko-nee ate the meat, she wouldn't get stronger.

Hmm. Are there any good materials we could take?

After Kazane asked, York groanedHmmand thought for a while, then spoke.

If I remember correctly, I think I've heard some Earth Dragons have a core that transforms into a Dragon Heart. But it's hard to distinguish, since it only gives a simple power increase and doesn't let them breathe fire.

After Kazane heard that, she took out the Infinite Key and started dowsing. She aimlessly wandered along the rows of gathered Earth Dragon remains.

What is she doing?

York asked Naoki, who was still sticking his face out of the carriage.

I think they said it was dowsing? She's investigating with it, isn't she?

If he was remembering correctly, his sister did the same thing to find the cellar in the abandoned city.

This one, I think?

Then Kazane stopped in front of a single Earth Dragon and pointed. It was the Earth Dragon that had been in the center of the herd, and was the first one they had run over. It was somewhat larger than the other dragons.

It would be a bit difficult to disassemble here, can I just mark this one? If there is something like a Dragon Heart I want it; anything else can be sold.

Understood. But does this really have one?

York was affected by Kazane's friendly atmosphere, and although he still talked politely, his tone had returned to normal.

I wonder. Well, it will be nice if it does. We'll just have to see.

Kazane said, then turned to the south. She was watching the state of the cottage with the Circlet of Wisdom's remote viewing.

(Is the cottage safe? But now that I think about it, it wouldn't really be a problem if it was destroyed.)

They would immediately be heading to Dongol City. It was too dangerous to build a hot spring where groups of Earth Dragons appeared, and it would be bad if it became a base for bandits, so she decided to demolish it. Then Kazane and the rest left Jinrai to guard the Earth Dragons and started taking the material to the custodian in Dongol with round trips. As might be expected, the Mysterious Warehouse didn't have room to carry all 16 Earth Dragons at once, and it took 5 trips before they recovered everything. It goes without saying that Hippomaru-kun and the Thunder Chariot were quite useful for that.

They heard later that the other dragon hunters managed to defeat 4 more Earth Dragons from the herd Kazane's group dispersed. After arriving in the city, the Earth Dragon Kazane specified was disassembled, and a Dragon Heart with considerably high purity came out.

Dongol City, Warehouse

Oh, it properly became a Dragon Heart.

Kazane was gazing at the red crystal in her hand. It was the Dragon Heart that was just taken out. Right now Kazane was in a warehouse on the outskirts of Dongol City that was used by the material custodian.

You guys killed another one, eh?

The material custodian who dismantled the Earth Dragon said with a bitter smile after he handed the crystal to Kazane. As a matter of fact, this person was the material custodian they had met at Rock Hold. Kazane certainly remembered that face.

Although it's certainly rare for a Dragon Heart to come from an Earth Dragon, one leading a herd of around 100 animals like this time has a high probability of having a Dragon Heart.

Sorry for snatching it as an uninvolved party.

The material custodian seemed vexed as he explained, so Kazane apologized. But the custodian shook his head.

No, you brought it down by battling with your own power. I can't really say it was snatched.

The material custodian said while shrugging his shoulders and playing it off. He didn't say it with his mouth, but frustrating things were frustrating.

(Well, there is also the Childstone. I don't have any particular thoughts about how to use them, so should I start thinking about it?)

While thinking so, Kazane put the Dragon Heart in her Item Box.

By the way, why are Kazane-san and the rest around here? Perhaps, the Crystal Dragon subjugation?

Eh? What's that?

Kazane twitched in response to the material custodian's words, and she asked. She was very interested in the name Crystal Dragon.

Oh my, you didn't know? Since Kazane-san and the rest have the Dragon Slayer title, I thought you were surely called for that.

The material custodian replied with a surprised expression.

It happened by chance. There was a hot spring nearby, and it seemed we would be attacked by the group of Earth Dragons, so we had to fight.

After she spoke, the material custodian saidYou really love hot springs.

It's also related to that herd of Earth Dragons, but a Crystal Dragon appeared in the Morogo Mountains. The Earth Dragons' reaction was to descend from the mountains.

What's a Crystal Dragon?

It's a kind of Golem born from a dragon carcass. Its body is crystallized.

Is it really a dragon?

It's classified as a dragon. It has Dragon Spirit and a Dragon Heart. It eats other dragons, and Earth Dragons are its staple food. It also eats humans.

Is that so. Is it too difficult for the adventurers in this town?

The adventurers currently in this town can deal with Earth Dragons and Flying Dragons, but such a high level dragon opponent is difficult. Actually, one group went to challenge it, but it seems the tables were turned on them.

It looked like someone tried to fight it.

When something like this happens, it's common to call for rank S adventurers or those with the title Dragon Slayer. Since Kazane and the others defeated that Black Rock Dragon, it's probably not an opponent you can't beat.

Nn, I think we'll take care of it.

Thank you. If that is exterminated, I can finish my work.

It seemed this material custodian was some kind of important expert, and he was here for the Crystal Dragon.

But, Crystal Dragon? It sounds pretty tough, right?

It's tough. Usually it's stopped by destroying the Dragon Heart. Well, that's just like Golem Corestones.

If it's like the Golems, does that mean taking the Dragon Heart out whole is also quite rare?

Kazane remembered Gray Golem hunting in Conrad City.

Yeah, Crystal Dragon Hearts aren't red like normal Dragon Hearts, but shine like a rainbow. It's a rare material called a Rainbow Heart.

At those words, Kazane saidOoohas her excitement started rising. But the material custodian continued talking.

Although it's next to impossible to take it out. Just like Golems, it's hard to deal with, so getting large fragments is still a great joy. Well, I have made a profit with only these Earth Dragons, so I won't say too much, but I hope you will also sell some of the fragments here.

He said. Naturally, Kazane was planning to collect it whole. Then Kazane immediately left the warehouse and went to gather information.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 30

Health: 107

Magic Power: 181+420

Strength: 52+10

Agility: 43+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 57

Dexterity : 38

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv3 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy PlacementThunder ChariotSturdy Teeth

Yumika: A dragon with an entire body like a jewel, right?

Kazane: Yeah. It only showed up in an event battle in the game, so the only thing I remember is that its Breath attack is dangerous.

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